Yahir Bash

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Yahir Bash

Post by Morrinn » 26 Aug 2015, 15:14

Your Byond Key / character name:
Morrinn / Andrea Lin

Their Byond Key / character name:
unknown / Yahir Bash

Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results):
Aug.26 ~13:30

What rule(s) were broken:
Marine Rule 9.1 (The Squad Medic can stabilize people only, and may NOT perform surgery.)

Description of the incident:
I am playing as a Sulaco doctor, working in the medbay finishing up a surgery. Just as I'm cauterizing a bone fracture operation a squad-medic (Yahir Bash) bursts in with a patient in tow and tells me to hurry it up. I'm aware of the load on the medbay, having been triaging incoming marines a while now and had been in the hangar when the shuttle arrived with casualties. Whatever, I let it slide, and ask him to prep the chart for the patient who seems to be in most urgent need of care and finish up my surgery.
As I remove my patient off the table, Bash walks in and throws his own patient on the table, grabs a scalpel and gets to work, not washing his hands or bothering with anasthetics. I tell him to stop and remind him in looc that this is breaking job specific rules. He ignores me, the player who is unconscious on the table tells me to piss off and I'm not in the mood to argue the point, so I just let him do hos own thing.
As I exit surgery, I see medbay still has several injured and a few critical patients, Yahir chose not to stick around and stabilize them, instead opting to become a surgeon mid shift.

Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):
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How you would punish the accused:
Verbal warning + Player note.

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Re: Yahir Bash

Post by Morrinn » 26 Aug 2015, 15:39

Nevermind! Immediatly the next round, this same dude runs into the hangar medical station, pushes me down and throws shit around. When I ask him why he tells me to "Fuck off". I'm guessing he's meta-grudging as well. Maybe bump that warning up to a ban.
Edit: And then attempted suicide.

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Re: Yahir Bash

Post by Zloy » 27 Aug 2015, 04:27

I played as Yahir.

>broke rule 9.1
Shit happens, my bad.

>Immediatly the next round...And then attempted suicide.
Need logs of that shit, cause I didn't even tried to suicide. MPs cuffed me and brigged.

>I'm guessing he's meta-grudging as well
lolno your guessing isn't interest without logs.

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Re: Yahir Bash

Post by Morrinn » 27 Aug 2015, 05:23

To be fair, I only heard about the suicide attempt from one of the MP's, but considering everything that lead up to it, I was inclined to believe them. I'm guessing logs can be pulled up to examine exactly what happened.

As for the meta grudging claim, perhaps you could explain why exactly you chose to disrupt a doctor who was preparing a surgical suite by running into the room, pushing her down, throwing shit around and then promptly getting arrested.
Either it was meta grudging, or minor griefing, neither reflecting well on your behavior. Considering it happened *minutes* after I filed this player report, I think it's understandable why I'd assume the former.

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Re: Yahir Bash

Post by Zloy » 27 Aug 2015, 05:42

My character don't like when first aid medkit lies on the table. He prefer when it's on the floor. If I remember situation correctly, I pushed you after you said thats Imma musta get out of here. Female ordering to man. Thats isn't good, so you can lie on the floor and think about it.

>throwning shit
If medkit is shit for you, why you care about it?

>preparing a surgical suite by running into the room, pushing her down, throwing shit around and then promptly getting arrested
>meta or grief
Oh here we go lol. Running, pushing, throwning - grief or meta...NO comment

>understandable why I'd assume
You can assume this permanently, but you need logs of same situatuions, if want me to be punished.

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Re: Yahir Bash

Post by Morrinn » 27 Aug 2015, 08:41

>My character don't like when first aid medkit lies on the table. He prefer when it's on the floor.
Your irrational hatred of medkit placement aside, this was not an area you had any business being in. You were not a doctor, not a medic or even a marine. I believe you were a cargo tech. Whichever the case, you did not have access to the room (since you waited until I had opened the airlock to dash inside). You also threw more then just the medkit. You tossed a box of bodybags, an oxygen deprevation kit and I think the surgical drill, or some other piece of the tools I was putting away.

>If I remember situation correctly, I pushed you after you said thats Imma musta get out of here.
I didnt say much of anything until you started rifling through the medical equipment, at which time I said something to the effect of "What the hell, you're not supposed to be in here, get out." to which you responded with "Fuck off" and...

>Female ordering to man. Thats isn't good, so you can lie on the floor and think about it.

>If medkit is shit for you, why you care about it?
Stop being pedantic. Turn of phrase. If you want to be anal about the use of words, I could just as easily give you grief over saying that the medkit was on a table when it was clearly on a RACK! Dur-he-hurr.

>You can assume this permanently, but you need logs of same situatuions, if want me to be punished.
The logs would literally just be "Guy throws shit around, guy has Pushed doctor, Doctor calls for MP's." You're right, I probably should have saved the logs, but I didn't reckon I needed them given your history thus far.
I'll rest comfortably knowing that if they were to be dug up, the logs and witness testimony would back up my complaint, so I'm at a loss why you think your position on "Can't see logs - Didn't happen" is a strong one.

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Re: Yahir Bash

Post by Zloy » 27 Aug 2015, 10:32

Even if you pull up logs, I don't reject what I did. I don't see any rules broken in second situation, it's totally in-game situation and solving of it was in-game arresting my character. I have no idea why u posted it here.

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Re: Yahir Bash

Post by Morrinn » 27 Aug 2015, 11:34

I'm fairly sure that trespassing into areas you're not supposed to be in, rifling through equipment you don't have access to and getting into a shoving match with on ship medical staff with little no no provocation is at the very least frowned upon. When taken into conjunction with my previous complaint that amounts into needlessly antagonistic gameplay.
So far, your excuses have been 'I didn't know it was against the rules', and 'It's something my character would have done', probably the two thinnest and most frequently cited reasons for pulling shit.

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Re: Yahir Bash

Post by Zloy » 27 Aug 2015, 11:44

>Saving mans live in first complaint
>antagonistic gameplay

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Re: Yahir Bash

Post by Lucyz » 28 Aug 2015, 17:55

Trespassing is an IC issue (Marine Law). You have clearly broken the Marine 9.1 rule which you admitted to and by now you should know to READ THE RULES considering the amount of times staff have given you bans/warnings even myself it seems also. I would have let you off with a warning if it wasn't for your previous notes therefore I am giving Yahir Bash (Not revealing ckey) a 1 day ban, I'll get it processed later on.

Thanks for reporting.

Keeping this open until Apop or SAS process the ban.

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Re: Yahir Bash

Post by Zloy » 29 Aug 2015, 03:26

Yeah, ban got processed. But thats perma lol.
