USCM Dossier - Alexandra Svetlana

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USCM Dossier - Alexandra Svetlana

Post by Mitii » 09 Aug 2018, 03:15

Dr. Alexandra Svetlana

"I wash my hands after every smoke... don't worry. Also... first surgery is free, I expect payment to come through... after that when the mission is over."

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General Profile
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Maiden Name: Alexandra Svetlana

Date of Birth: March 1st

Age: 30

Gender: Female

Height: 5'8

Weight: 133 lbs

Hair Color: Black, shoulder length.

Eye Color: Gray

Skin Color: White

Body Type: Average

Blood Type: A

Medical Conditions: Lung cancer1

Drug Allergies: Epinephrine2

Place of Birth: Belarus, Russia

Ethnicity: Belarusian

Personal Items: White lab coat, cigarettes3

Rank: N/A

Military Status: Active service. Appointed medical staff on the U.S.S Almayer.

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Alexandra, or Alex, is a native of Belarus, where she resided with her mother. Without a father figure in the family of two, Alex had to grow up quickly, motivated on by her mother to succeed. Success was the word imprinted on Alex's mind at a young age and since then, all she ever chased after was the feeling of accomplishment and the love and care that she received from her mother whenever Alex completed what she had set out to do and to Alex's mother, this meant doing well in school so she could get a job to help pay for rent or face imminent eviction from their small but cozy single story house in the Belarus capital of Minsk.

The flip side to success, failure, came with the reverse of the love and care Alex's mother displayed whenever Alex did well. Many days came and went where Alex received beatings from her mother for failing to get anything done, for being idle, for not taking advantage of the time she had. These punishments Alex received instilled in her not only fear unlike any other whenever her mother raised her hand, but a cold, distant personality during social interactions. It was like watching a flower wither, only to be watered and cared for by a caretaker on rare occasions. It was because of her mother that Alexandra took to smoking cigarettes at an early age with a little peer pressuring from friends that it'd help her 'relax' and it did. Alex becomes a lot more of a socially pleasing conversational companion when she has even the slightest bit of nicotine in her system in contrast to her quiet, mumbling nature when she's dry of cigs.

Alex made an appearance in the United States through an exchange student program, coincidentally attending the same four year college as Mya Miller. The two only encountered each other once, ever, walking past each other in the same hall of the same building, neither woman made eye contact and if one of the two was asked to describe the other, they would most likely start and end with: "I don't know. I think we ran into each other in the hallway once in college." Because the two women had completely different professions, they would never interact with one another. While Mya took the role of the 'mean' girl, Alex was the 'cool' one, not to be confused with the popular girl archetype. Alex got along well with people but only because she didn't actively seek to cause trouble like Mya, instead, casually going through her college years smoothly without a hitch, occasionally sharing her cigs with fellow students and even staff when prompted for some. It was in college in the United States that her mother's influence over her waned naturally due to the distance, but failing classes brought to mind the reality that awaited her back in her country were she to disappoint her mother, so while Alex may have nearly quit smoking from the lack of her mother's presence, she could never get over her addiction.

After college, Alexandra went on to obtain her M.D from medical school. The high stakes of college and med school were stressful, knowing what would happen if she failed to obtain her undergraduate degree or M.D on time. Smoking helped keep Alex's nerves in check, but they took a toll on her as she would eventually be diagnosed with lung cancer, which Alexandra left untreated to seek a position in the USCM, first, to further please her mother. In the back of her mind, Alex knew that besides making her mother happy, this meant that it'd also keep her away from home, far away, just the way she wanted it. Her lung cancer treatment was postponed, scheduled for after her return to Earth once the U.S.S Almayer completes its mission and docks, since for the time being, she was needed to fill in space within the medical department.

Alexandra is specialized in surgery and skilled at providing quick first-aid treatment. In everything else related to medical, Alex is relatively well rounded in, making her the perfect addition to the U.S.S Almayer's medical staff.

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Security Records
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Dossier Notes
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1: The reason she pauses often during speech. Runs out of breath quick. She'll be undergoing operation for it.
2: Significant health risk, it could really aggravate her lung condition and lead to death.
3: Always smoking. Don't we have enough smokers on the Almayer already?

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Re: USCM Dossier - Alexandra Svetlana

Post by AmazinglyAmazing » 10 Aug 2018, 01:57

Who the heckith-

More medical staff. Woooo!

Also- art is 10/10.
PFC Paul 'Grunt' Lorenz | Jackson 'Stiggs' Hopper ---> Image Image
Epic lookin' tennis ball (avatar picture) created by Manezinho & wonderful pixel marines created by Okand37!

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