Aceluke123 - Commander Application
- Aceluke123
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Aceluke123 - Commander Application
Byond ID: Aceluke123
Player name you use the most: Alex Rossfield
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
--viewtopic.php?f=69&t=16480 - (Moderator Application - Accepted)
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
Yes, as a moderator I would be fine with losing my whitelist status if deserving. There is no reason I can see for why anyone shouldn't be able to lose whitelist.
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
Yes, I have read through the purpose and reasons for Battlefield Executions and understand when they should be properly used.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
Yes, MP's are the only ones who should be enforcing marinelaw on the ship at all times. Nobody else.
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
The role of commander is to lead an operation successfully and to keep the men under their command alive and well so they can see another day of battle in the USCM. Being of sound mind and having the tactical knowledge to lead a battalion to victory against whatever hostile force that comes up against them. Using the knowledge of the battlefield and information from those underneath you (SO's and XO's typically. Perhaps the CMO, CE, and Synthetic unit) to judge what needs to be done at a moment notice. Knowing that having direct command over a marine or squad is unnecessary and allowing the personnel under you to lead when needed and to take over when deemed necessary.
The job of commander also pertains to the control of a USCM military vessel leading a tactical operation with enough force for a commander to be taken seriously, but not enough force to cause those under your command to dismiss and come to despise you as you do not take their advice or ignore them.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
Overall the situation of disobeying orders while against marinelaw depends on the circumstance and reasoning of why my orders would be disobeyed.
If the order was time critical and they had decided to disobey my orders I would request a proper reason immediately on why they chose to disobey me. If the reason isn't proper I would remind them of how, as commander, they are under my command and that as per the chain of command they should be doing as I say or they will be arrested. I would then, depending on the severity, let them off if they changed their mind and do as I say, though if not I would call for MPs to arrest them and order the squad myself.
If the order was minimal when it comes to what I needed done such as getting me something, then I would have them arrested for disobeying my orders as there would be no reasoning to not do as I have asked.
In the end if what was done was mission critical or if they caused a problem that causes the death of several marines under their direct command, I would give out a Battlefield Execution for causing marine losses without a good enough justification while under my command. Though if there was nothing that could be done with the loss of marine lives I would have a talk with them in my office. In the end it all comes down to what was said and if they can back up a good enough reason to disobey what I ordered.
Why should you be whitelisted?
As an experienced player I understand what its like to play a marine, as well as understand marine law very well when it comes to what needs to be done and what is against the law.
I also see the chance at being commander to be something needed with a slight lack of commanders during many hours of the day when there needs to be an experienced commander who can lead a round or delegate the work to an XO who needs experience but advise and show them how to lead as a commander.
I also plan to create unique and new tactics for marines to experience in a round of CM rather than do same thing again and again and achieve actual marine victories.
Player name you use the most: Alex Rossfield
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
--viewtopic.php?f=69&t=16480 - (Moderator Application - Accepted)
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
Yes, as a moderator I would be fine with losing my whitelist status if deserving. There is no reason I can see for why anyone shouldn't be able to lose whitelist.
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
Yes, I have read through the purpose and reasons for Battlefield Executions and understand when they should be properly used.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
Yes, MP's are the only ones who should be enforcing marinelaw on the ship at all times. Nobody else.
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
The role of commander is to lead an operation successfully and to keep the men under their command alive and well so they can see another day of battle in the USCM. Being of sound mind and having the tactical knowledge to lead a battalion to victory against whatever hostile force that comes up against them. Using the knowledge of the battlefield and information from those underneath you (SO's and XO's typically. Perhaps the CMO, CE, and Synthetic unit) to judge what needs to be done at a moment notice. Knowing that having direct command over a marine or squad is unnecessary and allowing the personnel under you to lead when needed and to take over when deemed necessary.
The job of commander also pertains to the control of a USCM military vessel leading a tactical operation with enough force for a commander to be taken seriously, but not enough force to cause those under your command to dismiss and come to despise you as you do not take their advice or ignore them.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
Overall the situation of disobeying orders while against marinelaw depends on the circumstance and reasoning of why my orders would be disobeyed.
If the order was time critical and they had decided to disobey my orders I would request a proper reason immediately on why they chose to disobey me. If the reason isn't proper I would remind them of how, as commander, they are under my command and that as per the chain of command they should be doing as I say or they will be arrested. I would then, depending on the severity, let them off if they changed their mind and do as I say, though if not I would call for MPs to arrest them and order the squad myself.
If the order was minimal when it comes to what I needed done such as getting me something, then I would have them arrested for disobeying my orders as there would be no reasoning to not do as I have asked.
In the end if what was done was mission critical or if they caused a problem that causes the death of several marines under their direct command, I would give out a Battlefield Execution for causing marine losses without a good enough justification while under my command. Though if there was nothing that could be done with the loss of marine lives I would have a talk with them in my office. In the end it all comes down to what was said and if they can back up a good enough reason to disobey what I ordered.
Why should you be whitelisted?
As an experienced player I understand what its like to play a marine, as well as understand marine law very well when it comes to what needs to be done and what is against the law.
I also see the chance at being commander to be something needed with a slight lack of commanders during many hours of the day when there needs to be an experienced commander who can lead a round or delegate the work to an XO who needs experience but advise and show them how to lead as a commander.
I also plan to create unique and new tactics for marines to experience in a round of CM rather than do same thing again and again and achieve actual marine victories.
Last edited by Aceluke123 on 16 Apr 2018, 18:47, edited 1 time in total.
I'm not crazy, you're crazy.
-Alex Rossfield
Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
If I notice you, good job. It means you're probably worth my time.
Dossier - viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16782
-Alex Rossfield
Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
If I notice you, good job. It means you're probably worth my time.
Dossier - viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16782
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- NethIafins
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
gut stuff. I know your character, you are also quite good mod. So +1 from me

Do you remember our home and mother?
I'll die, don't bother.
It's just like walking on water.
- Cold Rain, Swirekster 2017, Twisted Insurrection OST
- Weaselburg
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
Know you on the forums, seem pretty good. And you are a mod, so here is my +1.
Hivemind, Elite Runner (320) (follow) hisses, 'SORRY I STEPPED ON THE BUTTON MA.
Kaptin Morgan: we must unite to collect the shattered pieces of the tribes code that are spread among the 16 feweh alts
Hivemind, Mature Crusher (21) hisses, 'I CAN MEME AGAIN'
You know, it really surprised me when IKEA bought Disney.- The biggest surprise was KFC buying IBM, to be honest
OOC: Jakkkk: weaselburg got t o u c h e d
OOC: Driecg36: a sentient demon had taken residence in shutte code
Kaptin Morgan: we must unite to collect the shattered pieces of the tribes code that are spread among the 16 feweh alts
Hivemind, Mature Crusher (21) hisses, 'I CAN MEME AGAIN'
You know, it really surprised me when IKEA bought Disney.- The biggest surprise was KFC buying IBM, to be honest
PFC Rex Lombardi shouts, "Boys if you jump out of the dropship you are guarenteed a pass into the paratroopers regiment!"Philby0 wrote: They're so white they can colonise anything at will
OOC: Jakkkk: weaselburg got t o u c h e d
OOC: Driecg36: a sentient demon had taken residence in shutte code
- DrPng
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- DriedMilk
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
I like Alex as a character and he seems competent as command staff. +1
p.s: stop flirting
p.s: stop flirting

- Jakkkk
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
+1 a good moderator and from my RP experiences alone he can handle the role of a commander.
Olaf's dossier: viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16128
Mortimer: viewtopic.php?f=149&t=16195
Xarvis Ut'ur-era: viewtopic.php?f=124&t=17817
Synthetic Council Term One, along with Sleepy Retard and MattAtlas.
"Harry, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee."
Mortimer: viewtopic.php?f=149&t=16195
Xarvis Ut'ur-era: viewtopic.php?f=124&t=17817
Synthetic Council Term One, along with Sleepy Retard and MattAtlas.
"Harry, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it. Don't wait for it. Just let it happen. It could be a new shirt at the men's store, a catnap in your office chair, or two cups of good, hot black coffee."
- zoboomafoo
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
After seeing you SL and be in command lately I'm sold. Can definitely handle the role.
Lyla Pycroft
I play aliens a lot too
x 20 

I play aliens a lot too

- Rohesie
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
Yes, please! +1
Great to have around. In any role, really.
Great to have around. In any role, really.
Chibi Lyds by Okand37
- Lumdor
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
+1 you'll be more than capable as a CO.
Know your character quite well, and hope you bring that attitude over to the CO role.
Your application was also well done.
Know your character quite well, and hope you bring that attitude over to the CO role.
Your application was also well done.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Bancrose, Dr.Lance, and Frans_Feiffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

- SaltyMouthful
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
+1 A well rounded character. Aceluke is a pretty damn good RPer, and i know he'll make a great fit with other COs.
Just a critique, play command roles more, but i have seen you in the CIC, so I trust that you are competent.
Just a critique, play command roles more, but i have seen you in the CIC, so I trust that you are competent.
Cpl. Irwin Polari
Whitelisted CO
Cpl. Irwin Polari
Whitelisted CO
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
I like our in round interactions and think you will do a good job as Commander. Hence I am going to give you a +1

- RobBrown4PM
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
I've seen you plenty in the XO and SO roles and it's obvious you know what you're doing.
Mains: Roberto 'Taco' Moreno
Usual Jobs: SL/Spec/SG/Engie/XO
Usual Jobs: SL/Spec/SG/Engie/XO
- edda
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
I've never seen you in command roles, but I find it very hard to believe you would do the position injustice. +1.
Finnian Cottier
- Aceluke123
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
Thanks Neth! Thanks for the vote of confidenceNethIafins wrote: ↑16 Apr 2018, 17:59gut stuff. I know your character, you are also quite good mod. So +1 from me
Thanks! Though I don't post that much, it's nice to see you know about me through the forums.Weaselburg wrote: ↑16 Apr 2018, 18:06Know you on the forums, seem pretty good. And you are a mod, so here is my +1.
Chill, well I will probabably be a very calm CO.
I try to be competent in any role I do. I dislike bad people in command.
p.p.s. I haven't flirted in quite awhile.
Thanks! I'll be sure to RP commander with a cool patience. I do want some more competent XOs though.
I'll be sure to do more command roles. Just had to take a small break after the one-handed update came out but decided to make the commander application.zoboomafoo wrote: ↑16 Apr 2018, 23:25After seeing you SL and be in command lately I'm sold. Can definitely handle the role.
Thanks, Lydia. I do want to SL more for Charlie. Though I feel we need more commanders who can take over when we have a lack of good XO/SOs.
I always find it unexpected to be known and noticed for my times on the server.
I'll be playing some more command roles, going to be doing some XO/SO roles soon, so you should be able to judge me on that soon.
Thanks! I'll be sure to keep the fun interactions coming.
Nice to hear! I'll be going XO some more before this app does close.RobBrown4PM wrote: ↑23 Apr 2018, 16:54I've seen you plenty in the XO and SO roles and it's obvious you know what you're doing.
Hmm, interesting you haven't seen me on, but I do know our timezones are a bit different and I haven't gone SO/XO in awhile due to the frustration of the one-handed update.
Sorry to everyone if they expected a bunch of smaller replies. I planned to wait awhile and respond to each of you in one large post to remove a lot of clutter. Don't enjoy making any app I have to include wasteful replies and make it harder to judge by anyone reading this. I'll probably wait some time to reply if I do get more +/-1's to this app.
In the end, I'll be forcing myself to go command some more in the coming days.
I'm not crazy, you're crazy.
-Alex Rossfield
Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
If I notice you, good job. It means you're probably worth my time.
Dossier - viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16782
-Alex Rossfield
Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
If I notice you, good job. It means you're probably worth my time.
Dossier - viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16782
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- Adralimas
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
Ye sure +1!
Joe 'Broccoli' Campbell Broadcasts: SOMEONE STOLE THE MEGAPHONE AGAIN! ... -funny.jpg

- Omicega
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
Easily flustered and offended, ICly and OOCly. Is a moderator. Thinks it's bad to kiss people icly.
We can make it work. +1
We can make it work. +1

Have any questions or concerns about Synthetic? PM me on the forums, or contact me on the CM discord under the name sleepy#1984 with the nickname Sleepy Retard.

- Artemis111
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
Sure, as long as you dont flirt with every female in the CIC, why not.
I play as Artemis Borovetski.
Charlie squad best squad.
Charlie squad best squad.
- Kavlo
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
El Defaultio wrote: ↑03 May 2018, 10:15Easily flustered and offended, ICly and OOCly. Is a moderator. Thinks it's bad to kiss people icly.
We can make it work. +1
Lochlann Healy the Marine Here's my good ol' dossier!

Mentor : 28th November 2016
Mod : 14th February 2017
Admin : 7th June 2017
Retired : 4th January 2018
Mod : 20th April 2018
Admin : 19th September 2018

Mentor : 28th November 2016
Mod : 14th February 2017
Admin : 7th June 2017
Retired : 4th January 2018
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Admin : 19th September 2018
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
El Defaultio wrote: ↑03 May 2018, 10:15Easily flustered and offended, ICly and OOCly. Is a moderator. Thinks it's bad to kiss people icly.
We can make it work. +1
John 'Fixer' Donable
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
- Aceluke123
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- Byond: Aceluke123
Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
...Thanks, I guess? Damn.El Defaultio wrote: ↑03 May 2018, 10:15Easily flustered and offended, ICly and OOCly. Is a moderator. Thinks it's bad to kiss people icly.
We can make it work. +1
So long as it works?
Also, why does everyone have to reply to that quote?
(totally fine with this reasoning btw.)
I'm not crazy, you're crazy.
-Alex Rossfield
Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
If I notice you, good job. It means you're probably worth my time.
Dossier - viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16782
-Alex Rossfield
Nicknamed 'Clover,' 'Lover,' and... well I'd rather not say.
If I notice you, good job. It means you're probably worth my time.
Dossier - viewtopic.php?f=91&t=16782
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- Lukey111
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
I think it is also what they think, without having to type
El Defaultio wrote: ↑03 May 2018, 10:15Easily flustered and offended, ICly and OOCly. Is a moderator. Thinks it's bad to kiss people icly.
We can make it work. +1
I play as Monday "Scatter" Williams, he is the guy that takes no one seriously, except his good friend, his work.

"I'm in engineering most of the time, I like leading the nerds" - Monday 'Scatter' Williams
"There’s no such thing as a crowded battlefield. Battlefields are lonely places." —General Alfred M. Gray, 29th CMC

"I'm in engineering most of the time, I like leading the nerds" - Monday 'Scatter' Williams
"There’s no such thing as a crowded battlefield. Battlefields are lonely places." —General Alfred M. Gray, 29th CMC
- Morgan
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
I didnt have much direct contact with you IC but you were pretty reliable whenever I did, however my only complaint is that I don't believe I saw you as a XO before,
I say you should roll for XO a bit more often however I am certain that youll be an excellent CO nonetheless due to both your experience as a marine and an admin.
I say you should roll for XO a bit more often however I am certain that youll be an excellent CO nonetheless due to both your experience as a marine and an admin.
Aka Frank Black
- AmazinglyAmazing
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
I think I've encountered you IC once or twice, and from what I recall it was all good. You definitely put in effort into your application and from what you said you seem to have plenty of experience and know what you're doing. I feel good about giving you a +1
PFC Paul 'Grunt' Lorenz | Jackson 'Stiggs' Hopper --->

Epic lookin' tennis ball (avatar picture) created by Manezinho & wonderful pixel marines created by Okand37!
PFC Paul 'Grunt' Lorenz | Jackson 'Stiggs' Hopper --->

Epic lookin' tennis ball (avatar picture) created by Manezinho & wonderful pixel marines created by Okand37!
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Re: Aceluke123 - Commander Application
Good work, also you're good guy and I had good RP moments with you and I think you can take CO's role.
+1 from Simon! Good luck with Application.
+1 from Simon! Good luck with Application.
Simon "ATOM" Sanford: "Use your brain and be a tactical man with your good aim for rifle"
I love my "SADAR".
I love my M56B without BC.
I love M41A with QF.
Be happy. Be marine.
Atole Bhu'ja
Son'ka Atoj'e
I love my "SADAR".
I love my M56B without BC.
I love M41A with QF.
Be happy. Be marine.
Atole Bhu'ja
Son'ka Atoj'e