Millardo Marquise

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Millardo Marquise

Post by razerwing » 07 May 2015, 13:19

Your Byond Key: Razerwing

Your character name: Kelly Mason

Their character name: N/A

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it): Millardo Marquise

Approximate time and date of the incident: 11:30 AM 12:57PM GMT-5

What rule(s) were broken: Rule Zero, I'd imagine. Not being a dick.

Description of the incident: A researcher, who's name I've already forgotten and who's Ckey I never saw, did something in the west wing of the Sulaco. Medical, the Brig, and research was dropped below -30 degrees. Kelly had formed icicles in her lungs from standing there for a few seconds. Me and an MP (since I was Commander at the time) went in to investigate, and found only HIGH CONCENTRATIONS OF UNKOWN PARTICLES. However, once everything got back to room temperature, you could walk through just fine without internals on, so I figured it was nothing harmful. About half an hour later, an LO goes rogue because an MP tazed her for having a lethal shotgun on her back. Stole Commander's clothes from the locker, and attempted mutiny (or at least that's what she was charged with). I wanted to do an interrogation scene, which I though would be nice for the Command staff to pass the time with. Lit a cigarette, as per Detective Interrogation Procedures, and suddenly EVERYTHING WAS ON FIRE! Whatever tile I walked on with my lit cigarette caught fire.

So what do I do? Rush to the robo-bay, slap an extinguisher on a Ripley, and proceed to FIGHT THIS FIRE. I had no idea what the hell was causing it, but I wasn't going to let it ruin the round. I tried to fight it, but there was just too much lag. So then imagine my surprise when I notice that someone's LOOCing me, saying how the person in the Ripley is going to get banned. For what, you might ask? For <b>INTENTIONALLY</b> setting fire to the place. Despite the fact that I was actively fighting the fire. Millardo Marquise then proceeded to ghost around me, bugging me about how I was obviously, intentionally starting fires in places by, get this, switching the internals on and off while having the cigarette in my mouth. The cigarette I put out once I realized it was starting fires... so I could replace it with the breathing mask. Makes plenty of sense right? He then goes on to say that he's going to report me. When I direct him to the forums, since that's where you report people, he says that he doesn't use the forums and continues to insult me.

As you can see, I'm pretty mad about this. To be blamed for some other guys fuck-up, even though I'm doing my damndest to single-handedly fix the damn thing, without admin support (because none were on at the time), and without crew support because they were all busy evacing to a shuttle that would never come. On my orders of course, because it made the most IC sense.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Brock Hegarty's player as witness. Oneshot00 as a witness, and Tanya Ed-something, as witness. All three were in the brig when Kelly lit up a cigarette and proceeded to panic. I was also panicking over LOOC.

How you would punish the accused: I'd bap him upside the head, personally. Needs to learn to get his facts straight, and learn that SWITCHING INTERNALS ON AND OFF DOESN'T CAUSE SPARKS! Being attacked by Xenos, DOES CAUSE SPARKS. SPARKS... CAUSE.... FIRES!

As a side note, there was some good, as Kelly fought back flames that had surrounded her Ripley and a drone, Drone 531 if I remember right. The drone was knocked unconcious, so Kelly in a fit of heroism got out of her mech and dragged it back onto the weeds. Because no one should have to die like that.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Millardo Marquise

Post by apophis775 » 07 May 2015, 18:42

You were probably standing in air-fuel mixture...

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Re: Millardo Marquise

Post by MrJJJ » 07 May 2015, 20:05

Brock here
The researcher was Rohan oni or something
I can confirm that temperature was fucked so I brought in the space heater and had to wear hardsuit and internals, after the temperature got to safe levels, then after some LO arresting, bringing medical kits and seeing whatever you gonna, the place is on fire from cigarette and lighter
What the hell did researcher mixed to make it both -30 and particles which can burn is beyond me.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Millardo Marquise

Post by apophis775 » 08 May 2015, 12:36

Probably a fuel-air mix, OR, they made a "blood grenade" with fuel instead of blood.

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Re: Millardo Marquise

Post by UnknownMurder » 08 May 2015, 14:29

I've showed and told Millardo this thread yesterday. Not sure when he's going to reply.

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Re: Millardo Marquise

Post by SASoperative » 10 May 2015, 21:30

I have looked through the logs and I do not see evidence that he committed this. It must have been another player, Or its possible that it was accidental. He has some logs of producing something with Chemistry But nothing regarding grenades. However I know there is a large past regarding Millardo, I have logs and I will talk to them and see what they say.

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Re: Millardo Marquise

Post by SASoperative » 10 May 2015, 22:07

I have spoken to Millardo and his story matches his logs along with pointing out other vital info from the round that was not added here which was true as well... Neither side is being punished. This post will be moved in 24 hours if no one has anymore comments to make about it.
