OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
- 1138
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OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
Byond ID: oneonethreeeight
Colonial Marines Character: Vira De Santos
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time, Toledo
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?: Anywhere between 20-30. I'm on the internet for a few hours almost every day.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?: I was previously a community manager on a StarCraft 2 community website for a custom game known as 'Island Defense.' I was an active member of the Warcraft 3 Island Defense community and regular player way back when, as well. ah, memories.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?: Believe so, but it was a long time ago back in the old (post?)Facepunch days I think. I recall being a background character in this amazing video.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before?: Negatory.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?: I'm a Duty Officer (basically an IC moderator that deals with problematic characters) for NSS Aurora. Also a regular over there from time to time. Been getting a little rusty, most of my old pals from there don't play anymore.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?: I was given a dayban for renesting as an alium awhile back. I didn't realize it was in the rules, and I had apologized for it.
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?: Look over modlogs, floor any persons that are shooting. Start asking about what happened, compile testimonies and referring to logs as to what occurred. Make a decision, either by warning or punishing depending on the case and the severity of it. Ensure the situation is resolved and that no critical details are left out.
You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?: Generally, I'd ask them why they were breaching the Nostromo. Provided they don't answer with 'suck my weewee admin', I'd give them a warning and ask them to avoid breaching in the future so they can continue playing, and modify their notes to ensure the incident was resolved and recorded.
The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do?: Send a Bluespace Artillery the way of the dumb-dumb that thought he could fool the almighty being that is CentComm. Not really, but either ignoring the request or saying that Central Command is horridly busy with a space golf tournament with Wiger Toods.
A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?: It's very bad practice to handle an issue yourself without an overseeing admin or peer. Like, so bad. It leads to problematic situations and people can throw around the bias argument if you're the only one on, and there's nobody else to make sure you're composed and controlled. Anyway, assuming this is worst-case scenario and I can't get any other staff on to oversee the incident and back up or address my claims, then I'd investigate and ask around for whoever made the grenades and whoever tossed them. In this case, it's griefing. The Sulaco Medic would be held responsible as they were the one who allowed the marines to be given the napalm 'nades and by extension assisted in griefing, and the person who tossed it would be given an equivalent ban.
What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?: One, it's 2015. Nobody does this anymore and it stopped being funny a long time ago. Two, it's the internet. It'd be too silly to consider as a staff member and it wouldn't be worth dealing with.
Any additional information you'd like to add?: Although I'm a goofball by principle, and occasionally an asshole, when there's a job to be done I make it my priority to be 100% professional.
...I wonder if the font coloring was cancerous enough.
Colonial Marines Character: Vira De Santos
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Timezone: Eastern Standard Time, Toledo
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?: Anywhere between 20-30. I'm on the internet for a few hours almost every day.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?: I was previously a community manager on a StarCraft 2 community website for a custom game known as 'Island Defense.' I was an active member of the Warcraft 3 Island Defense community and regular player way back when, as well. ah, memories.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?: Believe so, but it was a long time ago back in the old (post?)Facepunch days I think. I recall being a background character in this amazing video.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before?: Negatory.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?: I'm a Duty Officer (basically an IC moderator that deals with problematic characters) for NSS Aurora. Also a regular over there from time to time. Been getting a little rusty, most of my old pals from there don't play anymore.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?: I was given a dayban for renesting as an alium awhile back. I didn't realize it was in the rules, and I had apologized for it.
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?: Look over modlogs, floor any persons that are shooting. Start asking about what happened, compile testimonies and referring to logs as to what occurred. Make a decision, either by warning or punishing depending on the case and the severity of it. Ensure the situation is resolved and that no critical details are left out.
You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?: Generally, I'd ask them why they were breaching the Nostromo. Provided they don't answer with 'suck my weewee admin', I'd give them a warning and ask them to avoid breaching in the future so they can continue playing, and modify their notes to ensure the incident was resolved and recorded.
The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do?: Send a Bluespace Artillery the way of the dumb-dumb that thought he could fool the almighty being that is CentComm. Not really, but either ignoring the request or saying that Central Command is horridly busy with a space golf tournament with Wiger Toods.
A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?: It's very bad practice to handle an issue yourself without an overseeing admin or peer. Like, so bad. It leads to problematic situations and people can throw around the bias argument if you're the only one on, and there's nobody else to make sure you're composed and controlled. Anyway, assuming this is worst-case scenario and I can't get any other staff on to oversee the incident and back up or address my claims, then I'd investigate and ask around for whoever made the grenades and whoever tossed them. In this case, it's griefing. The Sulaco Medic would be held responsible as they were the one who allowed the marines to be given the napalm 'nades and by extension assisted in griefing, and the person who tossed it would be given an equivalent ban.
What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?: One, it's 2015. Nobody does this anymore and it stopped being funny a long time ago. Two, it's the internet. It'd be too silly to consider as a staff member and it wouldn't be worth dealing with.
Any additional information you'd like to add?: Although I'm a goofball by principle, and occasionally an asshole, when there's a job to be done I make it my priority to be 100% professional.
...I wonder if the font coloring was cancerous enough.
- speedybst
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
Hmm, I liked these answers, they showed good control and clear thinking. Only issue is that we don't have a freeze command, so that's the only issue I saw, but then, our powers have never been listed to my knowledge. Unlike some applications we've had recently, you also had clear and eloquent grammar and language control.
+1 from me.
+1 from me.
- 1138
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
I could probably make a pullrequest for 'Winding.' It basically sets the weakness var to 200. It renders them completely immobile, unable to talk.
I think this is the code I'm referencing
Code: Select all
/client/proc/cmd_admin_wind(mob/M as mob in mob_list)
set category = null
set name = "Wind Player"
src << "Only moderators or higher may use this command."
return */ // I think this is unnecessary. - Dalekfodder
if(alert("Wind [M]?",,"Yes","No")!="Yes")
log_admin("[key_name(usr)] winded [key_name(M)]!")
message_admins("[key_name_admin(usr)] winded [key_name_admin(M)]!", 1)
message_mods("[key_name_admin(usr)] winded [key_name_admin(M)]!")
// feedback_add_details("admin_verb","WIND") //If you are copy-pasting this, ensure the 2nd parameter is unique to the new proc!
// Chop chop.
/client/proc/cmd_admin_unwind(mob/M as mob in mob_list)
set category = null
set name = "Unwind Player"
log_admin("[key_name(usr)] unwinded [key_name(M)]!")
message_admins("[key_name_admin(usr)] unwinded [key_name_admin(M)]!", 1)
message_mods("[key_name_admin(usr)] unwinded [key_name_admin(M)]!", 1)
- Feweh
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
Nothing personal 1138, seriously.
But it's getting to the point where it's VERY easy to have good responses to the questions. In fact, there should never be bad answers to any of these questions because all it takes is a quick look back on the previous applications.
My vote doesn't count, but people really need to start taking in mind playtime in-game and activity from the forums. Jumping into a position that involves community interaction after having none of it beforehand and no idea of the community forums workings is silly. Both of what I just mentioned is FAR more valuable than someone writing out generic responses to questions.
My point being, 4 post and his name in-game doesn't ring a bell to me at all and I'm on daily. This is unfortunately is how the staff team get's flooded with in-activity, by recruiting individuals who haven't been around for a long time who jump ship shortly after something else new pops up.
-1 for the reasons stated above, as I said.. nothing personal bud.
But it's getting to the point where it's VERY easy to have good responses to the questions. In fact, there should never be bad answers to any of these questions because all it takes is a quick look back on the previous applications.
My vote doesn't count, but people really need to start taking in mind playtime in-game and activity from the forums. Jumping into a position that involves community interaction after having none of it beforehand and no idea of the community forums workings is silly. Both of what I just mentioned is FAR more valuable than someone writing out generic responses to questions.
My point being, 4 post and his name in-game doesn't ring a bell to me at all and I'm on daily. This is unfortunately is how the staff team get's flooded with in-activity, by recruiting individuals who haven't been around for a long time who jump ship shortly after something else new pops up.
-1 for the reasons stated above, as I said.. nothing personal bud.
- SASoperative
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
Neutral for now. Your already a staff for somewhere else, I have not seen you on to often your nuke code response is god awful...
- LordeKilly
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
You're a nice person and the answers were good, save for a few. The thing that concerns me is forum activity and that i've seen you on the server once before, that and you staffing on another server. I'm neutral.

- 1138
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
Regarding me being staff for another server.
I've been slowly winding down and making moves to leave that position. Haven't really been active there for awhile.
Would further forum/in-game activity be more preferably for you folks to get an idea of who I am? At the very least, I'd be up for a trial run rather than a full-on recruitment, if you're not exactly faithful about it?
Also, I tend to be on at weird hours, on and off. Primarily after the midnight times, when mods or admins aren't online. That's mostly why I want to help, too, since I know it can get really ornery and rulebreaky during that time. I do want to make this a more fun experience for other players.
I'll also try to be honest about the nuke code thing.
I think it's pretty ridiculous for marines to go around looking for a reason to nuke the nostromo when they clearly don't have the manpower to even hold the station from hostile xenobiologicals. CC wouldn't dare risk losing a precious research station to aliens, nor would it be in their best financial interest to nuke it sky high. It's so over-sensationalist and edgy that it becomes borderline stupid.
Hell, you guys call angry infy when the situation has gone sour. They mop up aliens like dirt scuffs with a sponge.
I've been slowly winding down and making moves to leave that position. Haven't really been active there for awhile.
Would further forum/in-game activity be more preferably for you folks to get an idea of who I am? At the very least, I'd be up for a trial run rather than a full-on recruitment, if you're not exactly faithful about it?
Also, I tend to be on at weird hours, on and off. Primarily after the midnight times, when mods or admins aren't online. That's mostly why I want to help, too, since I know it can get really ornery and rulebreaky during that time. I do want to make this a more fun experience for other players.
I'll also try to be honest about the nuke code thing.
I think it's pretty ridiculous for marines to go around looking for a reason to nuke the nostromo when they clearly don't have the manpower to even hold the station from hostile xenobiologicals. CC wouldn't dare risk losing a precious research station to aliens, nor would it be in their best financial interest to nuke it sky high. It's so over-sensationalist and edgy that it becomes borderline stupid.
Hell, you guys call angry infy when the situation has gone sour. They mop up aliens like dirt scuffs with a sponge.
- LordeKilly
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- JuanRico
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
1138 wrote: I'll also try to be honest about the nuke code thing.
I think it's pretty ridiculous for marines to go around looking for a reason to nuke the nostromo when they clearly don't have the manpower to even hold the station from hostile xenobiologicals. CC wouldn't dare risk losing a precious research station to aliens, nor would it be in their best financial interest to nuke it sky high. It's so over-sensationalist and edgy that it becomes borderline stupid.
Hell, you guys call angry infy when the situation has gone sour. They mop up aliens like dirt scuffs with a sponge.
Ya, but the application isn't a "rewrite the server rules to make sense or fit your own interpretation" test it's a demonstration of how you have processed the currently dictated ruleset and are able to apply the rules/protocols of the server, not your own.

- Felkvir
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
Nothing in the application that particularly stands out for me, so i'm neutral atm.
- 1138
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
Okay. Buuuut:JuanRico wrote:
Ya, but the application isn't a "rewrite the server rules to make sense or fit your own interpretation" test it's a demonstration of how you have processed the currently dictated ruleset and are able to apply the rules/protocols of the server, not your own.
6. Only HEAD STAFF may give the nuke codes
If the game has gone for 2-3 hours and is stagnating (aliens and marines avoiding combat), Head Staff may authorize the nuke code ONLY if the marines have not secured the disk or code yet.
Either way, I still believe that question is pretty loaded given there is no right answer. Only Head staff can even authorize that. I just want to help as a mod, I'm not really sure if being an admin is within my area of ambitiousness.
- Mordrehel
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
I'll hold off any judgement until I see you around some more... Also, that was the point of that question, to see if you read that document.

Credit goes to NobodySpecialzz for this beautiful image
- SASoperative
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
This will wait for some more staff input as I do not wish to decline it just yet. If no new input is given in 24 hours this will be declined shortly afterwards
- Tranquill
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
Enough said, neutral for now.Pink wrote: But it's getting to the point where it's VERY easy to have good responses to the questions. In fact, there should never be bad answers to any of these questions because all it takes is a quick look back on the previous applications.
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
1138, to me, is very competent. Having run into him on Aurora before, he handled his IC duty officer job (which isn't a staff position, iirc, but rather an IC role play white listed job that is used so CC messages are answered if staff isn't on) superbly. Some people put a lot of stock in the answers to the scenarios. However, I feel that, while they're a good indicator of initial instincts, if someone is wrong, then they can fix it. You don't need perfect answers, and part of being a trialmod is learning the correct way to handle situations. So I feel that, even if an answer or two is subpar, that can be remedied during the trialmod period, and if it isn't, no harm, no foul. Maybe it's my optimism, but I'm all for giving people a shot if they're borderline (though I don't think 1138 is borderline, from personal experience). Whenever I see him on the CM server, he's quite literally one of the few level-headed players in a command position. And that is a really good thing to have in a staff position.
Tl;dr give him a shot, I doubt you'd regret it. +1
Tl;dr give him a shot, I doubt you'd regret it. +1
- SASoperative
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
Well than accepted. Wait to be processed
- apophis775
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Re: OneOneThreeEight - Moderator Application
those 3 e's together in your name drives me to insanity.