Salty Pred Report #632

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Salty Pred Report #632

Post by Shuffl3 » 28 May 2018, 15:08

Your Byond Key: Shuffl3

Your Character Name: Mature Ravager(870)

Accused Byond Key(if known): Unknown

Character Name: Unknown

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 5.26.18 ~5:00pm CST

What rule(s) were broken:

This is gonna be rough because I'm not a pred player and there isnt a lot of material avaliable to help figure out the practical interpretations of the rules. But I think I can put together an argument around these three rules.

1. Follow the Predator Code of Honor.
2. You are a Predator
3. You are NOT a murder-spree antagonist

To me, it seems widely understood that predators suffer from lax design and kneejerk maintence but this is tolerable because of the extra risk of attempting higher-RP in sort of environment. The extra leeway that preds get mechanically is supposed to be balanced by the players that will only use them to provide interesting interactions and not just "merk on valids." Im making this report because the scenario felt more the latter instead of the former.

Description of the incident:

>Be Ravager ravaging on LV
>Queen issues general orders to attack pred killing sisters at east river
>Move to assist, encounter two preds engaged at the east jungles by the river
>Charge at and connect with one so I leave it to my fellows and move to engage the other
>Other pred flees so I pursue until it runs across the marine lines stretched through the cargo domes.
>Disengage and take position watching the chokepoints in the eastern jungle
>See pred moving towards the chokepoints and move to intercept
>Lock eyes with the pred on the other side of chokepoint. It roars, I charge.
>Charge connects with pred and I find myself instantly stunned from a predtrap
>Nearby warrior engages to defend me from the pred and the two run off.
>Move to a better position nearby and begin to remove the trap
>Wait for the trap to be removed
>Wait for the trap to be removed
>Wait for the trap to be removed(How long does CM think a minute is anyways?)
>Wait for the tr-get blasted by a plasma rifle from offscreen
>Get stabbed to death in three seconds by a pred
>Watch pred take body to the ships trophy room

1. Follow the Predator Code of Honor: Now this may not be known to everybody but a predator trap renders a xenomorph unable to use their abilities, tackle, or move at a speed above a crawl(maybe prevents evo/upgrade gain too?). Removing a trap forces the xenomorph to remain motionless for a minute(like way over a minute). This absolutely fits the definition of Dishonorable & Innocent Prey in that the xenomorph is unable to fight to their full potential due to disabilities, injuries or pre-occupations. All bets are off with unworthy prey, but I think you'd really have to strech to have considered me only worth being incapacitated and casually killed later. Especially with the pred eventually claiming me as trophy.

2. You are a Predator: If preds only cared about what they killed and not how they killed it a predator could get all the honor they ever wanted from the comfort of high orbit. Casually slaughtering a target thats unable to fight back and claiming it as a trophy is like going baby seal clubbing and then mounting the head of one above your mantle.

3. You are NOT a murder-spree antagonist: Maybe the pred had another target, maybe it was looking for the body of another predator, maybe it just didnt want to fight me. I dunno, but runnin around uncloaked and roaring at xenomorphs that can and will fight you is asking for it. If the goal of trapping me was to neutralize a difficulty while working towards a greater goal, mission accomplished. Killing me while I was trapped and out of the way was gratuitious.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
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How you would punish the accused:
There's no point to a real punishment. Predators and pred traps are just poorly designed and the use of pred traps in combat is a symptom of that. For the last few months Predators seemed to understand that and only used them responsibly for lodge defense and RP memes but for some reason they recently started using them like this again. I'd prefer that that the only thing that comes of this is the establishment of a precedent that keeps these traps out of combat.

If I had to pick a punishment, it would be for the pred in question to submit and defend a predator trap rework to the gitlab that would better fit the lore and enable more interesting RP possibilities. Letting go of power is difficult, but I think most predator players would begrudgingly admit that predator traps dont align with the Yautja ethos and that it wouldn't be too difficult to think of something to replace them that could improve the quality of play for everyone involved.
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Re: Salty Pred Report #632

Post by Solarmare » 28 May 2018, 15:32

You and other xenos were going out of your way to try and engage the predators with what you're saying in this very report. That outright makes you unworthy prey as stated in the honor code, and there's no reason that designation would change since you already proved yourself as a dishonorable creature more or less I'd say. From the contents of this report the pred did nothing that violated the honor code so I don't see any need for action.
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Re: Salty Pred Report #632

Post by Heckenshutze » 28 May 2018, 15:46

The moment you decided to act againts the predators (as a third party), you became unworthy prey and those can be killed by any sorts. Nothing wrong here.

Would have been different if you were fighting the predators from the start by yourself or with a sister ( 2 vs 2 ).
Last edited by Heckenshutze on 28 May 2018, 16:13, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Salty Pred Report #632

Post by Shuffl3 » 28 May 2018, 16:00

Solarmare wrote:
28 May 2018, 15:32
Heckenshutze wrote:
28 May 2018, 15:46
Defending others is an example that would except me from being unworthy prey. The preds were actively engaged with xenomorphs when I arrived. Assiting in dispatching one pred and chasing off the other were obviously defensive measures in the first encounter.

By letting the pred leave the area I was no longer actively in pursuit or engaged with the predator. If unworthiness isn't situational then preds can just build a mental list of valids and the whole exercise becomes pointless.
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Re: Salty Pred Report #632

Post by Heckenshutze » 28 May 2018, 16:05

Shuffl3 wrote:
28 May 2018, 16:00
Defending others is an example that would except me from being unworthy prey. The preds were actively engaged with xenomorphs when I arrived. Assiting in dispatching one pred and chasing off the other were obviously defensive measures in the first encounter.

By letting the pred leave the area I was no longer actively in pursuit or engaged with the predator. If unworthiness isn't situational then preds can just build a mental list of valids and the whole exercise becomes pointless.
Doesn't matter if you acted defensively or offensively, when you encountered the predator again you went after it, the predator can take that as hunting, and since you jumped him before you fall under the Unworthy prey block. I mean, if you feel we should punish the predator for NOT following the honor code, that ain't gonna happen, he indeed acted within it.
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Re: Salty Pred Report #632

Post by driecg36 » 28 May 2018, 16:06

From the horse's mouth:

"Any prey who flees from an honor duel, heals mid duel, or intentionally receives assistance from others during said duel. This also includes other individuals who interfere with a duel, drag away, or protect the body of the Predator's victim. "

"Any prey or group who actively pursues/engage the Predator themselves, who the Predator is not hunting/disrupting. (Groups defending a FOB/Hive or defending others are not considered unworthy)"

Whether or not you interrupted an honor duel, you still were a group actively engaging the predator, which fits under dishonorable prey.
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Re: Salty Pred Report #632

Post by Shuffl3 » 28 May 2018, 16:31

driecg36 wrote:
28 May 2018, 16:06
Well, one of the two preds is going to have to jump in and say they were in an honor duel that got interrupted and not just out hunting xenos for that to cover the first encounter. The way that is written, interrupting an honor duel kinda makes it seem like the unworthy status would stick around.

However, the second line is written in a way that would make it situational and logically, it should be situational. It seems obviously written to let preds be unrestricted when theyre being disadvantaged and not to allow a pred to wait 30 minutes before finding somebody that chased after them at the beginning of a round and vaporizing them with the plasma caster while cloaked. If you interpret the honor code like that then everybody can be seen as unworthy. Preds could just walk around uncloaked roaring at people and plonk everybody into that category.

Unworthy Prey: Predators may dispatch/kill/disable Any prey or group who actively pursues/engage the Predator themselves, who the Predator is not hunting/disrupting by any means available.

So by disengaging and leaving the area, that should of cleared the slate. When he returned later, walked up to me and roared it seemed pretty indicative that he wanted to fight and I attempted to give it to him.
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Re: Salty Pred Report #632

Post by Shuffl3 » 28 May 2018, 20:13

Whelp, Im gonna be out of touch for the next 24-48 hours and even then I'll only be able to check in intermittently for a few weeks. I don't expect anybody to be objective and argue the merits on my behalf but it sure would be cool if someone did.

While I'm well aware of the futility of attempting a pred report this quote from x31stOverlord, a pred player, is what made me think that I should.
x31stOverlord wrote:
16 May 2018, 09:10
The problem is that the origin of Preds on the server was not planned or discussed by the staff and they were coded in by a head dev on their own volition. Ever since Preds have been at a negative level priority of getting any sort of update or coding done to them.

Whilst I would love for the attention to be put on working preds up a bit. It is unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future so we must try to resolve issues or reduce their damage withough relying on developer time being spent on them.
I was having a great round with the captivating and hard fought rags-to-riches story of a late evolve Ravager. To have it cut short by lame cheese like this was a dissapointment to say the least. If I was unworthy prey and the pred player killed me just because he could and he knew that the design and ruleset governing predators would make it trival and inconsequential then thats just poorer gameplay than we should expect from predators. All I hope for this PR to achieve is to help change things towards the better.

And like, if my corpse was worthy enough to enshrine in the trophy room I should of been worthy enough be fought honorably.
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Re: Salty Pred Report #632

Post by Renomaki » 28 May 2018, 21:45

Oh hey, this sounds like a shitty pred round I had. I believe I witnessed the ravager dying to a trap. Allow me to disclose context:

For this round, I had decided that I was going to kill a defender/warrior, to provide some form of self assurance that my future hunts won't be completely shit now with the new frontline fighter castes. I figured it would be a simple matter of trying to find one alone (or at least a small enough group to handle) and wailing on it until I managed to come out alive and it dead. How wrong I was...

Cue the fog lifting and a big fight commencing. I tried to scout around the edges of the heavy fighting to find some lone defender to wail on, but alas the xenos were flippin everywhere and in big groups. After failing to find any good engagements to the west, I went to the east in the hope that there would be a defender in the jungle area near the river. At some point, I did find a defender... Two of them, one young and another elite. So, being the vain fool I was, I went for it, and tried to beat them down with much struggle and juggling. Then the crusher came in and made my life fucking hell (didn't help that I stepped on a mine hidden in the jungle vines earlier, instantly breaking my foot despite being at 100% health. And they say predators are super tough...)

After using two traps in a desperate attempt to ward off the attackers, I was soon getting overwhelmed when a fellow predator (no doubt the one described in this report) came in and joined the fray, no doubt in an attempt to help ease the burden. However, that just made the xenos mass on us more, and after awhile I had to retreat because there were too many of them and it wasn't worth it. I died a humiliated, dishonored fool near the pond north of LZ1 after the xenos managed to trap me in a bad corner with no escape (but thankfully my bracer went off). Shortly afterwards, I check on the other predator in spirit and see he managed to kill a ravager, with a trap of course.

Honestly, I miss the days when trapping your prey was still honorable, considering that all the new xenos are so fast that it makes it impossible to engage with easily. My fight would have turned out much differently had I used my old tricks, instead of having to reserve it for "dishonorable" xenos. This report probably wouldn't have resulted.
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Re: Salty Pred Report #632

Post by Redikalzip » 28 May 2018, 22:52

I saw nothing wrong with predator's actions, you already showed your unworthy actions. At least, it wasn't just 1vs duel - xeno v pred right? Engage with one massive group of xenos for attack preds, dishonorable.

(If I'm not wrong it was that round with that fight).
I was that pred that joined the battle near wall-line north of LZ1, river. At least I saw 4-6 xenos were fighting with one predator alone. After few retreats for xeno's attacks I found tools from other pred, it was plasma rifle and hunting sword (as I can remember), probaly xenos killed him when I was defending myself near cargo containers. After few seconds ravager and other warrior with runner (or/and defender) tried attack me. Ravager missed charge and tried attack me mele- by slash. Then he retreated and tried attack me again, but he was trapped by my trap while I tried run over from large group of xenos. (That means those actions made rav unworthy two times by attacking me in the 3-4 vs 1). In the other words I had all permissions to use my plasma caster for stun and after kill that rav .We arent attacking first if that xeno/marine wasn't selected like a hunting prey.

Thanks and good luck.

P.S: if it was that round.... Right, like I want add somethung important, as I know you were killing one other predator by slashing him 3-4 xenos in the one time. Let me clear that situation: Was you that ravager I did pull though hydro to western river?
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Byond: Stripetail

Re: Salty Pred Report #632

Post by Stripetail » 30 May 2018, 00:17

I was spectating this round and observed this occurrence. There was a very sizeable group of xenos chasing after and hunting first one, then both predators, as stated above these actions actually make you unworthy prey.

I understand how powerful the new hunting traps are, and how helpless you will be if you're snared in one. They're only meant to be used in these exact circumstances right now because of their strength.

If the predator had been hunting you for a trophy and using the traps it would have been a breach of the code of honor. However from what I saw a predator put down a potential but weakened threat while fending off several other xenos, which is both acceptable and logical. Regardless of your intentions getting meddled up with a group of xenos hunting or harassing a predator marks you as dishonorable prey in the predators eyes.
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Re: Salty Pred Report #632

Post by Redikalzip » 30 May 2018, 01:48

Right, let me add something about your body. I took it not for my thropy collection or not for my local score. That means I didn't took your skin.

That action was like I tried take your body only for store it on the ship, I didn't mark you like my thropy, at least I couldn't touch your body, but I took it and did put in the storage.

In the other ways I see nothing bad about my actions and fights with you and other xenos, you showed your status as unworthy prey.
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Re: Salty Pred Report #632

Post by Emeraldblood » 01 Jun 2018, 21:44

As it was pointed out, the predators didn't break any rules. If you're going out of your way to hunt down the Predators, you're not inherently considered worthy prey. If you play with fire and get burned, it's your fault, not theirs. Resolved - No rules were broken by the predator player.
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