ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
- ColonelCorazon
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- Posts: 73
- Joined: 12 Jan 2018, 00:32
- Byond: ColonelCorazon
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ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Byond ID: ColonelCorazon
Colonial Marines Character: Wanda Fisher
Age: 29
Gender: Lady
Timezone: EST
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
10 – 16 hours, with greater availability on the weekends.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
I've been a server admin consistently since 2012 for several private Minecraft servers (two PvP oriented) and am currently the de facto head admin on one Minecraft server that I've helped manage since 2013. I'm usually only pinged for really big issues since I'm able to make decisions unilaterally, but it's extremely rare and hasn't happened in over a year.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
I'm really only active on CM. I started playing on Goon several years ago but stopped playing SS13 for awhile and haven't been back since. I've checked out Oracle once or twice.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Yes, a private Minecraft server.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Yes, on one of the private servers I previously moderated for about a year. All five female staff members were de-modded one day and over the next month banned one by one. The owner's best friend was extremely sexist and frequented the server's voicechat, and collectively the female staff always responded telling him to knock it off. Server owner responded by axing all the ladies. Server apparently survived another year afterward that. I also once temporarily banned myself for breaking a temporary server rule forbidding egg puns.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
Yes, I use it daily at work.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
If the MPs have already detained the player, I don't need to take any in-game action. If the player was new I'd check in with them to gauge their knowledge of the game and direct them to a mentor or help out myself if they needed some guidance. If they have a history of griefing in this manner I'd give them a note and start with a 3 hour ban. It seems a lot easier to accidentally shoot other players with the new gun update, so I'd definitely check the logs and talk with the player.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
The only legitimate reasons for a breach I can think of would be related to Predators or some weird dropship collision (I've never seen the DS cause any atmos issues). Both are okay, since they'd be occurring within the normal confines of the game itself. If any non-Pred player initiated the breach I'd patch it and aheal effected players to get them back in the game, since anyone else would have to go out of their way to deliberately breach the hull. An incident like this impacts a lot of players so it necessitates a harsher punishment. I'd check the logs and question whoever caused the breach. If it was an accident (extremely unlikely) I'd give them a note and a 7 day ban. If it was on purpose I'd give a note, apply a 7 day ban and likely request a permaban.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
PM them and ask if they're new. If so, I'd link them to the rules and quick start guide. I'd also ping a mentor to assist or do so myself. If I was in game, I'd probably guide them along in character to get them in on some sweet RP as well. Engaging a new player early on can get them started on the right foot and make them feel welcome.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
I'd tell them that they were working with me, and that means that we're going to have to work it out together. If they still had a problem with me I'd tell them to go ahead and file a staff report on the forums. I'm accustomed to extremely emotional confrontations in person, so while I have a pretty high tolerance for it personally it doesn't make their behavior acceptable. If someone is being exceptionally rude I'd make a note of it and give them a 3 hour ban to cool off, especially if they have a history of belligerence.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
I'd PM them telling them about the rule and ask them to change it. I'd apologize for no one noticing and enforcing it previously, but still ask them to change it the next round anyways. I'd add a note that I made the request. If they don't change it after a round or two, I'd give them a 3 hour ban to get their attention.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
This is an IC issue for the MPs to handle, but I'd keep tabs on the player to make sure they weren't up to anything rule-breaking. If they seemed new to the server I'd PM them to see if they needed help.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
Medics no longer have the skill set to perform surgery. But since the spirit of this question is about player roles, I would tell the player that as a medic they're not allowed to perform surgery, which is a doctor-only function. I'd warn them about this, ask them to suture the body immediately so their patient isn't effected by the issue and add a note to the Medic's file. If they have a history of breaking this rule I'd apply a job ban.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
I'd Queen Mother the heck outta the xenos telling them to get a move on and gloriously crush the marines. I'd do the same to the acting CO for the marines, subtle messaging them that High Command is expecting a swift and decisive victory.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
I'd respond to the CLF player by explaining that fighting between hostile factions is still okay after the round ends. Players within a friendly faction or in separate factions that are friendly to one another aren't allowed to fight.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
I'd let the MPs handle it IC. I'd PM the offending marine to ask them what their intention was. If it was some low RP shenanigans I'd give them a warning and add a note. If they have a history of low RP effecting other players I'd give them a 3 hour ban. If the player is habitually joining just to be a nuisance then I'd intervene with a lengthier ban.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
I'd aheal the dead marine, as the offending marine unreasonably escalated the situation. I'd also look into the logs to see what led up to this. I'd give the offending marine a 3 hour ban and a note for the incident after explaining why their escalation was inappropriate and possibly a warning to the other marine if they were trying to incite the other player. As for the offending player, if they have a history of this I'd increase the length of the ban. If they have have several recent incidents of this nature I'd ask for a perma – the player would seem to be actively stretching the rules to grief others.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
Message the admins. Try to handle the situation as best as possible in the meantime. If it's a big obvious problem players are aware of, I'd OOC to tell them staff was working on the issue.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Minor IC racism is acceptable, so I'd let the offended player know. I'd keep an eye on the situation, and if the RP went beyond minor racism I'd PM the players involved and tell them to knock it off after explaining why. If it continued I'd give a 3 hour ban and a note.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
Aheal the dead players first to get them back in the game. Open player notes to see if this player has done this before. Either way, give a note, apply a 7 day ban and ask for a perma. This is just plain 'ol griefing.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
I'd PM the player asking what their intentions were while pulling up their notes. If this the first offense of this nature I'd explain why larva are so valuable and why we're strict with keeping them off the front lines. I'd give them a warning and add a note. If this was a repeat offender I'd go for a job ban.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
PM them and tell them to stop the low RP behavior and add a note. If it's happened before recently apply a 3 hour ban and another note to get the point across.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
I'd let them know it's okay, since calling it a dropship is just the English translation for whatever the xenos would be xenospeaking in their native alien tongue.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
If this was in front of briefing, I'd OOC remind the marines at they have no IC knowledge of the aliens. Warn the staff not to metagame and give them a note. If they've done it before, apply a 3 hour ban to hopefully get the point across. If this behavior is a pattern, I'd recommend a possible de-listing since command staff have a considerable degree of influence over their subordinate staff.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
I'd check the logs to see if there was indeed an appropriate level of RP leading up to the killing and there was actually only one spot left in EVAC. If so, I'd let it go but leave a note just in case the player seems to be continually pushing the limits on harming other players. If there was no RP I'd give them a day ban or longer, depending on their justification. Add a note, as always.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
I'd message them privately to let them know the right info. If they're incorrectly enforcing a rule to another player's detriment, I might involve an admin to correct the situation, but I wouldn't openly correct them in chat.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Screenshot/log evidence and immediately notify my direct supervisor with that information.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
I don't care and ignore it. If they persist and have a history of being toxic, I might add a note but honestly, unless another player is taking issue with it I'm not concerned.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Cool and fun facts - I worked in healthcare for most of my 20s working with folks with disabilities. Before I "retired" from the industry, I was a director managing residences for people with developmental disabilities. I had clients on ranging from low to high intellectual functioning and physical ability, frequently accompanied by mental disorders (such as explosive personality disorder, bipolar disorder, narcissistic PD, and host of severe behavioral disabilities). So basically my patience for dealing with people is Above Average. Helping people was my job for a very long time, and even though I'm out of field for now I still like helping people in whatever capacity I can and have a skill set I'm always itching to use. I applied for mentor recently, but after thinking about the different roles and responsibilities, I think I'd much rather enjoy helping the community as a moderator.
Thank you!
Colonial Marines Character: Wanda Fisher
Age: 29
Gender: Lady
Timezone: EST
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
10 – 16 hours, with greater availability on the weekends.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
I've been a server admin consistently since 2012 for several private Minecraft servers (two PvP oriented) and am currently the de facto head admin on one Minecraft server that I've helped manage since 2013. I'm usually only pinged for really big issues since I'm able to make decisions unilaterally, but it's extremely rare and hasn't happened in over a year.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?
I'm really only active on CM. I started playing on Goon several years ago but stopped playing SS13 for awhile and haven't been back since. I've checked out Oracle once or twice.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Yes, a private Minecraft server.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?
Yes, on one of the private servers I previously moderated for about a year. All five female staff members were de-modded one day and over the next month banned one by one. The owner's best friend was extremely sexist and frequented the server's voicechat, and collectively the female staff always responded telling him to knock it off. Server owner responded by axing all the ladies. Server apparently survived another year afterward that. I also once temporarily banned myself for breaking a temporary server rule forbidding egg puns.
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?
Yes, I use it daily at work.
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
If the MPs have already detained the player, I don't need to take any in-game action. If the player was new I'd check in with them to gauge their knowledge of the game and direct them to a mentor or help out myself if they needed some guidance. If they have a history of griefing in this manner I'd give them a note and start with a 3 hour ban. It seems a lot easier to accidentally shoot other players with the new gun update, so I'd definitely check the logs and talk with the player.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
The only legitimate reasons for a breach I can think of would be related to Predators or some weird dropship collision (I've never seen the DS cause any atmos issues). Both are okay, since they'd be occurring within the normal confines of the game itself. If any non-Pred player initiated the breach I'd patch it and aheal effected players to get them back in the game, since anyone else would have to go out of their way to deliberately breach the hull. An incident like this impacts a lot of players so it necessitates a harsher punishment. I'd check the logs and question whoever caused the breach. If it was an accident (extremely unlikely) I'd give them a note and a 7 day ban. If it was on purpose I'd give a note, apply a 7 day ban and likely request a permaban.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
PM them and ask if they're new. If so, I'd link them to the rules and quick start guide. I'd also ping a mentor to assist or do so myself. If I was in game, I'd probably guide them along in character to get them in on some sweet RP as well. Engaging a new player early on can get them started on the right foot and make them feel welcome.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
I'd tell them that they were working with me, and that means that we're going to have to work it out together. If they still had a problem with me I'd tell them to go ahead and file a staff report on the forums. I'm accustomed to extremely emotional confrontations in person, so while I have a pretty high tolerance for it personally it doesn't make their behavior acceptable. If someone is being exceptionally rude I'd make a note of it and give them a 3 hour ban to cool off, especially if they have a history of belligerence.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
I'd PM them telling them about the rule and ask them to change it. I'd apologize for no one noticing and enforcing it previously, but still ask them to change it the next round anyways. I'd add a note that I made the request. If they don't change it after a round or two, I'd give them a 3 hour ban to get their attention.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
This is an IC issue for the MPs to handle, but I'd keep tabs on the player to make sure they weren't up to anything rule-breaking. If they seemed new to the server I'd PM them to see if they needed help.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
Medics no longer have the skill set to perform surgery. But since the spirit of this question is about player roles, I would tell the player that as a medic they're not allowed to perform surgery, which is a doctor-only function. I'd warn them about this, ask them to suture the body immediately so their patient isn't effected by the issue and add a note to the Medic's file. If they have a history of breaking this rule I'd apply a job ban.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
I'd Queen Mother the heck outta the xenos telling them to get a move on and gloriously crush the marines. I'd do the same to the acting CO for the marines, subtle messaging them that High Command is expecting a swift and decisive victory.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
I'd respond to the CLF player by explaining that fighting between hostile factions is still okay after the round ends. Players within a friendly faction or in separate factions that are friendly to one another aren't allowed to fight.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
I'd let the MPs handle it IC. I'd PM the offending marine to ask them what their intention was. If it was some low RP shenanigans I'd give them a warning and add a note. If they have a history of low RP effecting other players I'd give them a 3 hour ban. If the player is habitually joining just to be a nuisance then I'd intervene with a lengthier ban.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
I'd aheal the dead marine, as the offending marine unreasonably escalated the situation. I'd also look into the logs to see what led up to this. I'd give the offending marine a 3 hour ban and a note for the incident after explaining why their escalation was inappropriate and possibly a warning to the other marine if they were trying to incite the other player. As for the offending player, if they have a history of this I'd increase the length of the ban. If they have have several recent incidents of this nature I'd ask for a perma – the player would seem to be actively stretching the rules to grief others.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
Message the admins. Try to handle the situation as best as possible in the meantime. If it's a big obvious problem players are aware of, I'd OOC to tell them staff was working on the issue.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Minor IC racism is acceptable, so I'd let the offended player know. I'd keep an eye on the situation, and if the RP went beyond minor racism I'd PM the players involved and tell them to knock it off after explaining why. If it continued I'd give a 3 hour ban and a note.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
Aheal the dead players first to get them back in the game. Open player notes to see if this player has done this before. Either way, give a note, apply a 7 day ban and ask for a perma. This is just plain 'ol griefing.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
I'd PM the player asking what their intentions were while pulling up their notes. If this the first offense of this nature I'd explain why larva are so valuable and why we're strict with keeping them off the front lines. I'd give them a warning and add a note. If this was a repeat offender I'd go for a job ban.
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
PM them and tell them to stop the low RP behavior and add a note. If it's happened before recently apply a 3 hour ban and another note to get the point across.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
I'd let them know it's okay, since calling it a dropship is just the English translation for whatever the xenos would be xenospeaking in their native alien tongue.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
If this was in front of briefing, I'd OOC remind the marines at they have no IC knowledge of the aliens. Warn the staff not to metagame and give them a note. If they've done it before, apply a 3 hour ban to hopefully get the point across. If this behavior is a pattern, I'd recommend a possible de-listing since command staff have a considerable degree of influence over their subordinate staff.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
I'd check the logs to see if there was indeed an appropriate level of RP leading up to the killing and there was actually only one spot left in EVAC. If so, I'd let it go but leave a note just in case the player seems to be continually pushing the limits on harming other players. If there was no RP I'd give them a day ban or longer, depending on their justification. Add a note, as always.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
I'd message them privately to let them know the right info. If they're incorrectly enforcing a rule to another player's detriment, I might involve an admin to correct the situation, but I wouldn't openly correct them in chat.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Screenshot/log evidence and immediately notify my direct supervisor with that information.
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
I don't care and ignore it. If they persist and have a history of being toxic, I might add a note but honestly, unless another player is taking issue with it I'm not concerned.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Cool and fun facts - I worked in healthcare for most of my 20s working with folks with disabilities. Before I "retired" from the industry, I was a director managing residences for people with developmental disabilities. I had clients on ranging from low to high intellectual functioning and physical ability, frequently accompanied by mental disorders (such as explosive personality disorder, bipolar disorder, narcissistic PD, and host of severe behavioral disabilities). So basically my patience for dealing with people is Above Average. Helping people was my job for a very long time, and even though I'm out of field for now I still like helping people in whatever capacity I can and have a skill set I'm always itching to use. I applied for mentor recently, but after thinking about the different roles and responsibilities, I think I'd much rather enjoy helping the community as a moderator.
Thank you!
Wanda "Lazarus" Fisher
- Rohesie
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Tempted to give a -1 because the life of a mod/admin is terrible! But who'd do that to this great player? Doubt I can say anything that's not of public knowledge, great person to have around, makes one's game so much more enjoyable. I'm sure they'd be a great addition to the team.
Chibi Lyds by Okand37
- TheMusician321
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
I hate to be that guy but rule 4.
4. Your Ckey MUST be the same as your forum account or you will be denied.
Think you can just ask someone to change your forum name.
4. Your Ckey MUST be the same as your forum account or you will be denied.
Think you can just ask someone to change your forum name.
Last edited by TheMusician321 on 09 Apr 2018, 23:22, edited 1 time in total.

Ed 'Wafflecone' Martin bites the Mature Hunter (251)!
I play as Ed 'Waffles' Martin or his sister, Amaryllis 'Pancakes' Martin.
Never Forget, Dust Raider. 10/15/17.
- Wubs4Scrubs
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
You can get around that easily, my ckey wasn't Wubs4Scrubs when I applied for mentor (as my BYOND account is like 7 years old) so the heads just had me make a new account.TheMusician321 wrote: ↑09 Apr 2018, 21:53I hate to be that guy but rule 4.
4. Your Ckey MUST be the same as your forum account or you will be denied.

- Aceluke123
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Alright, I do feel a bit of these posts are counterproductive to be honest... I'll go about reviewing your answers anyway and possibly delete some of these.
Secondly, I'm relatively sure your forum name will be changed to your c-key by a forum admin, though contacting them now will probably speed up the process. Having it not match currently most likely won't harm this current app until you get that squared away.
Its nice to see you on the team and the answers seem very well thought out and well done.
+1 from me though I don't know how well I've reviewed your answers compared to how others would.
Secondly, I'm relatively sure your forum name will be changed to your c-key by a forum admin, though contacting them now will probably speed up the process. Having it not match currently most likely won't harm this current app until you get that squared away.
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+1 from me though I don't know how well I've reviewed your answers compared to how others would.
I'm not crazy, you're crazy.
-Alex Rossfield
Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
If I notice you, good job. It means you're probably worth my time.
Dossier - viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16782
-Alex Rossfield
Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
If I notice you, good job. It means you're probably worth my time.
Dossier - viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16782
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- Sir Lordington
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Traditional answer review-thing:
The application shows a decent understanding of the rules and procedure, but there are a couple of things here and there that I would like clarified. It's promising, but I'll hold my vote until you address the points I have outlined above.
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I used to play Luke Compton. Now I play Reginald Dempsey.
- NethIafins
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Forum name will be changed. We need people WITH their forum history, and forumnames is the least of our concerns. If the topic has correct ckey in header (which it does) we are good.
Now to the application at hand. I'm very happy that you are making this application, and even glancing look reveals that you will be a great member of our moderator team
Some ban times are iffy but just in my opinion. 7d ban should not be ever given as first offence. Person might be legitimately new to the server and go a bit trigger-happy.
Now other concerns were also addressed by Sir and Ace so I will ask additional question:
Two players went into confrontation in req and after few seconds shots were fired. Shooter said it was proper escalation, as second player shoot them first. Marine that was shot ahelps and says they were griefed and they never shot first. When you check logs, you see that marine that was shot hit shooter with rifle-butt but no shooting from their side. Shooter argues that if they weren't near they would be shot. What are your actions to both of them?
Based on the answer I will give either +0.7 or +1
Now to the application at hand. I'm very happy that you are making this application, and even glancing look reveals that you will be a great member of our moderator team
Some ban times are iffy but just in my opinion. 7d ban should not be ever given as first offence. Person might be legitimately new to the server and go a bit trigger-happy.
Now other concerns were also addressed by Sir and Ace so I will ask additional question:
Two players went into confrontation in req and after few seconds shots were fired. Shooter said it was proper escalation, as second player shoot them first. Marine that was shot ahelps and says they were griefed and they never shot first. When you check logs, you see that marine that was shot hit shooter with rifle-butt but no shooting from their side. Shooter argues that if they weren't near they would be shot. What are your actions to both of them?
Based on the answer I will give either +0.7 or +1

Do you remember our home and mother?
I'll die, don't bother.
It's just like walking on water.
- Cold Rain, Swirekster 2017, Twisted Insurrection OST
- frozentsbgg
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Hiya Colonel! Thanks for applying!
At the moment I'm neutral and sitting on the fence about your app, and with proper clarification, I'm sure I could move that to a hearty 1+
Firstly, one or two ban times in your App, are a little excessive (as mentioned by others, shouldn't be given for first offences). I'd like to see your justification for the 7Day Ban times for a player accidentally breaching the ship (with no prior offences)?
Secondly, Could you give an example of an SM/QM you'd give to the Queen and CO respectively to get them to start fighting.
Lastly, Sir LoRdington and Neth have both asked a few questions which I'd like to see your responses too.
This should clear all my concerns up!
At the moment I'm neutral and sitting on the fence about your app, and with proper clarification, I'm sure I could move that to a hearty 1+
Firstly, one or two ban times in your App, are a little excessive (as mentioned by others, shouldn't be given for first offences). I'd like to see your justification for the 7Day Ban times for a player accidentally breaching the ship (with no prior offences)?
Secondly, Could you give an example of an SM/QM you'd give to the Queen and CO respectively to get them to start fighting.
Lastly, Sir LoRdington and Neth have both asked a few questions which I'd like to see your responses too.
This should clear all my concerns up!
- CaptainYankee
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
This is an easy +1.
Your answers are well written aside from a couple mis-timed bans. Considering the questions posed are all very vague I think you did a great job of addressing the main issue of each one.
You're a great player and have a positive influence on the community, I can't wait to see what you do as a moderator.
Looks like Lord and Ace already addressed most your answers, just so you know, in question 5 you can have an admin change the players name during the current round as well. It won't permanently update the name and they'll still have to change it like you said. I was gonna hit you with a scenario but for now I'll let you handle the ones you've been given.
Your answers are well written aside from a couple mis-timed bans. Considering the questions posed are all very vague I think you did a great job of addressing the main issue of each one.
You're a great player and have a positive influence on the community, I can't wait to see what you do as a moderator.
Looks like Lord and Ace already addressed most your answers, just so you know, in question 5 you can have an admin change the players name during the current round as well. It won't permanently update the name and they'll still have to change it like you said. I was gonna hit you with a scenario but for now I'll let you handle the ones you've been given.
Reinhard Shriver

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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Thank you for your supportIMVader wrote: ↑09 Apr 2018, 21:23Tempted to give a -1 because the life of a mod/admin is terrible! But who'd do that to this great player? Doubt I can say anything that's not of public knowledge, great person to have around, makes one's game so much more enjoyable. I'm sure they'd be a great addition to the team.

Actually I'm so used to using ColonelCorazon/Corazon interchangeably I totally forgot my username didn't match my Ckey on this forum. I have no problem changing it and will do so ASAP. Thank you for pointing that out!TheMusician321 wrote: ↑09 Apr 2018, 21:53I hate to be that guy but rule 4.
4. Your Ckey MUST be the same as your forum account or you will be denied.
Think you can just ask someone to change your forum name.
Thank you Ace! I answered your questions under the spoiler tag.Aceluke123 wrote: ↑10 Apr 2018, 00:29Alright, I do feel a bit of these posts are counterproductive to be honest... I'll go about reviewing your answers anyway and possibly delete some of these.
Secondly, I'm relatively sure your forum name will be changed to your c-key by a forum admin, though contacting them now will probably speed up the process. Having it not match currently most likely won't harm this current app until you get that squared away.
Its nice to see you on the team and the answers seem very well thought out and well done.► Show Spoiler
+1 from me though I don't know how well I've reviewed your answers compared to how others would.
Wanda "Lazarus" Fisher
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
1. Total oversight on my part. I'd definitely add a note, even if the situation didn't necessitate any action on my part.Sir Lordington wrote: ↑10 Apr 2018, 00:47Traditional answer review-thing:The application shows a decent understanding of the rules and procedure, but there are a couple of things here and there that I would like clarified. It's promising, but I'll hold my vote until you address the points I have outlined above.► Show Spoiler
2. Thanks for letting me know that. I was pretty sure that was the case but glad to get the confirmation. For situations where a player's actions negatively impact a lot of other players, I usually respond more strictly to reflect the greater severity of the situation. As admin on my PvP Minecraft servers, we'd have situations where people totally could accidentally blow up their team's fort but to cause a lot of damage accidentally was pretty darn unusual unless some degree of purposeful action took place. I always checked the action logs and talked to witnesses if there were any around when the incident occurred. I don't ever apply multiday bans without having a long conversation with the offending player and getting as much info as possible before making my decision. On this server, I'd definitely collaborate with other staff to get a good idea of the best approach. I'd still note and advocate for a short ban if it was a total accident because the situation still effects a lot of players who hadn't done anything except be in the wrong place at the wrong time.
11. In reality, needing to warn/note the other player would be extremely rare. The only situation I'd image it'd even be necessary would be if the player had repeatedly punched the shooter. It'd still be an inappropriate escalation on the shooter's part, but I'd want to talk with the other player as well if the logs indicated that they were really trying to goad the other player into breaking rules. I only bothered mentioning it because I had this situation play out on one of my servers before, and while the person in question never broke the "don't kill your teammates" rule, they constantly punched other players to get a rise out of them and get them in trouble. I spoke with them about it over VC, because they had been teamkilled A LOT because of that behavior. They were cool afterwards and things were fine.
14. Agreed if they've got a clean history, and I'd be fine with a shorter ban. But the reasoning for a lengthy ban is because I definitely want to speak with the player about their actions before they rejoined the server, and a ban stops them from doing so until we've had that discussion. Similar situation occurred on my watch when a player blew up a portion of their team's base during off hours and we only figured it out by reading logs. We agreed to ban the player so they wouldn't be able to rejoin without talking to staff about it. He tried to rejoin like a week later (staff was offline again) but he was forced to actually talk with us about it since he couldn't join back in without addressing the incident. This was a veteran player too, and it turned out he had been drunk as heck when it happened and kinda freaked out. We gave him a Major Warning and let him back in. When imposing lengthy bans, I don't particularly like to do so without collaborating with other staff even if I'm allowed to act unilaterally. I would always much rather talk with a player about their behavior and work something out to get them back in the game on better behavior.
18. XO/SOs still have a large degree of influence. Metagaming in this specific manner isn't a huge deal since it's not really negatively impacting players, but they still shouldn't be doing it. A warning + note would usually do the trick in the situation, but I wanted to acknowledge that it might not always be so cut and dry. Context is key when responding to a player's actions. I really really wouldn't want to job ban someone over something small like this, so I wouldn't consider doing it unless I'd warned them like a half dozen times already and the 3 hour ban didn't get the point across.
19. The key in this scenario really is whether or not there was actually no more room left on the EVAC pod. I'd check the logs because I'd only expect some minimal level of RP to acknowledge the issue in game ("Oh god please let me on!" "There's no more room!" "Please oh noooo" Panic, a desperate move to get the last spot, player kills player for the position as a last resort.
Thanks for the questions!

Wanda "Lazarus" Fisher
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
I had never spoken to Wanda until a few weeks ago, however due to some ridiculous claims against me and her and in the interest of full transparency, I've recused myself from this application and handed full hiring authority over to NGGJamie.
- ColonelCorazon
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Thank you! In practice, I usually don't hand out lengthy bans because there are usually better options for me to take. As a trial mod, I'd definitely do a lot of observing to get a handle on how you guys like to deal with situations, especially in situations where I might think a day+ ban would be appropriate. I'm very methodical (let me tell you about investigating my own staff for medicare fraud and dealing with the county (jk please don't it was awful)) and do a lot of documentation during my processing. I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt, but when I decide to give out a big ban I'm confident in my reasoning for doing so. Since I've been an active staff on servers since 2012, I think I've only ever needed to straight ban a couple of people. I try to engage with players to improve behavior and use short bans only when necessary. I think it's important to the community to be able to work with all players, even if they're causing problems, to give everyone a good experience. In my experience, people might have trouble getting used to a new server's rules but with a little coaching and support they end up being fantastic members of the community.NethIafins wrote: ↑10 Apr 2018, 03:01Forum name will be changed. We need people WITH their forum history, and forumnames is the least of our concerns. If the topic has correct ckey in header (which it does) we are good.
Now to the application at hand. I'm very happy that you are making this application, and even glancing look reveals that you will be a great member of our moderator team
Some ban times are iffy but just in my opinion. 7d ban should not be ever given as first offence. Person might be legitimately new to the server and go a bit trigger-happy.
Now other concerns were also addressed by Sir and Ace so I will ask additional question:
Two players went into confrontation in req and after few seconds shots were fired. Shooter said it was proper escalation, as second player shoot them first. Marine that was shot ahelps and says they were griefed and they never shot first. When you check logs, you see that marine that was shot hit shooter with rifle-butt but no shooting from their side. Shooter argues that if they weren't near they would be shot. What are your actions to both of them?
Based on the answer I will give either +0.7 or +1
In answer to your question: I'd need to take a look at the logs leading up to the shooting to see what escalation actually occurred. If the melee rifle hit was the only thing proceeding the shot, I would give a warning + note (possible 3 hour ban if this had occurred previously with the shooter) to the shooter for griefing since in reality the second player didn't actually shoot. And it's a fair point that the other player would have shot them if they hadn't been close, but that's not actually what played out in the situation. I'd certainly ask both parties what their intents were with the actions they took, but ultimately the second player didn't shoot the shooter.
Thank you very much. I hope I addressed your concerns with my reasoning above. A 7 day ban isn't something I'd hand out without getting feedback from other staff and a very solid idea of the context surrounding the entire scenario, but I feel that incidents involving a lot of players like a breach would deserve a day or day+ ban.frozentsbgg wrote: ↑10 Apr 2018, 09:01Hiya Colonel! Thanks for applying!
At the moment I'm neutral and sitting on the fence about your app, and with proper clarification, I'm sure I could move that to a hearty 1+
Firstly, one or two ban times in your App, are a little excessive (as mentioned by others, shouldn't be given for first offences). I'd like to see your justification for the 7Day Ban times for a player accidentally breaching the ship (with no prior offences)?
Secondly, Could you give an example of an SM/QM you'd give to the Queen and CO respectively to get them to start fighting.
Lastly, Sir LoRdington and Neth have both asked a few questions which I'd like to see your responses too.
This should clear all my concerns up!
SM to the CO: High Command is observing your hard-fought operation very closely! You have the enemy on the ropes but retreat is not an option. Regroup and get back down to the planet now to deliver a swift and decisive Marine Victory!
QM to the Queen: You have done well so far sister! The tallhosts may think they are safe in their nest for now, but you must show them otherwise and put them in their place. Take the metal bird to their nest now and claim glory for the Hive!
Kinda short and to the point with a little flair. Trying to be more positive too.
Let me know if you have any other questions!

Wanda "Lazarus" Fisher
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Thank you! I'd didn't know that aboutchanging names, so I'd add that card to my deck.CaptainYankee wrote: ↑10 Apr 2018, 14:43This is an easy +1.
Your answers are well written aside from a couple mis-timed bans. Considering the questions posed are all very vague I think you did a great job of addressing the main issue of each one.
You're a great player and have a positive influence on the community, I can't wait to see what you do as a moderator.
Looks like Lord and Ace already addressed most your answers, just so you know, in question 5 you can have an admin change the players name during the current round as well. It won't permanently update the name and they'll still have to change it like you said. I was gonna hit you with a scenario but for now I'll let you handle the ones you've been given.

Wanda "Lazarus" Fisher
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Overall decent application, other staff have brought other concerns already. Don't think you'd have trouble learning anything else or handling the trial period, so I'll give my +1 to this app. Overall bans should be applied if it's a large issue or poor behavior that's being continued, not particularly necessary if there aren't other issues that have come up with the individual but it tends to be up to the staffs judgement as long as it remains reasonable for the offense.
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Yup. Good answer. +1
Edit: some comments on banning and being methodical. Being very methodical might hurt if you are dealing with stuff alone (or with small amount of mods) since your attention will be fixed too strongly on potentially lesser issue while something major happens, but I think you know that.
Also some people definitely deserve to be banned even for minor offence for "note accumulation". We once had a guy with 20 super minor notes and he wasn't banned for any of that. I should've banned him but I didn't.
Edit: some comments on banning and being methodical. Being very methodical might hurt if you are dealing with stuff alone (or with small amount of mods) since your attention will be fixed too strongly on potentially lesser issue while something major happens, but I think you know that.
Also some people definitely deserve to be banned even for minor offence for "note accumulation". We once had a guy with 20 super minor notes and he wasn't banned for any of that. I should've banned him but I didn't.

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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Hmm, I did have same complaints like everyone else, but I like how you are answering and adapting, I'm willing to give a +1 for this.
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Ye sure!, +1!
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Everything looks fine to me. Your original answers looked good enough to start a trial and your updated answers look even better. Overall a very solid application.
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Sure, I'm willing to give you a shot.
Just some funny moments.
Ed Trevor
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Couple of issues already raised by the others. Nothing that can't be fixed with the experience, we all start somewhere.
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
You have the right mentality for a mod methinks. +1
Finnian Cottier
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
Your reasoning is solid. +1
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Re: ColonelCorazon - Moderator Application
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