Staff verb: Winding!

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Staff verb: Winding!

Post by 1138 » 14 Jul 2015, 12:58

CM Version (alpha or Regular): Both, until the latter converts.

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): This is a general verb for mod staff or higher to be able to, 'wind', someone. This affects both marines and aliens, given that a check is made and a proc is run to modify the weakness variable. Highly useful if someone is in the process of doing something very damaging.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): Completely makes any mob helpless, assists moderators/admins in dealing with rulebreakers or fucklechucks.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc):

Code: Select all

/client/proc/cmd_admin_wind(mob/M as mob in mob_list)
   set category = null
   set name = "Wind Player"
      src << "Only moderators or higher may use this command."
      return */ // I think this is unnecessary. - Dalekfodder
   if(alert("Wind [M]?",,"Yes","No")!="Yes")
   log_admin("[key_name(usr)] winded [key_name(M)]!")
   message_admins("[key_name_admin(usr)] winded [key_name_admin(M)]!", 1)
   message_mods("[key_name_admin(usr)] winded [key_name_admin(M)]!")
   // feedback_add_details("admin_verb","WIND") //If you are copy-pasting this, ensure the 2nd parameter is unique to the new proc!
   // Chop chop.
/client/proc/cmd_admin_unwind(mob/M as mob in mob_list)
   set category = null
   set name = "Unwind Player"
   log_admin("[key_name(usr)] unwinded [key_name(M)]!")
   message_admins("[key_name_admin(usr)] unwinded [key_name_admin(M)]!", 1)
   message_mods("[key_name_admin(usr)] unwinded [key_name_admin(M)]!", 1)
Feel free to improve upon it.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): See above. The lines of code already explain how it works.

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Re: Staff verb: Winding!

Post by Mordrehel » 14 Jul 2015, 13:16

I think this'll happen in the alpha? Correct me if I'm wrong, but, it'd be nice either way.

Credit goes to NobodySpecialzz for this beautiful image

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Triel Wolfblood
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Re: Staff verb: Winding!

Post by Triel Wolfblood » 14 Jul 2015, 14:37

seems like a fair thing but the name is a bit weird. mayby it could be turned to stasis or frezee?

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Re: Staff verb: Winding!

Post by 1138 » 14 Jul 2015, 14:51

Wind is also known as freeze on the other servers, but 'to wind' is defined as causing someone to be horridly exhausted. Which is basically what winding is. Weakness procs! fun!

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Re: Staff verb: Winding!

Post by Triel Wolfblood » 15 Jul 2015, 07:03

still weird
