What other games do you play?

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What other games do you play?

Post by Szebi » 27 May 2018, 11:10

So what other games guys/girls do you play??

For me i playing Mechwarrior Online, War Thunder and Dead by daylight.

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Re: What other games do you play?

Post by Avalanchee » 27 May 2018, 11:10

Arma 3
Forgotten Hope 2
Project Reality
Wargame Red Dragon
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Re: What other games do you play?

Post by Candy Van » 27 May 2018, 12:19

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky
and any other games i find in my PC if im bored sometimes

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Re: What other games do you play?

Post by Hoodedhero » 27 May 2018, 12:35

Speedrun shovel knight(badly)
mgs2 and 3 alot
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Re: What other games do you play?

Post by MauroVega » 27 May 2018, 14:10

Battle Brothers
X-Com Apoc
SW Battlegrounds
M&B Warband
Stalker CS
Payday 2
SPAZ (Space Pirates and Zombies)
and FTL
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Re: What other games do you play?

Post by Twizz » 27 May 2018, 14:38

Darkest Dungeon.
Divinity Original Sin 2.
Space Engineers.
Neo Scavenger.
Men of War: Assault Squad 2.
FTL Faster than Light.
Heat Signature
Blacksea Odyssey
And much more which i haven't installed at the moment due to space issues.
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Re: What other games do you play?

Post by ThatKazakhDude » 30 May 2018, 10:40

Arma 3
Warhammer 40k DOW
Supreme commander FA
Cs 1.6
Stellaris :heart:
Metro (both 2033 and last light)
Starcraft (all of them) :heart:
Wargame Airland

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Re: What other games do you play?

Post by ThesoldierLLJK » 30 May 2018, 16:04

Arma 3
War Thunder (I have mostly rank II-III planes and tanks, currently grinding french into rank III)
Mount and Blade: Warband
IL-2 BoX Series (Battle of Moscow, Stalingrad, etc...)

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Re: What other games do you play?

Post by kroack » 30 May 2018, 18:35

I've been playing Caves of Qud recently.

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Re: What other games do you play?

Post by solidfury7 » 30 May 2018, 18:45

Multilayer wise these days it's pretty limited.

Recently got in to Planetside 2.

League of Legends

And the occasional shooters.

Single player games tend to be Sci fi based or rpgs.

I've been wanting to get in to Eve Online but every time I try I fade off it fast.
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