Thei-de N'ritja (Dance with Death) - Veteran

Contains the details about white-listed characters.
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Thei-de N'ritja (Dance with Death) - Veteran

Post by Rahlzel » 25 Jul 2015, 20:21

Byond ID: rahlzel

Marine Name (so we know who you are): Valdus Rahl

Name of the character you want whitelisted (As in, the name your predator will use): Thei-de N'ritja

Are you familiar with the Predator Code Of Honor (viewtopic.php?f=57&t=2693)? Yes.

Character background (an RP description as to why this character would be in this position, such as clan information. This will weigh HEAVILY on the decision, so make the information count):

Thei-de N'ritja (meaning Death Dance, or Dance with Death) excelled as a Young Blood during training. He was more interested in thought before action. He perceived the hunting ground through the eyes of his prey, allowing him to consistently predict his target. For this reason, he was typically the last finished with a hunt, but by far the most successful.

So effective were Thei-de's tactics that an Adjudicator from his clan tasked the Young Blood with seeking out and hunting Bad Bloods - Yautja traitors and criminals. The Abjudicator knew that Thei-de's solitary hunting tactics would be better for stealthy assassinations. Thei-de was not happy about the prospect of hunting his own kind, but the Abjudicator made a deal with the young hunter: Be his assassin and be rewarded the rank of Veteran, complete with his own ship and a temple on a settlement to call his own. Thei-de reluctantly agreed.

For many seasons, Thei-de's careful, calculated tactics swept death across the stars. Though the numbers of his kills were not many, the precision and patience in which they were carried out allowed him to annihilate some of the most dangerous Bad Bloods in the entire galaxy. This, however, took quite a toll on the now-Veteran's psyche. While some Yautja felt his duty was a great honor, others looked down upon him with disdain for killing his own kind and taking a rank that he did not earn.

When Thei-de was released from the Abjudicator's service, he decided it was time his fellow clan knew that his rank was well received and set off in search of a distant planet with whispers of a deadly hive.

Why should we whitelist you? Because I'm more interested in patient roleplay than in killing everything I see. Even if Predators were made far more overpowered, I'd still enjoy hanging back and being tactical or vengeful.

Do you understand that any player - donor or otherwise - can have their whitelist status revoked should they break our rules or disobey the Predator Code of Honor? Yes.

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Byond: lordekilly

Re: Thei-de N'ritja (Dance with Death) - Veteran

Post by LordeKilly » 25 Jul 2015, 20:36

I like this, Predators who aren't sterotypical "slash and then talk later" have depth and allow you to play out side the box, other than murder boning all who cross your path. Also a big +1 on the creative clan name, wanted to bind something together like when I thought of Allan's clan. [Hard Night.]

Dis is good, +1

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Thei-de N'ritja (Dance with Death) - Veteran

Post by apophis775 » 25 Jul 2015, 22:00

Pretty good. +1

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Re: Thei-de N'ritja (Dance with Death) - Veteran

Post by SASoperative » 25 Jul 2015, 22:26

+1 pretty solid

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Byond: Apophis775

Re: Thei-de N'ritja (Dance with Death) - Veteran

Post by apophis775 » 27 Jul 2015, 17:58

Accepted, since the heads agree.
