explosives damage underpowered.

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Siserith Vassada
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explosives damage underpowered.

Post by Siserith Vassada » 28 Aug 2015, 19:15

Summary (a quick, 2-3 sentence summary):so today a chemest gave me a bunch of grenades four explosive grenades. full water/potas mix. with a long seven second delay. and two acid grenades. i went down groundside and got captured pretty quickley by a carrier and was nested but was able to quickley get loose and activate all the grenades. i rushed at the queen her ravager carrier and three hivelords and two runners. the first grenade blew killing me instantly. and stunning the aliens. the next few exploded shortly after but all of them together did very little damage to the aliens even the runners were fine. now... these are grenades... that can blow a giant 5x5 hole in the sulacos deck and instantly destroy reinforced walls up to eight tiles away from the grenade. but the aliens were perfectly fine. now i don't know how weak the grenades are and rockets too but this is pretty weak. if four of the largest possible grenades cant kill a single alien.
also i just watched a runner tank an ap rocket to it's face.

Benefits (How this will benefit the server and game as a whole):fix the balance which has tipped way over of late.

Details (Description of how you think this would work, the benefits, etc): now i realize explosives were nerfed due to their overused and effectiveness in tight spaces against the aliens. but since four of these grenades capable of punching a 5x5 hole in the sulaco are not capable of killing even a runner that was standing on the thing. that's pretty under powered. now i understand the old explosives were overused and in some situations overpowered. but this is way too freaking weak. they can one explosion kill even gib a marine but they cant kill as weak an alien as a runner. and why should aliens, quite a few of them cluttered in a small room, be able to completely ignore explosives? the aliens are supposed to be tough. but this is way too much.

Edit: i've also been playing aliens for once of late and they are just as tanky as it seems from the other side

Implementation (Optional, if you have an idea how to implement it):Fix the explosive damage.

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Re: explosives damage underpowered.

Post by Astralenigma » 01 Sep 2015, 10:38

Wait seriously a runner survived an AP rocket to it's face?

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Siserith Vassada
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Re: explosives damage underpowered.

Post by Siserith Vassada » 01 Sep 2015, 14:05

yeah it did
