Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

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Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by Albens » 14 Jul 2015, 13:49

*Disclaimer. I come from an RP Server, and I am not sure what the norm is around here, and how things get enforced.*

Your Byond Key: Albens

Your character name: Carter Langston , an MP.

Their character name: Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it): Unknown.

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): Central? Uh, July 14, 2015. ~12/Lunchtime.

What rule(s) were broken: 1. Griefing. 2. Powergaming.

Description of the incident: Rei was a rescued Survivor. They came aboard the Sulaco, and proceeded to steal a whole bunch of stuff. They had the Commanders Headset, Uniform, A full kit of gear, and an EVA suit from Secure Storage. As an MP, a survivor looting everything on the Sulaco is against the law. Obviously.
I met with, and spoke with Rei. I was very nice, and I don't find myself to be a gung-ho shoot first ask later MP. I told her, and I quote,
"I'm not arresting you. ""You won't serve time." "But you give up everything. You carry a handgun, and no access.
""That is the only offer you'll get." "This is the ONLY offer I can give." "Otherwise, you become a hostile to the Sulaco. There is no middle ground." etc et al.
I'm being very nice. The player goes quiet mid-talk, and I silently drag her to the Brig. We get to the brig, near the tables, and I stop. I turn around, about to ask her to remove everything she's wearing, and-..
Bam. Nothing is said. Not reason was given. The player just wants to retain all access, and free reign. The kicker?
She then goes out of her way to ensure I can't be cloned, by blowing up my body.
Okay, well, that fails. C4 doesn't go off.
The she goes on with what-ever lies she can throwup to avoid execution.
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The real kicker? She gets a free pass on grief, because I shot back.
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I fired less than 10 bullets, out of reaction. I hadn't realized that it would give her a pass on grief.
This seems more like, Might = Right rather than an actual Rule. But that's another issue with the server, for another time.
I ahelped, twice. Nothing. Not a response. I get it.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
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This goes on. For me, from an RP server, the whole situation would be grief/powergame.
The player had no reason to lulnoRP murder me, try to C4 me, fail, then attempt to cremate me, fail, before going back and fighting. They're not an antag, they just want all-access and to have free-run. There is no reasoning behind just random murder. For a "medim RP" server, this is low-RP.

How you would punish the accused:
I expect nothing to come out of this, due to the free-pass given by shooting back. What I would like, is a command/survivor ban, and a slap for just griefing and being spiteful, without RP.

What I expect? Nothing. I get it, free pass because of shooting back.
What I want to know, why is this acceptable? The Rules say Medium-RP, but the server plays, acts and is enforced like Low-RP.
Do the admins find this style of play acceptable?

Do other players find this stuff acceptable? I know nothing is going to happen to the player, but does anyone else find issue with the rule?
Last edited by Albens on 14 Jul 2015, 14:32, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by SASoperative » 14 Jul 2015, 13:50

This was the issue we had to delay the round for and it was already handled.

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by Albens » 14 Jul 2015, 13:53

I was rather certain the Admins where AFK, as nothing had happened, nor was any response given. Might I ask, as a general, what the conclusion was?
Nope? Mmmmkay.

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by Felkvir » 14 Jul 2015, 14:22

I'm going to deal with him eventually, if no other staff speaks with him.

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by Felkvir » 14 Jul 2015, 14:28

Also, please don't go on in bold huge letters about nothing is going to be done. Aggressive assumption will do you just about as much good as getting angry for spilling soda all over your shirt.

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by Allan1234 » 14 Jul 2015, 15:37

..what? you guys are just ignoring this? sure he fired back but rei clearly fired first for no reason based on what he says

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by Artyom » 14 Jul 2015, 15:45

This person obviously likes to just murderbone whenever their survivor, I had an encounter as well before when she had welder bombed my friend as a marine, and when I had tried to save him, she decided it would be best to kill me as well.

Likes to take survivor as a one way ticket to murderbone heaven.

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by TheFlagbearer » 14 Jul 2015, 16:14

I've also had encounters with Rei where they were powergaming. One round, I spawned as a survivor and she did as well. She proceeded to grab a welding tank, rush to escape and grab the gun, then disappear. Needless to say, I didn't survive. Another example would be her decked out with the commander's gear, a grenade launcher and riot armor. Several players have complained about her powergaming in deadchat and OOC.

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by LordeKilly » 14 Jul 2015, 17:01

This is the second complaint on the forums and there have been plenty in deadchat about Rei. I think something is wrong here.

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by Surrealistik » 14 Jul 2015, 17:13

Shameless powergamer; hear complaints about her (him?) all the time and often see the substance of those complaints.
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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by Juninho77 » 14 Jul 2015, 19:26

Artyom wrote:This person obviously likes to just murderbone whenever their survivor, I had an encounter as well before when she had welder bombed my friend as a marine, and when I had tried to save him, she decided it would be best to kill me as well.

Likes to take survivor as a one way ticket to murderbone heaven.
That is a very serious accusation. Would you kindly PM me with details (your byond/character name, your friend's character name, and the date of the incident)? I want to do a full investigation on that.
TheFlagbearer wrote:I've also had encounters with Rei where they were powergaming. One round, I spawned as a survivor and she did as well. She proceeded to grab a welding tank, rush to escape and grab the gun, then disappear. Needless to say, I didn't survive. Another example would be her decked out with the commander's gear, a grenade launcher and riot armor. Several players have complained about her powergaming in deadchat and OOC.
Sorry, that's not powergaming. Here are our rules, and powergaming is defined as "Performing actions outside your assigned job".

As for their actions as survivor, we can all agree that they're not the noblest ones, but if we start banning people for being selfish this server will be populated by a dozen people when we're done.
Surrealistik wrote:Shameless powergamer; hear complaints about her (him?) all the time and often see the substance of those complaints.
As the saying goes, talk is cheap. If you have other specific incidents to bring up, please do so.

Let me explain something to you, gentlemen. And take all I'm gonna say here with a grain of salt, because I'm new. And yet, here's how I think things work:

We appreciate your input, but we do NOT ban players based on hearsay. You want to see someone banned? Give us specific incidents that we can investigate. Give us a name, a date, and a short description of what happened. I'll gladly dig into logs if it means we get one less griefer in the server. I just ask from you that you don't come with vague things like "ah, but the guys in the deadchat said she's bad." That doesn't help anyone.

If you have a specific incident you'd like to report, make a player report. And if you can't do that, perhaps the incident was not as serious or your target was not as wrong as you make it seem.
"Do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage against the dying of the light."
If you would permaban a player, you owe it to him to look into his logs and hear his side of the story. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the player does not deserve to be banned.

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by apophis775 » 14 Jul 2015, 19:45

This issue was already handled. Like Juninho said, you need specific information about incidents that were NOT handled.

What helps you are:

Dates/Times, description of what happened, and screencaps.

I have no problem log-diving if you provide me with the information I need in order to track down the relevent information.

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by Feweh » 14 Jul 2015, 20:29

Getting arrested is a fine reason to fight back, attempting a mutiny is reason to kill MP's.

But clearly being told you're not arrested I just need you to take your stuff then blasting the person with the sole reason to kill them?

Honestly, REI is NOTORIOUS for causing problems on this server. Was something actually done about this crap, because this is a daily occurrence.

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by Artyom » 14 Jul 2015, 22:06

Let me explain something to you, gentlemen. And take all I'm gonna say here with a grain of salt, because I'm new. And yet, here's how I think things work:

We appreciate your input, but we do NOT ban players based on hearsay. You want to see someone banned? Give us specific incidents that we can investigate. Give us a name, a date, and a short description of what happened. I'll gladly dig into logs if it means we get one less griefer in the server. I just ask from you that you don't come with vague things like "ah, but the guys in the deadchat said she's bad." That doesn't help anyone.

If you have a specific incident you'd like to report, make a player report. And if you can't do that, perhaps the incident was not as serious or your target was not as wrong as you make it seem.

My Byond name is Artyom18, I think it happened about two days ago, and I didn't know the guy I was trying to save, this may seem very vague, but all you really need to do is spectate her ingame once and a while.

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by RehabBaron » 14 Jul 2015, 23:27

Holy shit, I've always had problems with Rei but I never knew that I wasn't the only one, because she seems well liked by a lot of people that I appreciate. And I always though "EVA Girl" was a stupid nickname and an excuse to wear hardsuit helmets early on.

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Re: Complaint - Rei 'EVA Girl' Ayanami

Post by Albens » 15 Jul 2015, 10:00

.. Wow, this exploded.
Rei is disliked by a few players, check.
If you have anecdotal information, save it for yourself.

If you dislike a regular who is a shit, it's fine to post,
"I've had issues with them before, and I will see if I can remember the time/date. If I cannot, I will be extra diligent in A-helping them when an issue arises." (And no, do not meta-grudge anyone. Ever.)

If you have faith in the admin/mods online;
When Rei anyone is being a bad player, let the situation play out, don't shoot back, ahelp it after the situation is over.

If you don't;
Right click the chat-window, click logs. Save it, make a complaint. Just keep your cool, and don't fight grief with grief.

All players have admin-set notes. A problematic player will inevitably get pages of notes. At that point, there is a certain threshold and "you fuck up again you get banned mmmkay?"

OP is requesting /thread.

Small request admins, Give people who ahelp a response back, so we know you're not AFK. Just port the *You're being handled by (admin)!* from that server.
Giving us a small "We've resolved it, the player was warned" also goes a long way. I wouldn't have made this complaint had I known it was actually handled.
SS13 has a high admin-burnout rate. Many players are ex-staff, and know the Rodeo.
