Ban Request for Borderline case of ERP

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Ban Request for Borderline case of ERP

Post by Pedr007 » 13 Aug 2018, 05:18

Your Byond Key: Pedr007

Your Character Name: Boris Ivanov

Accused Byond Key(if known):

Character Name: Victor Schwartz

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Post time Minus 15 mins

What rule(s) were broken: 8. No Erotic Role Play (ERP), erotic content, or 18+ sexual content , 2. Dont be a dick

Description of the incident: Victor Schwartz put a signaller with electroshock ability into a marine then repeatedly triggered it with the PO to torture said marine, I consider this violating the rules in 2 regards. First of all its clearly against the dont be a dick rule, second of all this is borderline dominatrix stuff that can be considered ERP.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Admins well aware of the situations, ask em.

How you would punish the accused:

Ive noticed some weird Pseudo ERP mentality across the server from multiple players recently. This is not fucking Vore station and I dont wanna see this shit on CM, this is why I play here. Can you guys like, NOT do this shit here? Vore is 1 connection away.

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Re: Ban Request for Borderline case of ERP

Post by x31stOverlord » 13 Aug 2018, 05:41

I'm being informed the round in question is still ongoing. Have you Ahelped the situation?
Yautja - Zathar-Veraz Wolfgang Schneider - CO, CL, SO, XO, Synthetic Unit Joshua Roscoe Barrett - Spec, SGCMP, MP Ancient Empress, Ancient Runner (69)

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Re: Ban Request for Borderline case of ERP

Post by Zheak » 13 Aug 2018, 06:52

Hey, I play Victor Schwartz. I was a Doctor for this round, I found Petrov being zapped a bunch anytime he would say his last name, Petrov, due to the CL of the round giving Petrov an implant from his briefcase under the pretense of "making him better". You are not able to implant foreign objects into a Marine via surgery and I had only figured out his last name was the literal buzzword for his implant AFTER he told me to keep saying his last name.

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Re: Ban Request for Borderline case of ERP

Post by Imperator_Titan » 13 Aug 2018, 07:01

This was already handled ingame. The player was fine with being injected with the implant and fine with people saying the codeword. If he had an issue, he'd ahelp it. Seems like one big IC issue to me.

Resolved - No action will be taken. Already handled.
