Assorted Critters and Wildlife

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Mycroft Macarthur
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Assorted Critters and Wildlife

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 23 Aug 2015, 01:00

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary): random mobs would be added to the planet here and there.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole): no major effects, just immersion really.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): this would hopefully be a simple addition to the game but would in my opinion breathe abit more life into the planet.

isn't kind of weird how the planet is really dead and lifeless? i mean i know the colony is fucked so, that place is obviously supposed to be completely wasted but even in real life when we bomb the shit out of a place when is a location ever TRULY dead? theres always bugs and shit still all over the place, they dont give a shit about a bomb, birds will often still be flying around even if there's an aerial dogfight happening RIGHT THERE (and even if there WERE birds flying around would anyone even notice?) and while more skittish animals will run away merely from any loud noise (so you better believe they'd flee from gunfire) alot of life forms cant give two fucks and they're not going anywhere.

even then the colony looks like its been fucked for a long time, for all we know the aliens arent even responsible, it could have been something else that fucked up the colony, theres been enough time for vines and shit to start overgrowing everything which takes goddamn forever and even before then life forms would have had time to get used to humans suddenly invading their ecosystem and they sure as hell wouldn't mind moving into our homes now that all the humans are gone, some life forms wont even wait for the humans to LEAVE before they move in, thats how i got most of my pets, they just up and walked the fuck in from the street and never left.

what im getting at is this.

there should be a few mobs added to the planet, ranging from relatively harmless ones like weird alien cows know, do cow stuff, grazing on the grass, taking a shit here and there, stuff like that, which if the marines or survivors got bored they could shoot, carve into meat, cook and eat same as we can in other servers with cows, to more violent mobs we might just run into like a snake hiding in the brush which could bite us for tox damage, bears hiding deep in the caves who might be very fucking angry that aliens have invaded their home to try and make a new hive to random giant jungle cats who were hanging around the colony to eat the survivors and will run into both humans AND xenos alike and decide to either ignore them, eat them or run away.

i mean look at that fucking colony, this isn't the day after an attack, its been fucked long enough that the survivors have probably all had to go robinson crusoe, there has been enough time for a tree to grow out of one of the supercomputers, you know how long it takes for a tree to grow? even the fast ones take 10-15 YEARS, life forms of all kinds would have had plenty of time to come back and start fucking around before aliens and marines come together to start some shit.

for balance purposes none of these should be facehuggerable and should be either friendly, or violent towards ALL factions, it would just be some random crap we could encounter at random while going through the jungle, of course given the nature of such a suggestion as it doesn't have a major impact of any kind for ANY of the sides or players this should be very LOW tier in terms of importance, but something to consider at least.

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it): this would be no different then it would be to add any other type of mobs to the game whether they were violent (space bears, giant bees, etc) or harmless (those weird crabs that keep showing up in every version of the game)

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Re: Assorted Critters and Wildlife

Post by HalfdeadKiller » 23 Aug 2015, 01:58

+1 These are all facehuggerable by the way, at least they were in the game. Different species made different aliens. For CM here, disregard the species based aliens. I would be okay with replacing the monkeys with these custom wildlife. If necessary, I can attempt spriting them as well. Coding is a bit out of my league though. - Pack animals. Attack one, all attack you.
► Show Spoiler - Hostile on sight
► Show Spoiler - Space Cows
► Show Spoiler'tye (Optional) - Space Bear type thing, quite ferocious. For gameplay purposes, tone down it's lore-wise damage
► Show Spoiler
Other non-AVP: Extinction wildlife seem to be rather varied.
Last edited by HalfdeadKiller on 23 Aug 2015, 02:31, edited 3 times in total.

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Mycroft Macarthur
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Re: Assorted Critters and Wildlife

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 23 Aug 2015, 02:16

it'd be more canon then having monkeys out in the far reaches of deep space certainly and the gro'tye have significant potential for the predators, beasts mighty enough that they could have great difficulty facing one alone, i wonder if the predators would aid the marines battle with the xenos should they aid the preds in a hunt against a massive creature (being aided in this manner would not go against the predator code of honor since according to the page you linked, they were typically hunted by entire CLANS of yautja as opposed to individuals) or be pissed off and then go to fighting the marines, or worse what if the aliens fought a massive battle against it to throw enough facehuggers at it to absorb it? who knows what kind of horror would emerge afterwards...

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Re: Assorted Critters and Wildlife

Post by Felkvir » 23 Aug 2015, 02:25

I think i heard something mentioned long ago, that the atmospheric systems or something for the colony went out of control/haywire and started making the plant life grow even faster and shit

I think there should be extra fauna and flora anyways along with some wildlife, so +1 to the suggestion

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Re: Assorted Critters and Wildlife

Post by DesFrSpace » 23 Aug 2015, 03:18

Felkvir wrote:I think i heard something mentioned long ago, that the atmospheric systems or something for the colony went out of control/haywire and started making the plant life grow even faster and shit

I think there should be extra fauna and flora anyways along with some wildlife, so +1 to the suggestion
From the look of it, different environment have different species. Thus I hope not to find BEARS in an "abandoned" Space Facilities.


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Re: Assorted Critters and Wildlife

Post by Mycroft Macarthur » 23 Aug 2015, 03:22

yeah sure but even then alot of those species can be VERY similar, in almost all sci fi nearly all sentient, intelligent life forms are humanoid in nature or similar (because anything else is expensive as fuck to make and hard to do from a creative level), on earth we have alot of giant cats but they're still giant cats, bears are similar to bears, birds are similar to birds...considering we're in something as mundane as a jungle and not some truly alien biome or environment type i dont magine most of the life forms that call it home being something we couldn't put into one of the categories we already have for life forms back here save for a scant few exceptions (that could potentially blow our minds due to their alien nature but otherwise not be terribly horrifying)

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Re: Assorted Critters and Wildlife

Post by TopHatPenguin » 23 Aug 2015, 08:47

Other types of wildlife would be great so it won't be just pure xenos vs marines maybe sometimes a stray space cow will eat a marine :)

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Re: Assorted Critters and Wildlife

Post by Jack McIntyre » 23 Aug 2015, 09:30

It would give the predators another thing to hunt for trophy as well. +1 from me.

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Re: Assorted Critters and Wildlife

Post by GingerCultLeader » 23 Aug 2015, 12:52

TG has NPCs that run around, pick up stuff, and talk. They even attack you if you attack them. I thought that was interesting as a start.

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Re: Assorted Critters and Wildlife

Post by Dalavi » 23 Aug 2015, 13:19

+1, this'd give Predators some extra hunting material, as well as the animals possibly functioning as good RP fodder and a decent threat for any faction

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Re: Assorted Critters and Wildlife

Post by Steelpoint » 23 Aug 2015, 13:23

Yeah if you want a example of a good NPC system look at the Mining wildlife on /tg/staiton.

Here they are for example:

Some are hostile outright while the rest are neutral, either fighting back or running away if you attack them.
This is war, survival is your responsibility.

Alan Bentway: Marine
Kwei Ikthya-de: Predator
