I've read only the original post's complaint and the follow up posts by the original poster.
I've looked at the evidence he's provided.
I've formulated the opinion that this is a shit-report on it's face and the rest of the posts below it are moot.
The complainant contributed to and escalated a situation and appears to be simply unhappy that it didn't go the way they wished it to go as an IC issue. The complaint raises non-issues and provided evidence which contradicts their position on claims and facts that would otherwise be questionable and would potentially require log dives and give this complaint merit.
Let's look at the full complaint on it's face and break it down part-by-part.
The CMP let the prisoner/survivor get stabbed several times when he was restrained and buckled to the chair with medical injuries. I was a CL and I defended him so he doesn't die on me and I could have RP with him. The marines got mad and started fighting with me, and the CMP still didn't take action. I was shot and punched several times. and I was critical and a marine from another squad was dragging me to the medbay in the last clip you can see the CMP not following arrest protocol. ( Didn't give a verbal warning to him )
In short, CMP refused to take action against marines who were breaking the law. Then proceeded to fail to do arrest procedure.
I don't think first time your playing MP you should be playing as CMP.
"The CMP let the prisoner/survivor get stabbed several times when he was restrained and buckled to the chair with medical injuries. "
My question here is "so what?". The CMP didn't refuse to act or ignore that their prisoner was attacked. The CMP clearly acts later in the provided clips trying to prevent injury to the same person and others. They simply failed in their objective - this is on it's face not an ooc issue that merits intervention. The general rule of thumb is this: People don't get in trouble simply for being bad at the job they are playing.
Marines don't get in trouble for the occasional FF.
Commanders don't get in trouble for orders that are suboptimal or which end up resulting in a loss for the marines.
Doctors don't get in trouble for not saving dying people.
CT's don't get in trouble for not optimizing their points on the best gear.
MP's don't get in trouble for failing to keep multiple prisoners safe from a mob when they're alone and surrounded.
"I was a CL and I defended him so he doesn't die on me and I could have RP with him."
"the marines got mad and started fighting with me, and the CMP still didn't take action. I was shot and punched several times."
These statements admit to the complainant adding to the chaos surrounding the situation, and includes that force in some manner was used going in two directions.
Again, no one is punished simply for being bad at their job. With chaos unfolding it is likely that anyone in the position of the CMP would be subject to significantly-less-then-perfect information as to who they need to stop first and why. Ultimately when two parties are in a fight, if you aren't actively aware of who a clear bad-guy is then a judgment call must be made. That is what the MP's are called to do, and what the CMP appears to have done here. This lends credibility to any defence the CMP might raise (I still haven't actually read what other people have said on the side of the CMP at the time I'm typing this). These lines do not raise any meritorious issues for complaint against the CMP.
"...I was critical and a marine from another squad was dragging me to the medbay…"
This has no bearing on anything reflecting the actions or inactions of the CMP and is not relevant to the potential issues in this report in any way.
"in the last clip you can see the CMP not following arrest protocol."
I assume here the complainant is speaking about the instance where the CMP in the last clip is chasing the CL with a stun baton and then stuns him, then a marine drags the CL away only to then be stunned by the CMP.
Where a subject is non-compliant, has used lethal force, or is a 'dangerous suspect' as defined under marine law (which is a SUBJECTIVE OPINION OF THE CMP AT THE TIME) MP's are not required to do anything except attempt to subdue the subject by whatever means they have available. Relieving oneself of a firearm after the fact MAY reduce the maximum use of force an MP might be allowed to use to less-than-lethal means, however you'd still be under the 'resisting or running' aspect of marine law which also does not require MP's to order a person into compliance before attempting to stun them.
What this means is as soon as you fire a gun at someone or something, any procedural requirements that may otherwise force the MP's to speak to you in any way goes out the window. Whether they must stun, or may use lethal force is questionable depending on the facts of a situation. This however is not relevant to this instance as the CMP appears to have only used non-lethal means to subdue people.
The CL has clearly fired their weapon in the posted clips at some point at marine personnel, whether rightfully or otherwise and may be subject to the dangerous suspect clause of MP use of force. I'd include I'm of the opinion that intentionally shifting a medic while he is attempting to perform medical treatment on someone who appears to be flatlining is additionally enough of a reason for an MP to arrest someone without yelling at them first.
If you are referring to the marine dragging you away, the marine in question was clearly 'resisting or running' as the cmp was clearly attempting to detain the CL and does not require the CMP to do anymore then detain the person in question with non-lethal means. The CMP clearly used non-lethal means.
This portion of the complaint might require log diving to verify whether the CMP's perceptions have some basis in reality, however thanks to the video clips posted by the complainant it seems abundantly clear that the CMP acted reasonably and within the use of force set out in marine law in their attempt to detain the CL and the marine who attempted to aid their escape in the last clip.
The above statement does not raise a meritorious claim for complaint against the CMP as use of force was clearly within marine law requirements.
"In short, CMP refused to take action against marines who were breaking the law. Then proceeded to fail to do arrest procedure..."
In short, this claim, on the evidence provided by the complainant, appears to lack any merit upon which action must or should be taken against the CMP.
The issues raised which might have required log diving (a break of arrest procedure), have been shown by the complainant's video to be lacking in merit and action need not be taken against the CMP.
This is resolved. No action will be taken against Freemysoul.