Player name you use the most: Craig Adams
Make a list of links to all of your applications and (job)ban appeals, including whitelist and staff apps, within the last year. Also, provide "Ban reason; Verdict" beside each (job)ban link:
- viewtopic.php?f=87&t=15647&p=172124#p172124 | SO SSD at Roundstart; Lifted
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions?
A Battlefield Execution is an extreme measure taken only when the most severe of severe crimes are committed. A BE is a tool that should, in most cases, never be used, as it would be better to simply arrest, contest, or dissuade any dissenters depending on their hostility. A BE is powerful, as it removes a player from the round entirely, and it rests entirely in your hands whether they get to continue to play.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself?
Absolutely. If the Commander was allowed to act as he wished, the limitations on him would be extremely small, and the only way to effectively combat him would be to mutiny and detract from the round.
What do you think is the job of a Commander?
The Commander is a support role, a good comparison would be to the commander roles from the older Battlefield games. The Commander can issue orders, has strong abilities that can support his team, and without him the team is at a severe disadvantage. While in CM the Commander has a more solidified authority than one in the Battlefield games, he is still more of a director than a dictator-like leader. The Commander's strengths aren't his Smartgun or his uniform, but instead are his subordinates and the specialists in his squads, and the tools in the CIC. Active SLs make active and informed marines, informed and active specialists make round winning pushes, supplied engineers hold positions, equipped medics save lives. The Commander coordinates everything game-wise to ensure the marines have the greatest chance of winning.
The Commander also has the role of making the round fun, as he is the sole leader of the Marine team and ultimately has a great influence on the way the marines work. The Commander keeps the CL engaged and allows for conflict in the ways of Corporate interest interfering with the interests of the military and allowing normally shipside crew to go down and set up things like field hospitals or better FOBs. Competent command also is a factor in marine happiness, as simply having well thought-out orders and actions that don't get the marines killed for no reason - and thus kick them out of the round unless they are revivable and revived - will greatly improve the happiness of people being actively involved in the round.
The Commander, however, must be ready to take any blame for any sufferings in the ship or groundside, not matter how involved they were. The Commander may be a coordinator, but with nothing to coordinate they suffer greatly. No RO means slow supplies, no PO means slow drops, no SLs means no resupplies or bombardments, no MTs means a ship breaking down, etc. If the CO issues a bad order and gets marines killed needlessly, then they must be ready for the backlash, but, so long as a commander makes it their priority to do their best and lead as best as they can, there is not much more they can do, nor are expected to do.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it?
Personally, I would figure out why they are disobeying and try to de-escalate the situation. If it was, say, a Staff Officer refusing to give orders and ignoring my orders, I would attempt to figure out why, and hear them out. If I deemed they were wrong or were simply being belligerent, I would try to assert my rank, and dig in on the situation. If any further backlash came, I would attempt to brig them with MPs, and once released, assign them to shipside duties like helping requisitions, maintenance, or however they were eneded. I don't think in any situation aside from a straight up assassination attempt would I try anything lethal or permanent, as it sucks the fun out of their round. Giving them a shipside role keeps them engaged and allows for them to redeem themselves or continue their mischief, whether or not it is admin approved.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I feel I am a bit newer than most CO applicant, but I made a great effort to reading on Marine Law, CO/XO/SO guides, watching XOs and COs on rounds and their strategies, and playing rounds as command/leadership roles such as RO, SO, XO, and SL. I used my learning and reading to analyze both good and bad strategies, as well as try to work on making sure my character was fun to RP with and interesting. While I still feel I may have a lot to learn, I am willing to put in the effort to get better and keep up to date with the needs of the marine team as a whole so the round can be made better under my leadership. I feel I have a solid grasp on basic strategy, and am familiar enough with the strengths and weaknesses of both teams, though I may be a bit fresh on certain map functions.
Even if this application is denied, I want to at least use it as a way to receive feedback on how to improve as a commander and what steps I need to take before applying again.
Please, feel free to ask any questions about anything if you have doubts or concerns.
Some document formats that I've used as SO and RO before. Some were actually useful, most were RP to fill time when things were lax.
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Thanks for reading!