MrJJJ-Paradox1I7 report

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MrJJJ-Paradox1I7 report

Post by MrJJJ » 23 Jun 2015, 07:02

Your Byond Key: Jack354yo

Your character name: (Does not matter, but if you want to, i was a alien warrior this round)

Their character name: Ray Martinez

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it): Paradox1I7

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Since i am GMT-7, its 17:55, but on Central Us Time, that be (I THINK, i don't know) 05:55

What rule(s) were broken: Rule 5 general rules, Metagaming

Description of the incident: So basically, after dying and infecting commander and some ghosting and arguing with a carrier, i just ghosted to ray, suddenly, i see THIS
After this, i decided to argue with him on if he knows that he can't just suddenly be all 3 roles at once and that his char IC has no way to know about doing surgery
2 hours eh? this is the time in game right now, we boared at 13 something, so that is almost 1 hour and he actually assigned marines who were send and quickly infected
And finnaly, he posts a link about heart surgery in a joke like uncyclopedia
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):See above

How you would punish the accused: Either a warning, or a very low ban (less than 24 hours most likely)

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Re: MrJJJ-Paradox1I7 report

Post by paradox1I7 » 23 Jun 2015, 07:05

im sorry ;(

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Re: MrJJJ-Paradox1I7 report

Post by MrJJJ » 23 Jun 2015, 07:06

The worst that can happen is just a very low ban (No god damn chance its a did not really ruin da round)
The best is you get off free which is the highest chance since you apologized...

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Re: MrJJJ-Paradox1I7 report

Post by paradox1I7 » 23 Jun 2015, 07:08


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Re: MrJJJ-Paradox1I7 report

Post by UnknownMurder » 23 Jun 2015, 08:10

That is the exactly thing we'll say to you. Just saying, if you were sorry, should you be doing it? I can see that you are trying to be a two-faced.

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Re: MrJJJ-Paradox1I7 report

Post by paradox1I7 » 23 Jun 2015, 08:36

I'm not going justify doing it, and I'm not going to weasel out of it. what i did was obviously in violation of the rules and I'm completely accept ant of the repercussions of my wrong doings.

but in saying that I'm not going down without posting cute pictures of cats saying I'm sorry. when my cat does something wrong he give me that look and i cant stay mad at him

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Re: MrJJJ-Paradox1I7 report

Post by SASoperative » 26 Jun 2015, 04:53

Warnings will be delivered at most. This regardless has passed and even if its not the best apology its still a apology.

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Re: MrJJJ-Paradox1I7 report

Post by Feweh » 27 Jun 2015, 01:32

Honestly that cat photo made me cave, was all for his destruction till I saw it haha
