Reduce evacuation shuttle call requirements when Sulaco is losing Atmostphere

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Reduce evacuation shuttle call requirements when Sulaco is losing Atmostphere

Post by mosshadow » 01 Jun 2015, 12:31

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
I Think we should reduce the requirements for a evacuation to be called if the Sulaco is losing atmostphere and marines cannot breathe.
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
It would stop rounds from dragging on. In many of these cases marines outnumber aliens significantly but then they fall dead from lack of air, at the same time there may be only a few aliens left but they have trouble getting through doors because when they melt walls or open resin doors more air leaks out and more blast walls close which slows down both sides. Most of these rounds just end after an hour when the last marines run out of air and the aliens just charge who ever is left in a shuttle or unbreached room.

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Re: Reduce evacuation shuttle call requirements when Sulaco is losing Atmostphere

Post by UnknownMurder » 01 Jun 2015, 17:33

...This is not a full format, thus I shall ignore it.

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Reduce evacuation shuttle call requirements when Sulaco is losing Atmostphere

Post by apophis775 » 09 Jun 2015, 12:42

Breaking will eventually be allowed, once we fix the "retardation" with the current VAS over-pressurizing nonsense.
