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by Fickmacher » 01 May 2015, 17:03
Hey, new to the forums here (though I've been playing the server for a good amount of time,) but I have a handful of suggestions based on my observations:
- Severely overhaul Ravagers
Either fix or remove flamethrowers
A voting system for round ends and/or calling the shuttle-
- Making Ravagers more viable.
Making flamethrowers not a hassel
Allowing staff-less rounds to be ended
- Ravagers are worthless compared to their pre-evolution cousins. They're too slow to catch up with a marine and their tackle is menu-based and hard to hit. This is coupled with their inability to vent crawl and huge size making them a target, they are currently worthless in their current iteration.
Flamethrowers, as we all know, don't work.
Adding in a voting system for round end and/or shuttle call.
- For Ravagers, I recommend increasing speed, making pounce a toggle, and increasing health to make them viable.
For flamethrowers, I recommend removing them from the map until they work again. The main issue with this is that newbies don't know that they don't work, bring them into the field, and get their asses kicked.
For the the round end system, I recommend a voting system due to the fact that during some wee hours when no staff is on. This would allow rounds to end in case of griefing or some afk players being too hard to find and therefore delaying round ends. This could either be for the shuttle to be called or a general round end.
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by mdom » 01 May 2015, 22:59
For future reference, focusing on a single topic for a suggestion makes it much easier for staff to come to a decision and implement an idea.
Ravagers are like the big bruiser, they shouldn't be empowered any more than they already are in my opinion.
Flamethrowers don't work and we have had threads about it before, I even made one.
The round end may be a good idea but I can see it being abused easily. The fact that the rounds are as long as they are tend to be an element of how colonial marines work. New marines spawn in and provide wonderful food for hungry aliens thus the cycle continues.
Thanks for adding a suggestion though, I appreciate your input.
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by MrJJJ » 01 May 2015, 23:34
All for ravager, his health is not so good anyways and etc
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by speedybst » 03 May 2015, 18:32
Agreed for the Ravager, they need a serious boost.
Flamers, yeah, probably need at least a small fix.
End of round vote, whilst i agree with it, sadly it would be abused too often to implement.
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by Abbysynth » 03 May 2015, 18:34
Flamethrowers would be a lot better (and a lot less laggy and buggy for everyone) if they simply did a temporary "beam" of fire-tile icons in a row, did not actually eject any plasma or spread heat, and anyone that is directly hit with the fire takes massive burn damage. It should also instantly get rid of xeno resin stuff within 1 tile of the beam. Bam, flamethrowers fixed.
I agree withe everything else.
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by apophis775 » 07 Jun 2015, 00:42
Out of Date - Locked