Laimingass ban appeal

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Laimingass ban appeal

Post by Laimingass » 02 May 2015, 07:01

Beyond ID: Laimingass

Admin who banned you: Host

Initial Duration: Perma

Duration Remaining: Perma

Reason for Ban: A long ago i pushed a fuel tank into a marine and made it explode aka metagaming

Your Appeal, including evidence (Please create an Imgur album if you have multiple screenshots): It's been a long time and i see now that this server is seperated from eden and I have also waited for a long time to play this again, I think i deserve another chance to play as i learned from my mistakes.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Laimingass ban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 03 May 2015, 02:57

Your not banned...

We did a clean slate thing, you probably should have tried to get on the server first...

If it's refusing your connection, one of two things is happening:

1. Your using a specific ISP in Denmark, which is allowing a griefer to change the IP as the company is alledegly owned by his father (his allegation)
2. Your using a TOR IP in my IP ban range
3. Your using the same IP as an evader who is banned in Stickban.

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Re: Laimingass ban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 04 May 2015, 22:36

IDK why someone moved and locked this... restoring.

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Re: Laimingass ban appeal

Post by apophis775 » 06 May 2015, 16:32

You gonna reply, it looks like, your IP, is assocaited with a multi-keyer.

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Re: Laimingass ban appeal

Post by UnknownMurder » 22 May 2015, 11:45

Seems like not going to reply.

Feel free to move back.
