With recent events, we wanted to clarify and finalize our policy with Discord and similar services.
1. Don't ask, don't tell. We will not ask about your private discord, we do not want to know about your private discord.
2. If a private discord is brought to the attention of CM staff for encouraging activity that breaks any of the CM rules, the host and staff of the discord may be subject to the punishments received by the rulebreakers
3. If a staff member is hosting or staff in a discord that is found to be breaking CM rules, they will be subject to removal.
4. If a staff member is made aware of a discord existing that encourages or breaks CM rules and does not report it, then they may be subject to removal and banning.
5. Discussions in voice or text about other discords existance, advertising them, inviting them, or promoting them will result in a ban from discord and possibly from in-game.
We do not want to be the "fun police" or "patrol" other discords. It creates more drama for us than we want to deal with. So, unless the discord is brought to our attention we don't want to know. However, if it IS brought to our attention, then it becomes our problem and we are going to take very harsh action. We deal with enough bullshit on the server, we don't want to deal with more.
- apophis775
- Host
- Posts: 6985
- Joined: 22 Aug 2014, 18:05
- Location: Ice Colony
- Byond: Apophis775
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flamecow wrote: "unga dunga me want the attachment" - average marine