How to become a meme

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How to become a meme

Post by Weaselburg » 20 Apr 2018, 11:01

Post the best way/any way that you have found to become a M E M E
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Re: How to become a meme

Post by Renomaki » 20 Apr 2018, 11:04

The best way to become a meme... is not to become a meme.

Because once you become a meme, no one will ever respect or take you seriously ever again.

Being a meme might sound like a blessing, but in reality it is a curse.
Sometimes, bravery comes from the most unlikely sources.

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Re: How to become a meme

Post by DriedMilk » 20 Apr 2018, 11:04

>Shitpost about using timezones to powergame Marine Wins.

>Days later dev introduce the update where larva spawn as population increases.

>Everyone starts ahouting at me for magnificent shitpost

>mfw my shitposting lead to Xeno buffs

im already a meme
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Byond: Butlerblock

Re: How to become a meme

Post by Butlerblock » 20 Apr 2018, 11:13

Not personal btw:

1. Rp as a pred when nobody is around you icly
2. Cry as a pred over the most simple things
3. Rp as a pred oocly, even on the forums

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Byond: AccointNaim

Re: How to become a meme

Post by AccointNaim » 21 Apr 2018, 03:36

Butlerblock wrote:
20 Apr 2018, 11:13
Not personal btw:

1. Rp as a pred when nobody is around you icly
2. Cry as a pred over the most simple things
3. Rp as a pred oocly, even on the forums
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Re: How to become a meme

Post by Sulaboy » 21 Apr 2018, 03:53

Don't be a meme, we have too many of those. Chances are you'll be a bad meme soon enough. Take what Renomaki said to heart.
Jones is an awful meme, some COs are worse off for him

That soyboy meme was pretty dumb, It ended up in people pretty much harassing Hienz, heck it even caused a CO report. It might have been funny having that trial on station but a meme gets bad once it is used too often.

Carson, he is a meme in himself, a perpetual one because his periodical reoccurrences (which is why he isn't that bad of a meme). He is probably the most well known character in this game because of this.

Also Unga Dunga gimme attachment (wish people would give a good ole Ooh-Rah instead)

(Forgive me if this sounds stupid I'm sleepy)
Clancy 'Danger' Long

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