Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

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Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Dingle » 25 Jul 2015, 12:43

Your Byond Key: dingledangle

Your character name: Viktor Holtz

Their Byond key: Lucyz

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results):

About two or three hours ago. 15:00 GMT

Which Admin Protocols ( were broken:

3. Enforcement of the rules

Using lethals against a marine

Description of the incident:

After using drag to move her over a banana peel, she chased after me with throwing knives until one stuck into my chest. The marines had been waiting around the LZ for a long time without incident and although it's a pretty silly thing to do slipping someone, we weren't in any immediate danger and I don't think using lethals in response was justified. After ahelping it I was told I had forfeited help by slipping her and that nothing would be done about it. I was unsure about it so I asked UnknownMurder in the minichat and he recommended making a thread.

Also, after ahelping it and being told we had both forfeited admin intervention, then learning she was a mod herself, I triggered a grenade in my hand beside her. It was a dud which didn't go off and I walked away after it leaving it at that.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

Being hit by the knife. I ran West through the dome as she chased me and then into the leisure room to wait in a locker as I ahelped.


Ahelping it


After waiting a few minutes for a reply I see her still walking around in game. I had been standing still in the boxing gloves locker with the knife still in me since ahelping, Lucy opened the locker and dragged me back to the dome dropping a banana peel behind her along the way while I was still talking to the admin.


Lucy's IC behavior


Me dropping the grenade that didn't go off. (I had found it in the crashed ship, perhaps a dud or bugged one)


How you would punish the accused:

She clearly knew she'd be breaking a rule the whole time she was chasing after me but acted out of revenge anyway. I don't know if she has a history of acting out of spite and perhaps she'll act unfavorably towards me in-game in the future. If she apologizes though I'd probably be fine with that. I figured I'd have lost admin intervention after the grenade thing, but thought it best to make a thread anyway since she's a mod.
Last edited by Dingle on 25 Jul 2015, 12:48, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Lucyz » 25 Jul 2015, 12:47

So you were intentionally slipping me up whilst I was RPing with other people at the LZ, you ran away so I threw a knife at you, after that I seen you in the leisure area hiding in a locker so I dragged you back to the FOB so that you were safe, then you slipped me up with soap and primed a grenade so I flashed you, figured you were trying to blow me up but it was a dud nade so I left you alone.. Don't go slipping people up is my advice.

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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Dingle » 25 Jul 2015, 12:51

Lucyz wrote:So you were intentionally slipping me up whilst I was RPing with other people at the LZ, you ran away so I threw a knife at you, after that I seen you in the leisure area hiding in a locker so I dragged you back to the FOB so that you were safe, then you slipped me up with soap and primed a grenade so I flashed you, figured you were trying to blow me up but it was a dud nade so I left you alone.. Don't go slipping people up is my advice.
Well I guess there's no chance of an apology then.

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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Lucyz » 25 Jul 2015, 12:53

Well what do you expect? If you go around slipping people up intentionally you are asking for trouble.

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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Dingle » 25 Jul 2015, 13:01

Lucyz wrote:Well what do you expect? If you go around slipping people up intentionally you are asking for trouble.
I don't expect marines to start shooting or throwing knives at each other, especially not a moderator. If we were under attack or I'd have thrown it under you while leaving to get a shuttle, maybe I'd expect something like that then.

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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by SASoperative » 25 Jul 2015, 13:25

Sooooo lets get this straight real quick? You thought it was a good idea to slip marines with a banana on a medium RP server in addition to the fact that only AFTER you realized that you were attacked by a mod that you FURTHER added to the problem by priming a GRENADE that NO ONE would have known was live or not? Your on a marine carrier with people with GUNS if you try to fuck with them they probably won't like you to much and probably will shoot you. While Lucyz will be talked to about this, you need to knock off your shenanigans because to be honest you are really just ASKING to be shot by your actions

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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Dingle » 25 Jul 2015, 13:38

SASoperative wrote:Sooooo lets get this straight real quick? You thought it was a good idea to slip marines with a banana on a medium RP server in addition to the fact that only AFTER you realized that you were attacked by a mod that you FURTHER added to the problem by priming a GRENADE that NO ONE would have known was live or not? Your on a marine carrier with people with GUNS if you try to fuck with them they probably won't like you to much and probably will shoot you. While Lucyz will be talked to about this, you need to knock off your shenanigans because to be honest you are really just ASKING to be shot by your actions

I know my shenanigans were a problem and that I forfeit admin help in that regard, but like I said in my original post: I'm only making the thread because it was a moderator who used lethal force against me and on the recommendation of UnknownMurder when I mentioned it in the minichat. I had told him about the grenade incident also.

The dud grenade happened a while after she attacked and also after the admin had told me we both forfeited help. The screenshots are in chronological order.

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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Butterrobber202 » 25 Jul 2015, 14:12

Really from a 3rd Party stand point it seems Lucyz lost her head, really she could have just gone back to RPing, then again Mr.Sanic did purposely fuck with her so I could go both ways

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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Juninho77 » 25 Jul 2015, 14:32

Butterrobber202 wrote:Really from a 3rd Party stand point it seems Lucyz lost her head, really she could have just gone back to RPing, then again Mr.Sanic did purposely fuck with her so I could go both ways
This is one of the many reasons why I hate it when people invoke the "roleplay" card.

- Here I am, roleplaying like the nice roleplayer I am.
- Someone somehow gets in the way of my roleplay.
- Let's stop roleplaying for a second and beat/shoot/stab the shit out of them.
- Okay, now back to roleplaying like nothing's happened, guys.

Who cares if thet guy may bleed to death? *shrugs* These cookies are just delicious! *smiles* So, Alfred, how was your wife again?
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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Lostmixup » 25 Jul 2015, 15:23

I personally would just call someone an asshole if they made me slip. Just a dumb joke usually and reacting lethally to someone doing it usually leads to problems like this. I mean realistically if someone made me slip with a banana peel or something similar I would just be kinda mad; I wouldn't shoot a guy over it.
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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Rahlzel » 25 Jul 2015, 16:26

According to our rules, using lethal force is allowed by anyone at any time so long as there's an RP reason for it, and you gave her one.

Is what she did a shitty thing for someone to do in a real-life scenario? Yup.
Is what she did understandable due to the fact that these are mostly all tough, don't-take-any-shit marines? Yup.

No rules broken here. Though the Commander could've had her brigged for Assault - and perhaps you as well.

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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by apophis775 » 25 Jul 2015, 16:55

My suggestion, would be to not be a shit player, and you won't get stabbed.

Also, we are releasing new RP requirements shortly, and similar actions in the future, will DEFINITLY violate them.

Referring to Example, constaslipping, not Lucy Reking him.

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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by UnknownMurder » 25 Jul 2015, 18:13

I'm sort of with DingleDangle... Honestly, a banana peel, and you kill him over it? That doesn't look good to me. Yes, I did recommend DingleDangle to create an admin thread. I'm going to have to oppose Caryl's thought over this, and calling it an IC Issue. Was it the right thing to slip Lucy? No, it wasn't.

However, he may be just messing with you. I mean, from my perspective he just wanted to play around. However, you seemed to take this seriously. I've been banana slipped in real life evyba friend. I don't respond with throwing sharp knives at my friend. This action will end me up not in juvenile detention but in jail. I mean, banana slip is not so lethal in either real life (for you, maybe) or in SS13.

I can say this, both of you were in the wrong.
Dingle shouldn't have done it.
Lucy went too far with this. Seriously, throwing knives at a comrade over a small thing? No. You don't do that.

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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Tetsip » 25 Jul 2015, 18:32

I'm a heavy RPer when I can be, and I still would have thrown the knife at him for several reasons.

1. He went through the trouble of actually DRAGGING the player onto the banana, judging from reports. It shows that the player was targeted maliciously with the intent to interrupt the RP.
2. Using pull mechanics to slip someone on a peel is very shitty. I could see if you threw the banana peel in her path as she was running that's fair play, but what you did was poor sport.
3. It's a medium RP server, but that doesn't mean you can drag people onto banana peels or constantly throw soap at the feet of marines. You only did it once, but honestly that's all it takes.
4. When you slipped her you have her an IC reason to retaliate. Whether it was over-the-top, unrealistic, or neither of these isn't relevant, because we're in a medium RP server, and the rules allow for this reaction.
5. If you're going to be a shit to other players, expect to get shit on. If you don't want knives thrown in your head, don't slip people on bananas. Want to do shit like that and get away with it? Play some Garry's Mod, there's a lot of that there.
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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Rahlzel » 25 Jul 2015, 19:21

UnknownMurder wrote:I'm sort of with DingleDangle... Honestly, a banana peel, and you kill him over it?
She didn't kill him. She hit him once with one throwing knife.

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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Allan1234 » 25 Jul 2015, 19:27

im leaning toward dingle on the side of unknown, there is no reason to use a knife, a simple punch or push would have worked fine, it was WAY over done to attempt to KILL him over it.

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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Tetsip » 25 Jul 2015, 19:28

Still would have thrown the knife. Dingle went out of his way to instigate a player, expect to get knifed in the head by a disgruntled marine.
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Re: Lucyz using lethals in response to being slipped

Post by Rahlzel » 25 Jul 2015, 19:40

How we feel about what happened is irrelevant. We could spend weeks talking about what we'd do in the same situation. The only thing that matters is whether or not she was within the confines of the rules. Whether or not she used excessive or reasonable force is purely subjective within the boundaries of the game world in which we've created.

Lethal Force - Simply, the in-character or roleplay equivalent of griefing, but not treated the same. Defined as one marine purposefully using a lethal weapon (gun, sharp object, explosive, etc) or beating into critical/death another marine for a roleplay or in-character reason. A marine using lethal force against another marine is forfeiting any and all Admin assistance for that incident.
Admin assistance - Defined as any action taken by an Admin to heal or aid in a player's negative state.
The bottom line: If you use lethal force, you're on your own, even if you're defending yourself.

In this case, she did not break a rule. That's it. That's all.

If we want to discuss changing a rule for this reason or others, we can do so in Staff Discussion. Otherwise, this report is denied.
