Spheretech - Damavik

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Spheretech - Damavik

Post by spheretech » 16 Jun 2018, 06:45

Byond ID:

Marine Name (so we know who you are; if you play alien mostly, state that here):
Lisa 'Hotshot' Taylor

Name of the character you want whitelisted (The name your predator will use. This must match your in-game predator name):

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor?
Very familiar with this. I've read it on multiple occasions.

Character background (An ADEQUATE description and story of your predators background):

The Svarog Clade
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How do you intend to play your predator (as in, describe HOW you will act/play your predator)?
First I feel like I should mention that I am not 100% familiar with all the predator weapons and their perks.
However, I have observed but also fought them on many occasions, so I know which tools are less honorable.
I would like to minimize my use of ranged and stun weapons, as I feel they don't give the prey a chance.

It seems as if most predators want to be like in the movies, stalking their pray, sneaking and such.
I want to step away from this common practice, but besides wanting to have a different playstyle,
I think being a more aggressive predator fits me more - besides being more fun to fight anyway.

Also, I LOVE melee. I feel it's the most honorable of all combat in SS13. I do understand getting melee hits
in could be difficult against marines though.

Some weapons I can't see myself using very much:
- Spike Launcher (maims marines with ease)
- Plasma Caster (ranged stuns ugh)
- Plasma Rifle (scopes are amazing)
- Traps (guaranteed stun - guaranteed kill)

I'd focus on using more unconventional weapons and unarmed combat because with the power a predator has,
I doubt one would NEED all these fancy killing machines. I say unarmed combat because this is actually where I shine,
having learned to love unarmed robust combat from hosting fight clubs on other servers.

In essence: A brawler focusing on unarmed combat, throwing weapons, and blades for more dangerous foes.

I believe a lot of predators may remember me for fighting them. This is because I find fighting predators more fun than xenos,
but only if the predator doesn't use the dishonorable weapons I mentioned. It's up to the predator to determine how big of a chance you have,
and I intend to give generous one.
Although I will be more hands on with my combat, I don't intend to get trapped in 15 marines and end their rounds with my SD.

Why should we whitelist you?
I'm aware what most people know me for. Killing xenos, combat, all that stuff. I know I'm not known for RP.
Although as a marine I prefer front line combat over Almayer RP, I am far from incapable of it. I actually like
playing on HRP servers. My RP characters for CM are Eugene Davis and Jax Teach.

A thing I'd love to do is put together a predator video, but definitely not focused on pure murder, as that would be too easy.
The predators have way too many tools that would make murdering the whole hive or marine corps a piece of cake.
But this is why I think I can bring something different to the table;
Because I know I'd eventually get acquainted with the predator tools, I know I'd be good with them sooner or later.
And being familiar with the tools will allow me to play around more, do more crazy things.

As a marine, I sure like fighting the xenos, winning for the marine corps, all that. But only because it's a CHALLENGE.
Killing things as a predator is NOT a challenge, therefor, not fun for me. This is why I think I can enact the playstyle above.
I would find no joy in killing with something overpowered, and in turn, by not using all the overpowered tools I would
make the combat more fun not only for myself.

This is not my first app, so I look forward to finally playing alongside some predators I already know as marines.

And as I think this may be some peoples concern;
I can promise you I will have restraint in using the ridiculous arsenal and speed.

Have you been banned from CM in the last month for any reason (we will check, and lies may result in immediate denial)?

Are you currently banned from any other servers and if so, why?

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor?

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Mvp777 » 16 Jun 2018, 07:06

I've had a fair few positive encounters with both Lisa 'Hotshot' and Sphere themself.

Their play style is something that i would personally like to see among Predators.

I like the Svarog Clade and the backstory to it as it's also relatively unique. as such i'm giving this a +1
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Twizz » 16 Jun 2018, 08:44

Having seen Sphere's Videos aswell as in-game, they can roleplay quite good, are one hell of a fight and can improvise with what they have at hand too. The Backstory is interesting, not too much action, focuses on the predator and also shows that the predator learned from his mistakes /experiences. What I can see happening from their explanations is maybe abducting marines to have them brawl, then end up fighting the victor. Something which hasn't been done in a long time.

Overall i cannot think of any flaws on this app, but what i do hope is that you'll stick to your playstyle with your heart and use the predator's tech for RP and gear / species advantages for combat wisely and Iam excited to see you in the Hunt.
+1 from me.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by FearTheBlackout » 16 Jun 2018, 10:20

I appreciate you wanting to put a handicap on your Predator if you think it will make things more interesting or fair for others; it's not out of the blue or unwarranted, if your montage videos are to be noted. I think you know your own strengths and weaknesses and you want to work with them to make things better for everyone.

On another note, Hotshot is a reliable Marine/Tank Crewman/whatever you play her as in any given round, so I think you've already proven you can be trusted with a new combat role.

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Avalanchee » 16 Jun 2018, 11:06

One of the BEST marines out there is making a pred whitelist?
Jesus christ, sign me up for that.

I love the playstyle, story and description.
Massive +1
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by zoboomafoo » 16 Jun 2018, 22:43

Finally, someone who says they will actually give their prey a chance and not use the stuns!

I've watched your RP before, definitely worthy of joining the predator cast we have these days. I'd love to see you on the hunt +1
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Gray » 17 Jun 2018, 14:17

+1 i've known Sphere over a long period of time from other servers and knowing him, he can keep up a character's RP once he makes one.

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by z a n e b o t » 17 Jun 2018, 14:28

I like the story and I've seen you do pretty well ingame, +1

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Casany » 17 Jun 2018, 15:09


So, I remember you first and formost from 2016 to early 2017. And, from when I knew you you acted like a complete prick. You were a huge powergamer, you were super salty, and you ESPECIALLY hated predators. When I was a mentor I remember most every round you were in that also happened to be a pred round. Mainly because you'd inevitably be killed by the predator for trying to kill it and take its stuff. Then of course you'd report them for unhonorably killing you or some such, and it would just be a hassle.

I've known you for too long to really consider giving a +1. I'm gonna stay neutral leaning on -1.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by spheretech » 17 Jun 2018, 15:25

Casany wrote:
17 Jun 2018, 15:09

So, I remember you first and formost from 2016 to early 2017. And, from when I knew you you acted like a complete prick. You were a huge powergamer, you were super salty, and you ESPECIALLY hated predators. When I was a mentor I remember most every round you were in that also happened to be a pred round. Mainly because you'd inevitably be killed by the predator for trying to kill it and take its stuff. Then of course you'd report them for unhonorably killing you or some such, and it would just be a hassle.

I've known you for too long to really consider giving a +1. I'm gonna stay neutral leaning on -1.
3 years ago I was pretty toxic and complained about every single thing.
I would have never though I'd be become a mod on CM, then retire, then be a mentor again.
It's been a long time, and I've come a long way, so I can just hope people see me differently.

Edit: Also thanks for the support everyone - I don't wanna let ye down!

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Imperator_Titan » 18 Jun 2018, 17:21


Never seen you RP more than a sentence or two and definitely not one I’d trust in a HRP role.

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Infant Punter » 18 Jun 2018, 18:16

the guy has a good head on his shoulders, give it to him
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Dolth » 19 Jun 2018, 05:07

Huge +1 for the following reasons;

Pecular and intresting story, no or rare dishonorable stund and mostly aggressive melee.
That, and the fact Sphere is a great player AND, from what I know of them, good at RPing.

Definitively a great asset to add to our game.


You -do- under estimate what a robust melee player can do as a pred.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Renomaki » 19 Jun 2018, 09:21

Ah, giving it another go, huh? Your last app I swore was going to be accepted, but for whatever reason it didn't. Not sure why to this day...

As for the app itself, you put in a lot of effort this time around and seem quite ambitious. However, I still have a few concerns...

For one, you are known to be a serious powergamer who focuses a LOT on trying to win, by any means necessary. This even goes into the area of fighting preds, which I know you fight for more than just "fun", but also the PHAT LOOT that they drop. More than once, I saw you INSTANTLY rush the body to strip it of its armor to give you a combat advantage against the xenos, no questions asked. I know you view them as nothing more than a lootbox to upgrade yourself with than anything. It is that reason alone why we blow our bracers: to prevent people from looting us to begin with.

You also seem to heavily overestimate the true power of a predator. No doubt more than once you, as a ghost, saw how well predators handle a swarm of xenos or marines. It isn't pretty. Your idea of going with unarmed combat (which I am assuming means using your fist?) indicates that you think you can easily pull this off due to some assumption that predators are gods that can easily kill anyone that comes their way with just about anything. In reality, predators are still quite mortal, and thus can only do so much. Just try to fight a xeno that constantly does hit and run attacks on your ankles, you desperately trying to keep up with them, but the damn bastard just keeps running away from you and harassing you until your foot pops off and you are up shit creek without a foot to paddle with... And don't get me started on ravagers.

Hell, your idea of being more aggressive overall concerns me. How aggressive are we talking? A lot of predators use stealth for observation and to avoid pointless fights, since we need to save our energy for the fights that matter (or at least, we TRY to...). I myself as a predator am picky with what I kill, having had rounds where I would spend more than an HOUR just trying to find something that would be considered worth skinning. It often isn't that much fun, but then again, it is for the sake of the round, since we aren't murderhobos that slaughter dozens of creatures in a short time span for a warmup. Hell, sometimes we live and die in a round without a single trophy to our name, let alone a kill in general.

If there is one thing I can agree with here, it is the idea that melee combat is the best way to fight as a predator. Ranged weapons are more for self defense situations, but come time to claim a proper kill, that is where your big heavy sword comes into play. It isn't easy, but it is rather satisfying to beat a xeno over the head with your melee weapon of choice.

And lastly, there is your whole RP situation. Being a predator isn't always about hitting stuff with swords and battleaxes, after all. Sometimes it is about taunting people, messing with them and testing how they react to things you do or set up in advance. Create experiences that are more than just using the roar emote constantly, be creative and all that.

I do wish you the best of luck, but do know well that your reputation has a considerable effect on your app, and the idea of a min-maxing powergamer that inspired several marine nerfs due to their antics being given a strong[ish], somewhat influential role that requires a level of self control and an understanding of both factions may be a tad iffy.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by spheretech » 19 Jun 2018, 09:44

Renomaki wrote:
19 Jun 2018, 09:21
Ah, giving it another go, huh? Your last app I swore was going to be accepted, but for whatever reason it didn't. Not sure why to this day...
I stopped playing soon after I made the app so it was closed due to my inactivity.

You definitely made valid points. All I can do is assure I'm fit for the role.
I truly believe that with just the SPEED the predator has, anything can be pulled off, if you're up to the task of course.
People don't like predators for the most part but often for good reason. Too many times have I seen predators annihilate squads of marines because they found the lodge.
And too many times have I seen a predator self destruct into 10 marines, some even innocent, ending their round instantly.

I believe it's up to the predator to try everything in his power to avoid being forced into a dishonorable situation like this. (Dishonorable IC-ly, but also OOC-ly)
I am not like the majority of whitelisted predators. I play differently, and I value different things. But perhaps this is what predators need?
Sure people will always complain about predators, but I hope to find a way to make them hate us less.
I know which things I disliked from predators, and I don't want to repeat their mistakes.

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Renomaki » 19 Jun 2018, 12:06

spheretech wrote:
19 Jun 2018, 09:44
I stopped playing soon after I made the app so it was closed due to my inactivity.

You definitely made valid points. All I can do is assure I'm fit for the role.
I truly believe that with just the SPEED the predator has, anything can be pulled off, if you're up to the task of course.
People don't like predators for the most part but often for good reason. Too many times have I seen predators annihilate squads of marines because they found the lodge.
And too many times have I seen a predator self destruct into 10 marines, some even innocent, ending their round instantly.

I believe it's up to the predator to try everything in his power to avoid being forced into a dishonorable situation like this. (Dishonorable IC-ly, but also OOC-ly)
I am not like the majority of whitelisted predators. I play differently, and I value different things. But perhaps this is what predators need?
Sure people will always complain about predators, but I hope to find a way to make them hate us less.
I know which things I disliked from predators, and I don't want to repeat their mistakes.
Sometimes as a predator, you have to make some hard decisions. Every predator has their own way to handle things, and how you choose to handle a situation is up to you. Just know that it is just as dishonorable to allow your body to be defiled and looted as it is to detonate and injure an unknowing bystander. Think the situation over carefully.

As for what you hate about predators, why not state them here and explain HOW you will try and avoid repeating those mistakes?
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by spheretech » 19 Jun 2018, 12:31

Renomaki wrote:
19 Jun 2018, 12:06
Sometimes as a predator, you have to make some hard decisions. Every predator has their own way to handle things, and how you choose to handle a situation is up to you. Just know that it is just as dishonorable to allow your body to be defiled and looted as it is to detonate and injure an unknowing bystander. Think the situation over carefully.

As for what you hate about predators, why not state them here and explain HOW you will try and avoid repeating those mistakes?
Predators often bait marines and do things like move flares, destroy mines, turn off lights, punch marines. Things like that.
All of these provoke the marines to attack the predator, after which he unleashes his full arsenal and murders all of them.
Sure it may look fun for a while, but it gets old. I want to make my intentions clear. I am either non-hostile, or hostile.
I don't want to bait marines into attacking me for them to become valid instantly.
This doesn't mean I won't mess around sometimes, but I don't want to validhunt them with provocative semi-aggressive acts.

Another big thing is running back to the lodge after being attacked, or marines simply stumbling upon the lodge, after which the predator usually uses all of his gear to kill the squad.
My lodge would be hidden and small. Only to store trophies and possibly host duels. No baiting marines to the lodge. If I do have to retreat, I wouldn't lead them straight there.
A single shot from a marine or xeno, and the frenzy will start. So unless a predator WANTS to fight a horde of enemies at once, he should disengage and avoid murderboning.

If I end up having to activate my self destruct, I won't run into the god damn FOB and blow everyone up, as I've seen some do.
Although I would be aggressive, I wouldn't fight 15 marines or xenos at once. Fighting too many at a time will get me killed and force me to blow them up along with myself.

Besides those above, in the app I mentioned gear which I think is dishonorable, like traps. There is nothing worse than 1v1ing and then suddenly stepping on a predator trap that he just dropped mid combat.

Not all situations can be predicted and I am not a predator, so these are just the things I have observed as a marine which I disliked. I'm sure I'd end up SDing myself sometime.

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Renomaki » 19 Jun 2018, 16:01

spheretech wrote:
19 Jun 2018, 12:31
Predators often bait marines and do things like move flares, destroy mines, turn off lights, punch marines. Things like that.
All of these provoke the marines to attack the predator, after which he unleashes his full arsenal and murders all of them.
Sure it may look fun for a while, but it gets old. I want to make my intentions clear. I am either non-hostile, or hostile.
I don't want to bait marines into attacking me for them to become valid instantly.
This doesn't mean I won't mess around sometimes, but I don't want to validhunt them with provocative semi-aggressive acts.

Another big thing is running back to the lodge after being attacked, or marines simply stumbling upon the lodge, after which the predator usually uses all of his gear to kill the squad.
My lodge would be hidden and small. Only to store trophies and possibly host duels. No baiting marines to the lodge. If I do have to retreat, I wouldn't lead them straight there.
A single shot from a marine or xeno, and the frenzy will start. So unless a predator WANTS to fight a horde of enemies at once, he should disengage and avoid murderboning.

If I end up having to activate my self destruct, I won't run into the god damn FOB and blow everyone up, as I've seen some do.
Although I would be aggressive, I wouldn't fight 15 marines or xenos at once. Fighting too many at a time will get me killed and force me to blow them up along with myself.

Besides those above, in the app I mentioned gear which I think is dishonorable, like traps. There is nothing worse than 1v1ing and then suddenly stepping on a predator trap that he just dropped mid combat.

Not all situations can be predicted and I am not a predator, so these are just the things I have observed as a marine which I disliked. I'm sure I'd end up SDing myself sometime.
I admit that some predators are very quick to use any excuse to flip out on people, but not every predator has a hair trigger. I myself had plenty of moments where people shot me, and I simply fled the scene to avoid a pointless fight... Even from you.

And honestly, marines don't take much provoking to get them to shoot (let alone chase after) a predator. Maybe of them are quick to shoot a cloaked, traveling predator on sight, even if they are doing nothing to them at the time. While there is nothing stopping marines from killing predators on sight [for any number of reasons], a predator has the choice to determine if they want to return the favor or ignore it. If a predator wants to blast a few marines to get them to fuck off, that is their choice, but every action has a reaction and they live with the results of their action or inaction.

As for baiting marines to the lodge, that doesn't always happen on purpose, if at all. I myself often try to lure them away when possible, or hide in plain sight rather than (again) starting a pointless fight that'll just end in frustration for everyone. However, other predators are very territorial and it is their given right to defend their campground with everything they got. Do some go too far? Yes, I agree. But sometimes you gotta bring out the big guns to keep your lodging safe, moreso since the marines in the past are not above using THEIR big guns to blow up your lodge (such as the times when the lodge was OBed, which happened in several rounds).

And I don't know how often predators blow up at the FoB, but I recall that is heavily frowned upon (which is ironic because Apop himself violated this as an elder of all things). Most predators would blow their bracer where they stand, not target an FoB and blow up there. if such a thing happens, it was probably not on purpose, just a bad place at a bad time, which does happen from time to time. Again, it is up to you to determine if you are to blow your bracer, but know there is a cause and effect to everything, and not blowing your bracer could cause burdens for other predators who have to clean up your mess, and we know how much THAT sucks.

Honestly, once you join the special snowflake club of predators, you'll learn over time just how predator life is and develop your own style as you play. It is easy to observe a predator in action, but much harder to be in their shoes. I could ramble on and on, but that would take all day...

Just know that, while I am a tad on the fence on this app, I admit I hope you do join our ranks so you can develop an understanding of our sub-culture, and maybe even develop some respect for the spooky ghost men who have to deal with all manner of bullshit round after round.

... Or you'll just end up disappointed when you discover that predators are not all that they are hyped up to be and get to enjoy being shit on by everyone, just like the rest of us!.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by spheretech » 19 Jun 2018, 16:18

You definitely know more about the predators than me and I could be mislead on my observations.
I hope I get the chance to see be in a round with you as a pred and maybe even learn from you, thats for sure.
Either way, you've got my respect for taking the time to write this, Reno.

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Kerek » 19 Jun 2018, 17:34

All I really remember of you as a player is that you go to just about any length in order to win, how has that changed?
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by spheretech » 19 Jun 2018, 18:20

Kerek wrote:
19 Jun 2018, 17:34
All I really remember of you as a player is that you go to just about any length in order to win, how has that changed?
I don't know lengths are you talking about, I just play the best I can, and best being most useful to the marines. Dying = not fun. "Winning" = not dying. Things I value in CM are probably fundamentally different from things you value, because you asked this question.
I am through practice good at this game and I can't force myself to be bad. I can't make fun for both sides either. The almayer staff can have their gameplay, and the front line marines should have theirs too.
Regardless, you can't WIN as a predator. There is no win condition. As I've said in the app,
most of my fun is actually beating the aliens against odds, it's a challenge.
Thats why I ask: whats the actual concern here?

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Ghostdex » 19 Jun 2018, 19:36

I'm just gonna start off with saying I cannot in anyways support this app.

My reasons for this are as follows; you powergame to the extreme and you've said it yourself, you do whatever you can to win because you don't like dying as you find it not fun. As a predator there's a choice you have to make at times, wipe out the marine force for attacking you or die, I find it extremely hard to believe you would choose the latter. Aside from your 'playstyle' as a marine your story isn't up to par in my eyes, it's short, unsatisfying and not very realistic. Another thing, no Yautja would be blooded for killing five humans- strong or not as a human could never stand up against a xenomorph. To become blooded, a Yautja has to kill a xenomorph and then mark itself with the acid from the kill. Yautja also go on many smaller hunts before the hunt to become blooded.

Last edited by Ghostdex on 19 Jun 2018, 19:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Kerek » 19 Jun 2018, 19:52

So I've watched you a couple times and all that really means anything to you is getting a kill. Even if it means running your own team over with a tank persay. Your story IMO wasn't up to standard and your justification to not use the plasma casters and stuff is because your clan doesn't like them. This would mean to me that you would never use your caster, spike launcher, plasma pistol, smartdisks, and any other of the predator gadgets as that is how you were raised from a pup to your current unblooded state. You wouldn't stray from this as it was beaten into you by the people they would've admired.

Furthermore in your hunt you killed 5 humans without giving them a chance, as you are say you're going to when you're in game as a predator which really makes your statement mean anything at all to me to be completely honest. If you don't tie in the way you wish to play as a pred I don't take it seriously and it means to me the play style was a second thought compared to your story.

You are saying you are going to give players a chance and then you mercilessly kill 5 humans that shot you once, there was no real 'toying' and it wasn't too much of a chance if you're just literally ripping them apart after hiding from one bullet.

This was also meant to be your blooding hunt, which is where a yautja will fight the most dangerous creature known to them. The xenomorphs (which aren't called xenomorphs, they're serpent, r'ka, dragon etc.). You fought some of the weaker creatures and wouldn't truly be blooded as a yautja.

I don't think this app is up to standard. -1

Edit : You were also removed from predator in the past, while it was 2 years ago I still took it into account.

Edit Edit : Also if you do get accepted. You should not make any videos while you are a predator. Predators are meant to be not understood and any sort of video can leak more information on how we work.
Last edited by Kerek on 19 Jun 2018, 21:16, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by spheretech » 19 Jun 2018, 20:09

I was gonna argue a lot of points but as you've already made your mind I decided not to. Which is fine.

In essence, both of you (kerek and ghostdex) heavily focused on my written story. I am not a writer, nor a native english speaker.
The main focus of these apps should be the gameplay. Obviously there is no way you wouldn't be giving 5 marines (including a spec) a chance by MELEEING them. They'd tear you to pieces.
The game is completely seperate and in a different context than the story. I tried to encompass the story along the playstyle as best I could.
My story is supposed to be unique and deviate from the others, it is not a bloodying story. I looked at other stories in detail and saw what was okay and what was not, which apps were accepted.
If I made a generic predator story and playstyle there is NO WAY anyone would give me a chance, you have to understand this.

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Re: Spheretech - Damavik

Post by Kerek » 19 Jun 2018, 20:16

spheretech wrote:
19 Jun 2018, 20:09
I don't care how generic a story or play style is. If you have read any of my reviews then you would see that I don't care about play style if its not something 'special' or 'unique'. I was talking about you in game, how you made a story with an unrelated gimmick.

You deviated from lore enough for me to -1 this in my opinion. I don't think you know enough lore for me to accept this.

If you can write a semi-decent story that adheres to the lore and ties in your gameplay to it then you could do just fine.

Edit : we also didn't say anything about grammar which wouldn't matter too much anyway. I talked about what you wrote and how I take it in accordance to the Yautja lore.
Last edited by Kerek on 19 Jun 2018, 20:20, edited 1 time in total.
Ryan 'Firebug' Steelberg
Horace Wallenber
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