CM Version (alpha or Regular): Alpha.
Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): Not sure if this already is a thing or is planned however,
Should predators ever become a regular antag, or even when in an admin event, they may get captured by either humans or xenomorphs.
When in captivity, similar to how aliens can't take certain marine items off them and how marines can stick knives in their boots, a wrist gauntlet could be surgically grafted to the predator to prevent it from being stolen, and a predator could use the wrist blades on his gauntlet as a last resort weapon.
There's also the self destruct feature, but not sure if that should be added, if only to prevent the sulaco from breaching.
The idea is lore friendly, as an excerpt from says,
"As the control unit for much of a Predator's advanced weaponry and technology, the Wrist Gauntlet was an incredibly important item for them. In fact, a Predator's Wrist Gauntlet was surgically grafted onto the individuals arm and apparently fused with their very nervous system to the point where removal of the unit was typically fatal for its owner."
Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): It'd prevent marines or aliens from completely pacifying a predator, and give it a chance to escape
Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): See above.
Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): Baycode has hardsuits which can be sealed over a user, preventing anyone from taking it off unless the user unseals it or special surgery is done. Someone could probably take that code and make the predator's wire mesh/armor a hardsuit. As for the wrist blades, I don't know for sure.
Make the Predator's Wrist Gauntlet unremovable
- Nick123q23
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Make the Predator's Wrist Gauntlet unremovable
Player of faceless xenomorphs of the species XX121, Miranda 'Mira' Laporte, Daniel Gryphon, Kia and Akl'iiya Quatza-rij
Proudly played as and won a round as an Ancient Empress
Proudly played as and won a round as an Ancient Empress
- LordeKilly
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Re: Make the Predator's Wrist Gauntlet unremovable
The self destruct thing is in the game, similar to syndie ops deathgasp, if I'm correct. Also, following the predator code, they can't lose, or they have to commit suicide. I'm also pretty sure the self destruct thing is for predators for the exact reason of keeping their technology from being stolen.

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Re: Make the Predator's Wrist Gauntlet unremovable
+1 definitely, the Predator's wrist can't be removed according to the lore, even in the old AvP 2 game from 2002 when the Predator is captured by the marines, they take all of his weapons except for his wrist gauntlet, and later a scientist's journal explains it's because it would be impossible to do without causing his death.
As for the self destruct thing, Predators are known for using it solely as a last resort of sorts, when everything is lost and all they want to do is take out the enemy with them. That's why in the first Predator movie he only uses it when Mighty Schwarzenegger already fatally wounded him and basically won the fight, giving him no chance at all of fighting any more. So I think at least a rule of sorts should be enforced where Predator players can only do it when in critical state.
As for the self destruct thing, Predators are known for using it solely as a last resort of sorts, when everything is lost and all they want to do is take out the enemy with them. That's why in the first Predator movie he only uses it when Mighty Schwarzenegger already fatally wounded him and basically won the fight, giving him no chance at all of fighting any more. So I think at least a rule of sorts should be enforced where Predator players can only do it when in critical state.

- apophis775
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Re: Make the Predator's Wrist Gauntlet unremovable
IDK why this is even a suggestion...