Crazyh206 - Handy Bob

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Crazyh206 - Handy Bob

Post by crazyh206 » 02 Jul 2015, 07:59

Your Byond Key:Crazyh206

Your character name:Tye Field

Their character name:Handy Bob

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it):No idea

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):Somewhere around 12:50 i think

What rule(s) were broken:Marine rule #3

Description of the incident:So was basically the start of the round and was around the time any of the staff are normally on and i hear about a guy with no arms so i went to go see if it was true and well turned out to be true

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc): Image

How you would punish the accused:A warning or just a 1 or 2 ban
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Re: Crazyh206 - Handy Bob

Post by Morrinn » 02 Jul 2015, 08:12

Addendum; Dude made it his mission to annoy his squaddies by bumping into them at inopportune times, when they were trying to administer first aid or firing at hostiles. He had no hands, and so could not wield any weapon and had no way to actually assist in the assault. No admins were online to assist us so I executed him. Ill admit that in itself is a rule violation, but I felt it was the only way we could have effectively continued the assault.

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Re: Crazyh206 - Handy Bob

Post by SASoperative » 08 Jul 2015, 21:48

This is resolved as you can no longer remove limbs from your character in the start up menu.
