Byond ID:Ordukai
Timezone:UTC-8 (Pacific coast time)
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?: 21+/-. Truly it depends on what I have going on with college, but I'll likely be able to put more time in on the weekends.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?: Yes, I managed to climb the ranks to Trial admin in a previous iteration of Colonial Marines (Though with a different username)
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?: See above.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before?: No.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?: No.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?: Nope.
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?:
Demand over OOC (preferably LOOC) that the marines stop firing and immobilize (as much as possible) any who continue to do so. I would then determine who initiated the conflict, if it wasn't immediately obvious, and ask them what they were doing. If their explanation met my satisfaction, I suppose I would give a 3 second LOOC (Or OOC) countdown for continuing the fight. If not, I would remove the offending player(s) and repair the damage as much as my humble abilities allow for. Question:In marine specific rules Rule 1 it states that [Edit: (Whoops, forgot to finish this) The bottom line: If you use lethal force, you're on your own, even if you're defending yourself. I hope this doesn't mean I'm forced to leave them alone? I certainly don't expect this to be the case, but I would enjoy some clarification on the subject.]
You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?:
There are, as always, many variables to this. First I would make sure that they do not widen the breach, so that we can have a discussion with minimal atmospheric problems (Are Trial Mods able to seal breaches?). I would strike up a conversation with them, asking them why they were doing it, as well as checking on their notes to see what their history is like. If they were, well, rude and unrepentant I would ban them for 24 hours and recommend to them that they take the time to re-read the rules. However, if they were terribly apologetic about the whole deal, if not forgiving them entirely (This being dependent on how much damage was done and how much I was able to fix) I'd give them a 6-12 hour ban time. Again, that depends. If, for example, they breach in the middle of the nest at, say, cargo, I would give them the full 24 hour ban and strongly recommend that they be more careful next time. But, one might ask, what if this non-resin alien had made plans with a resiny-alien to seal the breach? (You know, this question isn't nearly as specific as it originally appears). As before, depending on the actual amount of damage done I would mitigate the sentence as much as I feel fair, but likely no lower than 6 hours.
These times, of course, are ones I made up on the spot, based on the assumption that there are no other admins/mods around. It's always good to ask for a second opinion.
The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do?:
"We didn't hire you to be a bunch of lily-livered lily-pickin' daisy-lovin' roses who blow up entire stations because of a few scratches! Get back in there and do us proud!"
Actually, this question too is unspecific (At least for my taste). If they started the round with 60 and end up with 20, with no clue of how many aliens are left, such a hopeless situation wouldn't really merit that^ response (Though it makes for a good line if I end up deciding to deny their request anyways). Something better to say may well be: "How many have you killed?" and "Those are acceptable kill/loss ratios, get back in there and finish them off". TBH I don't really see any situation where I would allow marines the nuke code unless I felt it unlikely that they would actually be able to pull it off. IMO the nuke is a silly thing to use against aliens, because it just begs the aliens to metagame or face certain and complete destruction, which really isn't fair to them.
I suppose the moral of this story is that I would deny them and attempt to convince them to either re-engage or fortify Sulaco.
A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?:
(I will continue as if this question was still valid and the napalm recipe hadn't been removed from the code, thank god for that) Well shit. Someone effed up big time. Did the Sulaco Medic know how powerful those grenades are?-->Check notes and/or ask--->Yes:Ban for, oh, I don't know. 12 hours?; No--->Apologetic:Sternly warn, make notes; Unapologetic: Ban for, say, 6 hours. (Making up ban times when there's absolutely no guide to the situation is what I found hardest about being a mod/trial admin)
Did the marine know how strong the grenade was?-->Check notes and/or ask-->Yes: Why did he throw it into logistics, exactly? [A mutiny?-->12 hour ban; No discernible reason:24 hour ban (please do correct me if I'm wrong about this)]; No: Why did he throw it into logistics? [A mutiny: Sternly warn, make notes; No discernible reason:Ban for 12 hours]
All bans would be accompanied with explanation, warning, and suggestion to think before one acts, of course.
What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?:
Gosh these questions can be unspecific some times. It truly does depend on where exactly he says it, and how much he says it. For the sake of the question, lets suggest he just can't stop.
OOC (Pre/Post-round): No matter, perhaps make a statement saying "Remember to respect staff, and if you have any complaints, make a post on the forum"
OOC (Mid-round): Mute OOC, say something along the lines of "Enough of that" (If multiple players ahelp me and ask me to turn OOC on again, I would naturally accede to their demands and specifically mute the player, should he continue)
Deadchat: Hey, dead chat is where all the salt lives. Really, if ever there were a place for it, it would be deadchat.
In Game: Whoa there, now we have a problem. Not only is he ruining everyone's immersion he's also flicking his nose at the "No ERP" rule. Definitely time to step in, tell him/her to be careful of what he says and certainly not to say it in IC.
A-help(Spontaneous): You continuously ahelp me out of nowhere, attempting to incite me? A-help mute followed by^ as necessary, a warning not to be rude to staff as well.
A-help(post/mid problem solving): Attempt to calm him/her down by sympathizing, or whatever and ask him/her to be more polite to staff.
*All warnings and bans proposed in this application would be accompanied by notes explaining the situation as best as possible.
I'd have to get a check on whether you guys would recommend a ban or not in the case of repeated offenses, as it doesn't seem to be properly stated or stated at all any where that I can find.
Any additional information you'd like to add?
More guidance on the ban times would be greatly appreciated.
I can't say how happy I was to find a working model of Colonial Marines on Byond after the first one shut down. I had a great time staffing the poor old server and look forward to being staff on one with working systems.
Ordukai - Moderator Application
- Ordukai
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- Joined: 12 May 2015, 02:12
- Location: California, USA
- Byond: Ordukai
Ordukai - Moderator Application
Last edited by Ordukai on 12 May 2015, 03:55, edited 1 time in total.
TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.
- SASoperative
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- Location: Mobile constantly. Never really in one spot for long.
Re: Ordukai - Moderator Application
Dear... Lord.... Above.... That is probably one of the best Staff apps I actually have ever read....... ALL OF MY +1 tempted to just approve of this right now but I will wait for other staff to reply
- slayerplayer99
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- UnknownMurder
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Re: Ordukai - Moderator Application
Just a question, what was your original key?
Second, trial mods can seal breach.
Forever holding in peace.
Second, trial mods can seal breach.
Forever holding in peace.
- Felkvir
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Re: Ordukai - Moderator Application
Pretty sure some of the questions are meant to be vague, the applications are just for us to judge beforehand based on what you present to us ..
A lot of the answers i see are fair .. But there are walls of text, instead of shorter answers which could have been done just as good if not better. Reading through them, it's kind of painful. And then there's the occassional nitpicking in these walls which kind of trail from the questions .. And the whole procedure of reading through the application seems a bit dragged out, and i wonder if this is going to carry into your moderating or not? And if under pressure, how long is it going to take then ... Just a thought. Usually, complicating matters can be avoided.
One thing i find very strange is that you came out of the blue, with your first post here being your staff application .. I haven't seen you on any of the forums or on the server before yet, so ... I dunno
Anyways, like i said .. The application is just a preview more or less. I'm neutral.
A lot of the answers i see are fair .. But there are walls of text, instead of shorter answers which could have been done just as good if not better. Reading through them, it's kind of painful. And then there's the occassional nitpicking in these walls which kind of trail from the questions .. And the whole procedure of reading through the application seems a bit dragged out, and i wonder if this is going to carry into your moderating or not? And if under pressure, how long is it going to take then ... Just a thought. Usually, complicating matters can be avoided.
One thing i find very strange is that you came out of the blue, with your first post here being your staff application .. I haven't seen you on any of the forums or on the server before yet, so ... I dunno
Anyways, like i said .. The application is just a preview more or less. I'm neutral.
- Ordukai
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- Location: California, USA
- Byond: Ordukai
Re: Ordukai - Moderator Application
My previous key was Fairweather.
From my point of view, I didn't really "come out of the blue", simply because I had played and staffed a previous iteration of Colonial Marines, but I understand that you see it that way. I've never really been interested in forum-work, and only joined in when it was necessary to as a trial admin in my previous staffing.
I apologize for the walls of text, I realize that that might be off-putting to some people. Much of what comprised this wall is descriptions of possible situations, something that would certainly be easier to determine by just looking at the screen as it happened; Colonial Maries isn't a "You Find Yourself In A Room" game, after all.
In my experience as trial mod-trial admin, matters CAN be complicated, and usually are. Being as accurate as is convenient/possible is very important, since it avoids confusion down the line.
For the "nitpicking" thing, are you taking about my little breaks from the response, saying things like "Man I wish this was more specific"? Again, that ties into the whole "You've been there the whole time" thing. As I said above, much of the content of the walls of text are simply describing situations that would be readily apparent if I had been watching the round.
Basically what I'm saying is this wall of text is not as scary as it seems :P
For that matter:
In my humble opinion, the forum is EXACTLY the place for walls of text, if ever there was one. People can type at their leisure and read at their leisure, though spacing via the return key does help it seem less intimidating, and makes it more friendly to read. Chatting in game and chatting (Or should I say conversing? Sounds better, anyways) on the forums are very different things.
Now, you are correct that some of this would carry over into my moderating, a good example would be player notes. If you'd like, I can simply post a brief summary preceded by "TLDR:" at the end of such entries, but when push comes to shove I'd rather that everyone (Myself included) was able to understand why I made the decisions I made (Though certainly it wouldn't exactly be as long as my application, lol).
But hey, isn't the trial mod period for figuring out what kind of mod you'll be anyways?
From my point of view, I didn't really "come out of the blue", simply because I had played and staffed a previous iteration of Colonial Marines, but I understand that you see it that way. I've never really been interested in forum-work, and only joined in when it was necessary to as a trial admin in my previous staffing.
I apologize for the walls of text, I realize that that might be off-putting to some people. Much of what comprised this wall is descriptions of possible situations, something that would certainly be easier to determine by just looking at the screen as it happened; Colonial Maries isn't a "You Find Yourself In A Room" game, after all.
In my experience as trial mod-trial admin, matters CAN be complicated, and usually are. Being as accurate as is convenient/possible is very important, since it avoids confusion down the line.
For the "nitpicking" thing, are you taking about my little breaks from the response, saying things like "Man I wish this was more specific"? Again, that ties into the whole "You've been there the whole time" thing. As I said above, much of the content of the walls of text are simply describing situations that would be readily apparent if I had been watching the round.
Basically what I'm saying is this wall of text is not as scary as it seems :P
For that matter:
In my humble opinion, the forum is EXACTLY the place for walls of text, if ever there was one. People can type at their leisure and read at their leisure, though spacing via the return key does help it seem less intimidating, and makes it more friendly to read. Chatting in game and chatting (Or should I say conversing? Sounds better, anyways) on the forums are very different things.
Now, you are correct that some of this would carry over into my moderating, a good example would be player notes. If you'd like, I can simply post a brief summary preceded by "TLDR:" at the end of such entries, but when push comes to shove I'd rather that everyone (Myself included) was able to understand why I made the decisions I made (Though certainly it wouldn't exactly be as long as my application, lol).
But hey, isn't the trial mod period for figuring out what kind of mod you'll be anyways?

TLDR: Go back and read it. I spent time writing that, ya know.
- speedybst
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Re: Ordukai - Moderator Application
Well now, this was very good, and Fairweather... yes, that name is very familiar, and thats not something that happens often for me...
+1 from me, i did really like this app.
+1 from me, i did really like this app.
- UnknownMurder
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Re: Ordukai - Moderator Application
SASoperative is temporary inactive for personal reason.
You got the job.
Going to leave this open for until tomorrow.
SASoperative is temporary inactive for personal reason.
You got the job.
Going to leave this open for until tomorrow.