Splitting force (on Prison)

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Splitting force (on Prison)

Post by HKO20006 » 06 May 2018, 20:44

Last night Prison round, Queen ordered odd number to Max Sec and even number to Engineering (IIRC). The fight north went well while the south fell back and regrouped to the north.

The whole hive can engage: Prison corridors are narrow, more than a few engaging in a corridor and you have body blocking. Instead, have half of the hive engage in a different area/front allow the whole hive to fight.

More space to retreat to: Prison is a one-way map, if the whole hive got trapped in Civ, it will get constantly bombarded by OB and CAS and likely die to it. By claiming area outside VIP, marines will have to fight more areas before reaching VIP/CIV.

It's new: It's rare to see the hive not concentrating in one area (bar Hunter/Runner gang)

More fun for both sides: Fighting begins earlier as the wait for marines to reach VIP is skipped.

More likely to get cut off and defeat in detail

The hive will have lower upgrade levels, Ravager/Crusher will be few hundred ticks away from Mature

Requires good drones and early Queen leader recovery
Last edited by HKO20006 on 06 May 2018, 21:18, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Spiting force (on Prison)

Post by Bronimin » 06 May 2018, 20:50

Oooh, I'd never thought of that as a method of splitting the defenders up and making sure they don't wander off. makes it easier to spread queen pheremone, too.

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Re: Splitting force (on Prison)

Post by Varen » 08 May 2018, 08:13

Been in that round as xeno, went well enough up to a point, but we lost eventually. Though I feel like it was introduced by bad decisions on the xenos fighting. I think they just weren't used to not having full force behind them and pushed too much, too often. Didn't take advantage of open flanks and the like.
However, it's a quite nice way to issue a simple command, and split everyone in two "squads", which is quite fresh. Can work well with some more focused calls, I suppose.
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Re: Splitting force (on Prison)

Post by Loco52 » 08 May 2018, 15:43

There have been quite many prison station rounds like that lately, it's fun and marines have a rough time.

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Re: Splitting force (on Prison)

Post by awan » 10 May 2018, 10:46

Well, I was the original queen who came up with this idea I made sure t3 were spread equaly both prae were a hive leader and in charge of the attack. I had to leave but because I understood what the plan was it went well. Do not try this for shits and giggles it can harm you more then it can help.

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