Absynth - Predator Abuse

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Absynth - Predator Abuse

Post by 1138 » 24 Aug 2015, 15:50

Your Byond Key: OneOneThreeEight

Your character name: Vira Taryk / Praetorian #RAN

Their Byond key: Absynth

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central Us Time for best results): 2PM CST

Which Admin Protocols (http://goo.gl/fBUQGG) were broken: Breaking lore/Code of Honor as a predator whitelistee, CoC 0 and CoC 2.

Description of the incident: Right, I was a Praetorian during the end of the round since someone logged off. The queen and the rest of what is left of the hive (approx 8-9 aliens against perhaps 20 marines). No predators were existent during this time. Around this time, only Dea and I were online. No other staff. Couple minutes later after Dea says in the staff skype that more people (besides the two of us) need to be online. Absynth, CoronelJones and Johners hop online in a few minutes. Around that time, suddenly a predator in a skirt and Mayan-esque appears dribbling a basketball. At this point, the aliens see their rather obvious shroud thanks to alien x-ray vision. The aliens attempt to engage in combat with the predator, only to be met by several instances of guerilla warfare and heavy plasma spam. The use of melee was rather minimal, and I found this to be extremely cheesy and dishonorable due to the power of heavy plasma. After facetanking too many facehuggers, eventually a facehugger latched onto Absynth's predator and knocked them out. Once the facehugger fell limp and infected them, they got back up (since apparently nesting them doesn't work <_>) and killed off the rest of the hive even though they had a chance to win in the end (I could've sworn I saw Aby slashing other aliens in the dropship whilst uncloaked).

I think it was unfair for everyone else on the alien side to be handed a loss so fast thanks to two things: An unduly spawned predator at the end of round to slaughter the xenomorphs by someone with the equivalent power of an admin and metamarines bouncing the shuttle back and forth from the planet.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

The following image looked like an attempt at cloaked combat.


How you would punish the accused: That's not up to me to decide, as I'm not above an admin-level staff member.

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Re: Absynth - Predator Abuse

Post by RehabBaron » 24 Aug 2015, 16:49

Ehh, for the "How would you punish the accused" you just put how you think she should be punished.

Also, 1138 is an increddibly credible source, and this is not the first Abbsynth Predator abuse thread.

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Re: Absynth - Predator Abuse

Post by coroneljones » 24 Aug 2015, 17:05

I do agree that a yautja RUNNING AROUND IN A SKIRT,FIRE AXE IN THE BACK AND BASKETBALL IN HAND shouldnt be a thing
I am Crornel Jrones, grorious admin of Coronial Mahreens. U ar arr nast Trorr and will be ding dong bannu. U critizize Xenos? Ding dong Bannu. U no rike grorious adminnu? Ding dong Bannu. U comrpain about Marine nerfs? Dingdong bannu. U comprain about grorrious adminnu? O yoo betta bereev dat's a bannu. It has come to my Grorrious attention dat nasty trorr has been imidatingu me on serveru, dis is a shamfrul dispray and unacceptaboo so dey ding dong bannu. End of Rine -----------------Rine ends here.'
-Credit goes to SovietCyanide
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Re: Absynth - Predator Abuse

Post by Adjective » 24 Aug 2015, 17:17

I was there watching it go down as a ghost after I had died. It was kind of funny to see you all attempting to swarm and dying. I didn't really take her plasma spam as dishonorable, but the skirt and basketball thing was a bit... over-the-top... Regardless, when she was taken down, none of you aliens bothered to attempt to gore her to death. When she was dropped the first time, it would have been rather simple to slash/stab her to death, but it didn't happen.

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Re: Absynth - Predator Abuse

Post by johners12345 » 24 Aug 2015, 17:20

I.. Can confirm This all occurred.. Also I didn't see the plasma cast spam, what I saw was her getting her ass kicked followed by her minorly taking one runner down as the marines swarmed her.
Abby is a nice person and they provide great things for the server,however they too are expected to hold to the lore and honor code. A other time was she was conversing with the marines as she was skinning a runner.. Wearing a skirt and dribbling a basketball once more.. It was.. Really disappointing to watch such a lore reality break occur

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Re: Absynth - Predator Abuse

Post by Lucyz » 24 Aug 2015, 18:06

I have already started to investigate this complaint and other head staff will be doing the same also.

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Re: Absynth - Predator Abuse

Post by Feweh » 24 Aug 2015, 19:00

I've refrained from making any complaints against Abby solely because she's been the best developer CM's has had. However, it's gotten to the point that enough is enough.. I've taken a few screenshots of some of the more ridiculous event's that have transpired with Abby as Predator. You'll be able to see by the following screenshots NUMEROUS Predator rule's broken.

Photo 1: Abby was using a human Riot Shield, essentially power-gaming to block bullets. This was after the Predator's update to armor improvement's, not previously.

Photo 2: Here Abby is forcefully feeding a Sniper who is zoomed with Alcohol, the alcohol was fed to the sniper while cloaked. I also in the same photo have her wearing a skirt as a Predator.

Photo 3: Another instance of the Riot Shield being used, this was taken after 5 Marine's and myself were massacred in that room. No Marine's were butchered, simply beheaded and left there. This photo is a little hard to understand but she sat in that small room and baited Marine's into it with a Riot Shield.


Abby has broken numerous Predator rules, pretty much every complaint we seem to receive... stems from Abby playing Predator. I know for a fact that Head staff have spoken to Abby about her behavior as a Predator, which is why I never posted a official complaint. It's disappointing that even after fellow staff members spoke to her she still continued.. which make's it clear it isn't about understanding the rule's.. it's more no caring and doing what she wants.

All that negativity aside, Abby is a WONDERFUL Developer. I don't personally like Abby as a player or Admin for obvious reasons, but I can't fault her for being very skilled and without her CM would still probably not be in Alpha. That said, someone of such importance should never abuse their power. The average player doesn't understand what's going on and only see's someone highly abusing Predator's.

Abby, I hope you don't take this the wrong way and in fact just simply stop this bullshit. I know you're not a shitty person or a asshole by any means, understandably she get's bored and like's to screw around. It's just gone on for too long now and need's to be put to a stop.

With great power comes great responsibility, so please be responsible for the server.

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Re: Absynth - Predator Abuse

Post by YummyToast » 25 Aug 2015, 07:31

Okay sorry if I don't belong here, but I do have my own personal input on this due to the fact I have seen Abby do all of the above listed things... Except the plasma caster spam. Also, I believe that non-donors can't play as Preds for now basically because there are issues with Preds (Which all seem to be Abby) so I have a personal reason to post on this.

In my opinion we literally have a whitelist. The point of a whitelist is to manage who can do something. If someone is abusing said whitelist...

You just remove their whitelist.
In my opinion that is literally all that needs to be done. Just remove the whitelist due to the fact they are abusing it. Then either allow them to re-apply on a set date or blacklist them from the whitelist.
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Re: Absynth - Predator Abuse

Post by Rahlzel » 25 Aug 2015, 12:41

The point has been made so I'm closing this thread.

The accused has been spoken to and a decision is forthcoming when I get ahold of Apophis.
