Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

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Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Mitchs98 » 18 Aug 2015, 23:26

Byond ID: Mitchs98

Colonial Marines Character: Lucas 'Berserker' Anderson

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Timezone: CST

On average, how many hours are you available per week to moderate?

Uh. I can be on like, 30+ hours a week? Yeah.

Do you have any previous experience in being staff (not just SS13)?

I am/was staff on a gamer forum group, I staffed on Cowed before it went down, and was staff nearly a full year on Unbound Travels, resigning after it died with a rank of Admin2.

Did you play any of the previous Colonial Marine servers?

I played pre-alpha before the split from New Eden.

Have you had an application to Colonial Marines or New Eden denied before?

Yes, I have. It was due to reddit drama that was un-true, however. And possibly due to me being new.

Are you currently a staff member elsewhere (not just SS13)? If so, where?

I'm an in-active staff member of a forum group for gamers.

Have you ever been banned for more than 24 hours on Colonial Marines?


If a player was shooting everyone in briefing at round start how would you deal with the situation?

I'd freeze them then message them and asses to see if it was grief or an actual fire fight that got properly escalated and wasn't admin-helped about prior. I'd gather clear and concise details from every player involved, including the player that opened fire.

I'd then make my decision from there, rejuv all the players if it was found to be grief, and ban the offending player.

You notice that a xeno is breaching the Nostromo and is unable to seal it with resin. How would you deal with this and what punishment would you give for a first offender?

Irrelevant, Nostromo no longer exsists. I don't see the breaching rule in the rules, correct me if I'm wrong and need to answer this regardless.

The marines want the nuke codes to detonate the Nostromo because they claim they are losing too many marines. There are currently 4 aliens and 20 marines in your /who. What do you do?

I'd deny them the codes and tell them our radars on the planet are picking up a minor amount of targets only and then send them on their merry way to get off their asses and do their job.

A Sulaco Medic has made several napalm grenades and hands them out to marines. One of the marines throws the grenade into Logistics. There are no admins or other moderators online. What do you do?

I'd immediately hail for staff over Skype if verbs I don't have are required, during such I'd rejuvenate the afflicted players and freeze the offending player and question them on their actions, and apply a ban shortly after or a warning depending on their answers and if their account registered as a new account.

What would you do if a player started to talk about the things he did to your mom last night?

I'd carry on a casual conversation with him and laugh a little, trolls are trolls, they don't affect me much really.

Any additional information you'd like to add?

I like pie. Aside from that, now that Unbound is down for the count and I resigned, I'd like to staff the server I frequent the most. I'd also like to request reddit be taken with a grain of salt, as reddit is mostly home to trollers and douchebags set out to make people look bad.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Lostmixup » 18 Aug 2015, 23:56

Ok, I haven't finished reading this, but go back over the first question please. I'm laughing so hard XD.

*first of the dealing with stuff questions

**I like the answers, fairly professional and you did your research for one of the questions; would've been nice if you theatrically answered it though. The answers are lacking in detail but it's clear that it's because you just cut out the fast. I also recognize you from around the forums, so +1 from me.
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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Feweh » 19 Aug 2015, 00:42

We need Mod's and he's a known player... not the greatest answers but he's competent.


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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by apophis775 » 19 Aug 2015, 13:41

On hold, I'll contact the peeps from Unbound.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Mitchs98 » 19 Aug 2015, 13:52

apophis775 wrote:On hold, I'll contact the peeps from Unbound.
I'll do you one better, ... styleid=11

Link to my resignation thread.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by apophis775 » 19 Aug 2015, 14:13

I got a response from some UT people as well.

Also, there's this:

Are you aware, we don't allow staff members to work on multiple servers?

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Mitchs98 » 19 Aug 2015, 14:16

apophis775 wrote:I got a response from some UT people as well.

Also, there's this:

Are you aware, we don't allow staff members to work on multiple servers?
I am aware, yes. I intended on rescinding my application from there as well after deciding to officially resign and apply here. Thank you for the thread, I haven't been able to use my computer much lately and I don't have the forum link saved on my phone.

I'll go do that now, actually.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by RehabBaron » 19 Aug 2015, 16:55

I'm neutral. I don't know, there's just something about it that I can't explain. His answers were meh, but I'd really like to see what his answer for the breach question, espcecially because even if it isn't relevant anymore, it's still a good question and answering it would maybe make me more keen on your application.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Belleraphone » 19 Aug 2015, 20:07

I don't even play on CM that much, but when I found out Mitch was applying to be a mod here I had to make an account to warn you guys. Mitch98 is very incompetent. Do not listen to his excuse that he was denied last time because of "untrue reddit drama." Mitch wants you to ignore reddit because there is evidence on reddit that shows just how incapable he is. He might not be a power-hungry abusing manchild, but he has no clue what he is doing. Even on Phoenix, which was relatively low population and not nearly as chaotic as CM, he had trouble making the right decisions and took forever to do so. He is not suited to be a mod on any SS13 server, let alone CM. Don't take my word for it though, here's a log of him in action posted by reddit user oops_ur_dead. Even Latif, the person who beheaded the guy, admitted they should've been punished. Mitch did not do so. He is terrible at interpreting the logs and consequently makes untrue accusations at people that he sincerely leads to be true. Also in my experience with him he'll try to argue his point based off of really stupid semantic ambiguities. He's suited to be a mentor maybe but do not give him any authority.

Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: You logged off when I tried to respond, actually.
PM to-Mitchs98: yeah,I said that I got disconnected for a moment for some reason
PM to-Mitchs98: well I told Ryan at least
PM from-Mitchs98: Now, want to explain the entire issue to me?
PM to-Mitchs98: it was pretty complicated but the only beef I ever had with latif was I told them to drop a weapon but they didn't so I ordered their arrest
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: Was their weapon a fire axe? You realize engi's are allowed to have them.
PM to-Mitchs98: then I dealt with other shit and like 3 minutes later latif comes out of nowhere and axes my head off
PM to-Mitchs98: no, an energy gun
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: They didn't 'come out of nowhere and cut your head off' Your logs so you going kinda nuts and flashbanging and tazing the living hell out of the people in the hallway. I don't recall seeing them with a energy gun either.
PM to-Mitchs98: what? flashbanging people?
PM to-Mitchs98: I didn't have a flashbang at all during that fight
PM to-Mitchs98: I was tasing and trying to arrest an officer who was trying to kill the HoP, yes
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: I saw atleast.. 3~ get tossed, 4 if you count the one that didn't explode.
PM to-Mitchs98: yes, but I didn't throw any of them. I didn't have a flashbang at any point this round
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: The HoP previously lethall'd them, their reasoning was the Warden shot them. So yes, they come to arrest them. THat's what happens.
PM to-Mitchs98: okay, all I saw was an officer killing the HoP for no reason
PM to-Mitchs98: the same offier who had called for my arrest earlier on no grounds and tried to attack me as well
PM to-Mitchs98: besides, how does any of that excuse latif fucking beheading me and the HoP?
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: As far as I am aware, you got called on to be arrested for falsely getting grant arrested. A stun baton is far from 'trying to attack you'. Latif beheading you is another issue.
PM to-Mitchs98: no, the one guy wanted me arrested because I apparently attacked him even though I did no such thing
PM to-Mitchs98: and latif isn't just another issue it's the main issue that I ahelped about in the first place
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: This does not explain you, the Captain, going on security rambo on everyone in the hallways.
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: You are part of a bigger issue than what you ahelped I'm afraid.
PM to-Mitchs98: I didn't go "security rambo" on anyone, the only person I attacked at any point was the guy who was attacking the HoP
PM to-Mitchs98: and that was because there was nobody else to help him
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: Yeah, no. I have logs of you tazing the living hell out of several people in the hallways. You could have called security as well.
PM to-Mitchs98: who did I tase?
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: Latif and Avirk, you were also trying to be security by trying to cuff them both.
PM to-Mitchs98: I tased latif when I was trying to arrest him
PM to-Mitchs98: and he kept continuously resisting while posessing a weapon
PM to-Mitchs98: Avirk was the guy I was talking about who was trying to hurt the HoP
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: See, that's the thing, you aren't security. At all. And right now, sad to say but there is no proof they had a energy gun. The only thing i saw them with was a fire axe. Avirk was not trying to hurt the HoP, stunning them is not trying to hurt them.
PM to-Mitchs98: also, I didn't try to cuff Latif at all, I didn't have cuffs at that point
PM to-Mitchs98: what the fuck? don't you have logs or something showing that latif had an energy gun?
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: You proclaming yourself security whilst un-armored VS a person that supposedly had a energy gun and a hardsuit on violates a few rules.
PM to-Mitchs98: what the flying fuck?
PM to-Mitchs98: so latif beheading me out of fucking nowhere doesn't violate any rules at all, then?
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: I'm sorry, are you staff? Not to be rude, but automatically proclaiming that I should have those logs and basically not doing my job correctly is not really a good thing to start doing on a issue pertaining to yourself. I do not have permission to access those logs, and I am fairly certain those don't even exsist, atleast that specifically. Latif, as said, is quite the other issue.
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: During, rather.
PM to-Mitchs98: I'm not proclaiming that you should have logs, I was just bewildered that you have logs of me supposedly doing all this stuff but not logs of latif picking up an energy gun. if you're going to accuse me of lying by saying that latif didn't have the energy gun, then I'd think that you should be able to back that up.
PM to-Mitchs98: and again, latif is not the "other issue", its just extremely clear favouritism if you accuse me of breaking rules for doing what I did but not accuse latif of breaking rules for beheading two people out of nowhere
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: I more or less witnessed part of the issue unfold, I was dealing with other ahelps at the time that ironically tied into said issue. At no point in time did I see them with a energy gun, and if they /did/ it was most likely the HoP's where they were lethall'ing Avirk.
PM to-Mitchs98: I don't remember whose the gun was, but latif is not /allowed/ to have an energy gun
PM to-Mitchs98: especially not after I explicitly told them three times to drop it
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: Not favortisim in the least, actually, no. You tie into a bigger more pressing issue than one person cutting your heads off.
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: I never stated they were allowed to have a energy gun, where did you get that statement from?
PM to-Mitchs98: you implied it by saying "it was most likely the HoP's where they were lethall'ing Avirk.#"
Moderator PM from-Mitchs98: How is that implying they were allowed to have it? I stated the reason they could have had it.
PM to-Mitchs98: but I still don't understand the issue here, what did I do wrong?
PM to-Mitchs98: okay, I'm sorry, I misunderstood
Last edited by Belleraphone on 19 Aug 2015, 20:16, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Feweh » 19 Aug 2015, 20:15

I was neutral but the above text is a bit worrisome, that was handled awfully.


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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Lostmixup » 19 Aug 2015, 20:19

I'ma switch to neutral. This guy had some major bad rep around the place.
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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by apophis775 » 19 Aug 2015, 21:27

That does seem to have been handled rather poorly...

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Mitchs98 » 19 Aug 2015, 21:46

I would like to state, at the time, I was fairly new to my position and promoted hastily. I did agree I handled it poorly at a later date, and that that could have been handled better. That was very shortly after my promotion from mentor to moderator. Since then, the main if not only complaints I've seen were from getting banned. I worked with management, mostly Tysonix, to better how I did things and handled things. I began to handle things better, so said by other staff not myself, and eventually worked my way up to Admin2 before resigning due to the server dying.

I do admit my mistakes when they happen and work towards bettering myself, I admit my mistake that that was handled poorly. At best, I'm asking to be trial'd or placed into a mentor position to prove myself. I really like this server and I would love to be able to help.

I'm not asking you to ignore reddit to hide my mistakes or whatever, I said to take it with a grain of salt due to how reddit operates.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Belleraphone » 19 Aug 2015, 22:07

What is the practical difference between ignoring something and taking it with a grain of salt? You implied reddit was engaged in this elaborate conspiracy to run peoples names through the mud. It's not exactly the most civil place for discussion, but the criticisms levied against you were well-founded. You attacked the sites credibility because you didn't like some of the things they said about you in order to bolster your own application. This is pretty dishonest, you should've been more transparent about the possible criticisms from reddit instead of deflecting them from the get go. Even if you have improved as a mod since then, which I doubt, you tried to exploit the staff's ignorance of those specific comments on reddit for personal gain. I really hope the CM staff makes the right decision and rejects you.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by johners12345 » 19 Aug 2015, 22:08

I remain neutral for multiple reasons.
1 people believe I'm too personally made friends with him.
2 his answers are okay
3 while that is poorly handled I've seen some issues in the past he has handled well or at least alright.. Though I am leaning towards a negative 1 because of what I've seen recently from him behavior wise.
My suggestion to Mitch is that he gets a little bit more involved in the community and. Takes some time off from staff positions. With the fall of unbound you may just wanna relax for s bit before getting back into it. Especially if you wanna get in with cm. ya know what was just posted with the Latif thing? Those type of things can happen every round of so sometimes with multiple people. You Gotta remain cool and thought out. That is all I have to say right now.
I also don't really look into the Latif thing. Mitch was a moderator a LOOOONNNGGG time ago. It isn't really valid time wise any more. That's like looking at my notes from unbound and paradise even though they are a year old back when I was still with an pvp mind set straight out of dragon universe. Mitch was a moderator many moons ago, but he did some things I question. So this is why i remain neutral. Because he's a odd ball.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Belleraphone » 19 Aug 2015, 22:15

Johnners, what are you talking about? That quote I posted is from less than a year ago.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by SASoperative » 19 Aug 2015, 22:21

I have seen alot of shit from Mitch over the years some of it good and some of it bad however I do not know if he is staff worthy

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by johners12345 » 19 Aug 2015, 22:32

Belleraphone wrote:Johnners, what are you talking about? That quote I posted is from less than a year ago.
How long ago was the occurrences? That will be a major game changer on some people's decisions.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Belleraphone » 19 Aug 2015, 22:38

It happened after Firstasatragedy leaked the Phoenix logs, so at least in the year 2015. oops_ur_dead posted it four months ago, I believe it happened in March/April.

Personally I see no reason why he should be made moderator right now. It's clear that he cares more about being a mod than the actual community he serves. As soon as Phoenix died he applied both here and on Aphelion. When he found out he couldn't apply to both places, he redacted his Aphelion application. If you read his edit (Their forums are down at the moment so you'll have to wait until later) he said it was because he was more active with the CM community, not that he had to choose between one server to mod for. Again, this is dishonest, and I think he should be held accountable for trying to mislead people. Even though the people he was misleading were Aphelion, it still reflects badly on him.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Mitchs98 » 19 Aug 2015, 22:55

Belleraphone wrote:It happened after Firstasatragedy leaked the Phoenix logs, so at least in the year 2015. oops_ur_dead posted it four months ago, I believe it happened in March/April.

Personally I see no reason why he should be made moderator right now. It's clear that he cares more about being a mod than the actual community he serves. As soon as Phoenix died he applied both here and on Aphelion. When he found out he couldn't apply to both places, he redacted his Aphelion application. If you read his edit (Their forums are down at the moment so you'll have to wait until later) he said it was because he was more active with the CM community, not that he had to choose between one server to mod for. Again, this is dishonest, and I think he should be held accountable for trying to mislead people. Even though the people he was misleading were Aphelion, it still reflects badly on him.

Actually, Bellera. I applied on Aphelion rather hastily before making my full decision. By meaning I'm more active on this server it means I would have more time to give to a community I do enjoy and a game I enjoy, I do actually care for the community. I help people in-game when I can and where I can, mod or not. I report issues regularly when I see them and that's that. I AM more active in the CM community, I've been on Aphelion once or twice since it's launch and haven't even playing a full round.

I didn't mislead anyone, I came to a final decision and rescinded my application. I had intended on doing it BEFORE applying here, or directly after, but I didn't have access to my laptop nor did I have the forums saved on my phone.

I really would appreciate it if you stopped assuming things randomly without asking me. I clearly stated that last time my application was denied, was mostly due to Reddit. A lot of those posts were made out of anger and because they got mad, I agree about the situation with Latif, however. By saying to take it with a grain of salt, I mean to consider it but not immediately jump to conclusions on something that could have occurred for a number of reasons.

I've explained myself and what happened, by all means staff can view the comments on Reddit about me. Never did I say they couldn't or shouldn't, just to take them into consideration and not immediately jump on the Reddit hate band-wagon. I didn't try to abuse anyone's ignorance of anything, at all.

I'm also not sure what you mean about recently behavior wise @ Johnners, please elaborate.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Belleraphone » 19 Aug 2015, 23:04

If you had intended to rescind it before you applied here or immediately after, then why was it not edited until after the admin here pointed it out? Did you apply here and then suddenly lose your laptop?

Anyway, the issue is not which community you are more active in. The issue is you edited your post to say you were going to be a mod on CM because you were more active here. That may very well be true, but what obviously triggered that edit was apophis telling you you can't admin on more than one server.

I am glad that you are admitting that you made a mistake, but look at what you posted. You said those things about reddit precisely so the admins would not take the things posted about you as seriously. They probably didn't know what was posted about you since it was an obscure reddit comment made a few months ago, but you were making sure that any possible negative comment about you would be discredited as much as possible.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Mitchs98 » 19 Aug 2015, 23:14

Belleraphone wrote:If you had intended to rescind it before you applied here or immediately after, then why was it not edited until after the admin here pointed it out? Did you apply here and then suddenly lose your laptop?

Anyway, the issue is not which community you are more active in. The issue is you edited your post to say you were going to be a mod on CM because you were more active here. That may very well be true, but what obviously triggered that edit was apophis telling you you can't admin on more than one server.

I am glad that you are admitting that you made a mistake, but look at what you posted. You said those things about reddit precisely so the admins would not take the things posted about you as seriously. They probably didn't know what was posted about you since it was an obscure reddit comment made a few months ago, but you were making sure that any possible negative comment about you would be discredited as much as possible.
No, that was not what triggered it. My wifi connection was down, therefore I was un-able to access my laptop. He posted the link on the forums while I was on my phone, and I was able to go from there. I then thanked him for it, and went about my day.

I did say those things about Reddit so they wouldn't take /some/ of the things as seriously, I was very willing to answer any questions they had for me if they were brought up with honest answers, just as I am giving them now. Back when I made my first application, those comments were fresh, and I was slightly un-aware about not being able to staff for both servers. Therefore, they took more precedence towards the final decision then.

Dis-credited? Not in the least. Considered more closely to some degree due to how Reddit does indeed at times bash someone for the littlest mistakes or because they got banned? Yes.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Belleraphone » 19 Aug 2015, 23:25

You said you "intended" to rescind it as soon as you posted this application, but that isn't what happened. Instead you posted this application but did not rescind it until the admin made it clear you could not apply on both places. Very suspicious.

As for reddit, you clearly wanted people to not pay attention to anything reddit said as a whole. You called the accusations of reddit untrue and said they were trollers and douchebags who only want to degrade other people. How are we supposed to interpret that? You're saying there is room for nuance in our interpretation of the reddit comments, but your original post indicated no such nuance. You are back peddling.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by johners12345 » 19 Aug 2015, 23:31

Right.. I'd like to ask for you all to stop the commenting.. This is a application.. Not a discussion. Also I'd rather NOT elaborate. Anyways.. head staff will look over this.. Enjoy your games of whatever you are playing and have a nice day.

edit- You may post if You are giving your opinion. But not if you are joining in the above heated debate... Which didn't really have a place here.

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Re: Mitchs98- Moderator Application.

Post by Belleraphone » 19 Aug 2015, 23:35

My apologies, johners.
