Byond ID:
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?
25 hours.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before?
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?
This really depends on a lot of factors. It's very unlikely that I manage to identify and disable the shooter before a massive shootout breaks out, but because it's just ONE player, he shouldn't be able to cause much damage before he gets overwhelmed by everyone else. That said, if it's one marine shooting everyone else, I would teleport that marine to the Thunderdome for a private conversation. However, if the other marines have already started shooting back, I'd let it play out. After the shooter is killed/arrested, I would give admin assistance to any killed people, but I'd let the medics treat the wounded (Sulaco medics need some fun, too). I know that the rules state that admin assistance is only given to players who do not use lethal force to defend themselves, even if they were attacked. However, my objective here is to put the round back on track as quickly as I reasonably can, and I don't think a full investigation to determine who fired back and who didn't would speed things up.
And then we'd start the investigation. Three things are critical: Intention, Motivations, and Results.
If very little harm is done to other players (a few injured), depending on his reasons to start firing (was it an escalated, RP thing? Or did he randomly pull a gun and went nuts?), he might just get off with IC brig incarceration and an admin note. However, if his motivations were "lulz, yolo", he's getting at least a day-ban regardless of how much harm he did.
If more harm is done (dead people), it's unlikely he will get off easily. Still, his intentions (what was he trying to achieve?) and motivations (why was he trying to achieve it?), will impact heavily on the length of his punishment. Unless he had a motherfuckingly good reason to kill marines in the briefing room, he's getting at the very least a 12-hour ban. A "lulz, yolo" reason would upgrade his ban to a 4-7 days.
If a LOT of harm is done (somehow everyone was killed by this guy and he is now heading towards Medbay), I'd teleport him away, revive every single killed person (I know, they might have shot back, but I'm not ruining the whole round because of a rogue marine), and tell them to continue the round as if nothing had happened. And then we'd have a nice conversation which would end up with a lengthy ban, 5-10 days.
Of course, if the player does get banned, I would announce OOC the length and the reasons of his ban. People need to be aware that such actions will not go unpunished.
You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?
It truly depends on a lot of factors, the most important one being "why are you even breaching Nostromo?"
If it's a queen who's made a nest in Prison and came under siege by marines in a way that breaking out to space is the only way she can escape alive, the first thing would be make her close the breach. As a punishment, I'd take out some hivemind strength and add an admin note. Of course, if A LOT of damage is caused by that, she might just be removed from the round and get a note. I don't think a 24-hour ban would fit this case because self-preservation is something that weighs a lot, especially in a first-time-offender queen.
If it's someone else who's breaching the station. The punishment varies with the intent and the harm caused by their actions. If no one gets hurt and I spot it right away, they might be getting off with being removed from the round and a note. If marines have been hurt or a huge area lost pressure, I would seal the breach myself and take them off the round while I decide a longer punishment and explain to them the NO BREACHING rule.
Of course, after administering the ban, there would be an OOC message about the ban details. I think that's a very good way of reminding people about certain rules they might otherwise forget.
The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do?
Announce: "We don't pay you to destroy government property, we pay you to secure government property. Don't make us go down there."
After that, I would talk to the commander (In character, not OOC) and find out just what the fuck is going on. If his answers are not good enough, he might just be paid a visit by agents. Bottom line is that this is an IC issue and should be treated as such.
A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?
There are oh so many different situations. Did he have a good reason to do it? Is it red alert? Are there aliens on the station? But, well, the first thing to do is assess three very important things: Intention, Motives, Results. Maybe he saw a ravager inside logistics and tried to save the day? Or maybe he just had a quarrel and decided to burn them alive?
If the damage wasn't that big (fixable by engineers) and military police can deal with him, let it be resolved IC: there is always the chance he just threw it by accident. Oh, boy, if you had seen the grenade fuck-ups that I have seen...
On the other hand, if he's just decided to fuck everything and everyone, griefing is something I do not take lightly. He will get banned, and hurt people will get admin assistance. After all is said and done, an OOC message would tell everyone about what happened and what was done about it.
What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?
If I'm in a good mood and not busy:
"Oh, really? Good for you. Now, it is apparent you are upset about something. Do have anything else to say to me?"
"Yes, your mom's **************"
"Sex with other people's moms? Is that the best you can do? I'm disappointed. At least toss some mom jokes in the middle."
"Do yourself a favour and read this guide: "
After which I'd mute him. Perhaps I'd tease him a little more, but he'd eventually get a mute.
IF he is actually upset about something reasonable, well, I guess I can ignore the offense and talk to him about it.
But if I'm busy and/or in a bad mood, he just gets muted straight away. I might even get to add a note, but I probably won't.
Last, if he's got a history of offending admins, he gets a completely free round-removal.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
Yes. I'm awesome. And I play Sheet Curity.
[Juninho77] - Moderator Application
- Juninho77
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[Juninho77] - Moderator Application
Last edited by Juninho77 on 09 May 2015, 18:08, edited 1 time in total.

"Do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage against the dying of the light."
If you would permaban a player, you owe it to him to look into his logs and hear his side of the story. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the player does not deserve to be banned.

- SASoperative
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Re: [Juninho77] - Moderator Application
... You have alot of potential HOWEVER, The your mom reponse was VERY... Erm well just no. The proper thing to do in that situation is simply tell them to follow Rule 8 which is to respect staff. If they than start to argue tell them to cool down for about 5 minute and mute them from OOC/looc/ and Admin help and than unmute them after the 5 minutes if it continues than you should ban them, Other than that you seem salvagable. +1 from me.
- SecretStamos (Joshuu)
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Re: [Juninho77] - Moderator Application
I was very enthusiastic until I read the "your mom" answer.
That response was very offputting and a little too immature for me.
I'm currently on the fence. You would have had me completely sold if not for that.
That response was very offputting and a little too immature for me.
I'm currently on the fence. You would have had me completely sold if not for that.
- speedybst
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Re: [Juninho77] - Moderator Application
Indeed, was ready to give this a +1 without any questions till that. If you did what SAS recommend, then its a +1 from me.
- Juninho77
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Re: [Juninho77] - Moderator Application
I was not going to reply to this topic anymore, because I believe you should be able to make up your mind without my begging for acceptance, but it seems I'm getting a lot of flak for my mom's answer, so I will give you some clarification:
If someone comes and calls my mother a whore, telling them to read rule 8 will have the same effect of asking an alien to let you go from their nest after you've been facehugged. It is a self-evident rule of life that you do not go insulting people's mothers, and if that guy ignored it, he surely as hell will not stop and think: "Oh, look, rule 8 says I shouldn't do this, so I guess I'm wrong and I will apologize."
A guy that insults your mother is pretty pissed about something, and taking him seriously when he is in that enraged state will not be good for either of you. I find that using humor and showing that you're not offended, even when you have all the right in the world to be, sometimes eases the mood and allows an actual conversation to take place. True, sometimes that doesn't work, in which case he'd be muted for a while. But you know what doesn't work for sure? Pointing out that they should read the rules and treating them like a raving child. If anything, that will make them even angrier.
Again, you have all right in the world to treat them harshly, they offended a member of staff, they broke the rules, and their reasons are not your primary concern. But the point is that you have a choice, and my choice is to try to understand their side and what they're angry about in order give them a fair judgment.
If someone comes and calls my mother a whore, telling them to read rule 8 will have the same effect of asking an alien to let you go from their nest after you've been facehugged. It is a self-evident rule of life that you do not go insulting people's mothers, and if that guy ignored it, he surely as hell will not stop and think: "Oh, look, rule 8 says I shouldn't do this, so I guess I'm wrong and I will apologize."
A guy that insults your mother is pretty pissed about something, and taking him seriously when he is in that enraged state will not be good for either of you. I find that using humor and showing that you're not offended, even when you have all the right in the world to be, sometimes eases the mood and allows an actual conversation to take place. True, sometimes that doesn't work, in which case he'd be muted for a while. But you know what doesn't work for sure? Pointing out that they should read the rules and treating them like a raving child. If anything, that will make them even angrier.
Again, you have all right in the world to treat them harshly, they offended a member of staff, they broke the rules, and their reasons are not your primary concern. But the point is that you have a choice, and my choice is to try to understand their side and what they're angry about in order give them a fair judgment.

"Do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage against the dying of the light."
If you would permaban a player, you owe it to him to look into his logs and hear his side of the story. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the player does not deserve to be banned.

- UnknownMurder
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Re: [Juninho77] - Moderator Application
Immature "your mom" response.
Immature "your mom" response.
- Rahlzel
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Re: [Juninho77] - Moderator Application
This confuses me. Your reply above is on the right track: "I find that using humor and showing that you're not offended, even when you have all the right in the world to be, sometimes eases the mood and allows an actual conversation to take place." ...and you're right about their response to being told to read the rule, but your response isn't "humorous".Juninho77 wrote: A guy that insults your mother is pretty pissed about something, and taking him seriously when he is in that enraged state will not be good for either of you. I find that using humor and showing that you're not offended, even when you have all the right in the world to be, sometimes eases the mood and allows an actual conversation to take place. True, sometimes that doesn't work, in which case he'd be muted for a while. But you know what doesn't work for sure? Pointing out that they should read the rules and treating them like a raving child. If anything, that will make them even angrier.
You say, "Perhaps I'd tease him a little more, but he'd eventually get a mute."
And then, "But if I'm busy and/or in a bad mood, he just gets muted straight away."
You're flip-flopping and still coming up with the wrong response.
On the plus side, you formatted the application to make it easier to read. You get hidden bonus points for that.
Overall, I think your heart is in the right place, even if it was conveyed strangely.
I'm going with a +1 on this. Everything else is good and I think you just didn't correctly write out what you meant. Besides, if a player is incessantly bothing us, we ALL mute them eventually.
- slayerplayer99
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Re: [Juninho77] - Moderator Application
You will be given a shot. Just stick to what you have said here (Besides the your mom response follow what I have told you or what another staff tells you for that) Approved.