Implantation Paralysis

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Implantation Paralysis

Post by Evilkyle24 » 14 Jun 2015, 15:42

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):
Currently, once implanted by a facehugger, the marine can have the parasite removed at any time. The problem occurs when the chestbuster does not come out at its maturity time, because there are no players with alien candidacy online. The solution is to make the parasite irremovable once it passes the maturity point, and make the marine permanently lose consciousness. The alien will then come out even if the host dies.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):
This will stop marines from constantly trying to escape when no alien players are online, which happens more often than you'd think. Its a little ludicrous when its thirty minutes in and there are five aliens with ten hosts and none of them have burst, even after being in the nest for at least ten minutes. They will be paralyzed as if they were dead, which they would be at this point, and the parasite cannot be removed, which it could not at this point. The parasite may also come out whenever a player is ready, as it would have at this point.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):
The host recives a massive dose of brain damage, continuously occurring so no alkysine, and the chestbuster cannot be removed and will come out whenever it is ready. This keeps the marines from having a 30 minute impregnation and then surviving the ordeal with no troubles. I understand that blackouts exist to paralyze them during the final stages, but if someone is well past the burst date, its getting ridiculous that they can be saved because no alien players. This would have no effect on gameplay if there are available alien players, and it could help balance out rounds where the marine playerbase is 30 and the alien playerbase is 5.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):
Just give the host a massive dose of brain damage and make surgery to remove the chestbuster impossible, and allow the chestbuster to come out whenever a player is available even if the host is dead.

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Butterrobber202 » 14 Jun 2015, 15:55

Meh It's Lore-friendly I belive the Larvae becomes a cancer and cant be removed with out the death of the host.

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Evilkyle24 » 14 Jun 2015, 18:41

Butterrobber202 wrote:Meh It's Lore-friendly I belive the Larvae becomes a cancer and cant be removed with out the death of the host.
That is actually true, yeah, if you don't get it out in time the Larvae grows a placenta that attatches to key organs in the body. If the Larvae is removed, the placenta causes organ death, killing the host.

If you remove it early enough its fine.

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Anon McAnon » 15 Jun 2015, 02:18

Don't permaKO the marine. Forceghost them or something, or just kill them. Its not fun to stare at a black screen until someone dies or observes.

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Jester » 15 Jun 2015, 07:22

Um, you know when are no players dead or observers with xeno on you become the larva after you chestburst ,right?

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Juninho77 » 15 Jun 2015, 07:56

Jester wrote:Um, you know when are no players dead or observers with xeno on you become the larva after you chestburst ,right?
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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by UnknownMurder » 15 Jun 2015, 08:56

Juninho77 wrote: This.

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by apophis775 » 15 Jun 2015, 12:10

Unless you have Xeno Pref off I believe.

BUT, the larva does slowly kill humies if they don't receive near constant medical care, from:

Starving (it removes all nutritets)
Brute Damage to chest
Oxy Damage to organs

Also,l were working on a new Larva System that will result in death if removed sometimes.

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Juninho77 » 15 Jun 2015, 12:36

apophis775 wrote:Also,l were working on a new Larva System that will result in death if removed sometimes.
Well, now marines have a good reason to just shoot themselves in the head as they go to cloning.

All things considered, it's probably going to be statistically faster than trying surgery.
"Do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage against the dying of the light."
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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Jester » 15 Jun 2015, 12:45

Suicide is faster than surgery and the good part if you commit suicide you can be cloned

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Evilkyle24 » 15 Jun 2015, 23:00

Juninho77 wrote: This.
As I said on the main post, it doesn't. You don't burst if you have xeno pref off and no ghosts have it on.

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by apophis775 » 15 Jun 2015, 23:07

You realize, in New Bay, you CAN'T be cloned if you suicide?

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by apophis775 » 15 Jun 2015, 23:08

Oh, and we don't have a cloner anyway in the Alpha. So, there's that.

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Byond: Feweh

Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Feweh » 16 Jun 2015, 00:05

Never been a fan of the cloner anyways, so good on you Apop.

Seen far too many on purpose deaths or doctors letting people die just to clone them easier.

Also, side note.. having people survive from a chest burst needs to be fixed. Seriously, no fucking way you're surviving in-time for surgery at all.

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Biolock » 16 Jun 2015, 06:20

On a side note; I like how you can fibrillate someone who has recently busted, back to life.
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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 16 Jun 2015, 06:58

In regards to bursting with xeno pref off. If you are in your body, with xeno pref off, and no other ghost has the preference on, you will become the burster. If you ghost, and have preference off, and no other ghost has the preference on, the burster will cause damage to the catatonic body, until the body dies, or a ghost turns on the xeno preference. If you are in your body, and your preference is off, and a ghost has the preference on, the ghost will become the burster.

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by MrJJJ » 19 Jun 2015, 01:05

Just…No…i don't want this awful thing
I don't want to spend the rest of my life starring at my char, who can't get up because of a paralysis and can't burst because there is nobody to become the larva...

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Evilkyle24 » 19 Jun 2015, 03:33

MrJJJ wrote:Just…No…i don't want this awful thing
I don't want to spend the rest of my life starring at my char, who can't get up because of a paralysis and can't burst because there is nobody to become the larva...
Then turn your damn alien preference on.

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by TopHatPenguin » 19 Jun 2015, 05:29

Evilkyle24 wrote: Then turn your damn alien preference on.
The thing is this basically forces the player who either came home from work or school etc to be a alien or be bored watching their character.Also say that person wanted to play one round and when he/she gets captured he/she is like 'uhh well might as well revise' well along the lines of that.
My main point on this is that some people don't like playing Xeno and prefer to just talk to people in dead chat or do something else constructive while waiting for a new round instead of playing alien or being bored watching their character do nothing because they can't move...

On another note what's wrong with the current system we have of...bursting...?
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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Evilkyle24 » 19 Jun 2015, 06:04

Mr. Penguin wrote: The thing is this basically forces the player who either came home from work or school etc to be a alien or be bored watching their character.Also say that person wanted to play one round and when he/she gets captured he/she is like 'uhh well might as well revise' well along the lines of that.
My main point on this is that some people don't like playing Xeno and prefer to just talk to people in dead chat or do something else constructive while waiting for a new round instead of playing alien or being bored watching their character do nothing because they can't move...

On another note what's wrong with the current system we have of...bursting...?
90% of the time, people who have pref off and don't want to play xeno either ghost, which is metagaming because you can't just DIE on the spot for no medical reason, braindead, in which case this accomplishes the same thing, or after bursting, go mindless, which frustrates everyone involved because now we have a useless larva taking up hive-mind space and someone else could have used that.

Currently, you take slow damage until you are in crit, I think it even kills you eventually but I always have my pref on. Whether or not you still burst after that kills you is unknown to me.

Going mindless after bursting sucks. Really hard. Every time I see a mindless larvae the first thing that runs through my head is "THAT MOTHER FUCKER!"

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Anon McAnon » 19 Jun 2015, 06:16

Evilkyle24 wrote: 90% of the time, people who have pref off and don't want to play xeno either ghost, which is metagaming because you can't just DIE on the spot for no medical reason, braindead, in which case this accomplishes the same thing, or after bursting, go mindless, which frustrates everyone involved because now we have a useless larva taking up hive-mind space and someone else could have used that.

Currently, you take slow damage until you are in crit, I think it even kills you eventually but I always have my pref on. Whether or not you still burst after that kills you is unknown to me.

Going mindless after bursting sucks. Really hard. Every time I see a mindless larvae the first thing that runs through my head is "THAT MOTHER FUCKER!"
Pretty sure ghosting doesn't kill, just accelerates the damage you take from being infected.

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Evilkyle24 » 19 Jun 2015, 06:20

Anon McAnon wrote:
Pretty sure ghosting doesn't kill, just accelerates the damage you take from being infected.
Ghosting kills you instantly. Its always done that. I'm pretty sure it also makes it impossible for you to return to life for half an hour.

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by TopHatPenguin » 19 Jun 2015, 06:30

Evilkyle24 wrote: Ghosting kills you instantly. Its always done that. I'm pretty sure it also makes it impossible for you to return to life for half an hour.
Ghosting doesn't kill you're character it just makes them 'SSD' otherwise being asleep. If you mean by killing you can't re-enter your character then sure...
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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by MrJJJ » 19 Jun 2015, 06:33

I got no idea where did you got the idea that When you ghost, you die, you just go ssd...

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Re: Implantation Paralysis

Post by Anon McAnon » 19 Jun 2015, 06:37

Evilkyle24 wrote: Ghosting kills you instantly. Its always done that. I'm pretty sure it also makes it impossible for you to return to life for half an hour.
I have no idea what code you're on. I've ghosted as a marine twice, both times I didn't die. You can also be alien'd instantly after, or respawn if the option is on.
