So today we were playing under Commander Jack King (infamous for being a stickler to the rules and hard on enforcing them). CMP was a bit of a stickler for the rules as well. Early on, Bravo Squad Leader got busted by CMP for Unsecured Equipment - he either left a flamer in Bravo prep or Bravo canteen. That then began to spiral. Marines started getting a bit rowdy, and after 10 or so minutes XO got involved. So CMP, the XO and the Commander all got into an argument about whether SL should be in the brig or not. It got to the point the XO got brigged for "Interfering with an arrest"! Meanwhile, Requisitions were being slow or something, so the Commander ordered them to be shut down before the scheduled briefing.
Tensions were a bit high. Due to CO and XO arguing, briefing got delayed. Highpop Marines, sitting in briefing, getting more and more agitated over SL getting brigged was turning into a tense situation for the MPs. People AHELPed for mutiny, and got denied. People were shouting and organising a sit-in to protest their SL getting arrested.
Briefing started, Commander flashed everyone (including himself). Some people left in the middle of the briefing and broke the glass on southern checkpoint. When everyone was dismissed, most of Bravo remained in their seats. They were told to go, but they wouldn't budge. Even the admins spawned a handful of flashbangs to get everyone to go. In the end, we had to arrest all of them for "Neglect of duty", one by one. Flashing the flasher like 5 times, a few people on the cuffs. We had taken so many people in we filled all of the cells and still had some left over.
As I was transporting the squad medic and figuring where to stuff him, orders came in from High Command - a pardon for all Marines in the brig for "Neglect of duty". So I set the medic free before I had to brig him and let him out, along with his buddies from the brig.
The fun wasn't over - someone racked up 5 counts of escape attempts and was in permabrig. The MP who took them in in the end committed suicide, and apparently High Command issued a pardon for them as well.
Corporate Liaison was also apparently murdered, and Research was the only syspect with prints on the murder weapon.
An SO decided to give me a gift and put a tank helmet on me. Just as I came back to the brig I hear the Commander over the radio - "I hope you're not wearing that helmet under Code Green!". I had to put it away...
Sometime mid-round, a medal lands on CMP's desk - a medal for arresting all of Bravo despite XO's interference.
I haven't seen the end of that round, I heard Marines won anyway.