Ban Appeal-IzzaBinSeen

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Ban Appeal-IzzaBinSeen

Post by IzzaBinSeen » 27 Dec 2018, 11:32

Your Byond ID: IzzaBinSeen

Character Name: Joselyn Heckendora

Type Of Ban (Job-ban (include the job), Timed Ban, Permaban): Permaban

Admin who banned you (if known): Wolf

Total Ban Duration: Perma

Remaining Duration: Perma

What other servers do you play on? Civilization 13, TGME

Are you now or have you been banned on any servers? Which ones? Paradise

Reason for ban (If you have a Permaban, it should be the EXACT MESSAGE YOU GET WHEN YOU LOGIN with the Error code that looks like this: X##XXX##. If you do not provide this EXACTLY you can't be unbanned): ERP and Griefing

Link to previous appeals for the same ban (if applicable): viewtopic.php?f=87&t=15993&p=176454&hil ... en#p176454, viewtopic.php?f=87&t=16217

Your appeal, including evidence (screenshots, etc): It has been one year now since all these notes, and that ERP, just a thing that never stops playing in my head like a recording. After playing on a multitude of other stations, learning what i can and cannot do i've had a bit more experience on role play and proper Etiquette. My note history im sure will get posted here by an admin not too long after this remark and many of you will look a gazed at how my role play might be considered "Assinine" and how my note history wont support it like Apophis quoted almost a year a go. Well as it stands now times have changed and so have I, I've gotten a job, learned the hard way of the working world. I can't say i have entirely changed my ways but i know i will NEVER EVER EVER EVER do ERP shit like that again, (fucking hell i cant believe i ever did that). Apologies to SirLordingston for the shit storm i caused you, i hope this reaches you mate. When i first played this my idea of role play between Out of character and In character was lacking. Many of you will vote on this and probably doubt my abilities, but i will tell you one thing that i have, and i am a damn good teammate to my comrades in arms. I've always serve those closest to me and done my best to save their asses. I have always fought to the best of my ability as a character and that is where my role play was the strongest. When i went out my comfort zone my Role play went nuts and so did I. Now there is also one more thing i'm never doing again and that is playing ANY high ranked role i am staying AWAY from roles like XO, CMO, Alien queen, and anything close to that i just want to shoot some aliens and heal my soldiers honestly. For those people looking up and reading that i have played on the TGME "Stolen CM code" (or whatever you want to call it) i've only played it because i have no other way to enjoy what i lost last year, the more and more i play it, the more and more i want to play the real deal not the half-assed stolen version. I kinda like those guys and they are intelligent but the role play their is a bit depressing and i wish it would be more realistic not REEEEE KILL FURRY REEEEE! Nothing can ever excuse what i did, nothing, but all i ask is your consideration and your thought on this topic, and i will wait a week if i have to for a response because i want you guys to at least think about it. Sorry for the inconveniences i caused, hope to talk to you guys soon and maybe work something out about this ban. And if you believe that time has not healed the wounds that i have caused then i hope to see y'all next year, hope y'all had a merry Christmas and hope you enjoy the new year later mates :p
Sincerely, IzzaBinSeen

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Re: Ban Appeal-IzzaBinSeen

Post by Dorkkeli » 27 Dec 2018, 12:21

We do have a zero tolerance on ERP, but this note is around a year old and you do seem like you have learned your lesson.
Could you get a server or two to vouch for good behavior.
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Re: Ban Appeal-IzzaBinSeen

Post by x31stOverlord » 27 Dec 2018, 12:23

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Byond: IzzaBinSeen

Re: Ban Appeal-IzzaBinSeen

Post by IzzaBinSeen » 27 Dec 2018, 13:07

Does the server have to be a ss13? I do have other servers that roleplay too like Holdfast, and uh stuff like that....line battles n stuff

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Byond: IzzaBinSeen

Re: Ban Appeal-IzzaBinSeen

Post by IzzaBinSeen » 27 Dec 2018, 14:09

Alright so i dont have anyone to vouch for me at this time im sorry, TGME is on break and im pretty sure you don't want to see one of those comments for appeal on your forum since they "stole your code", basically most of the ss13 servers like lebensraum and a couple other are gone, and ive just started getting back into byond (for the 10th time, its like an addiction) and my role-play has transformed, so are we willing to talk out some sort of watch list or something? I cant exactly get a vouch and even getting one ESPECIALLY from an SS13 server is difficult for me at this time. I cant provide much evidence for me being WAY BETTER than the degenerate crap of a person i was a year ago, but i can at least attempt to ask for some form of vote/redemption from the error of my ways. Hell job-ban me from any job that isnt a marine with its boots on the ground, anyway i got to go to work in half an hour hope to talk to y'all at around 7ish or so, or at least come to a consensus of sorts.

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Re: Ban Appeal-IzzaBinSeen

Post by Grimreaperx15 » 27 Dec 2018, 19:15

I agree with Dorkkeli. It has been a year, but I'd like to see a vouch from another server as well.

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Re: Ban Appeal-IzzaBinSeen

Post by Mizari » 28 Dec 2018, 07:29

For that month alone you caused quite a string of issues as seen in your notes. I am very hesitant with this appeal so I am remaining neutral at this time. I could be swayed to a +1 if you'd be willing to accept a HEAVY probation period but that will be after your vouches.

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Re: Ban Appeal-IzzaBinSeen

Post by Sir Lordington » 31 Dec 2018, 11:49

I remember the metagrudging incident and quite frankly I don't particularly care about it, so as far as that goes I accept your apology. That said, I believe you neglected to mention that you played on Baystation12. You played there for about three months and managed to rack up several warnings for poor play and two bans, the latest of which happened this October.

With no proof that you've changed, and plenty of proof against I'm going to have to deny this appeal. Keep playing elsewhere and prove you can be trusted not to break the rules and then appeal again.

I used to play Luke Compton. Now I play Reginald Dempsey.
