Scrat505 Mod Application
- Registered user
- Posts: 283
- Joined: 19 Jun 2016, 21:40
- Location: Canada
- Byond: Scrat505
Scrat505 Mod Application
Byond ID: Scrat505
Colonial Marines Character: McKenzie Swabey
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Timezone: GMT-6
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?: Will depend on homework load, currently quite a bit, but with acceptable amounts of free time.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13): I was staff on a few inconsequential gmod servers, Paradise Station and.. here, actually, about 1.5 years or so ago.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?: I've played as far back as June 2016 or so.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?: I only play here and Paradise.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
Mod: viewtopic.php?f=69&t=7681
I also have a denied Predator app, an Accepted Predator app, and a denied Synth app. Will post them if I can find them, but using the forum search back a couple years isn't helping me quite easily.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13): No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?: No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?: No
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?: Intimately
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
Check the player's notes to get an idea on their history, and keep it in mind for the near future. For note, this also requires a bit more context - if the player randomly shot at another person once with no words or actions exchanged prior, it's possible they had a gun out and simply misclicked. Still, speak to them and get the full story. Check combat logs on the victim to back up what they say, as well as ask the MP what they know of it. If it was a misclick, then there's no need to handle anything on my end. If they did shoot at someone for no reason on purpose, refer to the notes. Apply a warning if it was or one of their first lesser infractions, or a half-day ban if they've a bit of history. Scale up the ban time depending on how far their bad history goes back and how frequently. Add a note to the player, detailing what happened and how they were punished/warned.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
Plug the hole with the handy Fix Breach tool (assuming this still exists nowadays). Find out who breached the ship. To do this, we are first going to drop a message in OOC asking them to 'turn themselves in' with a promise of a lesser punishment. Note that said punishment will be harsher if I'm forced to look for them myself. If nobody fesses up, ask those dying from the breach if they know whom, or ask deadchat. One pair of eyes present likely saw something. If not, check the log for explosions - likely it's a bomb that does the trick.
Once I have my breacher, I check their notes and consider their history for later use. Then, I ask them what happened. If it was a well and true accident and they handed themselves in, I'd just warn them to be careful around space windows next time, then add a note to them. Note history does take effect here - if they have a history of 'accidentally' causing breaches repeatedly, it's likely time for a day's ban or more. If it was on purpose and they turned themselves in, a day's ban would do. If it was on purpose and I had to track them down, that's a three day ban.
While I'm handling the breacher either way, I'll also ask in OOC for those killed or seriously harmed in the breach to adminhelp, then I'd see them all healed.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
I'd notify one of the Mentors online of the player, and request that they see if the fellow needs any help and handle him if so. If there are no mentors or no free ones, I'd just do it myself - ask them if they're lost, need help with anything, etc. If they do need help, I'd link them to the quickstart guide and tell them to ahelp should any further questions pop into their head.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Acknowledge the fact they're likely having a bad day and take it nice and chill. Attempt to get an Admin+ to see to whatever he wants, or rouse one on Slack if needed. If I cannot get an admin over, I will inform them of this fact. If they wish to file a complaint, redirect them to the forums to submit one. If they're still hurling abuse, simply warn them to stop and add a note. If they persist, hit them with a 12 hour ban so they can cool off a little bit.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Tell them that, Sorry, but I cannot know that for sure. Tell them they must change their name anyway, and if they feel it is unjust, they can file a complaint where the problem can be looked at properly. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
Message them telling them to put the gun and armor away, then add a note to them detailing the subject. If they persist or this is a repeat problem, consider a ban or jobban, depending on if they're dereliction their duties by running around in armor. I will listen to their response however, and read their justification if there is any, and consider it.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
There is likely to not be doctors in the FOB, especially with battlefield medevacs available via the dropships. Tell them to cautery up the incisions they're working on and get them onboard the ship. If this is or becomes a repeat problem, apply a medic jobban. This is theoretical of course, because IIRC Medics are mechanically unable to do surgery now. Add a note detailing the offense.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
Use Queen Mother to tell the Xenos to rush the Marines for the glory of the hive. Tell the Marines via their own announcement system to rush the remaining aliens for the glory of the USCM. That should more or less do it, especially with regular automatic bioscans now in for both sides.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
This is fully allowed. Mark the complaint as solved, optionally message them explaining that this is not a rule break.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
Let the MPs handle this one ICly, though if it gets truly excessive, tell them to knock it off and apply a warning.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
This is not an acceptably escalated fight. Read the killer's notes, and determine if they should be warned or banned based on history, though it's likely to be a ban. If they aren't already, nudge the medics lightly to get the dead marine defibbed and fixed up.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
Attempt to ask an Admin for their help onserver. If none are free or none are on, try to get some help via Slack or Discord. If I simply cannot get anybody over, then this round will have to suffice without the use of Admin+ abilities.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Acknowledge they have a problem with it and tell the 9 to cut it out with the racism. I'd see no need to add a note or further unless they still do it.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
Apply a 7-day ban and request a permaban. If it is eventually decided that a perma isn't needed, then he'll simply be allowed back on in a week. See the killed marines revived if they aren't already being tended to.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
Ask them why they charged the frontlines. it's entirely possible they didn't know where the frontlines were as some maps can be a big tug of war like that. If I believe it was on purpose (likely if they keep rushing the front with larvae trying to kill them), consider a warning or xeno ban. If it was wholly unintentional and a single mistake, just let them off with a 'be careful next time'
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
Honestly, most of the time this is completely harmless, and I'll leave them to their tomfoolery. If someone complains, tell the Xenos to tone it down.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
Inform that no, Hivemind is a translation of xeno-language into English. Although most xenos prefer to call it the 'metal bird', there is nothing wrong with saying 'dropship'.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
Quickly message the Command Staff player to tell them that they don't know of xenos on the planet and they can't be mentioning that before they even know. If they have a pattern of command staff shittery, consider a Command job ban. Otherwise, add a warning.
Tell the marines in OOC to disregard what the command staff said about that.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
No, just like the 'he punched me' bit above, just outright murdering somebody is an extreme and should see a warning or ban. Especially considering there are ways to deal with people before jumping right to murder - pushing, grab-throwing, verbal threats, etc. It's not RP if he literally just unloaded on them instantly to get a spot.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
Don't call them out publicly. Send the fellow staff an ingame PM that politely corrects what they said, and leave it to them to send the proper information to the one they were helping.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Though internal affairs and that isn't my job, there is a chance that the Staff Member doesn't fully realize what they're doing, in which case a non-authoritative "Uh, you sure man?" or something might suffice. If it's repeated or blatantly abuse, inform their respective head of staff (mentor, mod, admin etc).
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Sit back and chuckle heartily. Tell them to knock it off and add a note if they take it too far or too long, then apply a 12 hour ban if they STILL persist beyond that.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Colonial Marines Character: McKenzie Swabey
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Timezone: GMT-6
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?: Will depend on homework load, currently quite a bit, but with acceptable amounts of free time.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13): I was staff on a few inconsequential gmod servers, Paradise Station and.. here, actually, about 1.5 years or so ago.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?: I've played as far back as June 2016 or so.
What are the 3 biggest servers you play on besides CM?: I only play here and Paradise.
Provide links to any previous Colonial Marines applications that you've made:
Mod: viewtopic.php?f=69&t=7681
I also have a denied Predator app, an Accepted Predator app, and a denied Synth app. Will post them if I can find them, but using the forum search back a couple years isn't helping me quite easily.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13): No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?: No
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on ANY server? If so, which server, when, and what for?: No
Are you familiar with the chat program Slack (its use is required)?: Intimately
Common Staff Situations:
Write a description of what you would do in each of the following situations. Do not write on the same line as the situation - use the space below it or make space as needed. Failure to do this proves your inability to follow instructions and your application will be automatically denied.
1. A player randomly shoots someone at round start and MPs have detained him.
Check the player's notes to get an idea on their history, and keep it in mind for the near future. For note, this also requires a bit more context - if the player randomly shot at another person once with no words or actions exchanged prior, it's possible they had a gun out and simply misclicked. Still, speak to them and get the full story. Check combat logs on the victim to back up what they say, as well as ask the MP what they know of it. If it was a misclick, then there's no need to handle anything on my end. If they did shoot at someone for no reason on purpose, refer to the notes. Apply a warning if it was or one of their first lesser infractions, or a half-day ban if they've a bit of history. Scale up the ban time depending on how far their bad history goes back and how frequently. Add a note to the player, detailing what happened and how they were punished/warned.
2. The ship has a breach to space and a bunch of players have died or are dying as a result.
Plug the hole with the handy Fix Breach tool (assuming this still exists nowadays). Find out who breached the ship. To do this, we are first going to drop a message in OOC asking them to 'turn themselves in' with a promise of a lesser punishment. Note that said punishment will be harsher if I'm forced to look for them myself. If nobody fesses up, ask those dying from the breach if they know whom, or ask deadchat. One pair of eyes present likely saw something. If not, check the log for explosions - likely it's a bomb that does the trick.
Once I have my breacher, I check their notes and consider their history for later use. Then, I ask them what happened. If it was a well and true accident and they handed themselves in, I'd just warn them to be careful around space windows next time, then add a note to them. Note history does take effect here - if they have a history of 'accidentally' causing breaches repeatedly, it's likely time for a day's ban or more. If it was on purpose and they turned themselves in, a day's ban would do. If it was on purpose and I had to track them down, that's a three day ban.
While I'm handling the breacher either way, I'll also ask in OOC for those killed or seriously harmed in the breach to adminhelp, then I'd see them all healed.
3. You see a player walking around the ship naked and clearly lost.
I'd notify one of the Mentors online of the player, and request that they see if the fellow needs any help and handle him if so. If there are no mentors or no free ones, I'd just do it myself - ask them if they're lost, need help with anything, etc. If they do need help, I'd link them to the quickstart guide and tell them to ahelp should any further questions pop into their head.
4. A player is being very rude to you in Adminhelps and requesting to speak to an Admin+ staff member.
Acknowledge the fact they're likely having a bad day and take it nice and chill. Attempt to get an Admin+ to see to whatever he wants, or rouse one on Slack if needed. If I cannot get an admin over, I will inform them of this fact. If they wish to file a complaint, redirect them to the forums to submit one. If they're still hurling abuse, simply warn them to stop and add a note. If they persist, hit them with a 12 hour ban so they can cool off a little bit.
5. You notice a player with a name that doesn't fit our naming rules. The player is arguing that: They've used the name for several years, no one has told them to change it before, and that they didn't know it was a rule.
Tell them that, Sorry, but I cannot know that for sure. Tell them they must change their name anyway, and if they feel it is unjust, they can file a complaint where the problem can be looked at properly. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse.
6. You see a Maintenance Tech running around in armor and carrying a rifle. The security level is green with no threat present.
Message them telling them to put the gun and armor away, then add a note to them detailing the subject. If they persist or this is a repeat problem, consider a ban or jobban, depending on if they're dereliction their duties by running around in armor. I will listen to their response however, and read their justification if there is any, and consider it.
7. You see a Squad Medic performing surgery on the planet. He claims it was because there were no doctors in the FOB.
There is likely to not be doctors in the FOB, especially with battlefield medevacs available via the dropships. Tell them to cautery up the incisions they're working on and get them onboard the ship. If this is or becomes a repeat problem, apply a medic jobban. This is theoretical of course, because IIRC Medics are mechanically unable to do surgery now. Add a note detailing the offense.
8. The round is stagnating. There are 30 marines and 4 aliens. The marines won't leave the ship, and the aliens won't attack. What would you do, to "encourage" the sides to engage each other?
Use Queen Mother to tell the Xenos to rush the Marines for the glory of the hive. Tell the Marines via their own announcement system to rush the remaining aliens for the glory of the USCM. That should more or less do it, especially with regular automatic bioscans now in for both sides.
9. The round ends, a MARINE starts shooting a hostile CLF member and the CLF member Adminhelps complaining he was killed after the round ended.
This is fully allowed. Mark the complaint as solved, optionally message them explaining that this is not a rule break.
10. A marine is running around disarming, punching and stealing gear at round start.
Let the MPs handle this one ICly, though if it gets truly excessive, tell them to knock it off and apply a warning.
11. A marine has killed another marine. When you ask him why, he said it was because the other marine had punched him.
This is not an acceptably escalated fight. Read the killer's notes, and determine if they should be warned or banned based on history, though it's likely to be a ban. If they aren't already, nudge the medics lightly to get the dead marine defibbed and fixed up.
12. An issue arises that requires Admin+ abilities.
Attempt to ask an Admin for their help onserver. If none are free or none are on, try to get some help via Slack or Discord. If I simply cannot get anybody over, then this round will have to suffice without the use of Admin+ abilities.
13. There are minor racist comments going on IC. 9 of the 10 people are laughing and RPing but one player gets offended and Adminhelps about it.
Acknowledge they have a problem with it and tell the 9 to cut it out with the racism. I'd see no need to add a note or further unless they still do it.
14. A marine opens fire at round start in briefing killing multiple marines and instantly logs off.
Apply a 7-day ban and request a permaban. If it is eventually decided that a perma isn't needed, then he'll simply be allowed back on in a week. See the killed marines revived if they aren't already being tended to.
15. You see a player playing a xeno larva/chestburster run towards the frontlines and die.
Ask them why they charged the frontlines. it's entirely possible they didn't know where the frontlines were as some maps can be a big tug of war like that. If I believe it was on purpose (likely if they keep rushing the front with larvae trying to kill them), consider a warning or xeno ban. If it was wholly unintentional and a single mistake, just let them off with a 'be careful next time'
16. You see a xeno memeing, saying AYYLMAO, REEEEEE etc in hivemind chat.
Honestly, most of the time this is completely harmless, and I'll leave them to their tomfoolery. If someone complains, tell the Xenos to tone it down.
17. A xeno player calls the shuttle a "dropship". A different xeno player complains to you that it's metagaming/failRP to call it a "dropship".
Inform that no, Hivemind is a translation of xeno-language into English. Although most xenos prefer to call it the 'metal bird', there is nothing wrong with saying 'dropship'.
18. A Command staff player at briefing near round-start mentions there are aliens on the planet.
Quickly message the Command Staff player to tell them that they don't know of xenos on the planet and they can't be mentioning that before they even know. If they have a pattern of command staff shittery, consider a Command job ban. Otherwise, add a warning.
Tell the marines in OOC to disregard what the command staff said about that.
19. A Marine kills another Marine on the EVAC Pod to take the last spot and claims it was RP as he was saving himself.
No, just like the 'he punched me' bit above, just outright murdering somebody is an extreme and should see a warning or ban. Especially considering there are ways to deal with people before jumping right to murder - pushing, grab-throwing, verbal threats, etc. It's not RP if he literally just unloaded on them instantly to get a spot.
20. You see a fellow staff member give wrong information in an Adminhelp or incorrectly enforcing a rule.
Don't call them out publicly. Send the fellow staff an ingame PM that politely corrects what they said, and leave it to them to send the proper information to the one they were helping.
20a. You see a fellow staff member abusing his powers in-game.
Though internal affairs and that isn't my job, there is a chance that the Staff Member doesn't fully realize what they're doing, in which case a non-authoritative "Uh, you sure man?" or something might suffice. If it's repeated or blatantly abuse, inform their respective head of staff (mentor, mod, admin etc).
21. You see a player talking in OOC chat about what he did with your mom last night.
Sit back and chuckle heartily. Tell them to knock it off and add a note if they take it too far or too long, then apply a 12 hour ban if they STILL persist beyond that.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
- RobBrown4PM
- Registered user
- Posts: 395
- Joined: 16 May 2016, 11:22
Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
Breaches aren't really possible anymore, however, if one does occur it might be because a pred blew up on the Almayer. If this does happen then it should be considered IC, unless the pred was griefing.Scrat505 wrote: ↑06 Dec 2018, 21:49Byond ID: Scrat505
Once I have my breacher, I check their notes and consider their history for later use. Then, I ask them what happened. If it was a well and true accident and they handed themselves in, I'd just warn them to be careful around space windows next time, then add a note to them. Note history does take effect here - if they have a history of 'accidentally' causing breaches repeatedly, it's likely time for a day's ban or more. If it was on purpose and they turned themselves in, a day's ban would do. If it was on purpose and I had to track them down, that's a three day ban. While I'm handling the breacher either way, I'll also ask in OOC for those killed or seriously harmed in the breach to adminhelp, then I'd see them all healed.
No, players do not have the right to appeal to an admin or any other staff. If they feel you have breached a rule or P&P then they can go fill out a staff report.Acknowledge the fact they're likely having a bad day and take it nice and chill. Attempt to get an Admin+ to see to whatever he wants, or rouse one on Slack if needed. If I cannot get an admin over, I will inform them of this fact. If they wish to file a complaint, redirect them to the forums to submit one. If they're still hurling abuse, simply warn them to stop and add a note. If they persist, hit them with a 12 hour ban so they can cool off a little bit.
This is wrong. This is an IC issue.Message them telling them to put the gun and armor away, then add a note to them detailing the subject. If they persist or this is a repeat problem, consider a ban or jobban, depending on if they're dereliction their duties by running around in armor. I will listen to their response however, and read their justification if there is any, and consider it.
Surgery isn't possible anymore for medics.There is likely to not be doctors in the FOB, especially with battlefield medevacs available via the dropships. Tell them to cautery up the incisions they're working on and get them onboard the ship. If this is or becomes a repeat problem, apply a medic jobban. This is theoretical of course, because IIRC Medics are mechanically unable to do surgery now. Add a note detailing the offense.
No, this would be considered griefing.Let the MPs handle this one ICly, though if it gets truly excessive, tell them to knock it off and apply a warning.
Always investigate every situation that comes in through an Ahelp. There may be more information than is on the surface. Talk to all parties involved and come to a conclusion. Also, mods can Aheal, so there wouldn't be a need to ask a medic to heal.This is not an acceptably escalated fight. Read the killer's notes, and determine if they should be warned or banned based on history, though it's likely to be a ban. If they aren't already, nudge the medics lightly to get the dead marine defibbed and fixed up.
Minor IC racism is fine. If a player is seen taking it to far then that is when we would intervene.Acknowledge they have a problem with it and tell the 9 to cut it out with the racism. I'd see no need to add a note or further unless they still do it.
No, this is considered LRP and it should be dealt with by mods.Honestly, most of the time this is completely harmless, and I'll leave them to their tomfoolery. If someone complains, tell the Xenos to tone it down.
You don't approach the staff member at all, you shoot it up the chain of command.Though internal affairs and that isn't my job, there is a chance that the Staff Member doesn't fully realize what they're doing, in which case a non-authoritative "Uh, you sure man?" or something might suffice. If it's repeated or blatantly abuse, inform their respective head of staff (mentor, mod, admin etc).
I'm seeing a number of wrong answer's here from a player who's been on the server for quite some time. No recent notes which is good, and your time played is decent as well. I'm going to go neutral for now. I'll post some questions for you later though when I have time.
Mains: Roberto 'Taco' Moreno
Usual Jobs: SL/Spec/SG/Engie/XO
Usual Jobs: SL/Spec/SG/Engie/XO
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- Posts: 283
- Joined: 19 Jun 2016, 21:40
- Location: Canada
- Byond: Scrat505
Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
Responding to the uh.. responses. Respective to the responses, not the initial questions.
1: The question did not state that it was a Pred's explosion, thus I treated it as if it were a grief situation, and just as the Medic example shows earlier, the question does not seem to account for mechanical changes made since it was written.
2: Neither the rules nor staff protocols say a player is not entitled to speak to higher ranks, and if a higher-up in question did wish to speak to them, certainly they should be allowed? Though I get what you're saying.
3: Fair assessment.
4: Thusly, this question is outdated to begin with.
5: Fair enough, though I personally disagree as it does not state how much they've been doing this.
6: Fair. Also, I do not know all the tools a Mod does or does not have as of current.
7: Is it not 'too far' if someone had chosen to submit an ahelp over it?
8: Fair assessment.
9: Very well.
1: The question did not state that it was a Pred's explosion, thus I treated it as if it were a grief situation, and just as the Medic example shows earlier, the question does not seem to account for mechanical changes made since it was written.
2: Neither the rules nor staff protocols say a player is not entitled to speak to higher ranks, and if a higher-up in question did wish to speak to them, certainly they should be allowed? Though I get what you're saying.
3: Fair assessment.
4: Thusly, this question is outdated to begin with.
5: Fair enough, though I personally disagree as it does not state how much they've been doing this.
6: Fair. Also, I do not know all the tools a Mod does or does not have as of current.
7: Is it not 'too far' if someone had chosen to submit an ahelp over it?
8: Fair assessment.
9: Very well.
- ThesoldierLLJK
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
So I have a question.
According to the forum records
Removed: Scrat505 - Admin Abuse
Can you tell me the circumstances behind your removal from staff team?
According to the forum records
Removed: Scrat505 - Admin Abuse
Can you tell me the circumstances behind your removal from staff team?
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
- Registered user
- Posts: 283
- Joined: 19 Jun 2016, 21:40
- Location: Canada
- Byond: Scrat505
Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
Yes, of course.
I'll tell the entire story so all that read can fully understand the context as far as I know.
Here is the backstory of the events of that day: It was an Ice Colony round. Around that time, i was an Admin and Feweh was the second highest on the ladder and the one most staff would interact with. I decided to make a mini-event, as I frequently did. The idea was to make a couple CLF insurgents on the planet to attack the marines, until one was captured and interrogated to give useful information on the movement of other CLF cells in the sector.
I decided to make three in total, each with their own little gimmick - the first would only use flame based weapons, the second would use a spammy, inaccurate bullet hose (Mac-10), and the third would have a bag of .357 revolvers, just dropping one when it was emptied and taking out a new one.
I made the first one and put them on the planet, only to find that at the time the CLF uniform did /not/ protect from the cold despite looking fairly warm (one of them is an armored parka..) I tried to mess with their cold resistance via var-editing so they'd survive the planet's surface, but after a while of messing about I couldn't get it working. I simply resolved to repeatedly revive them from the point they dropped on the planet until they found a marine and entered combat, so they could actually die in combat and not from the cold. I would then go on to report this bug the same day here.
viewtopic.php?f=116&t=13932&p=151267&hi ... ld#p151267
The first two died in combat without any noticeable effect on the Marines, who were quick to respond and eliminate them, all good there. I then had USCM High Command send an announcement asking the Marines to detain the next CLF instead of killing them. I then dropped down my multiple-revolvers guy and again healed him from the cold until I could rush the marines again. I began firing at the Marines, dumping empty guns all the way, until one shot and disabled me with some leg shots. I was brought to the ship, interrogated, and gave up useful IC information on other CLF cells, then thrown into the brig. When the xenos boarded they gave me a gun and I helped defend until they killed me. I received no complaints during this time, and in my opinion it went well.
The next day I was quite busy with IRL obligations and work, so I returned the day after to find I had been dismissed from the team for admin abuse, by Feweh. He would then go to take my Predator whitelist as well. He did not speak to me, or let me give my side of the story before making this decision, nor do I know specifically what it was I did wrong that was abuse. My belief is that he saw all the admin heal logs and suspected I was making unkillable rebels to shoot at the marines?? I do not know for certain, and I still believe I did nothing wrong at the time.
In short? I don't even know what I did that was supposed to be abuse.
I'll tell the entire story so all that read can fully understand the context as far as I know.
Here is the backstory of the events of that day: It was an Ice Colony round. Around that time, i was an Admin and Feweh was the second highest on the ladder and the one most staff would interact with. I decided to make a mini-event, as I frequently did. The idea was to make a couple CLF insurgents on the planet to attack the marines, until one was captured and interrogated to give useful information on the movement of other CLF cells in the sector.
I decided to make three in total, each with their own little gimmick - the first would only use flame based weapons, the second would use a spammy, inaccurate bullet hose (Mac-10), and the third would have a bag of .357 revolvers, just dropping one when it was emptied and taking out a new one.
I made the first one and put them on the planet, only to find that at the time the CLF uniform did /not/ protect from the cold despite looking fairly warm (one of them is an armored parka..) I tried to mess with their cold resistance via var-editing so they'd survive the planet's surface, but after a while of messing about I couldn't get it working. I simply resolved to repeatedly revive them from the point they dropped on the planet until they found a marine and entered combat, so they could actually die in combat and not from the cold. I would then go on to report this bug the same day here.
viewtopic.php?f=116&t=13932&p=151267&hi ... ld#p151267
The first two died in combat without any noticeable effect on the Marines, who were quick to respond and eliminate them, all good there. I then had USCM High Command send an announcement asking the Marines to detain the next CLF instead of killing them. I then dropped down my multiple-revolvers guy and again healed him from the cold until I could rush the marines again. I began firing at the Marines, dumping empty guns all the way, until one shot and disabled me with some leg shots. I was brought to the ship, interrogated, and gave up useful IC information on other CLF cells, then thrown into the brig. When the xenos boarded they gave me a gun and I helped defend until they killed me. I received no complaints during this time, and in my opinion it went well.
The next day I was quite busy with IRL obligations and work, so I returned the day after to find I had been dismissed from the team for admin abuse, by Feweh. He would then go to take my Predator whitelist as well. He did not speak to me, or let me give my side of the story before making this decision, nor do I know specifically what it was I did wrong that was abuse. My belief is that he saw all the admin heal logs and suspected I was making unkillable rebels to shoot at the marines?? I do not know for certain, and I still believe I did nothing wrong at the time.
In short? I don't even know what I did that was supposed to be abuse.
- ThesoldierLLJK
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
I mean I can understand that, unless someone who is still around on the staff team knows more to this story, but regardless I've heard stories of staff team being removed by Feweh under questionable circumstances.
That being said since it seems like you came back in October after your long break, I don't think you qualify as returning from retirement/removal and have to go through the whole shebang again.
So I would like to ask you a few advanced what if questions.
1. A predator has been killed by a group of marines, and are looting him. Another predator opens up with a heavy plasma cast and gets the dead predator, but is surrounded by marines and starts taking shots from everywhere. The predator before he dies activates his self-destruct and kills a large group of marines. One of the marines ahelps with "I never shot the predator and I was tending to a wounded marine, why did I get gibbed?" How would you handle this?
2. A player ahelps he was shot by another player. You speak to the player in question and he swears it was a misclick and he only shot once and immediately said sorry. However while looking into it, you notice the person who had ahelped shot the player back 6 times and killed him. How would you handle this?
3. A marine reports xenos for metagaming because they landed at LZ1 on Prison and found it covered with Alien Resin walls and other alien defenses. When you question the drone that built them after checking it they said "A group of survivors made barricades near the LZ1 and were spamming us with grenades. I made defenses for a warrior and boiler so we could avoid grenade explosions and get the survivors." How would you handle this?
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
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- Byond: Scrat505
Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
Funnily enough, back in October-ish I was attempting to get in touch with the higher-ups in the server about getting my position back after hearing what happened to Apop and Feweh, but was unable to do so despite my attempts to add them on discord. I as of late again tried to add SLC and Emerald to see about being restored, but they seem to have obligations again. If I could be restored now I'd appreciate it, but either way, let's go through your questions.
1. A predator has been killed by a group of marines, and are looting him. Another predator opens up with a heavy plasma cast and gets the dead predator, but is surrounded by marines and starts taking shots from everywhere. The predator before he dies activates his self-destruct and kills a large group of marines. One of the marines ahelps with "I never shot the predator and I was tending to a wounded marine, why did I get gibbed?" How would you handle this?
Ah ah ah, I happen to have actually handled situations like this before. A note on the plasma caster - Honor Code does not apply when retrieving dead/captured preds, and they can go full blast on that.
As for the pred explosion, the Honor Code also clearly states that anybody with lethal weaponry is considered fair game. As you stated it was clearly a Marine, it's an almost certain they had a weapon stored on them which makes them a fair kill.
ON TOP of that, said honor code ALSO clearly states that it is extremely dishonorable to let your prey capture you or your equipment, and it is most honorable to self destruct, even if there are innocents nearby. In short - the Medic was a fair target from the get-go, and it is simply bad luck for him that he was caught in the blast.
2. A player ahelps he was shot by another player. You speak to the player in question and he swears it was a misclick and he only shot once and immediately said sorry. However while looking into it, you notice the person who had ahelped shot the player back 6 times and killed him. How would you handle this?
Right, so. Misclicks do happen, even to me. Firstly, check the notes of the one who claims to have misclicked, to see if they have a history of 'accidently' shooting people. Check the guy's combat logs to ensure it really was one shot. If I have reason to suspect it was a mistake, I'll add a note to him and move onto the next guy.
Now, as for the guy that shot back six times and killed them - this was something I saw every now and then back in the day. Just because (you believe that) someone has broken the rules, which in this case was likely perceived as RDM, that doesn't mean you can break them too in retaliation. That's what we're here for - if the shooter really did end up seriously injuring or killing him, we'd be able to revive him easy as pie. Check the shooter's notes - if he has a recent note / ban history, I would add a warning or ban depending on what I feel necessary based on that history.
I'll then heal the dead fellow, and the other guy if he wasn't banned.
3. A marine reports xenos for metagaming because they landed at LZ1 on Prison and found it covered with Alien Resin walls and other alien defenses. When you question the drone that built them after checking it they said "A group of survivors made barricades near the LZ1 and were spamming us with grenades. I made defenses for a warrior and boiler so we could avoid grenade explosions and get the survivors." How would you handle this?
Yeah, this happens and I've seen it happen, but rarely. Firstly I'll ask the Drone.. who were the survivors you had to capture? Once I have their names, I'll message the survivors asking if they were setting up a little fort at LZ1, as well as the Boiler and Warrior in question to get their side, see if they all match up. If they /were/ creating a fort at LZ1, then I'd leave the Xenos be - they had to do what they had to do to get the survivors captured or killed. If /only/ Xeno structures are found at LZ1, and not a whole gaggle of xenos waiting to jump on them, I'd also be much more willing to believe their side.
If the Survivors were not actually based anywhere near LZ1 based on what I find out, then it's clear they're lying to me. Offer the Drone the chance to tell the truth, then apply a warning, ban, or xenoban depending on history and if they cooperated in the end. I will then delete the alien structures placed at the LZ.
However.. there is another issue lying within in this one.. if the survivors DID build a fort at the LZ, they're possibly metagaming by camping the landing zone, which is an explicit no-no. Apply a warning to their notes and tell them not to camp the LZ.
1. A predator has been killed by a group of marines, and are looting him. Another predator opens up with a heavy plasma cast and gets the dead predator, but is surrounded by marines and starts taking shots from everywhere. The predator before he dies activates his self-destruct and kills a large group of marines. One of the marines ahelps with "I never shot the predator and I was tending to a wounded marine, why did I get gibbed?" How would you handle this?
Ah ah ah, I happen to have actually handled situations like this before. A note on the plasma caster - Honor Code does not apply when retrieving dead/captured preds, and they can go full blast on that.
As for the pred explosion, the Honor Code also clearly states that anybody with lethal weaponry is considered fair game. As you stated it was clearly a Marine, it's an almost certain they had a weapon stored on them which makes them a fair kill.
ON TOP of that, said honor code ALSO clearly states that it is extremely dishonorable to let your prey capture you or your equipment, and it is most honorable to self destruct, even if there are innocents nearby. In short - the Medic was a fair target from the get-go, and it is simply bad luck for him that he was caught in the blast.
2. A player ahelps he was shot by another player. You speak to the player in question and he swears it was a misclick and he only shot once and immediately said sorry. However while looking into it, you notice the person who had ahelped shot the player back 6 times and killed him. How would you handle this?
Right, so. Misclicks do happen, even to me. Firstly, check the notes of the one who claims to have misclicked, to see if they have a history of 'accidently' shooting people. Check the guy's combat logs to ensure it really was one shot. If I have reason to suspect it was a mistake, I'll add a note to him and move onto the next guy.
Now, as for the guy that shot back six times and killed them - this was something I saw every now and then back in the day. Just because (you believe that) someone has broken the rules, which in this case was likely perceived as RDM, that doesn't mean you can break them too in retaliation. That's what we're here for - if the shooter really did end up seriously injuring or killing him, we'd be able to revive him easy as pie. Check the shooter's notes - if he has a recent note / ban history, I would add a warning or ban depending on what I feel necessary based on that history.
I'll then heal the dead fellow, and the other guy if he wasn't banned.
3. A marine reports xenos for metagaming because they landed at LZ1 on Prison and found it covered with Alien Resin walls and other alien defenses. When you question the drone that built them after checking it they said "A group of survivors made barricades near the LZ1 and were spamming us with grenades. I made defenses for a warrior and boiler so we could avoid grenade explosions and get the survivors." How would you handle this?
Yeah, this happens and I've seen it happen, but rarely. Firstly I'll ask the Drone.. who were the survivors you had to capture? Once I have their names, I'll message the survivors asking if they were setting up a little fort at LZ1, as well as the Boiler and Warrior in question to get their side, see if they all match up. If they /were/ creating a fort at LZ1, then I'd leave the Xenos be - they had to do what they had to do to get the survivors captured or killed. If /only/ Xeno structures are found at LZ1, and not a whole gaggle of xenos waiting to jump on them, I'd also be much more willing to believe their side.
If the Survivors were not actually based anywhere near LZ1 based on what I find out, then it's clear they're lying to me. Offer the Drone the chance to tell the truth, then apply a warning, ban, or xenoban depending on history and if they cooperated in the end. I will then delete the alien structures placed at the LZ.
However.. there is another issue lying within in this one.. if the survivors DID build a fort at the LZ, they're possibly metagaming by camping the landing zone, which is an explicit no-no. Apply a warning to their notes and tell them not to camp the LZ.
Last edited by Scrat505 on 07 Dec 2018, 11:19, edited 1 time in total.
- ThesoldierLLJK
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
As far as coming back directly to admin, I'm not sure if that's possible.
But that being said based on your responses, the only thing is it's not metagaming for survivors to build a fort at the escape shuttle on prison or the wardens office which are close to LZ1 because they are good spots to barricade and hold out.
However as far as a trial moderatorship goes, I'm ok with giving you a +1
But that being said based on your responses, the only thing is it's not metagaming for survivors to build a fort at the escape shuttle on prison or the wardens office which are close to LZ1 because they are good spots to barricade and hold out.
However as far as a trial moderatorship goes, I'm ok with giving you a +1
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
- starmute
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
Questions based on experience:
1. Assume that you are a trial and there is only 2 other moderators on and they are playing or afk. A character named "Bladof Nittler" comes on the server. What do you do?
2. On the planet of Solaris ridge: The CL goes down with the marines and is attacked by a alien. The alien attacks the CL and the CL wins the fight. You recieve a admin help from another alien saying that the CL should not be on the planet and that is lrp/meta. What do you do?
3. Immediately after the marines have lost LZ 1 you notice the PO is outfitting the Normandy with sentry turrets: What do you do?
1. Assume that you are a trial and there is only 2 other moderators on and they are playing or afk. A character named "Bladof Nittler" comes on the server. What do you do?
2. On the planet of Solaris ridge: The CL goes down with the marines and is attacked by a alien. The alien attacks the CL and the CL wins the fight. You recieve a admin help from another alien saying that the CL should not be on the planet and that is lrp/meta. What do you do?
3. Immediately after the marines have lost LZ 1 you notice the PO is outfitting the Normandy with sentry turrets: What do you do?

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- Byond: Scrat505
Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
1. Assume that you are a trial and there is only 2 other moderators on and they are playing or afk. A character named "Bladof Nittler" comes on the server. What do you do?
Since as a Mod of either variant I believe that I cannot change names myself, I will first check this Bladof's notes.
If I see a note placed by a staff in a prior round indicating they were asked to change their name, I will contact them and ask them why they did not change their name. If they received only a single change-your-name note and it was recent and they claim they honestly forgot to change it, I will add another note and tell them to be absolutely sure to fix that or it's a ban next time around.
If they have a few notes for this or other inappropriate names, I will apply a ban, scaling with how many times they've had to be warned about this.
If there are no notes for inappropriate names, I will add one then tell them to change it for next round and leave it at that unless they display obvious trollish behaviour, then it's a ban.
2. On the planet of Solaris ridge: The CL goes down with the marines and is attacked by a alien. The alien attacks the CL and the CL wins the fight. You recieve a admin help from another alien saying that the CL should not be on the planet and that is lrp/meta. What do you do?
As per the Wiki:
"Outside of visits to the colony which you may make at any time for any reason [...]"
Right there. The CL may go down for any time, for any reason. It is not meta or lrp for the CL to visit the colony as they please. Especially if, as it sounds in this case, the CL is not going rambo on the aliens and was forced to defend themselves.
No action taken.
3. Immediately after the marines have lost LZ 1 you notice the PO is outfitting the Normandy with sentry turrets: What do you do?
I'm.. not sure if you made a typo or something, for nothing seems to be wrong here in my opinion. After LZ1 has been lost, surely there is nothing wrong with equipping automated turrets onto a ship headed for LZ2 (which is where the Normandy goes), which sits typically across the map from the first?
Since as a Mod of either variant I believe that I cannot change names myself, I will first check this Bladof's notes.
If I see a note placed by a staff in a prior round indicating they were asked to change their name, I will contact them and ask them why they did not change their name. If they received only a single change-your-name note and it was recent and they claim they honestly forgot to change it, I will add another note and tell them to be absolutely sure to fix that or it's a ban next time around.
If they have a few notes for this or other inappropriate names, I will apply a ban, scaling with how many times they've had to be warned about this.
If there are no notes for inappropriate names, I will add one then tell them to change it for next round and leave it at that unless they display obvious trollish behaviour, then it's a ban.
2. On the planet of Solaris ridge: The CL goes down with the marines and is attacked by a alien. The alien attacks the CL and the CL wins the fight. You recieve a admin help from another alien saying that the CL should not be on the planet and that is lrp/meta. What do you do?
As per the Wiki:
"Outside of visits to the colony which you may make at any time for any reason [...]"
Right there. The CL may go down for any time, for any reason. It is not meta or lrp for the CL to visit the colony as they please. Especially if, as it sounds in this case, the CL is not going rambo on the aliens and was forced to defend themselves.
No action taken.
3. Immediately after the marines have lost LZ 1 you notice the PO is outfitting the Normandy with sentry turrets: What do you do?
I'm.. not sure if you made a typo or something, for nothing seems to be wrong here in my opinion. After LZ1 has been lost, surely there is nothing wrong with equipping automated turrets onto a ship headed for LZ2 (which is where the Normandy goes), which sits typically across the map from the first?
- Mvp777
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
Seems good to me, +1
EDIT: Just for further clarification, I'm giving a +1 for T-mod, not straight back to admin. Reaching the level of admin then getting removed for abusing your position is, as other seniors have stated, a fairly big red flag. If you are accepted as moderator and pass your trial you'l likely remain as just a moderator for a fairly long while, maybe indefinitely.
After conversation with other staff, alongside further investigation i'm going with neutral, while you do you have prior staff experience you also got removed for abusing that position. As such i'm sitting out of this one.
EDIT: Just for further clarification, I'm giving a +1 for T-mod, not straight back to admin. Reaching the level of admin then getting removed for abusing your position is, as other seniors have stated, a fairly big red flag. If you are accepted as moderator and pass your trial you'l likely remain as just a moderator for a fairly long while, maybe indefinitely.
After conversation with other staff, alongside further investigation i'm going with neutral, while you do you have prior staff experience you also got removed for abusing that position. As such i'm sitting out of this one.
Last edited by Mvp777 on 08 Dec 2018, 12:51, edited 3 times in total.

- Mizari
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
Honestly, I would like more input from Senior Staff as to why you were removed as theres always two sides to the story. I'll remain neutral for now.
- forest2001
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe the original question is talking about a PO using meta knowledge to have the Normandy ready to defend itself should the aliens take the Alamo. If the pilot was ordered to prep for a transport run then of course that becomes obsolete.Scrat505 wrote: ↑07 Dec 2018, 14:00► Show Spoiler
3. Immediately after the marines have lost LZ 1 you notice the PO is outfitting the Normandy with sentry turrets: What do you do?
I'm.. not sure if you made a typo or something, for nothing seems to be wrong here in my opinion. After LZ1 has been lost, surely there is nothing wrong with equipping automated turrets onto a ship headed for LZ2 (which is where the Normandy goes), which sits typically across the map from the first?
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- Mizari
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
Ok so I've done a bit more digging and the story kinda contradicts itself. Theres to much insecurity as to what happened with you but you were trusted as an admin and removed, it says a lot so I'll have to vote no in this instance. -1 from me.
- Ghostdex
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
Right, so I doubt you’re coming back and getting to be an admin after being removed so I’ll ask this; are you comfortable coming back as a mod and staying as that?Scrat505 wrote: ↑07 Dec 2018, 10:58Funnily enough, back in October-ish I was attempting to get in touch with the higher-ups in the server about getting my position back after hearing what happened to Apop and Feweh, but was unable to do so despite my attempts to add them on discord. I as of late again tried to add SLC and Emerald to see about being restored, but they seem to have obligations again. If I could be restored now I'd appreciate it, but either way, let's go through your questions.
John 'Fixer' Donable
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
Kara Walsh
Part of the Yautja Council with SpartanBobby, Imperator_Titan, Sailor Dave and Symbiosis. Feel free to PM any of us with questions about Predator

Something a bit funny:
The story of Operative Delta:
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
I don't feel that's quite fair, I still don't know what exactly it was I did wrong. Still, if you do feel that way very well.
If that is what is deemed necessary, sure, I'd be fine with that.
- ThesoldierLLJK
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
I'll be on the level, I think the issue was that you injected yourself into your own event, and something that someone mentioned you were in a DS Apesuit with a minigun during the event.
That's at least what a few of our senior staff remember.
I'm not an admin but I'm told as an admin you can't become part of the event you're running.
Commander: Julio 'Ay Caramba' Borras - The Cucaracha Killer
Synthetic: Bennett - The Nerd (Acting Synth Council Member)
Predator: Moka Chiva-Teer - The Redeemed Yautja
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- Byond: Scrat505
Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
Alright, at least I have an idea on what the issue proper was, appreciate it.\
As said before: if people have the belief that I'd go back to questionable events, then hopefully I could alleviate that by saying I'd be fine just sitting at Mod if required.
As said before: if people have the belief that I'd go back to questionable events, then hopefully I could alleviate that by saying I'd be fine just sitting at Mod if required.
- Frans_Feiffer
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
You know what you’re doing, i’ll give ya that. While i’m still not sold on the event bit, I don’t believe you’re lying in regards to not knowing exactly why you were removed, and that was when you were an Admin. Mods don’t have those kinda perms, and Titan’s a good manager, so if you somehow were to still abuse your power, he’d be quick to crack down on it. I’m all for you having a trial period, so here’s my +1. Just know when to draw the line in using the powers you get as staff, and we’ll be good my man.
“Your Friendly Neighborhood Commodore, Frans ‘Friendly’ Feiffer. Survivor of Space Vietnam, Austrian Kommodore vith ze vorst accent, and Loving Caretaker of the Ungas Aboard the USS Almayer.”
Frans Feiffer's Promotion to Commander - viewtopic.php?f=142&t=18008
The Day I sold my Soul to Titan - viewtopic.php?f=69&t=18263
Yeyin R'ka Joins the Ranks of Blooded - viewtopic.php?f=125&t=18549
Darwin is Booted up and Assigned to the USS Almayer - viewtopic.php?f=149&t=18897
Commander Council term 1, Alongside the Men, the Myths, the Legends, Bancrose, Lumdor, Dr. Lance, and Taketheshot56. - viewtopic.php?f=137&t=18907 Have any Questions for me? Feel Free to PM me and i'll get back to you as soon as I can
The Day I sold my Soul to Titan - viewtopic.php?f=69&t=18263
Yeyin R'ka Joins the Ranks of Blooded - viewtopic.php?f=125&t=18549
Darwin is Booted up and Assigned to the USS Almayer - viewtopic.php?f=149&t=18897
Commander Council term 1, Alongside the Men, the Myths, the Legends, Bancrose, Lumdor, Dr. Lance, and Taketheshot56. - viewtopic.php?f=137&t=18907 Have any Questions for me? Feel Free to PM me and i'll get back to you as soon as I can

- RobBrown4PM
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
Changing my vote to -1 unless the information Mizari is presenting is somehow wrong.
Mains: Roberto 'Taco' Moreno
Usual Jobs: SL/Spec/SG/Engie/XO
Usual Jobs: SL/Spec/SG/Engie/XO
- Dorkkeli
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
I think we all fuck up, and Feweh did make some questionable actions. You seem like you learned your lesson.
I'll be sitting on neutral, leaning towards +1, after hearing what Mizari had to say.
I'll be sitting on neutral, leaning towards +1, after hearing what Mizari had to say.
Bert 'SOAB' Beach BRAVO
Moderator STAFF
Patron at the bar on Big Red
Ass taker and name kicker
Moderator STAFF
Patron at the bar on Big Red
Ass taker and name kicker
- frozentsbgg
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
I cannot support this App, your actions as Admin led to your removal.
Big -1 from me.
Big -1 from me.
- Mizari
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
I just find it very hard to believe that you were removed without anything being said to you as to why you were removed. If such a case did happen then it would be for something severe but since the Admin who removed you is no longer here, its pretty vague. I'm sticking with my -1 for now but possibly may support this in the future.
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- Byond: Scrat505
Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
I do thank all those that pledged their supports, but the ones who sit on the other side of the fence are numerous enough to figure that I should withdraw this application. Appreciate the consideration either way and best wishes.
- Imperator_Titan
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Re: Scrat505 Mod Application
Application has been withdrawn at the applicant's will.
Denied - You may reapply again in a month.
Denied - You may reapply again in a month.
Just some funny moments.
Ed Trevor
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