Is throwing Avalanchee out of a airlock breaking server rules?

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Is throwing Avalanchee out of a airlock breaking server rules?

Post by Weaselburg » 15 May 2018, 15:11

Is throwing Avalanchee out of a airlock breaking server rules? Not that I have *cough cough* done it or anything, just wondering.
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Re: Is throwing Avalanchee out of a airlock breaking server rules?

Post by Lukey111 » 15 May 2018, 15:12

I think we can let this pass, +1
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Re: Is throwing Avalanchee out of a airlock breaking server rules?

Post by x31stOverlord » 15 May 2018, 15:14

I think we'll turn a blind eye to that activity weasel
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Re: Is throwing Avalanchee out of a airlock breaking server rules?

Post by Crab_Spider » 15 May 2018, 15:29

That question was a bit too specific. Someone seems a tadbit guilty.
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Re: Is throwing Avalanchee out of a airlock breaking server rules?

Post by KingPhilipIII » 16 May 2018, 14:40

I'm of the opinion he deserves a medal for this heroic behavior.
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Re: Is throwing Avalanchee out of a airlock breaking server rules?

Post by Avalanchee » 16 May 2018, 14:55


@apop plz ban
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Re: Is throwing Avalanchee out of a airlock breaking server rules?

Post by Royal Griffon » 30 May 2018, 21:59

Hmmmm I couldn't convert Avalanchee to my Communist cause so I'll say I saw nothing as an MP
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