Player Report: Noah 'Biceps' Cruz

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Player Report: Noah 'Biceps' Cruz

Post by LittleBlast » 22 Jul 2018, 19:31

Your Byond Key:LittleBlast

Your Character Name: Kennard 'Lifebloom Davis

Accused Byond Key(if known): unknown

Character Name: Noah 'Biceps' Cruz

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): ~6:00 EST July 22nd, along with multiple times before hand.

What rule(s) were broken: Rule 1 (Extreme low RP) And rule 3 (Soft Griefing)

Description of the incident: Multiple times (Every time I have played with them), across multiple rounds, Noah will simply go off, ignoring all orders and act like a general dick. This normally would be an IC issue, but however with the sheer frequency of this, I feel that it classifies as soft Griefing. This is especially evident as they tend to play SL and engineer from my experience, which leaves the squad severely lacking in capability. On multiple occasions they have removed their headset and helmet so that they can further ignore superiors orders.
In general this is showing a softgrief/extreme low RP behavior, that spans across multiple rounds.

Edit: My main point here is that this Behavior should NOT be encouraged, as it basically turns the server into LRP. I get that people break marine law all the time, but certain things I personally feel should be enforced slightly more strictly to keep the servers niche alive.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): I do not have any Logs or spesific screenshot, due to the nature of the rule breaks making it very hard to get proper evidence.

How you would punish the accused: A Warning to stop this softgrief shitty behavior, and if they do not, potentially a Job ban from roles ranking above PFC or a temp ban.
Last edited by LittleBlast on 22 Jul 2018, 20:08, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Report: Noah 'Biceps' Cruz

Post by Bancrose » 22 Jul 2018, 19:48

Player Witness to Biceps as I am frequently in squads or often fighting near Biceps during the round. I don't see him insubordinate that often as you claim it to be. I see him performing mission critical objectives and sometimes being the difference between a win or loss. Now if this is in regards to the Prison Round, He was helping me kill a xeno that was attacking some Bravo near Engineering. After that we than got orders from Command to all push to the Civ Residences due to the CO and half of command getting whacked by a lurker. If its that particular round your referring than I think you may be wrong.

Biceps may like to start pre-briefing brawls with me and perhaps sway to the front-lines, Than he is literally no different than the 100 players you just described to me.
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Re: Player Report: Noah 'Biceps' Cruz

Post by LittleBlast » 22 Jul 2018, 19:57

Bancrosexd wrote:
22 Jul 2018, 19:48
Player Witness to Biceps as I am frequently in squads or often fighting near Biceps during the round. I don't see him insubordinate that often as you claim it to be. I see him performing mission critical objectives and sometimes being the difference between a win or loss. Now if this is in regards to the Prison Round, He was helping me kill a xeno that was attacking some Bravo near Engineering. After that we than got orders from Command to all push to the Civ Residences due to the CO and half of command getting whacked by a lurker. If its that particular round your referring than I think you may be wrong.

Biceps may like to start pre-briefing brawls with me and perhaps sway to the front-lines, Than he is literally no different than the 100 players you just described to me.
I get that he is very good at what he does - And that he can make a difference, but I just feel like that shouldn't come above rules? Him constantly breaking Marine Law every round I have played with him seems very shitty. I know it's probably not EVERY round, but it is frequent enough for it to start to be a problem.

I dont think this kind of behavior should be tolerated, because if it spreads, what is the point of Chain of Command? If people can simply repeatedly ignore Command staff and their superiors, half of the things that make The server unique vanish. The server goes from a Marine MRP Aliens experience, to a LRP 'muh valid robust' Server.
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Re: Player Report: Noah 'Biceps' Cruz

Post by Sleepy Retard » 22 Jul 2018, 19:59

This is definitely an interesting report. Given this reports covers many rounds, I will chime in.

He does start some fights pre briefing. Pay attention to who he fights. Generally the same people, and if you pay attention they're actually his friends - these fights are actually IC and not grief.

I just wanted to point out one completely untrue and blatant lie:

"They have removed their headset and helmet to ignore superior orders."

Genuinely silly. Noah regularly wears a headband, so he's not taking off his helmet - he just didn't have one on. Removing the headset is also....just stupid. Perhaps he put on ear muffs to not get screeched? Or he's just ignoring someone. It's hard to prove both these points, but I believe you're taking someone ignoring you out of context. There's no need to remove your helmet and radio to ignore orders. I would know, I keep my radio on while ignoring orders. It's easy.


For the constantly breaking the marine law comment - I break it every single round too. Not a single round goes by where I don't break marine law (disregarding synth rounds). Maybe you're a bit too worked up about this. He isn't murdering people or ruining the round. He's starting a small scuffle or perhaps just insulting you. Not ban or warn worthy.
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Re: Player Report: Noah 'Biceps' Cruz

Post by LittleBlast » 22 Jul 2018, 20:05

El Defaultio wrote:
22 Jul 2018, 19:59
This is definitely an interesting report. Given this reports covers many rounds, I will chime in.

He does start some fights pre briefing. Pay attention to who he fights. Generally the same people, and if you pay attention they're actually his friends - these fights are actually IC and not grief.

I just wanted to point out one completely untrue and blatant lie:

"They have removed their headset and helmet to ignore superior orders."

Genuinely silly. Noah regularly wears a headband, so he's not taking off his helmet - he just didn't have one on. Removing the headset is also....just stupid. Perhaps he put on ear muffs to not get screeched? Or he's just ignoring someone. It's hard to prove both these points, but I believe you're taking someone ignoring you out of context. There's no need to remove your helmet and radio to ignore orders. I would know, I keep my radio on while ignoring orders. It's easy.
I actually never even knew about the pre briefing brawls, that is besides my point. I have had rounds though in which I was XO/SO in which he would have a helmet on, I would tell him politely that he should return to his squad, and he says No and takes his helmet off. The headset I COULD be wrong about, however I could swear I saw him drop it in that same round.

As to people breaking Marine Law all the time, I understand that. But I dont feel that basically ignoring one of the big appeals if the server (Marine RP, Chain of Command) repeatedly and knowingly, is behavior that should NOT be encouraged.
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Re: Player Report: Noah 'Biceps' Cruz

Post by Slduggy » 22 Jul 2018, 20:13

First of all imagine if we banned every marine that didn't follow orders. Imagine taking off your headset and helmet being griefing.

You've been my SL once and I think youve been my XO maybe once while I was playing SL? Either way I'd like to hear from other COs and SLs about how Insubordinate I am.
Noah 'Biceps' Cruz

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Re: Player Report: Noah 'Biceps' Cruz

Post by Solarmare » 22 Jul 2018, 20:19

To wit, character witnesses on whether they ignore orders are probably best for this as there aren't specific time and dates of other incidents which make it difficult to gather much about whether it is a recurrent issue.
Last edited by Solarmare on 22 Jul 2018, 20:20, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Player Report: Noah 'Biceps' Cruz

Post by LittleBlast » 22 Jul 2018, 20:19

Slduggy wrote:
22 Jul 2018, 20:13
First of all imagine if we banned every marine that didn't follow orders. Imagine taking off your headset and helmet being griefing.

You've been my SL once and I think youve been my XO maybe once while I was playing SL? Either way I'd like to hear from other COs and SLs about how Insubordinate I am.
Honestly I'm more frustrated than anything - It is extremely annoying when someone ignores the rules of something. I'm just going to retract the report - But just know how frustrating it can be to try to deal with people who do what you do.
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Re: Player Report: Noah 'Biceps' Cruz

Post by Solarmare » 22 Jul 2018, 20:35

I'll just lock this since it's been retracted, until a manager comes around to resolve this.
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Re: Player Report: Noah 'Biceps' Cruz

Post by Imperator_Titan » 12 Aug 2018, 17:37

Resolved. Report retracted.
