XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
- edda
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- Byond: Edda
XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
Byond ID: Edda
Player name you use the most: Finnian Cottier
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link: Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
Indeed. Only those who pose "threats to the mission". Report the BE afterwards.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
Yes. Not only is the CMP (and their MPs) the only policing authority on the ship, the CMP also obeys a 'different' Brass, the Provost Marshal. More importantly, the BE is NOT a replacement for policework!
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
In-character: To organize the Command staff and marines beneath them, to plan appropriately for the mission and attain victory. More precisely, not to micromanage (providing I have SOs and XOs under me to do said micromanaging) but to make key strategic decisions. I see CO Finnian Cottier listening to all marine comms, relaying information through the LTs, ensuring supplies are running smoothly, keeping the squads and departments of the USCM as focused and organized as he can.
Out-of-character: To add spice to the game. An XO can do the CO's job, and I know this since I've had to play aCO quite often, but only the CO brings the flair he does. First, he can lead charges effectively. Second, he takes all the blame for a failure. Third, his medals are great incentives. Fourth, he's super fashionable in his CO's beret. Finally, but most importantly, he can give the marines and shipside crew things to do. On the ground, that means squads need to have clear orders and are always doing something interesting and motivating. On the ship, that means giving the liaison and researchers things to do (RP and mechanics-wise), giving Engineering projects, so on and so forth.
I do not see myself BEing a lot, because OOC I see the role of a CO as one where he gives OTHER players things to do. Removing a player from the round is not the right way to go!
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
1. Talk to the staff, to ensure it's not a misunderstanding.
2. Try to bring the staff over to my side. Hearts and minds, etc etc.
2a. If the staff has a reasonable disagreement with me, listen to it.
2b. If the staff's player is merely bored and doesn't like what they're presently doing, consider giving them an alternative role. Otherwise go to 3.
2c. If the staff doesn't like me for IC reasons, go to 3.
3. Call the MPs.
4. Wait for MPs to arrive.
PS. Only use BEs if the MPs aren't functional and the staff has escalated from disobeying orders to actively, directly harming the marines, shipside staff, or overall operation. Again, BEs are NOT a substitute for MPs, but a last resort.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I know the various roles of the games very well, except Requisitions which I can only claim to know reasonably well. As a result, I know what he marines and shipside crew are capable of, what their departments or squads are probably doing, and what they can or should be asked to do.
I frequently play XO, often in the role of aCO due to absent or dead COs. I am very talkative on comms and often have every channel open. I have a fairly good track record as XO, so I can at least be certain that my command-work isn't trash.
I know Server Rules pretty well.
Downside to WLing me is I occasionally make terrible jokes in my announcements.
Player name you use the most: Finnian Cottier
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link: Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
Indeed. Only those who pose "threats to the mission". Report the BE afterwards.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
Yes. Not only is the CMP (and their MPs) the only policing authority on the ship, the CMP also obeys a 'different' Brass, the Provost Marshal. More importantly, the BE is NOT a replacement for policework!
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
In-character: To organize the Command staff and marines beneath them, to plan appropriately for the mission and attain victory. More precisely, not to micromanage (providing I have SOs and XOs under me to do said micromanaging) but to make key strategic decisions. I see CO Finnian Cottier listening to all marine comms, relaying information through the LTs, ensuring supplies are running smoothly, keeping the squads and departments of the USCM as focused and organized as he can.
Out-of-character: To add spice to the game. An XO can do the CO's job, and I know this since I've had to play aCO quite often, but only the CO brings the flair he does. First, he can lead charges effectively. Second, he takes all the blame for a failure. Third, his medals are great incentives. Fourth, he's super fashionable in his CO's beret. Finally, but most importantly, he can give the marines and shipside crew things to do. On the ground, that means squads need to have clear orders and are always doing something interesting and motivating. On the ship, that means giving the liaison and researchers things to do (RP and mechanics-wise), giving Engineering projects, so on and so forth.
I do not see myself BEing a lot, because OOC I see the role of a CO as one where he gives OTHER players things to do. Removing a player from the round is not the right way to go!
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
1. Talk to the staff, to ensure it's not a misunderstanding.
2. Try to bring the staff over to my side. Hearts and minds, etc etc.
2a. If the staff has a reasonable disagreement with me, listen to it.
2b. If the staff's player is merely bored and doesn't like what they're presently doing, consider giving them an alternative role. Otherwise go to 3.
2c. If the staff doesn't like me for IC reasons, go to 3.
3. Call the MPs.
4. Wait for MPs to arrive.
PS. Only use BEs if the MPs aren't functional and the staff has escalated from disobeying orders to actively, directly harming the marines, shipside staff, or overall operation. Again, BEs are NOT a substitute for MPs, but a last resort.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I know the various roles of the games very well, except Requisitions which I can only claim to know reasonably well. As a result, I know what he marines and shipside crew are capable of, what their departments or squads are probably doing, and what they can or should be asked to do.
I frequently play XO, often in the role of aCO due to absent or dead COs. I am very talkative on comms and often have every channel open. I have a fairly good track record as XO, so I can at least be certain that my command-work isn't trash.
I know Server Rules pretty well.
Downside to WLing me is I occasionally make terrible jokes in my announcements.
Finnian Cottier
- Tichys
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- Byond: Lestatanderson
Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
just saying here... in military standards a CMP is usually the Provost Marshaledda wrote: ↑15 Apr 2018, 15:22Byond ID: Edda
Player name you use the most: Finnian Cottier
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link: Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
Indeed. Only those who pose "threats to the mission". Report the BE afterwards.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
Yes. Not only is the CMP (and their MPs) the only policing authority on the ship, the CMP also obeys a 'different' Brass, the Provost Marshal. More importantly, the BE is NOT a replacement for policework!
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
In-character: To organize the Command staff and marines beneath them, to plan appropriately for the mission and attain victory. More precisely, not to micromanage (providing I have SOs and XOs under me to do said micromanaging) but to make key strategic decisions. I see CO Finnian Cottier listening to all marine comms, relaying information through the LTs, ensuring supplies are running smoothly, keeping the squads and departments of the USCM as focused and organized as he can.
Out-of-character: To add spice to the game. An XO can do the CO's job, and I know this since I've had to play aCO quite often, but only the CO brings the flair he does. First, he can lead charges effectively. Second, he takes all the blame for a failure. Third, his medals are great incentives. Fourth, he's super fashionable in his CO's beret. Finally, but most importantly, he can give the marines and shipside crew things to do. On the ground, that means squads need to have clear orders and are always doing something interesting and motivating. On the ship, that means giving the liaison and researchers things to do (RP and mechanics-wise), giving Engineering projects, so on and so forth.
I do not see myself BEing a lot, because OOC I see the role of a CO as one where he gives OTHER players things to do. Removing a player from the round is not the right way to go!
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
1. Talk to the staff, to ensure it's not a misunderstanding.
2. Try to bring the staff over to my side. Hearts and minds, etc etc.
2a. If the staff has a reasonable disagreement with me, listen to it.
2b. If the staff's player is merely bored and doesn't like what they're presently doing, consider giving them an alternative role. Otherwise go to 3.
2c. If the staff doesn't like me for IC reasons, go to 3.
3. Call the MPs.
4. Wait for MPs to arrive.
PS. Only use BEs if the MPs aren't functional and the staff has escalated from disobeying orders to actively, directly harming the marines, shipside staff, or overall operation. Again, BEs are NOT a substitute for MPs, but a last resort.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I know the various roles of the games very well, except Requisitions which I can only claim to know reasonably well. As a result, I know what he marines and shipside crew are capable of, what their departments or squads are probably doing, and what they can or should be asked to do.
I frequently play XO, often in the role of aCO due to absent or dead COs. I am very talkative on comms and often have every channel open. I have a fairly good track record as XO, so I can at least be certain that my command-work isn't trash.
I know Server Rules pretty well.
Downside to WLing me is I occasionally make terrible jokes in my announcements.
The one, The only - Rhage 'Skull' Krolmskull
- taketheshot56
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- Byond: taketheshot56
Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
That is false, the CMP is the Chief of Military Police on board the ship.
As for the App.
Finnian is one of the better XO's out there. He can effectively lead without someone needing to hold their hand and does so with great passion and a sense of urgency. I would be very happy to see this person as CO +1
"I like to live in the present sir. The past is for pussies...and Airmen."
Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

- spookydonut
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
You still have your synth app pending.
- edda
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- Byond: Edda
Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
Oh wait, I can only do one app at a time? Whoops. Delete?
TBH, either I'm blind or I'm missing where I can't apply with an app pending.
Last edited by edda on 15 Apr 2018, 16:13, edited 1 time in total.
Finnian Cottier
- adrenalinetooth
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
I thought you were a CO already. I have seen you as command staff in game often and you do a good job. +1 from me.
- Tichys
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- Posts: 24
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- Byond: Lestatanderson
Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
that's incorrect in army and marine corp standards the chief of military police in a garrison or ship is called the provost marshal, higher then the provost marshal would be the provost marshal general....taketheshot56 wrote: ↑15 Apr 2018, 15:42That is false, the CMP is the Chief of Military Police on board the ship.
As for the App.
Finnian is one of the better XO's out there. He can effectively lead without someone needing to hold their hand and does so with great passion and a sense of urgency. I would be very happy to see this person as CO +1
P.S i was in the army i would know these things, so we can argue semantics all day long about it
and edda i will +1 your synth app you seem nice
The one, The only - Rhage 'Skull' Krolmskull
- Omicega
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
For what it's worth, I vaguely remember something about "no more than one app at a time", but having said that given the slow speed of apps in general and the fact that I can't seem to find it written down anywhere either (not that I looked very hard, though) I don't see any reason to knock it on the head unless someone higher up comes in and says it's a no-no.
I've seen you as an XO and I liked what I saw. As long as you cut out the concerns I remember coming up not too long ago about preparing for every eventuality with toolbelts and medHUDs and stuff, I can give you my +1 without any worries.
I've seen you as an XO and I liked what I saw. As long as you cut out the concerns I remember coming up not too long ago about preparing for every eventuality with toolbelts and medHUDs and stuff, I can give you my +1 without any worries.

I play Alicia Parker, Naomi Bowman, and Chloe.
- taketheshot56
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- Byond: taketheshot56
Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
Were not talking about real life, this is a futuristic scenario and in it the Provost Marshal is the head of all military police in the Marine corps.Tichys wrote: ↑15 Apr 2018, 16:14that's incorrect in army and marine corp standards the chief of military police in a garrison or ship is called the provost marshal, higher then the provost marshal would be the provost marshal general....
P.S i was in the army i would know these things, so we can argue semantics all day long about it
and edda i will +1 your synth app you seem nice
The CMP is just that. the Chief of Military police.
"I like to live in the present sir. The past is for pussies...and Airmen."
Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

- Tichys
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- Byond: Lestatanderson
Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
in that case carry on sirtaketheshot56 wrote: ↑15 Apr 2018, 16:27Were not talking about real life, this is a futuristic scenario and in it the Provost Marshal is the head of all military police in the Marine corps.
The CMP is just that. the Chief of Military police.
The one, The only - Rhage 'Skull' Krolmskull
- DukeOz
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
Very enjoyable individual and competent leader +1
Ozzy 'Oz' Calabreeni

- ComradeCorbyn
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
I've been Finnian's Lieutenant a couple times and I've seen phenomenal performances by Cottier like, listening to the SO's, listening to the Commander, having good strategies, and just an all around great person to play with in my opinion. Definently a +1, if it matters.
Peter Bates, a savant in dieing horribly.
I enjoy playing these roles, (not exclusively)
Corporate Liaison
Medical Researcher
Corporate Liaison
Medical Researcher
- Bancrose
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
Finnian has been more proactive in putting himself in more command roles and me and him got a super sweet ass Marine Major, Finnian did alot of the work while I gave orders here and there.
Hes also the MOST rational and tolerable person, However my only suggestion is I would like you at the beginning when I got the whitelist, but you must not be afraid to put your foot down to set a precedent with marines.
+1 Any day of the week man. You've earned it.
Hes also the MOST rational and tolerable person, However my only suggestion is I would like you at the beginning when I got the whitelist, but you must not be afraid to put your foot down to set a precedent with marines.
+1 Any day of the week man. You've earned it.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Lumdor, Dr.Lance, Frans Fieffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel

- Artemis111
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
Good command staff
I play as Artemis Borovetski.
Charlie squad best squad.
Charlie squad best squad.
- SaltyMouthful
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
Amazing XO, filled in my role as CO when I was unavailable due to OOC things.
Couldn't +1 enough, he is extremely helpful and well rounded, as command staff and as a player in general.
Couldn't +1 enough, he is extremely helpful and well rounded, as command staff and as a player in general.
Cpl. Irwin Polari
Whitelisted CO
Cpl. Irwin Polari
Whitelisted CO
- Rohesie
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
Excellent and very frequent XO. A shame to see him take the higher mantle, since it will consequently lower the overall quality of the remaining XOs, without him.
Chibi Lyds by Okand37
- edda
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- Byond: Edda
Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
Thanks for the support, everyone!
Yeah, I had a quick discussion with other staff on Slack about this, and decided to stop stocking up at round-start. Powergameyness aside, since I can always grab what tools I need to handle immediate issues as the round progresses, there's no real benefit to doing so.
Finnian Cottier
- Weaselburg
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
I have seen you as a XO, seemed pretty competent. Not much I can add, +1
Hivemind, Elite Runner (320) (follow) hisses, 'SORRY I STEPPED ON THE BUTTON MA.
Kaptin Morgan: we must unite to collect the shattered pieces of the tribes code that are spread among the 16 feweh alts
Hivemind, Mature Crusher (21) hisses, 'I CAN MEME AGAIN'
You know, it really surprised me when IKEA bought Disney.- The biggest surprise was KFC buying IBM, to be honest
OOC: Jakkkk: weaselburg got t o u c h e d
OOC: Driecg36: a sentient demon had taken residence in shutte code
Kaptin Morgan: we must unite to collect the shattered pieces of the tribes code that are spread among the 16 feweh alts
Hivemind, Mature Crusher (21) hisses, 'I CAN MEME AGAIN'
You know, it really surprised me when IKEA bought Disney.- The biggest surprise was KFC buying IBM, to be honest
PFC Rex Lombardi shouts, "Boys if you jump out of the dropship you are guarenteed a pass into the paratroopers regiment!"Philby0 wrote: They're so white they can colonise anything at will
OOC: Jakkkk: weaselburg got t o u c h e d
OOC: Driecg36: a sentient demon had taken residence in shutte code
- Alky
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
I like the XO version.
I want to see the CO edition.
Honestly, Cottier is a sweetheart to me. Always treating marines and always attentive to squad comms, even to marines with small text.
I want to see the CO edition.
Honestly, Cottier is a sweetheart to me. Always treating marines and always attentive to squad comms, even to marines with small text.
Ritona Sterling
Cynthia the Synthetic
- Arbs
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
Excellent XO. Great person to have on board. Seeing him in medical and command roles, he plays his roles with dedication and compassion.
Great candidate for CO. +1
Great candidate for CO. +1

Commander Alan Jones
- Lumdor
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
Never interacted with your character during my whole time playing CM.
Though from what people have posted you are quite active in command roles.
Your application is quite good, and you seem to put some effort into it.
In my opinion you seem like you'll be another "Trianna Jesowitz" type of commander; which in my opinion we need more of.
+1 from me. Hopefully I'll get to see you as an XO a few times before this is accepted.
Though from what people have posted you are quite active in command roles.
Your application is quite good, and you seem to put some effort into it.
In my opinion you seem like you'll be another "Trianna Jesowitz" type of commander; which in my opinion we need more of.
+1 from me. Hopefully I'll get to see you as an XO a few times before this is accepted.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Bancrose, Dr.Lance, and Frans_Feiffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

- edda
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- Byond: Edda
Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
Thanks for the round of support!
I think I've since Jesowitz only a handful of times. What style of command is it that you associate with her?
Finnian Cottier
- Lumdor
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- Byond: Lumdor
Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
She plays as the "nice" style of commander.
Kind of like the other person said she is a motherly figure style of commander.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Bancrose, Dr.Lance, and Frans_Feiffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

- FighterX2500
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Re: XO Finnian Cottier Under Review For Promotion
Good XO. Seen you taking command role and I can't find any problems with you.
Good XO. Seen you taking command role and I can't find any problems with you.

- Kerek
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