Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

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Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by Evilkyle24 » 17 Jul 2015, 17:56

Your Byond Key:

Your character name:
Jack Bright

Their character name:
Ricardo Conerti

Their Byond key (optional - if you know it):
I do not know their BYOND key.

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):
Around 4 PM, as this occurred near the beginning and end of the round.

What rule(s) were broken:
Using lethal force on a marine, griefing.

Description of the incident:
Ricardo Conerti gets on shuttle one before the entire alpha squad is on, and forces his way past me into the cockpit, then launches it early. I drop the motion tracker I'd been holding, and he picks it up and shoves it in his backpack. Then he denies having it and runs in a circle as several of us try to knock him down with disarm. I start punching him after about a minute of this and he pulls a gun, fires a reflex shot, and then runs into the shuttle, sending it back to the Sulaco. He runs from the MP's and is eventually caught, and we search him for the motion tracker and its sitting in his backpack.

Security decides to stab him to death and I just leave.

Near the end of the round, he gets cloned, runs into surgery while I'm fixing some guys lungs, and uses a Tazer on me before strapping C4 to me. I wasn't gibbed, probably because marine armor, but I did die instantly. Then he tazes someone else and runs off with them.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

No evidence of the early round shuttle launch and motion tracker theft because I was busy chasing him and the text records expired from the panel being filled due to an entire rounds worth of actions.

How you would punish the accused:
Permanent ban, the use of C4 and a stolen tazer in an attempt to gib a squad leader after stealing his motion tracker, and disrupting the deployment of multiple squads is inexcusable.

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Re: Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by Juninho77 » 17 Jul 2015, 18:23

Security decides to stab him to death? Oh, boy, this is gonna be fun.

I'll write a nice resume of my thoughts on this tomorrow, when I get the logs; If I were you, though, I wouldn't get my hopes too high as to Conerti being permabanned.
"Do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage against the dying of the light."
If you would permaban a player, you owe it to him to look into his logs and hear his side of the story. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the player does not deserve to be banned.

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Re: Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by Evilkyle24 » 17 Jul 2015, 18:35

This round so far has been a colossal cluster of rulebreaking...

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Re: Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by Officialjake » 17 Jul 2015, 20:53

I acknowledge that I have not seen the logs yet, but I'm not sure I would support a perma ban for this. If the logs confirm your accusations depending on their history I would support a ban of at least two days.

I'm also interested in seeing the logs for the MPs......

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Re: Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by Evilkyle24 » 17 Jul 2015, 21:13

I think the commander was there too. Someone started screaming EXECUTE!? EXECUTE! And the murder****** came out and I left as things got bloody.

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Re: Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by Mordrehel » 18 Jul 2015, 04:11

Ah, I saw this and heres what I'm going to say: the accused was involved in the murder/ attempted murder of three marines including the captain and OP.

Before the incident with the OP the accused was involved in a case that caused the acting commander to attempt to execute him which turned into the commander's MPs turning around and killing him instead, this was mostly RPed and left as was in round....

For the incident with the OP it was after the accused being cloned and I was pressed to solve everything at hand quickly as I had to leave so, I healed the OP and allowed the assumption that the accused wasn't bullshitting me about what had happened before he died simply letting him off with a warning + direction to bay wiki on cloning.

After this event he went into a firefight with another marine for a reason I'm unsure of myself and attempted to C4 them aswell. I didn't get to take action or investigate this event as I had to leave right on that moment.

HOWEVER, I would strongly recommend looking into a few logs and possibly placing a lengthy ban on this person, their key is something along the lines of 'whiskyswiper'.

Credit goes to NobodySpecialzz for this beautiful image

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Re: Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by Evilkyle24 » 18 Jul 2015, 12:57

Juninho77 wrote:Security decides to stab him to death? Oh, boy, this is gonna be fun.

I'll write a nice resume of my thoughts on this tomorrow, when I get the logs; If I were you, though, I wouldn't get my hopes too high as to Conerti being permabanned.
There is a single reason I said permaban.
If he had simply shot me down, that's one thing, I would have said two or three days.
But C4 is another story.

On most servers, or perhaps the Marine Armor protected me from this, planting C4 directly on a person results in them being gibbed. Permanently killed. Unless some robotics get involved, or they transplant your brain, you're dead for good. You can't be cloned. Hell, most people don't even know you can swap brains and clone. And thats assuming the head survives, which I'm not entirely sure on. Planting C4 on someone means you want to be completely and absolutely sure of their death.

Also, can we check and see if he was an engineer or standard? I don't remember, but he looked like a standard from his gear, in which case he stole the C4 and the tazer.

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Re: Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by Juninho77 » 19 Jul 2015, 08:27

I'm reading the logs right now. There are more logs to read, but the first thing I gathered for sure is that Ricardo never shot anyone until AFTER he was executed. I'm not saying that he never fired his weapon, but his shot never hit anyone. And then he was unlawfully executed for "assault with a deadly weapon:, a crime he did not commit, and even if he HAD commited, wouldn't warrant execution under marine law. The banhammer will swing, but I'm afraid it's not towards Ricardo.

My investigation:
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My suggestion:
Ricardo is guilty of metagaming. He shouldn't have remembered what was done to him after being cloned, and he's already been warned for that by Mord; other than that, I see his shooting the people responsible for his executions as very justified: there's nothing more indignant than being summarily executed for a crime you did not commit. No, Evilkyle, you weren't directly responsible for his execution. And yet, I understand his reason to be enraged at you and everyone else: you were a prime witness, you told people of his crimes, and when an MP claimed that Ricardo had committed assault with a deadly weapon, you knew that was false. Yet, you decided to remain silent and not correct the MP. I cannot help but think that you were satisfied with his unlawful execution.

Oddkho and dinobubba7 should be banned from commander and MP roles. Their behavior in this situation was just unacceptable. They made up false charges against, refused to listen to, and summarily executed the accused in a record-breaking time. Seriously, it took literally less than one minute to go from "what are his charges" to "Bring the knifes." If someone is guilty for this shitstorm, it's these two. Ricardo acted very reasonably, trying to talk to his captors and then ahelping when he knew he was going to be executed. In the end, Ricardo's actions were but a reaction to the tremendous injustice committed by these two.

Those are my two cents. Feel free to completely ignore 'em.
"Do not go gentle into that good night; rage, rage against the dying of the light."
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Byond: Feweh

Re: Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by Feweh » 19 Jul 2015, 12:36

John Doe is a awful Commander, there's been various instances where he's caused problems like this before as well.

I believe he also served a ban awhile back for something regarding Commander or MP related as well.

Edit: He was a MP and it was end round grief.
Last edited by Feweh on 19 Jul 2015, 13:52, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by Dinobubba7 » 19 Jul 2015, 13:34

Um, no I didn't, I don't commander anymore, and that ban was end round grief

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Re: Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by Evilkyle24 » 19 Jul 2015, 19:39

I was a bit taken aback by the speed at which it went from "What did he do" to "EXECUTE!"

I didn't say anything because I was preoccupied with getting out of that room and back to the Nostromo, since my squad was basically sitting there waiting for me. As for where I stand on his execution, I'm not quite sure where I stand. I felt vindictive towards him, perhaps due to a previous incident with a similar situation.

The first and one of the two times I have played commander, I was in the field operating base to get a first hand view of what exactly was going on. The FOB was quite secure. I had someone steal my ID and lie about it while I was occupied, and he got shot down by the squad after attacking me. No, I don't remember his name.

In any event, a past experience with having a vital piece of equipment stolen from me and then lied about to my face, despite seeing it taken, served to piss me off even more the second time it happened. Execution isn't something I would have recommended on the spot, but I disliked him enough not to argue with it.

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Re: Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by SASoperative » 20 Jul 2015, 13:07

Juninho's evidence states pretty accurate after I have looked into this and the hammer will swing indeed. But not toward Ricardo. This report has been resolve and will be moved in approximately 10 hours if no one has any further comments to give that are related to the subject.

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Byond: lordekilly

Re: Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by LordeKilly » 20 Jul 2015, 22:16

Hey, i'd +1 banning Dino from MP and Commander, he's abusive in both positions.

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Re: Ban Request: Ricardo Conerti

Post by Dinobubba7 » 20 Jul 2015, 23:24

Im not abusive, I already talked to other staff about this, and they back me so calm down with the ban hammer
