Byond ID: Derpislav
Colonial Marines Character: Lockie Hughes
Age: 17
Gender: Attack helicopter Male
Timezone: UTC +01:00
On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate? ~30 hours are guaranteed - probably more.
Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)? Moderated the Polish Terraria-Starbound community's forum for few months before my computer decided to block me from accessing it. Kept many single threads clean on PBF-dedicated forums. Unofficially helped staff on several Gmod/minecraft servers.
Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers? The one before Alpha is how my adventure with SS13 began.
Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before? No.
Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where? No.
Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines? As far as I recall, no. I think in my early days in SS13 I've been banned two times, both were hourbans. But I might be mistaken.
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation? If it has been five minutes or so since the roundstart, it's almost impossible for him to have a valid IC reason - if Military Police is already subduing him, I'd wait for him to get arrested and then question him when he's in the cell. If he's attacking random targets and obviously aiming for maximum damage, if the situation allows, I would a-pm him, telling him to respond in five seconds or I'll take action. If he doesn't or gets even more aggressive, I'd ghost or otherwise stop him and start questioning him, citing relevant rules and aiming generally to explain to him that it's not tolerated on this server. If the offender shows understanding, I would remove his body from the round as a symbolic punishment and to let him observe how this server works. A relevant note would end up in his admin notes, too. If there's no response or hostility, I would dayban him and paste the logs to another staff member, asking if he agrees on a permaban. If his behaviour threatens to ruin the round for a player or more, I would go through these steps faster, but generally, a killed player can be revived - making sure that I'm not permabanning a player that is simply very new to the game and has mistaken the server for a deatchmatch one would be a priority.
You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?First of all, I start to wonder how did he get on Nostromo I would ask him to seal it before it starts to affect different parts of the station, use airlock-like structures to get out of there and never do it again. If that fails, there must be some staff tools that can be used to seal the breach myself - generally, that's quite a bit of involvement in the round I should avoid as a staff member, but if it's one of the first Xeno rules and a bannable offense... For a first time offender, that would be a stern talking up to a hourban, depending on the player's co-operativity.
The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do? I deny the marines, avoiding revealing the number of aliens left - some kind of half-lie based on that particular round, like "But you haven't lost anyone in a long time, you're holding good", "Your initial reports indicated great degree of success, just do whatever you were doing back then again", "The Nostromo is too valuable. Take as much time as you want, re-arm, recover, but clear the infestation".
A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?I start to wonder how did he make a chemical that was removed from the code I don't interfere with the fire, however I warn the marine responsible for it and make sure his intents weren't malicious. As for the medic, again, escalating steps. This time it can't be blamed on lack of knowledge (...he knew how to make grenades) so punishment would be harsher. Again, I consult another member of staff before issuing a permaban.
What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night? If other staff members are on, ignore him and wait for them to decide if it was too much. If none are available, I warn him that further insults directed at any player will result in being muted. If it takes place over adminPM, ignore even harder until someone reports the same behaviour somewhere else.
Any additional information you'd like to add? People sometimes have pointed out that I'm not harsh enough for my own good - however, I think that would change here. On a forum, trolls and shitposters only make the thread less... aesthetically pleasing and I can't take them seriously. However, in game that's meant to be fun for everyone, I'm not able to tolerate having "keks" at someone's expense. Besides, that's what the trial period is for - for me to learn, ask, and staff to point out what would they like changed in my moderating.
Derpislav - Moderator application
- Derpislav
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Derpislav - Moderator application
Lockie 'Furry' Hughes, your local source of annoyance, medicine and Will. E. Coyote engineering. Mostly medicine. Maybe annoyance.

- SASoperative
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Re: Derpislav - Moderator application
So far the application seems pretty good but for your marine shooting everyone, The instant you see this we have a button to toggle sleeping, Use that instead than PM them. +1
- Allan1234
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Re: Derpislav - Moderator application
Only headstaff can perma ban, staff can REQUEST a perma ban but you cannot perma ban.Derpislav wrote:
If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation? If it has been five minutes or so since the roundstart, it's almost impossible for him to have a valid IC reason - if Military Police is already subduing him, I'd wait for him to get arrested and then question him when he's in the cell. If he's attacking random targets and obviously aiming for maximum damage, if the situation allows, I would a-pm him, telling him to respond in five seconds or I'll take action. If he doesn't or gets even more aggressive, I'd ghost or otherwise stop him and start questioning him, citing relevant rules and aiming generally to explain to him that it's not tolerated on this server. If the offender shows understanding, I would remove his body from the round as a symbolic punishment and to let him observe how this server works. A relevant note would end up in his admin notes, too. If there's no response or hostility, I would dayban him and paste the logs to another staff member, asking if he agrees on a permaban. If his behaviour threatens to ruin the round for a player or more, I would go through these steps faster, but generally, a killed player can be revived - making sure that I'm not permabanning a player that is simply very new to the game and has mistaken the server for a deatchmatch one would be a priority.
there is no need to wait, actually it is best to toggle sleeping on him and PM him asking for a reason why, if he DC's or fails to respond issue the highest ban possible (7 days) and put a perma ban request in, there should be no reason to DC and/or ignore a staff member affter you did something clearly against the rules. if he does respond there should be no real reason for it and if he admits he "didn't know it was against the rules" the punishment should be increased as he blatantly ignored the rules and didn't even have the decency to read them.
all good.Derpislav wrote: You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?First of all, I start to wonder how did he get on Nostromo I would ask him to seal it before it starts to affect different parts of the station, use airlock-like structures to get out of there and never do it again. If that fails, there must be some staff tools that can be used to seal the breach myself - generally, that's quite a bit of involvement in the round I should avoid as a staff member, but if it's one of the first Xeno rules and a bannable offense... For a first time offender, that would be a stern talking up to a hourban, depending on the player's co-operativity.
staff CANNOT give nukecodes, only the heads can hand out nuke codes. otherwise all good.Derpislav wrote: The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do? I deny the marines, avoiding revealing the number of aliens left - some kind of half-lie based on that particular round, like "But you haven't lost anyone in a long time, you're holding good", "Your initial reports indicated great degree of success, just do whatever you were doing back then again", "The Nostromo is too valuable. Take as much time as you want, re-arm, recover, but clear the infestation".
again, you cannot issue perma bans. a medic making a napalm grenade is pure meta and should be dealt with as such, as for the marine who through it he should have no reason to, if he don't know that he cant then he clearly did not read the rules and should be punished just as hard as someone who has read the rule.Derpislav wrote: A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?I start to wonder how did he make a chemical that was removed from the code I don't interfere with the fire, however I warn the marine responsible for it and make sure his intents weren't malicious. As for the medic, again, escalating steps. This time it can't be blamed on lack of knowledge (...he knew how to make grenades) so punishment would be harsher. Again, I consult another member of staff before issuing a permaban.
When this starts it's best to just remove them from the round as trolls and not ignore them as ignoring can cause them to take it out on players.Derpislav wrote: What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night? If other staff members are on, ignore him and wait for them to decide if it was too much. If none are available, I warn him that further insults directed at any player will result in being muted. If it takes place over adminPM, ignore even harder until someone reports the same behaviour somewhere else.
Derpislav wrote: Any additional information you'd like to add? People sometimes have pointed out that I'm not harsh enough for my own good - however, I think that would change here. On a forum, trolls and shitposters only make the thread less... aesthetically pleasing and I can't take them seriously. However, in game that's meant to be fun for everyone, I'm not able to tolerate having "keks" at someone's expense. Besides, that's what the trial period is for - for me to learn, ask, and staff to point out what would they like changed in my moderating.
aside from a few points that i pointed out it looks mostly good. you do seem to be a little light on people who have not read the rules and that is not a good thing, people who don't read the rules should be punished just as hard if not harder them someone who has read the rules, no one should have ANY reason to not fully understand the rules as they can simply Ahelp if they don't understand one or two. +1
- Lucyz
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Re: Derpislav - Moderator application
Despite the mistakes Heinrick has pointed out, I believe with a little guidance you will be a great moderator for our server. +1
- Biolock
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Re: Derpislav - Moderator application
I've seen this player online many a times, and when I was staff I never had a problem with him. +1
I'm stressing way too hard about what to put here, so I'm just gonna leave it blank.... or....
- Feweh
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Re: Derpislav - Moderator application
You really talked yourself down in chat the last couple of days. I was honestly expecting a really bad application, but this is pretty decent.
Youre a known player in the community and never have given me any concerns. You seem quite competent and I'm sure you'll do fine.
Youre a known player in the community and never have given me any concerns. You seem quite competent and I'm sure you'll do fine.
- SASoperative
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Re: Derpislav - Moderator application
Accepted. Standby to be processed.
- apophis775
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Re: Derpislav - Moderator application