Mutiniy rules need to be changed

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Siserith Vassada
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Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Siserith Vassada » 16 Jul 2015, 23:10

CM Version (alpha or Regular): regular

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): i believe mutinies need to be authorized by the admins with a few legitimate exceptions. theirs been a lot of greifing groups of friends i believe are also using outside programs to communicate who do nothing but grief mutiny and kidnap the crew for no legitimate reason

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):Stop greiferes from mutiny right from the beginning of the shift

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): Change the rules so that mutiny has to be authorized by the admins and mods. the one exception to this would be that the commander is genuninley incompetent and a majority of the crew believes he should be removed

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): See above.

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Feweh » 16 Jul 2015, 23:27

Nothing personal Siserith but you're only making this because of the mutiny against your command.

During your command your MP's killed a man with lethals, at the beginning of the shift.
After which they imprisoned another innocent individual.

Marines and people attempted to contact command to let them know of the issues going on and you ignored it. So a few marines and myself mutinied and in the most peaceful mutiny possible.

There couldn't of been a better reason to ever mutiny really, you failed to acknowledge your MP's killing a prisoner and wrongfully arresting marines.

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Siserith Vassada » 16 Jul 2015, 23:34

it was not my mp i got appointed to command two whole minutes before the mutiny and you left me trapped in xenobioligy containment for a almost an hour. ontop of that you and your lackies killed dozens of crewmembers just because you could

i had no knowlage of the incident nor authorised it

and besides this needs to be changed regardless of what happend. the amount of general dickery and abuse of this of late is terrible and needs to be adressed

the amout of assholey and meta i saw this shift was the worse i have ever seen

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Feweh » 16 Jul 2015, 23:51

No we killed no one at all.

We came back to talk to you peacefully and you shot us.

Not one person died till you started shooting.

It was seriously the most peaceful mutiny ever
Last edited by Feweh on 17 Jul 2015, 00:18, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Siserith Vassada » 16 Jul 2015, 23:59

then what was with that locker with over twelve people dead. and another of the people you kidnapepd dead in it aswell. and you never EVER came back to talk to me. the only reason i got out was because a marine happend to come by. then as i escaped with the marine. you and your lackies immediatley started shooting at us to attempt to kill us.

and anyways this is a suggestion. if it's not your opionon or thoughts for this. keep it out of here

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Surrealistik » 17 Jul 2015, 00:09

+1. Fuck mutinies; stupidly disruptive and all but guarantees a Marine loss. If command is a bunch of shitlers, there should be the ability to vote Coms out. Only if there's no admin to enforce the vote should people be able to mutiny via force.
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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Feweh » 17 Jul 2015, 00:18

+1 though to remove Mutinies, they are fun but seriously as peaceful as you try to keep mutinies they never last.

I don't think I've ever seen a successful mutiny work out in the end.

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by coroneljones » 17 Jul 2015, 05:51

On a note to mutineers..if they go on a murderfest....they shall be banned..they are only allowed to kill the mutiny target,and in self defence
But +1 on admin approval needed
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Lucyz » 17 Jul 2015, 06:23

Already asked this several times to Apop and he said "We adjusted that rule, because we want to minimize admin impacts onto the round."

I do agree on it being admin + mod approved, It would solve the issue straight away.

I don't think players realise how much of a mess it causes and work that it causes for staff to investigate, especially when there are several people involved.

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Felkvir » 17 Jul 2015, 08:20

Really don't see how admin impact would be bad in this situation, if it means stopping massive shitfests that we have to solve every time because people don't know what a mutiny actually involves. +1

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Youbar » 17 Jul 2015, 09:21

I agree. +1
I've been executed by a commander claiming "insubordination" is the same as "mutiny" too many times, and requiring you to actually ahelp a mutiny would put an end to false allegations commanders create.

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Sargeantmuffinman » 17 Jul 2015, 09:39

It was better with the old mutiny rule unless most of the crew want to mutiny.

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by CampinKiller » 17 Jul 2015, 10:54

+1. It needs to be approved.

The idea was nice, originally, but it's turned into murderbonefests. Case in point: Last night there was a mutiny. I got caught up in it, and then let the prisoners the mutineers were keeping out. I ended up getting shot to pieces and beaten by the mutineers (not in self-defense, either). The aliens boarded. The mutineers and the loyalists got into multiple firefights injured other Marines, fired tasers that hit Marines who weren't involved, and actually threw everyone who wasn't on their side to the aliens in order to get them captured. Needless to say, the murderbonefest of the mutiny ruined the round for lots of bystanders as the two groups fought it out, and made people angry.

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by LordLoko » 17 Jul 2015, 14:40


Most of the time, mutinity is undersood as a grifer pass, while mutinities are cool and creat interesting situation. However, many people see it just a hole in the rules to kill people, it needs to change.

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Lucyz » 17 Jul 2015, 16:20

After a debate with Apop and other staff it has been changed, Rules have been updated.

Mutiny - Mutiny is allowed and an Ahelp before you start is REQUIRED giving the reason. Also, you must follow these rules:
◦The situation MUST be role-played.
◦The commander MUST be given a chance to stand-down peacefully
◦You MUST have the support of SEVERAL other marines (at least 5, no single man mutinies)
◦You must not kill ANY innocent marines (Any marine is "innocent" if they are not the target of the mutiny (commander and whoever helped him do whatever angered everyone))
◦Uninvolved marines, should be given the chance to remain uninvolved. They *might* shoot if they see you firing on the commander without a reason. Try to subdue them, WITHOUT lethal force or explain the situation.
◦Minimize Losses (use either non-lethal force ONLY, or give all marines who oppose you, a chance to stand-down)
◦Do not start firing, until you have been fired upon

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Clayton_Kelly » 17 Jul 2015, 19:44

I'd say remove mutiny and if there is a cause for mutiny, report the player that gives cause for it.

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Lucyz » 18 Jul 2015, 05:07

I believe this rule change will fix it, Just going to have to wait for a mutiny to arise again with the new rule.

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Clayton_Kelly » 18 Jul 2015, 18:05

Sorry, I didn't read your rule change post. It seems very reasonable.

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Re: Mutiniy rules need to be changed

Post by Rahlzel » 30 Jul 2015, 13:13

