Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
- BobatNight
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- Byond: BobatNight
Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
Byond ID: bobatnight
Player name you use the most: Sal 'Spaghetti' Spanelli
viewtopic.php?f=76& ... 12#p210112 - CMO/Research J-Ban Appeal - Lifted
viewtopic.php?f=87& ... 83#p200183 Doctor Ban Appeal-Doctor Ban lifted
viewtopic.php?f=87& ... 64#p194264 Initial Med Bay Ban Appeal - Denied
viewtopic.php?f=87&t=17975&p=210869#p210869 -CMP Ban Appeal - Lifted
viewtopic.php?f=87&t=18162&p=213956#p213956 1st Discord Ban Appeal -Denied
viewtopic.php?f=87&t=18804&p=225615#p225615 2nd Discord Ban Appeal -Accepted
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines? Absolutely, I'd like to see more CO's/Preds being punished for ridiculous actions in the future. I've been a bad man myself and I'm very aware of the standards of CM.
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions? Yes, unfortunately it's rarely used in a reasonable manner and at times seems to be a poor excuse to kill someone.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself? Yes, the CO is not able to interfere with the MPs enforcing Marine law, the CO is also unable to BE the MP force for good reason.
What do you think is the job of a Commander? The role of the Commander is to spearhead the organization of the Marine force, while also maintaining the Military RP that would be expected in such a situation. The CO also holds the responsibility of dictating how the round will go for most players on the server, I.E tone of the Command staff, Evacuations/SD usage. Empathy towards your fellow player's enjoyment should always be considered.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it? It is entirely situational and depends heavily on the orders being disobeyed and why. There's many different ways that it could be handled ranging from...
Simple conversation
Calling for MP assistance.
Battlefield Executions
Again this will all be heavily situational, Marine law, server rules and empathy for your fellow community member should all be considered.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I bring an enjoyable RP element to any role I take on, from Med Bay to Corporate Liason and even down to the lowly PFC I strive to keep true to Spaghetti's character. While I do have notes from med bay, I've never been a malicious player nor do I punish other players for past round actions. (Meta_Grudge.Exe not found)
My intentions for CO are heavily RP oriented, while I will organize marine efforts and act as a Commander, I do not want to ignore the other aspects of the CO role. I believe a break from the gimmicky CO's and 'memes' that are so very prominent in the CO community, would be a welcome change for the player base.
Player name you use the most: Sal 'Spaghetti' Spanelli
viewtopic.php?f=76& ... 12#p210112 - CMO/Research J-Ban Appeal - Lifted
viewtopic.php?f=87& ... 83#p200183 Doctor Ban Appeal-Doctor Ban lifted
viewtopic.php?f=87& ... 64#p194264 Initial Med Bay Ban Appeal - Denied
viewtopic.php?f=87&t=17975&p=210869#p210869 -CMP Ban Appeal - Lifted
viewtopic.php?f=87&t=18162&p=213956#p213956 1st Discord Ban Appeal -Denied
viewtopic.php?f=87&t=18804&p=225615#p225615 2nd Discord Ban Appeal -Accepted
Do you understand that any player - even donors or staff members - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our Server Rules or Roleplay Guidelines? Absolutely, I'd like to see more CO's/Preds being punished for ridiculous actions in the future. I've been a bad man myself and I'm very aware of the standards of CM.
Do you understand how the Battlefield Execution functions? Yes, unfortunately it's rarely used in a reasonable manner and at times seems to be a poor excuse to kill someone.
Do you understand you are not above Marine law, or allowed to enforce it yourself? Yes, the CO is not able to interfere with the MPs enforcing Marine law, the CO is also unable to BE the MP force for good reason.
What do you think is the job of a Commander? The role of the Commander is to spearhead the organization of the Marine force, while also maintaining the Military RP that would be expected in such a situation. The CO also holds the responsibility of dictating how the round will go for most players on the server, I.E tone of the Command staff, Evacuations/SD usage. Empathy towards your fellow player's enjoyment should always be considered.
If a member of your staff is disobeying orders, how would you handle it? It is entirely situational and depends heavily on the orders being disobeyed and why. There's many different ways that it could be handled ranging from...
Simple conversation
Calling for MP assistance.
Battlefield Executions
Again this will all be heavily situational, Marine law, server rules and empathy for your fellow community member should all be considered.
Why should you be whitelisted?
I bring an enjoyable RP element to any role I take on, from Med Bay to Corporate Liason and even down to the lowly PFC I strive to keep true to Spaghetti's character. While I do have notes from med bay, I've never been a malicious player nor do I punish other players for past round actions. (Meta_Grudge.Exe not found)
My intentions for CO are heavily RP oriented, while I will organize marine efforts and act as a Commander, I do not want to ignore the other aspects of the CO role. I believe a break from the gimmicky CO's and 'memes' that are so very prominent in the CO community, would be a welcome change for the player base.
Last edited by BobatNight on 08 Oct 2018, 22:07, edited 1 time in total.

- Survivor
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Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
He can RP, I haven't seen him in the Command center for awhile, but from what I've seen he can at least handle it.
I'm gonna go with a light +1. Just put more Command roles under your belt, and you will be fitted greatly.
I'm gonna go with a light +1. Just put more Command roles under your belt, and you will be fitted greatly.
"Sorry, but... I'm the only winner in this story." - Commander Pierce Jackson
Commodore Pierce Jackson/Jack "Survivor" Lance
SYN Simon
Young Blood Ha'ju Vagear
Part of the CO Council along with taketheshot56, Bancrose, Lumdor, and Frans_Feiffer.
PM me if you have any questions about CO
Commodore Pierce Jackson/Jack "Survivor" Lance
SYN Simon
Young Blood Ha'ju Vagear
Part of the CO Council along with taketheshot56, Bancrose, Lumdor, and Frans_Feiffer.
PM me if you have any questions about CO
- BobatNight
- Registered user
- Posts: 238
- Joined: 15 Oct 2017, 19:28
- Byond: BobatNight
Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
Hey thanks for the +1, just had a great round leading some charges as a SO under the legendary Bill Carson. Hopefully we end up in the same CiC team soon pal.

- Bancrose
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Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
Recently I had you a couple times, and you proved you are competent.
Roleplay, I've had you as a CL, Research, etc. They have been great moments of roleplay for me and others.
I have had you write a battle plan before for me and It was a solid one that resulted us in a Marine Major.
I will +1 this Sal due to all my previous expierences and my recent ones with you, Good Luck.
Roleplay, I've had you as a CL, Research, etc. They have been great moments of roleplay for me and others.
I have had you write a battle plan before for me and It was a solid one that resulted us in a Marine Major.
I will +1 this Sal due to all my previous expierences and my recent ones with you, Good Luck.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Lumdor, Dr.Lance, Frans Fieffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel
Kommandant Heinz 'Wulfe' Meuller | Commander Arthur Montgomery
"One must not judge everyone in the world by his qualities as a soldier: otherwise we should have no civilization." - Erwin Rommel

- BobatNight
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- Posts: 238
- Joined: 15 Oct 2017, 19:28
- Byond: BobatNight
Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
When the Dirty Yautja made us battle to the death, I swore on my momma's red sauce recipe that I would avenge you, AND I DID. (Thanks for the +1 and great moments Fam)

- Registered user
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- Byond: ImHereToHelp
Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
This is a low-energy app but from my experiences with you, you seem like a high energy RPer that is willing to take risks to make things interesting. Why did you skimp on the app?
I'll ask you a few questions:
1. You are CO and dead chat is complaining about whatever you just did in the round. Your actions didnt break any rules. What would you do?
2. The round starts and your XO starts going off about some strategy he wants to do. The strategy isn't completely retarded but you think it's a bad idea. What would you do?
3. You're the only one in CIC and managing the operation. The CL comes in and wants to RP with you. You know it's going to take forever. What would you do?
4. You are CO on low pop and there are no POs, LTs, XO and CTs/RO. What would you do?
There really isn't any right or wrongs here, I just want to get a feel of you.
I'll ask you a few questions:
1. You are CO and dead chat is complaining about whatever you just did in the round. Your actions didnt break any rules. What would you do?
2. The round starts and your XO starts going off about some strategy he wants to do. The strategy isn't completely retarded but you think it's a bad idea. What would you do?
3. You're the only one in CIC and managing the operation. The CL comes in and wants to RP with you. You know it's going to take forever. What would you do?
4. You are CO on low pop and there are no POs, LTs, XO and CTs/RO. What would you do?
There really isn't any right or wrongs here, I just want to get a feel of you.
Brady Morales is here to help.
- taketheshot56
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- Byond: taketheshot56
Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
Sal is a good man and a good roleplayer.
The app is well written and Ive never had any bad experiences with him
The app is well written and Ive never had any bad experiences with him
"I like to live in the present sir. The past is for pussies...and Airmen."
Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

Part of the Commanders council. Pm me with your concerns loyal consituents.

- BobatNight
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- Posts: 238
- Joined: 15 Oct 2017, 19:28
- Byond: BobatNight
Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
I don't feel as though I've skimped on the App, the questions don't require elaborate answers in my opinion. I appreciate the compliment though, I do enjoy RP.ImHereToHelp wrote: ↑08 Oct 2018, 22:26This is a low-energy app but from my experiences with you, you seem like a high energy RPer that is willing to take risks to make things interesting. Why did you skimp on the app?
I'll ask you a few questions:
1. You are CO and dead chat is complaining about whatever you just did in the round. Your actions didnt break any rules. What would you do?
2. The round starts and your XO starts going off about some strategy he wants to do. The strategy isn't completely retarded but you think it's a bad idea. What would you do?
3. You're the only one in CIC and managing the operation. The CL comes in and wants to RP with you. You know it's going to take forever. What would you do?
4. You are CO on low pop and there are no POs, LTs, XO and CTs/RO. What would you do?
There really isn't any right or wrongs here, I just want to get a feel of you.
1) I encounter this all the time in a number of roles, you can't please everyone all the time. I might ask what they didn't like about it, or simply let it go.
2) Explain the errors of his strategy from my point of view or simply thank them and explain my own strategy.
3) ICly inform the CL that I'm not able to give him the attention he desires and ask them to be brief.
4) As much as I can, sounds a lot like being the only Doctor and Med bay and I enjoy having something to do.

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- Byond: ImHereToHelp
Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
Yeah you seem like a no-bullshit kind of guy. You'll do well.BobatNight wrote: ↑08 Oct 2018, 22:33I don't feel as though I've skimped on the App, the questions don't require elaborate answers in my opinion. I appreciate the compliment though, I do enjoy RP.
1) I encounter this all the time in a number of roles, you can't please everyone all the time. I might ask what they didn't like about it, or simply let it go.
2) Explain the errors of his strategy from my point of view or simply thank them and explain my own strategy.
3) ICly inform the CL that I'm not able to give him the attention he desires and ask them to be brief.
4) As much as I can, sounds a lot like being the only Doctor and Med bay and I enjoy having something to do.
Brady Morales is here to help.
- TheDonkified
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- Lumdor
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- Byond: Lumdor
Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
Easy +1. Sal is a great person to have around on the server.
Believe he’s more than capable of being a CDR.
Believe he’s more than capable of being a CDR.
Commander Councilman. Along with Takethehot56, Bancrose, Dr.Lance, and Frans_Feiffer. PM me or any of them for inquiries about Commander.
Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

Commander Bob Shoe | Yautja Kar-Teer

- Ghostdex
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Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
Someone steals Jones, what do you do?
John 'Fixer' Donable
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
- MattAtlas
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Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
he represents my country accurately, can roleplay and is a good leader
I'm part of the Synthetic Council with ThesoldierLLJK and Jakkkk. Feel free to DM me on the forums or Discord (Matt#5881) if you have any questions about synths.
- BobatNight
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- Byond: BobatNight
Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
Thank you Garfield.
Hell ya Brother, appreciate it.
I dated a Sicilian girl for 4 years so you could say I'm an expert on the culture. Thanks for the +1 Fam.
Summon the MP force with forensics tools, offer a reward for information leading to his return.

- Ghostdex
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- Byond: Ghostdex
Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
Good answer to my question, +1.
John 'Fixer' Donable
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
- ThesoldierLLJK
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Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
Are you going to be a festival of salt if things dont go your way?
Just being honest and blunt, but people like to fuck over the Commander with shenanigans and sometimes things just do not go according to plan and everything that can go wrong goes wrong.
I'm mostly positive just a small concern I have
Just being honest and blunt, but people like to fuck over the Commander with shenanigans and sometimes things just do not go according to plan and everything that can go wrong goes wrong.
I'm mostly positive just a small concern I have
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
- BobatNight
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- Byond: BobatNight
Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
I can get salty over lag but I'd say more often than not I find myself laughing about the unexpected nature of CM. Marine side roles bring out my light hearted nature as compared to the competitive feeling of xeno.ThesoldierLLJK wrote: ↑09 Oct 2018, 08:14Are you going to be a festival of salt if things dont go your way?
Just being honest and blunt, but people like to fuck over the Commander with shenanigans and sometimes things just do not go according to plan and everything that can go wrong goes wrong.
I'm mostly positive just a small concern I have

- ThesoldierLLJK
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Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
Alright then, +1BobatNight wrote: ↑09 Oct 2018, 09:10I can get salty over lag but I'd say more often than not I find myself laughing about the unexpected nature of CM. Marine side roles bring out my light hearted nature as compared to the competitive feeling of xeno.
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
- BobatNight
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- Byond: BobatNight
- LittleBlast
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Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
+1, I have seen you a lot and know you do good roleplay. I personally haven't seen you to much in XO/LT but either way, I agree that we need more COs who focus more on the RP aspects of the role than the OP aspects. I trust that you would be a great candidate for the CO role.
Kennard Davis
- BobatNight
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- Joined: 15 Oct 2017, 19:28
- Byond: BobatNight
Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
Thank you ! Glad to hear everyone has enjoyed Spaghetti and my RP.LittleBlast wrote: ↑09 Oct 2018, 12:00+1, I have seen you a lot and know you do good roleplay. I personally haven't seen you to much in XO/LT but either way, I agree that we need more COs who focus more on the RP aspects of the role than the OP aspects. I trust that you would be a great candidate for the CO role.

- Vampmare
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Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
The application was on the low effort scale, but you answered the questions that matter.
I haven't seen you in any command roles and I like to see the people that I vote in.
How will you make yourself different from "meme"/"gimmicky" COs while keeping the RP interesting? and lastly how long have you been playing command roles for? Doesn't have to be exact at all.
Neutral for now. I like my Commanders RP focused, so this can quickly turn to a positive.
I haven't seen you in any command roles and I like to see the people that I vote in.
How will you make yourself different from "meme"/"gimmicky" COs while keeping the RP interesting? and lastly how long have you been playing command roles for? Doesn't have to be exact at all.
Neutral for now. I like my Commanders RP focused, so this can quickly turn to a positive.
I have a few whitelists and a few characters...
- BobatNight
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- Posts: 238
- Joined: 15 Oct 2017, 19:28
- Byond: BobatNight
Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
I believe I'll differ via empathy for the marines serving under me, by this I mean I'll do my best to make sure I'm not the only 1 enjoying my orders.Vampmare wrote: ↑09 Oct 2018, 14:11The application was on the low effort scale, but you answered the questions that matter.
I haven't seen you in any command roles and I like to see the people that I vote in.
How will you make yourself different from "meme"/"gimmicky" COs while keeping the RP interesting? and lastly how long have you been playing command roles for? Doesn't have to be exact at all.
Neutral for now. I like my Commanders RP focused, so this can quickly turn to a positive.
I've played Command roles for a while but they're not as often as Xeon, PFC or Med Bay.

- z a n e b o t
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Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
+1, good lad, good at command roles, long time player etc etc
Randal Wilkerson
Jamie goes mad with power
Jamie goes mad with power
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- Emeraldblood
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Re: Commanda' Spaghetti On Deck
Resolved - Accepted
Ban Appeal Users: If I've lifted your perma ban and you're still unable to log onto the server, send me a forum PM regarding it and I'll work to get it fixed in ~24 hours.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.
Emerald Blood: CM's mommy and the only head staff who does anything. Even though I hate you all sometimes, I still love you.