Pink's Whitelist

Contains the details about white-listed characters.
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Pink's Whitelist

Post by Feweh » 19 Jul 2015, 16:40

****IF YOU ARE NOT A DONOR, YOU WILL BE DENIED. This restriction will be lifted 1 month after official launch****

Ckey: Feweh

Marine Name (so we know who you are): Lucius Pink

Name of the Character you want whitelisted (As in, the name your predator will use):

Human Alias: Blackscar

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor viewtopic.php?f=57&t=2693 ?
I've also read the comics and novels accompanied to the whole Predator and Alien universe.

Character background (an RP description as to WHY this character would be in this position, such as Clan information. This will weight HEAVILY on the decision, so make the information count):

(Basing this off of the comics & Novels)

Nar'Kost is blooded Yautja currently progressing towards the capture/kill of a Alien Queen to reach "Elite" status. Despite his goals towards advancing in society he holds honor to any opponent capable of a challenge. This has lead Nar'Kost to hunt different breeds of species throughout his life-time ranging for Xenomorphs, Humans, Engineers and various planetary beast.

Nar'Kost was born into a lesser tribe of Yautja society which didn't grant him the privileges of advance tech that other larger and greater tribes possessed. From a early age he crafted and maintained primitive weapons for hunting and killing. Due to his ill privileges at a young age Nar'Kost developed a more primitive specialty with spears and hand to hand combat. Preferring to use only advanced weaponry to deal with dishonorable opponents or as a fear tactic.

Nar'Kost became blooded after his initiation during a Xenomorph outbreak upon a Human colony planet COL-45. Despite being a small mining colony COL-45 was strategically close to Yautja training grounds and posed significant risk should the Xenomorph's reach the hibernating queen held captive. Three young un-blooded Yautja were dispatched to clear the colony of the Xenomorph infestation, Nar'Kost, Kar'Kost and Marok-Var. While the infestation was eventually wiped out, Nar'Kost was the only remaining.. losing his brother Kar'Kost during the initiation.

Unbeknownst to Nar'Kost among earning his rightful title of blooded he also earned a nickname from the local Colonial Marine garrison on COL-45. During his cleansing of the infested Colony he came into contact with Major Garius Black, the commanding officer of the Colonial Marines garrison. Garius engaged Nar'Kost in hand to hand combat, the young Yautja defeated Garius, but not without Garisus inflicting a deep scar across Nar'Kost's face with his pocket knife. This gave Nar'Kost the Alias known as Blackscar to the humans

Why should we white-list you?

I'm a active member of the CM community who has been around for quite awhile. I've pitched various ideas and attempted to my best to improve CM as a whole with ideas and my role-play in game. I always strive for RP on this server which is evident by my play-style, suggestions, actions in-game and on the forums. I can be quite critical, but it's usually within reason and supported by actual reason and logic.

This is a position that requires a person to be mature and understand the inner workings of the server. It's a position that could easily be abused and
I personally believe that I'm mature enough and a good player to handle this pivotal important position on CM.

Do you understand and know all the server rules, as well as the additional rules assocaited with your specific whitelist job?
Last edited by Feweh on 19 Jul 2015, 16:44, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Pink's Whitelist

Post by Dinobubba7 » 19 Jul 2015, 16:42

+1 Im writing mine right now as well, but this is gonna get in 100%

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Pink's Whitelist

Post by apophis775 » 19 Jul 2015, 19:28

Is this a pre existing pred? I think we may need a rule abput them being new non-canon preds

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Re: Pink's Whitelist

Post by Feweh » 19 Jul 2015, 19:30

apophis775 wrote:Is this a pre existing pred? I think we may need a rule abput them being new non-canon preds
Not at all, just made up the background and character solely for CM.

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Re: Pink's Whitelist

Post by Lucyz » 20 Jul 2015, 05:09

+1 I have seen you in-game a lot and I've never had any issues, You are also good at whatever role you play so I think you will do just fine as Predator.

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Re: Pink's Whitelist

Post by SASoperative » 20 Jul 2015, 13:13

+1. This seems very legit and I have seen you as the commander all the time for the marines and you do a good job at it, And this app seems very nice as well.

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Re: Pink's Whitelist

Post by JuanRico » 22 Jul 2015, 07:26


good player with a good app

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Re: Pink's Whitelist

Post by SASoperative » 22 Jul 2015, 12:14

I suppose we can give you a shot... Accepted. Just remember this is a heavy RP position and its not about the murderboning... Or at least not 100%

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Re: Pink's Whitelist

Post by Feweh » 22 Jul 2015, 12:56

I appreciate this opportunity, thanks for the positive feedback :)
