Shooting Acid Destroys Marine Armor

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Shooting Acid Destroys Marine Armor

Post by Feweh » 16 May 2015, 01:04

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
Pretty straight forward, sentinel's shooting acid should destroy Marine Armor after a few hits.
Spitter Acid should have a stronger effect than the Sentinels.
This was in the actual movies, acid destroy's some of the marines gear to the point one of them takes it off completely.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
Change the game up with marines purely rushing around, they'll have to worry about their gear a bit more.
We also have a surplus of Marine Armor that never get's used at all sitting in cargo.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
+Sentinels can slowly weaken marines
+Marines need to properly establish supply routes, rather than just run around
+Add's another element to the game, which carries along with helmet's getting destroyed.
+Not out of the lore/movie's

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):

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Re: Shooting Acid Destroys Marine Armor

Post by SASoperative » 16 May 2015, 01:30

...... This is not coming back at least till alpha. We tried this.... It did not go well. Just my opinion

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Re: Shooting Acid Destroys Marine Armor

Post by MrJJJ » 16 May 2015, 01:33

There is just no point in this
We have already had our helmets nerfed to shit, shotguns too, and now you want acid destroying armor when we have shit tons of team fires? No thanks

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Re: Shooting Acid Destroys Marine Armor

Post by Feweh » 16 May 2015, 01:52

Had no idea it was already attempted.

Curious as to what the issues were?

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Re: Shooting Acid Destroys Marine Armor

Post by MrJJJ » 16 May 2015, 04:11

Pink wrote:Had no idea it was already attempted.

Curious as to what the issues were?
Helmets apparently due to "Marines rush in with they super helmets and destroy almost all huggers, or be unable to hug, despite the fact aliens can easily tackle they ass"
Shotgun due to macro barely anyone ever uses

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Re: Shooting Acid Destroys Marine Armor

Post by razerwing » 16 May 2015, 05:24

Pink, a while back we had the Corroder tier of aliens, and Spitters had regular melty acid alongside Neurotoxins. Most Spitters and Corroders wouldn't bother using the non lethal acid, and when they hit a marine with regular acid it would melt through armor. And then their jumpsuit. And then through them. The only way to save yourself from being husked was to take off the armor, or your jumpsuit, and after that if you got hit you were dead as hell.

Not to mention with these other nerfs against the marines (though I still think there's really no call for the shotgun nerf, unless we make that semi auto as well with box mags) it would just mean that the aliens would never lose.

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Re: Shooting Acid Destroys Marine Armor

Post by UnknownMurder » 16 May 2015, 20:01

Nay. Don't be lazy and do it yourself.

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Re: Shooting Acid Destroys Marine Armor

Post by Zynax » 21 May 2015, 15:57

I think it should damage pieces of the armor like when you get hit it destroys a shoulder piece or something like that

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Re: Shooting Acid Destroys Marine Armor

Post by Davidchan » 21 May 2015, 16:06

Armor destruction was removed because it was poorly coded (I'm blunt and honest because I care!) and would give the marine about 15-30 second to remove the armor himself or it would melt HIM as well. So, Aliens were getting long range kills, in a heavy fire fight where the text box is going nuts with gunfire, hits and and people shouting orders, it was super easy to miss the notification that your armor is melting off.

If the armor was destroyed (removed and then destroyed as to not kill the marine wearing it) it wouldn't have been as bad.

But I'm still saying -1, because of how ludicrously easy this would be leave marines running around naked and disarmed despite the aliens never getting close enough to infect them. Imagine if the marines had a gun that disabled Xeno abilities, reduced their plasma regen (or even caused it to decay) despite them being at full health and no other sign or means to counter aside from returning to the nest to have to remolt or wait till they can evolve?
