Johners12345 Moderation Issue

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Johners12345 Moderation Issue

Post by Feweh » 04 Aug 2015, 15:33

Your Byond Key:Feweh

Your character name:Lucius Pink

Their Byond key:Johners12345

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results):
August 04 2015 - 1:30pm to 3pm EST

Which Admin Protocols ( were broken:

2. Investigate the situation

Contact anyone involved and get their side of the story. Also, check logs (there will be a how-to guide up soon, to explain how to check logs, view variables, etc). It may not be immediately visible WHO caused the situation, and you may need to talk to several people to figure it out. Try to do this as quickly as you can, but also as thorough.

Description of the incident:

For starters, this is not a complaint against Lucas Anderson.. This was entirely a IC issue and more RP than anything. Although Lucas did complain in the end, I did nothing wrong and I really see no reason to punish him as it was all IC/RP issues.

Lucas Anderson had a warrant placed on him by my XO for Dis-Obeying Orders/Incompetence/Harassing-Command staff. He ran off of Sulaco before he could be arrested so a Warrant was put out for his arrest. I ordered MP's to arrest him at the FOB planet-side and he killed one of our MP's Chad who was attempting to arrest him. At this point I ordered his execution planet-side because I didn't think we'd be able to bring him back to Sulaco. I PROPERLY followed execution procedure and orders and A-HELPED it and was given the A-OK. However, my MP's were able to get him back to Sulaco ALIVE where I execute him personally for killing Chad. I FOLLOWED proper procedure AGAIN and A-helped it and let Admin's know, Swordhill gave me the A-OK again.

My issue here is that Johner's failed to properly conduct any investigation prior to the incident when he was the FIRST one to give me the A-OK to execute Lucas. After Lucas was executed he bombarded me with PM's asking me why I killed him. Instead of doing proper research he blamed me for a faulty arrest for "Arresting someone for insulting you". Lucas was not arrested for only insulting command staff, he was arrested for dis-obeying orders.

My complaint is that Johner's improperly followed Admin/Mod procedure. He was notified before anything took place that Lucas was to be executed, he asked me why and I told him... so he said "Go fir it".

Only after his execution did he bother to suddenly do a investigation into why he was killed, which should of been done during my FIRST A-Help.
Not only that, but I A-HELPED AND ANNOUNCED his Execution multiple time's!

I'm also FAIRLY certain that Johner's know's Lucas personally as you can see in my evidence he called him by his first name. Which is why I asked another admin to speak to be about the issue due to the conflict of interest.

Anyone on this round would be able to vouch for the situation at hand, as I had clearly PROPERLY followed procedures on my end.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
As far back as my Chat Log goes:

Lucius Pinks [MP (CO)] says, "MP's, aside from Chad.. you're to go planet side and wait at the FOB for Lucas Anderson and arrest him." This is me ordering his arrest to the MP's, no kill order.
Lucius Pinks [Sulaco (CO)] says, "IF YOU SEE HIM SHOOTING MP'S, KILL HIM." This is me finding out he was shooting Chad
Priority Announcement

Attention - Lucas Anderson is to be executed. Execution orders granted by Commander Lucius Pink - Charges of Mutiny - Incompetence - Failure of Duty
-Lucius Pinks (Commander)
This is me making a announcement about Lucas wanted for execution for killing Chad.
The rest I was able to get screenshots of as my Chat log hadn't disappeared for them yet.
I cropped the rest into a single screenshots - Read left to right. Some useless banter was removed however, this wasn't the full conversation.


How you would punish the accused:

I've had a couple of issues with Johner's Moderation, he is a Trial and mistakes are made.
However it became very apparent why he was taking Lucas's side so much when he named it and I really felt like he was pulling favoritism.
Last edited by Feweh on 04 Aug 2015, 17:31, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Johners12345 Moderation Issue

Post by Mitchs98 » 04 Aug 2015, 15:46

Let me start off by saying: I didn't intend for nor ask Johners to handle my a-help he did it off his own volition. Let me also state most of what you said, simply isn't true. I NEVER dis-obeyed your orders, I LET the idiot keep the armor and went on about my business. Unless of course, your orders were to report to the Sulaco for a made up Marine Law of insulting command staff? Yeah, I dis-obeyed it because it simply isn't in the book, and people can't simply make up laws at random and call it a law to suit their needs. Your 'execution reason'? Yeah. You ordered the kill order BEFORE I killed Chad. Unless of course, the bald hero simply got fed up and decided shooting me with a revolver was a good idea? But no, I saw the announcement. Nai told me she had orders to shoot me, so did multiple people and to report to the FOB. I said I'd rather get mauled by aliens, and left it at that. I killed Chad AFTER your kill order, AFTER he opened fire on me. After literally the ONLY PERSON to carry out your bullshit order opened fire on me. It was mostly an IC RP issue, UNTIL YOU ORDERED A KILL ORDER FOR INSULTING YOU. I agree, someone other than Johners probably should have handled it due to him knowing me personally-ish, but that doesn't change the bulk of your words here.

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Re: Johners12345 Moderation Issue

Post by Feweh » 04 Aug 2015, 15:50

Mitch, Johner's know's you personally.

It's a conflict of interest, if you look at my screenshots and the evidence it's clear I never ordered any kill or execution till I found out you killed my MP.

You were never being arrested for insulting me or anyone. You were being arrested for dis-obeying direct orders, any admin can check logs and see things properly, let them do it then post.

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Re: Johners12345 Moderation Issue

Post by johners12345 » 04 Aug 2015, 17:48

This is my side of it.. It's a small, Weak one.. But This whole incident confused me to the point of why I acted the way I did. However i can promise you I was not showing favoritism towards Mitch, If you refer to this as of me calling him by his user name, It's because We used to play on the same server, and I got more used to saying Mitch instead of Lucas, As His character Lucas Anderson would not make as much as a appearance. Old Habits die hard, However I again confirm there was no favoritism, Both me and sword has seen the reasoning behind you wanting permissions and gave the go ahead, The Fir was a spelling mistake that resulted from my quick typing. We both had called This a IC issue and put it to rest, Though from what has been said, None of you saw this, I'm unsure which one of you received it but we did call this a IC issue.. However Mitch continued to berate us asking for justice and why we were not dealing with it, To which i believe we told him it was a ic issue, I am unsure as my memory is a bit hazy.. However He than brought forth something that I did not hear before, That the original arrest was from the Executive Officer For insulting him.. of coarse this did not tie in to what led to Lucas Anderson killing the MP who decided to attack him.. Again a IC issue since they both forfeited admin help in this. However my whole talking with both Lucas and Pink, Was to find out what truly happened for their notes. I was not trying to punish either, But simply find out the whole story.. However this was pointless as my computer soon crashed and I lost everything, Making me stressing my self and confusing my self pointless.. All I have to say here is that I apologize if I seemed like I was trying to start something, and I accept what ever punishment I get. I'm just a trial moderator who was trying to solve something that admin staff online were not helping with.. I had no idea how to handle it and probably should of left it alone.. But that is on me.. That is all.. Now if you excuse me.. I have a appointment to attend to, Thank you for reading this terrible formatted apology/explanation message.

P.S I had attempted to avoid dealing with it, As I knew my judgment could possibly be swayed by knowing Mitch. However i had waited for many minutes and no other staff stepped in, Forcing me to. However I did see weakness in Mitch's statements which is why i eventually gave up and told both that other staff would handle it. That is officially all.

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Re: Johners12345 Moderation Issue

Post by SASoperative » 04 Aug 2015, 17:59

From looks of what I can gather here this looks like personal interest as the staff and player knew each other thus creating a biased sense to manipulate procedure to try and get said friend out of trouble. However I am not quiet 100% sure since Johners is rather new to our staff. But this is what I am seeing from what pink and even what mitch have said. Now regarding what Johners has said I am noticing a small bit of issue here... One. Yes they did both forfiet admin assistance and this was a IC issue. It states very clearly in military law that execution was in the right during this scenario due to the death of a MP. Killing another person rather it even be a PJ marine just getting out of cryo is punishable by death. There was not much Johners really could have done in this situation given how fragile it had already become due to the marine law also being involved now in addition to admin procedure.

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Re: Johners12345 Moderation Issue

Post by Feweh » 04 Aug 2015, 18:09

Johner's I appreciate the response.

I was a bit peeved off because I properly followed procedure on my end, I admin-helped numerous time's and made announcements.

What really bothered me was how "Personal" it felt after I executed Lucas. You asked me for a explanation and I did that.. I explained to you again why I executed him. Yet you kept pressing me for more and more information. I had to stop Commanding just to go through my Chat-Logs and defend my actions.. It essentially ruined my game-play that round. Then what really threw me off was when you did name him, I realized quickly that you must know him from either real life or enough to be friend's online. Which is why I took this as more of personal Moderation attack against me.

That said, you're only Human and people do make mistakes... I don't want you to be removed and I'd prefer you take this more as a learning experience. Just in the future please look at the obvious facts and information presented to you, that's all I wanted in the first place.

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Re: Johners12345 Moderation Issue

Post by johners12345 » 04 Aug 2015, 19:28

Pink wrote:Johner's I appreciate the response.

I was a bit peeved off because I properly followed procedure on my end, I admin-helped numerous time's and made announcements.

What really bothered me was how "Personal" it felt after I executed Lucas. You asked me for a explanation and I did that.. I explained to you again why I executed him. Yet you kept pressing me for more and more information. I had to stop Commanding just to go through my Chat-Logs and defend my actions.. It essentially ruined my game-play that round. Then what really threw me off was when you did name him, I realized quickly that you must know him from either real life or enough to be friend's online. Which is why I took this as more of personal Moderation attack against me.

That said, you're only Human and people do make mistakes... I don't want you to be removed and I'd prefer you take this more as a learning experience. Just in the future please look at the obvious facts and information presented to you, that's all I wanted in the first place.
I thank you for giving me This.. learning experience, I am indeed learning and it's given me a bit more insight into how to handle situations. Also My only real interaction with Mitch is he is a staff from unbound and when I would play there he would mostly handle my Ahelps, I wouldn't exactly Call Mitch a friend as more of a trusted acquaintance. I realize it must of been a damper for you to defend your self and I apologize. Though I was only trying to figure out the rest of the situation to correct my possible previous mistake, But by than I realized I had caught my self in a delicate situation that I had no idea how to handle, A situation where you did indeed handle it within acceptable perimeters if I should say, For what was a major cluster fuck.. i did find that Mitch was at wrong here for attacking the Military Police, Though I can see why he lost his cool if the Executive Officer did indeed do this, Of which I could never actually figure out, As to why i Kept asking you questions. Though I can assure you I try to the best of my ability to make sure I am not biased, and I hope i didn't seem as such. Thank you for posting your opinion of my moderating and giving me this chance to learn...

That is all I have, If there is any punishment I'll be willing to accept it.

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Re: Johners12345 Moderation Issue

Post by Feweh » 04 Aug 2015, 20:25

It's all good, everything is just water under the bridge.

As I said, no one's perfect and not every error require's a form punishment.

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Re: Johners12345 Moderation Issue

Post by Lucyz » 09 Aug 2015, 16:14

Issue resolved.
