Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

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Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Prisoner627 » 29 Sep 2018, 17:18

Your Byond Key: transcended_mind

Your Character Name: tuc "tac" rubens

Accused Byond Key(if known): unknown

Character Name: broden "bigdookie" ackers

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): around 3:50pm

What rule(s) were broken: Lethal force.

Description of the incident: The map was Big Red, and as a third wheel PO, I decided to create a console PO area, fortifying it with some sandbags and taking down most of the tables for metal to use or give to engineers. I fortified it to keep myself safe - I was also planning to ask the synth, who was surrounded by inflatable walls, to make a small medical place inside the room to protect the injured and dead from the aliens. (this is at the top left of the lz1 with the Alamo panel). As I was setting up, an engineer called Broden Ackers came in, dismantling the table that the console was on. I told him to stop, however he simply replied by calling me a retard. I then told him that what he is doing is now insubordination, he ignored me, calling me other random names. as I tried to stop him exiting by standing in his way, he began punching me, atleast twice, leading me to tell the MPs to come down. He then returned later, as I told the MPs he had returned to the console room, he began taking the piss, saying something along the lines of "command, i'm going to kill the PO!", which is a threat, before punching me multiple times again. I pulled out my pistol in self defense, as marine law states, as I was beginning to become injured. I fired twice at him before stopping. He then pulled out his own shotgun and killed me, as another marine (I don't remember their name) watched. They decided not to tell anyone and hid my body, claiming that an xeno had came in and killed me when another marine entered.
I believe this is unnecessary and is unrealistic, his actions did not make sense, he insulted me and assaulted me multiple times before the MPs were down on the ground, and then decided to hide my body and tell people I was killed by an xenomorph to hide the fact that he had killed me.

If I've missed anything out, please tell me.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): it would all be on the server logs, I don't have any.

How you would punish the accused: the usual punishment for lethal force.

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Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Kerek » 29 Sep 2018, 17:22

Round's not over yet. Repost it after the round please.

Actually, I'll just restore the post when it's over.
Last edited by Kerek on 29 Sep 2018, 17:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Kerek » 29 Sep 2018, 17:48

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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by thfoxpz » 29 Sep 2018, 18:07

I was a witness to this, and I can say that stealing building materials without ANY kind of permission from the engineers, would certainly make them mad, YOU STOLE the materials, YOU fired INSTANTLY without even thinking twice when he punched you.
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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Prisoner627 » 29 Sep 2018, 18:15

that statement is wrong. I took spare sandbags from the, what? five, six stacks of twenty five? It's not stealing - I was fortifying a location to defend the injured, the synth and myself. That's reason enough. You were only partly there, and I'm assuming you were the other engineer who decided to hide my body and lie about my death. He had previously assaulted me, and then again assaulted me. Me using my pistol in self defense is following the marine law of self defense of yourself of another. He shouldn't be punching a superior officer of his for taking supplies that weren't used on a place that would be useful to someone if fortified. I had already warned him about his insubordination and assault, so when he punched me AGAIN, what do you expect me to do? Stand there or use legal self defense, ESPECIALLY when they THREATENED TO KILL ME?

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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Clutch » 30 Sep 2018, 08:11

Hey its Broden''BIG DOOKIE''Ackers here.

I was scavenging for metal and went NE of the LZ1 and found you in your shitsack with some tables, i procceeded to wrench them and you started screeching like an actual retard about INSUB!! IM GONNA HAVE U ARRESTED!! so i told you to fuck off and dropped a fuck retards here and there, you kept pushing me away from the exit so I hit you a few times, and i left.

After I ran out of more materials I went back to your ''PERSONAL OFFICE'' and wanted to get the sandbags Laura Fox was with me and we were just bewildered at the fact that you had JACKED over 20 sandbags for your stupid fucking area which was totally not neccesary, the Synth already had its own triage set up and was doing surgery.

You procceeded to scream like a fucking retard about arrest and insub so I smacked you in the face again, you procceeded to shoot me ''2'' times, the only reason you stopped shooting is because you got shot back.

If you wanna do shit like this go as an MT or Engineer, even if you're third wheeling as a PO the shit you were doing was just stupid and a risk for the FOB by stealing sandbags, I never hid your body or said a xeno got you i just left the area to get surgery as you had given me IB and had broken my chest, you could've simply hit me back or walked away or do anything but you resorted to trying to kill me. Infact I was on the brink of dying had it not been for the synth doing surgery.
Bwoden Whackers
This is likewise where bramb began saying he lives in albania. They additionally continued pinging me with the albanian banner. They called me female. They called me gay. They said I have down disorder. They called me different names too. Also, bramb said he lives in albania when he professes to live in The Netherlands too. Lying again.

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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Prisoner627 » 30 Sep 2018, 10:35

firstly, I spoke with you without capitals, you make it seem like i'm overreacting. then, against marine law, you insult your officer, before assaulting him after you again break marine law after ignoring him aswell as telling him to fuck off.
secondly, that isn't a personal office. if you had bothered to read what I've said, it was for a safer location to help the single synth operating inside a 2x2 inflatable barrier fort, which wouldn't defend against xenos. I took sandbags - not stole. That area was necessary, as if you had bothered to notice, inflatable barriers =/= sandbags, the synth and injured, in my opinion, were not protected enough behind INFLATABLE BARRIERS. I did not scream, like you are claiming, I simply continued to tell you this is insubordination. I shot you twice, and the reason I stopped is because I didn't want to kill you. It takes more than a second to pull out and fire a shotgun, and I fired in rapid succession, only because you had CONTINUED TO PUNCH ME. I was not stealing sandbags, I was utilizing the left over ones to create a safer area for medical for the synth. You left my body inside of the room to die and not be revived for the obvious reason of you knowing you were wrong, and then once a marine came along, you or your other friend told him that an xeno had killed me, which is a lie. I had given you IB and a broken chest - but you're ignoring the fact that the first time you attacked me, I had to also receive medical attention, so don't act like the victim, I was following marine law - you weren't. I could've hit you back but then that would of escalated anyway, considering your rash and heavy handedness aswell as your overuse of random insults. You were on the brink of dying for insubordination and attacking your officer twice, before killing him, which is against the lethal force rule, so you shouldn't have a reason to complain.

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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Clutch » 30 Sep 2018, 10:39

its simple, there's no need to write entire paragraphs to have your points come over,

using FOB stuff>get called a retard>take it back for the FOB> you go ham screaming> get slapped>scream even harder>pull a gun and attempts to kill>gets killed instead>brings up the fact that I didnt recover his body eventho i was in surgery>

tldr you attempted to shoot me and got killed for it
Bwoden Whackers
This is likewise where bramb began saying he lives in albania. They additionally continued pinging me with the albanian banner. They called me female. They called me gay. They said I have down disorder. They called me different names too. Also, bramb said he lives in albania when he professes to live in The Netherlands too. Lying again.

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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Prisoner627 » 30 Sep 2018, 10:47

using fob stuff to fortify a medical in fob>gets called a retard by an engineer>tells engineer in that ignoring and insulting is insubordination>get assaulted by an engineer>continue to tell engineer that he's breaking marine law>engineer goes away>engineer comes back, more insults and attacks again>pulls out gun in self defense, fires twice>engineer pulls out gun, kills and hides the fact that he unlawfully murdered>brings up fact that the engineer hid my body from discovery by saying it was attacked by an xenomorph.

it's simple, you are overexaggerating what I did whilst trying to make youself look innocent. I can't wait for the server logs to get pulled up.
I attempted to disable you in self defense, hence why I didn't unload my whole clip in half a second into you. It takes longer to pull out and fire a shotgun than it does to shoot a guy to crit with an 88.

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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Clutch » 30 Sep 2018, 11:00

ye right lets wait for the logs.

and no it doesnt double barrels have burstfire capabilities now.
Bwoden Whackers
This is likewise where bramb began saying he lives in albania. They additionally continued pinging me with the albanian banner. They called me female. They called me gay. They said I have down disorder. They called me different names too. Also, bramb said he lives in albania when he professes to live in The Netherlands too. Lying again.

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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Prisoner627 » 30 Sep 2018, 11:02

that doesn't effect the initial shot speed.

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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Blade2000Br » 30 Sep 2018, 12:51

Ok then, I will be pulling the logs of this entire incident. Please, be patient.
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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Blade2000Br » 30 Sep 2018, 14:09

Ok then, I did the log diving and here's what I got:

That's the initial engagement
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From here, it escalated to Broden attacking Tuc:
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Here, Tuc called for Broden's arrest:
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Now, this is where it gets interesting. When I was logdiving, I found this bit that was happening around Tuc radioing command:
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Broden was probably preparing to kill Tuc.

When MP went down, their engagement:
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Here, Broden comes back for the sandbags:
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From here, the improper escalation happened.
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After Tuc was probably dead or bleeding out:
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Ahelp sent buy Tuc that didn't get answered since he logged off a few minutes later:
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In my view of the events, Tuc did commit improper escalation agains't Broden. However, was evident in the logs, Broden was looking for trouble. I also can see he grabbed and dragged Tuc body, but can't confirm if he got treated or got his body hidden, that's up to admin's interpretation. The MP failed to uphold marine law, as PO > Engineer in terms of the command structure.

In my humble opinion, a warning for Tuc to watch for improper escalation, and a warning for Broden to avoid problems like that. That was not needed at all, everything could have been handled civic.
Jason 'Punk' Crowmel - The guy that don't give a shit about what he does.

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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Clutch » 30 Sep 2018, 14:28

i did say that i was gonna kill him but evidently i never did lmao he's the one that tried busting caps in my ass and he died trying it, you can see that there was a 2 second gap of me being shot and him being shot back so clearly he was trying to murder me
Bwoden Whackers
This is likewise where bramb began saying he lives in albania. They additionally continued pinging me with the albanian banner. They called me female. They called me gay. They said I have down disorder. They called me different names too. Also, bramb said he lives in albania when he professes to live in The Netherlands too. Lying again.

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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Prisoner627 » 01 Oct 2018, 09:29

it wasn't improper escalation on my behalf. after the first attack, where he punched me EIGHT times, I left it to the MPs, however, once he attacked me AGAIN, after threatening to kill me to my face, I used my weapon following standard marine law procedures in self defense, I had an IC reason to do so. @Clutch, I fired twice in a second with an 88 mod, then I stopped, evident by the 2 second gap between me shooting you and you shooting me back you evidently DID kill me because the logs show you did. There was no intent to kill otherwise I wouldn't of waited two seconds to unload the whole mag after my first two shots. When he killed me, I was outside the top right building at LZ1, he then proceeded to drag me inside the building, hiding my body. @Admin/Mod there is a part after this, a couple of minutes later, where him or his friend actually lied about my death too, to prevent my from being revived.

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Re: Re: Player Report on Broden Ackers

Post by Imperator_Titan » 01 Oct 2018, 12:41

This seems to be an IC issue. If anything, YOU deserve to be punished for improperly escalating the conflict to the point of your death however, seeing as how that resolved itself ICly, I don't see the need to take further action against you.

Resolved - No action will be taken.
