Player name you use the most: Eric Parson
- DENIED CO Application - Tim Bob. Too many negative votes.
- Xeno Job Ban Appeal. Ban reason: Suicide as larvae. Verdict: Permanent.
- Queen Job Ban Appeal V2. Ban reason: Suicide as larvae. Verdict: Permanent.
- Queen Job Ban Appeal V3. Ban reason: Suicide as larvae. Verdict: Permanent.
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines?
Yes, I understand that being on the white-list means upholding the rules and role-play guidelines.
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
Yes. Battlefield executions are to only be used on personnel that are a direct threat to others, or the mission.
I personally hate the idea of taking someone out of the round, so if a BE is required it is for a VERY good reason.
The only time I can see myself battlefield executing someone is if they are actively murdering marines, or actively sabotaging the mission.
I would only battlefield execute if their actions are insanely harmful and need to be put down.
For example, a rogue SO killing the CiC staff would be a situation I would BE as they are a threat and must be stopped immediately. I would handle any other malicious intents by delegating towards the MPs for them to handle.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
Yes. It is up to the military police to enforce marine law, not the commander. The commander can report a crime, but he cannot be the judge, jury and executioner.
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
My opinion on the commander since my last application has not wavered far. I believe the commander is the man who brings the company together. As I have learned from my last application, a strict and narcissistic commander is a poor choice for a leading head. The commander is the one who keeps marines on task and engaged, making sure the squads have good intelligence to act on, and competent orders.
Instead of micromanaging, a commander should delegate to get objectives done. However, if marines are slacking and failing to comply with orders, he is the man who needs to take initiative and compensate for the strengths and the weaknesses of the platoon/company.
A good commander listens to his squad leaders and officers for ideas to act upon. He relies on his men for suggestions and criticisms in his plans, as they may see an issue in the battle plan that the commander failed to notice.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
This remains virtually the same as what I said in my last application. I would first give them the benefit of the doubt: Perhaps they were not looking at the chat for a second, and missed the order. If they were refusing the order, they may have have good reason, such as seeing a critical flaw in a plan that others and myself have failed to notice. If they were undoubtedly and defiantly refusing orders with no logical reason other than to defy orders, I would give them a stern talking, and have MPs arrest them for insubordination if necessary.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I have taken an approach of more realistic military role-play with my approach at commanding. For example, I make extensively detailed briefings and procedures for marines to utilize. I think I can give the game a more immersive feel with my role-playing approach.
I played low-pop command as the only member of CiC many rounds and have excellent ability in running the CiC.
I aim to make sure that all players under my command are engaged and having fun. I like to make sure my men are not idle. For example, if an SO is getting bored of console work, I will find something useful for him to do that is appropriate of an officer.
I make sure to appropriate men where they best fit. For example, if a squad is clearly full of new players, I would have them take up a defense role and not make them do something dangerous like scouting so a) They have a chance to play and learn without getting slaughtered and b) Not ruining the round for the rest of the marines by wiping out numbers forcing a disadvantage.
I am a fan of criticism and suggestions from my fellow officers, and squad leaders. A commander cannot be a one man mastermind.