Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

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Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by cylian » 09 Aug 2015, 17:02

After spending hundreds of hours being both a Sulaco Doctor and a marine medic, repairing literally thousands of bodies, I have now encountered the most abundantly dumb restriction I ever had the displeasure to see which is why I have decided to write this and hopefully educate some people on certain things.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sulaco Doctors cannot accompany the initial dropship out to the planet. even with an armed escort of 50+ marines. They are also disallowed to bring surgical tools unless much later when they know that they need them. Even then, surgery should not be done on the FOB.
Problem 1: Roleplay Impact

This rule contradicts the roleplay nature of the game and is overall massively illogical. The planet has sent out a distress beacon and as the nature of the emergency is unknown, It's only natural to assume the worst and bring with at least one doctor who can give a solid triage of injured personnel of the facility and this logical thinking is further supported by the current ruleset that dictates that Sulaco Doctors have definitive say on all medical things on the FOB. To further clarify why this is so illogical, I am going to list the gradual stages of battlefield medicine.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Stage 1. Care under fire. This is medical care given to a patient or subject during the constant and plausible threat of hostile fire. This is where Marine medics come in, to not only neutralize/cripple potential threats within their capacity as a soldier but also to stabilize and/or recover a situation to save the life of an individual by administering emergency care to things such as massive bleeds, suffocation and other things that would acutely cripple someone's ability to function as normal. There is a small, rather limited triage to be done here by a medic to determine if a patient needs to be administered to Tactical field care or if optimal functionality can be achieved after a short while with smaller injuries sustained.

EXAMPLE: Marine shot in the leg by friendly fire inside alien caves. By closing the wound with an advanced trauma kit, administering 15 units of Tricordazine and 5 units of Tramadol while scanning to ensure that there is no internal bleeding, a medic can with confidence splint the leg to allow almost full functionality from the affected individual and have the marine be returned to (at-least temporary) full duty until a timely moment allows for more extensive treatment.


Stage 2. Tactical field care. This is medical care received when hostile fire is not as plausible and/or constant to a situation (can vary greatly) and is often done in a defensible position/location where medical instruments can be stocked for more availability in treatment options (carried by & to and cared for by appropriate medical personnel). The injuries that can be treated here are by definition, limited to only two things. One, the skill, knowledge and finesse of the medical personnel (be it diagnostically, procedural knowledge or situational finesse) and Two, the supplies/instruments available to the medical personnel.

EXAMPLE: A marine was impaled by a harpoon by the predator, rupturing a lung, breaking his ribcage open and causing massive internal bleeding along with huge trauma. By administering 25 units of Tricordazine, 15 units of Bicaridine, 5 units of Dexalin plus, 30 units of Dexalin (regurlarly given) while feeding the patient O- blood through an IV pole and covering the chest wounds with an advanced trauma kit, a skilled doctor can swiftly but safely remove the harpoon, immediately begin surgery to open up the patient to patch any internal bleeds before reaching the inner organs and treating them with regenerative membrane before also picking the torso clean of any bone shrapnel, repairing the ribcage and then finally closing him up & treating the outer injuries again (with Spaceacillin/antibiotics given if necessary) for a complete recovery minutes afterwards as drugs heal even during operation.


Stage 3+. Tactical Evacuation to higher Echelon Care. This is the medical care given to patients being evacuated to a hospital or other highly specialized medical facilities. In this case as far as Colonial Marines are concerned, the "hospital" is in the Sulaco which has access to comprehensive body scanners, cryogenic chambers & freezers, cloning scanners & pods, morgue units, surgery tables & computers, medical sleepers and more. Again, as can be expected from what is available on this server, the functions to be filled here can be listed for ages with cloning of dead marines, autopsies, advanced diagnostics, cryogenic cell storage, limb replacement, organ transplantation and the capacity to do multiple simultaneous complex surgeries are just some of the things that are expected from the medical staff stationed there.

EXAMPLE: An engineer on the Sulaco was severely injured and radiated & toxicated by working with the supermatter engine following an explosion that also blew his right arm off. A doctor is called once his body is found at the brink of death and rushes over there with a statis bag, putting him in it in all due haste before hauling him back to medical. Observing his bad shape himself, the doctor immediately mixes up Bicaridine, Tricordazine, Arithrazine, Clonexadone, Hyronalin and Ryetalyn before also preparing an advanced trauma kit and a radiation suit to wear while handling the patient to avoid self-injury as the patient still lies in the Statis bag. The bag is opened and in one quick movement, bleeds are located (along with other life-threatening complications such as internal bleeds) and immediately treated with the trauma kit while administering the patient with 20 units of Tricordazine, Bicaridine and Arithrazine each into the bloodstream before putting the patient into a cryotube with plenty of Clonexadone in the beaker. While the patient is stabilizing inside Cryo, the doctor administers himself Hyronalin as he had absorbed some radiation through the suit and warns his fellow staff of the radioactive patient inside cryo before going to print out a mechanical right arm to later do surgery on and attach to the patient's shoulder once stabilized to later have him return to duty.

Problem 2: Game Pacing

Due to this being a video-game at the end of the day, one also has to look at the actual game-play consequences this rule is currently having.. And they are quite severe.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Second problem with having this ruleset is the massive detrimental effect It has for marines to be completely unable to partake in their roles due to the formation and accumulation of damaged limbs which happens in all due haste within every single game that is played due to the current meta that is for aliens to aim for marine hands when attacking, disabling people permanently from using their weapons (hands) without surgical intervention. Fixing this normally takes 2-3 minutes with a single reasonably skilled surgeon sole attention (time added if complications occur) but if this is disallowed, the time will get bumped up to 15+ minutes due to the horrid state that the logistical and commanding structure of the Sulaco is constantly suffering from (SSD, AFK, CBA, Incompetent Commanders/XO's/Requisition Officers, list goes on) where the dropship is not only crippled by only giving certain people have access to calling it back and forth but also due to It's natural travel-time and frequently demanded/occupied nature. This frequently occurring scenario is only made much worse with the fact that there are TONS of incompetent doctors. We can blame this for there being no restrictions, tests or other required qualifications whatsoever for being a medic or a sulaco doctor. Anyone can be it from day one, even at random which means there are gonna be a lot of sh*tty doctors and medics that can't do their job for sh*t with surgery being included as a center-point.

TL;DR: One can never be dependent to ever have an even remotely working/optimal Sulaco/dropship system for the Tactical Evacuation Care+ procedures that are currently being relied on to be successfully executed in a timely manner for even half of the matches played. This means that most marines are screwed over at the end of the day depending on what injuries they suffered from because even with Statis bags and superB medics, most of them still need surgery and with there only being two operation rooms in medical (one in hangar) for possibly 50-100+ injured marines all needing them at roughly the same time when returning home from the Dropship, things go bananas real quick. Especially with the additional alien embryo medical emergency feature being squeezed in along with the regular (complicated) damage system.

To explain it further, the queue times for surgery literally explode every single game.. Which I am more than confident that most people have either seen or been through themselves with having dozens of injuries and no available doctor to treat them. Which brings me to my point: The consequences of this ruleset boils down to people being forced to AFK for dozens of minutes (sometimes hours), sitting on their asses and doing nothing while waiting to have a single bone in their hand or arm to be put back in It's place so they can start playing the actual game again or stay disabled until the aliens inevitably invade the Sulaco and kill everyone effortlessly just ends up sucking balls for both sides in plain English.
Last edited by cylian on 09 Aug 2015, 17:42, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by Jeser » 09 Aug 2015, 17:06

Oh, damn. PLease, last paragraph, Split it into more sentences, I can't understand it :(
Jeser "Fox" Aushwitz.
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Re: Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by cylian » 09 Aug 2015, 17:10

Jeser wrote:Oh, damn. PLease, last paragraph, Split it into more sentences, I can't understand it :(

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Re: Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by Jeser » 09 Aug 2015, 17:18

cylian wrote: Better?
Yeah, thank you. Now I understood.
Jeser "Fox" Aushwitz.
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Re: Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by Derpislav » 09 Aug 2015, 17:25

Yes goddamn please. The broken hands are the bane of marines. And not taking any medical staff to a distress signal response is... uh.
Lockie 'Furry' Hughes, your local source of annoyance, medicine and Will. E. Coyote engineering. Mostly medicine. Maybe annoyance.

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Re: Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by apophis775 » 09 Aug 2015, 17:40

What he's not saying, is that the reason this was placed on him (specifically) is because:

1. He steals the surgical tools from the ships surgery area without permission (has done this several times)
2. He left the Sulaco, to goto the planet (NOT THE FOB) during the first drop, before the area was at all secured
3. He's already banned from research for past powergaming and tomfoolery

As far as the rest of this:

I never said, sulaco doctors were NOT ALLOWED TO GO DOWN. Just that, they wouldn't go, in the first drop. If you notice the rule update:
  • You may leave the Sulaco ONLY to go to a FOB (only once, it is secured and there is an actual NEED). You may not leave the FOB when you are on the planet.
  • The CMO is in charge of ALL medical procedures in FOB and on the Sulaco. If they tell you to do something, follow their orders. Doctors may NOT leave the ship, unless they clear it with the CMO.
  • Any surgery at the FOB, should be EMERGENCY SURGERY to stabilize a patient, who is then evacuated to the ship.
Again, being one of the few people on this server who actually served in a warzone, I can tell you that pretty much ANYTHING a medic couldn't immediatly take care of, was stabilized and send back someone SUPER SECURE. For our maps, that "secure" place, will be the Sulaco.

Also, having been assgiend to an Emergency REsponse Brigade when i returned from Iraq (shortly after Katrina, a presidental order placed my Brigade in 3rd ID was placed as the "national emergency response Brigade" since FEMA was so shitty). I can also tell you, that it's very similar when responding to large emergencies. In the movies, you see "battlefield" surgerons near the front lines, but it's rarely like that. Typically, if you have a battlefield surgeon, they will almost always just do a slightly higher level of triage than the medics, and send you on the way.

If we allowed full surgery and everything on the FOB from the start, you'd NEVER see doctors on the sulaco or in medbay. You'd see powergamers (like Cylian, who has previously powergamed in different roles) setting up full medbays for full treatment of people. I mean, we specifically designed the map, so you can't perform the first embryo removal on the planet, by ensuring there were no green scanners. You think, we didn't take this stuff, into consideration?

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Re: Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by cylian » 09 Aug 2015, 18:06

apophis775 wrote:What he's not saying, is that the reason this was placed on him (specifically)
Plain lie right here. You went out of your way to try and smack my head in for being on the Shuttle in the first place as a doctor before we even began talking about me with, and I quote now:

"Host PM from-Apophis775: Why exactly, are you on the shuttle?
Host PM from-Apophis775: Do you have CMO permission?"
apophis775 wrote:1. He steals the surgical tools from the ships surgery area without permission (has done this several times)
As I then explained to you and the other admin whom noted me defending myself after being accused of breaking the rules as "rude" before ignoring me, Every time I have EVER taken surgery tools from one of the TWO surgery room is due to the Requisitions officers not doing their job by either being absent, wasting all the supply points on rubbish like 3+ webbing crates or being generally awful at their jobs. Furthermore, as it was in the case when we talked, I, PERSONALLY, ordered a replacement surgery crate to be delivered to Surgery room 2 (Logs can confirm this, written on the request form) and It got there before a single injury was ever suffered on the Sulaco. This is also quite clearly defined to be theft in Marine law, which is an IC issue. Not an OOC one. Even then, It can be argued that because I am a medical doctor, the tools are partially mine and I have the right to use them wherever If it is to do my job.
apophis775 wrote:2. He left the Sulaco, to goto the planet (NOT THE FOB) during the first drop, before the area was at all secured
I was accompanied by a FULL shuttle of marines and I waited patiently for 2~ minutes before even setting my foot out of the shuttle to begin pulling supplies into THE FOB from THE LZ with people helping and protecting me doing this.
apophis775 wrote:3. He's already banned from research for past powergaming and tomfoolery
I'm actually not banned from research. As we've already gone through this EXTENSIVELY with two ban appeals, these two bans were both removed due to me being griefed. Not me powergaming.
apophis775 wrote:I never said, sulaco doctors were NOT ALLOWED TO GO DOWN. Just that, they wouldn't go, in the first drop.
Which I included clear as crystal in the quote given in the OP. Please try to read things before moving in to try and "explain" things.
apophis775 wrote:If you notice the rule update..
Completely irrelevant because admin word goes above rules. And I'm quoting your sayings precisely regarding a Stage 2 scenario being prepared. AKA, A tactical medical treatment center.
apophis775 wrote:Again, being one of the few people on this server who actually served in a warzone, I can tell you that pretty much ANYTHING a medic couldn't immediatly take care of, was stabilized and send back someone SUPER SECURE.
Yes, I noticed you trying to do some kind of bragging spree amongst your f-bombs towards my person along with wild presumptions about me not serving in a war-zone but It appears that I have to remind you that this is a game based in the FUTURE, with things like bonegel that heals bones within seconds. If such technology was available in real life to the military (for example), It would without the shadow of a doubt result in drastic changes to the field surgery we know today, just as other human inventions have in the past. Furthermore, I was not trying to stabilize as a medic, but as a DOCTOR.
apophis775 wrote:If we allowed full surgery and everything on the FOB from the start, you'd NEVER see doctors on the sulaco or in medbay.
This is quite a statement to make considering you have never tried it, especially not on this NEWLY RELEASED ALPHA EDITION.
apophis775 wrote:You'd see powergamers (like Cylian, who has previously powergamed in different roles)
Name-calling now, Really? After you ran around, screaming bloody murder and not only banning me for asking how quick-clot work but also calling me cynical/aggressive out of all things for making this thread, pointing out illogical fallacies in your design (and previously) and contradictions in your server rules?
apophis775 wrote:setting up full medbays for full treatment of people.
It's not full treatment. I literally mentioned 10+ things you can't do or don't have the capacity to execute on the planet in Stage 3. I also quite clearly told you that the surgery kit I brought wasn't even full, missing a bone drill and nanopaste.
apophis775 wrote:I mean, we specifically designed the map, so you can't perform the first embryo removal on the planet, by ensuring there were no green scanners.
Yeah... Giant parasitic icon on the HUD scanner, check. People witnessing people get face-f*cked by aliens and then have their torsos explode? Check. Realistically being able to see something wriggling in the torso when opening someone up for other surgery? Check.
Last edited by cylian on 09 Aug 2015, 18:33, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by Derpislav » 09 Aug 2015, 18:29

...*backs out slowly*
Lockie 'Furry' Hughes, your local source of annoyance, medicine and Will. E. Coyote engineering. Mostly medicine. Maybe annoyance.

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Re: Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by apophis775 » 09 Aug 2015, 18:33

Good idea derp, this is just going to be him trying to rules-lawyer his own way.

But the truth of the matter is this:

We have to make decisions for the best of the server and ALL players. Allowing one single powergamer to constantly meta-rush the planet with a full surgerical kit, is a No-go.

I'm going to levae this open for more input, but probably denied.

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Re: Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by cylian » 09 Aug 2015, 18:41

apophis775 wrote:this is just going to be him trying to rules-lawyer his own way.
Are you an administrative personnel of this server quite honestly now, complaining about someone following the rules? Oh god, the irony.
apophis775 wrote:But the truth of the matter is this:
It seems to me now that the truth here is that you server admins are for some reason dodging every single discussion/logical argument I've made in concerns to your rules. It's bad enough when admins like Lucyz query me about a situation, I explain myself, receive no response.. And then have you message me later, informing me that she has tagged me as "Rude" for defending myself. Just.. What the F*ck?
apophis775 wrote:We have to make decisions for the best of the server and ALL players.
You say that, yet here you are in a suggestions thread, downright lying about the context of mine and drawing presumptions that It will "probably be denied", minutes after It has been posted.
apophis775 wrote:Allowing one signle powergamer
More name calling. Really brings up the maturity from your person.
apophis775 wrote:to constantly meta-rush the planet with a full surgerical kit, is a No-go.
The very second person who replied to this thread had the exact same conclusion that I did. Not bringing any medical personnel to an unknown emergency/distress call is just.. Hahaha. No. And again, the surgery kit I brought was not full.

Thanks for not replying to a single thing I rebutted you on though. Clarifies a lot of things.

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Re: Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by LordLoko » 09 Aug 2015, 18:48

I tought this was suggestions and not ban appeals.

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Re: Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by cylian » 09 Aug 2015, 19:01

LordLoko wrote:I tought this was suggestions and not ban appeals.
I thought so too, but apparently apop thinks this is a spearhead vendetta for me to do constant "powergaming" by being a doctor going to the SOB to do surgery on people, AKA, doing my job. (Oh woe, the griefing and ill intent & harm done on roleplaying elements)

The ban can stay for all I care though. It's only 1440 minutes and It had no relation to me doing this actual "powergaming" and Instead it was for being "disrespectful against staff" (rule 8) when asking him in PM how quick clot works as my scanners showed internal bleeding after using them.

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Re: Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by apophis775 » 09 Aug 2015, 19:17

He already has a job-ban, for burning the entire sulaco down several times, is the ban i was referring too.

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Re: Medical Ruleset Reform Needed (Long read)

Post by apophis775 » 09 Aug 2015, 19:20

Officially, this is denied.

I've clarified the rules in the rules area, but they stand.

Adjustment, semi-denied.

We are going to come up with a SoP for the crew positions.

I really wanted to AVOID having procedures like that, but it will cut down on powergaming, and help curb the meta a bit.
