by JCdestr0yer » 02 Sep 2015, 14:41
Mavirikiy Lanavar [MP (BO)] says, "We need an MP to briefing."
Salma Paskani [Sulaco] says, "There's things out here, please!"
Joe''Ken''Kent [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "How did a you get this channel?"
Eddie Mills [Sulaco (Mar)] asks, "What?"
James Lennon [MP (MP)] says, "Copy"
James Lennon says, "Copy"
Roy Sinclair [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "There's gon' be none of 'yuh if you keep this shit up."
Mavirikiy Lanavar [MP (BO)] says, "We've got a member of the crew in a powerloader."
James Anderson says, ":s test"
Eli Sullivan [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "I need flamer fuel from engineering"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [Sulaco (CO)] says, "Colonist, go to the Comms zone, we have a drop pod going down."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk talks into the marine command radio headset
Mavirikiy Lanavar [MP (BO)] says, "That keeps flashing us."
Mavirikiy Lanavar talks into the marine command radio headset
Benjamin Werry starts to climb into Mark IV Powerloader
Randy 'Ultra' Hice unbuckled !
Sirius Todorovic [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "It seems he is using a mech transmitter"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "Leave the guy alone."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "Leave the powerload alone."
Mike Bikeweed says, "Damn, Jorge.."
Beau Coldsmith [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "I think the vault is way better, Commander"
Beau Coldsmith talks into the marine delta radio headset
James Lennon says, "Out"
Beau Coldsmith opens "Lazarus Landing Map".
Mike Bikeweed says, "Check this shit out.."
Sirius Todorovic holds up the prescription sunglasses. Take a closer look.
Arthur Haversam unbuckled !
Mike Bikeweed says, "We even have cops here.."
You put the cheap lighter into M2 Pattern MP Armor.
Beau Coldsmith says, "I got a map and the vault is the most secure zone"
Bruce James buckles in!
Arthur Haversam buckles in!
Jorge Bikeweed asks, "What?"
Rollo Sansberg puts Lazarus Landing Map into the marine backpack.
Ronaldo Radonic says, "Commander"
Randy 'Ultra' Hice buckles in!
Beau Coldsmith [Sulaco (Spc)] yells, "Colonist, stay in the vault!"
Beau Coldsmith talks into the marine delta radio headset
Jorge Bikeweed says, "Yeah."
Mike Bikeweed says, "Literally."
Jorge Bikeweed unbuckled !
Rylee Sulyard [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "RO what the fuck man"
Beau Coldsmith [Sulaco (Spc)] shouts, "We'll come soon!"
Beau Coldsmith talks into the marine delta radio headset
You put the officer beret into the security backpack.
Rylee Sulyard [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "Why have you just ran off in the mech"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [Sulaco (CO)] says, "Yeah, stick to vault."
Mike Bikeweed says, "Ey, James."
James Anderson puts the advanced first-aid kit into the medical satchel.
Rylee Sulyard [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "Please come do your job"
Roy Sinclair [Sulaco (Mar)] asks, "There anythin' valuable in this vault of yers?"
Roy Sinclair talks into the marine bravo radio headset
Ronaldo Radonic talks into the marine bravo leader radio headset
Ronaldo Radonic asks, "Overwatch officer can you tell me where is our specialist?"
Joe''Ken''Kent says, "This drop seems like its gonna be like space nam"
Mike Bikeweed says, "Go to red seats."
James Anderson unbuckled !
James Anderson buckles in!
James Anderson has thrown the marine backpack.
Eli Sullivan buckles in!
Mark IV Powerloader pushes May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk out of the way.
Eddie Mills says, "Nam."
Ronaldo Radonic talks into the marine bravo leader radio headset
Ronaldo Radonic says, "Nevermind"
Eli Sullivan says, "Fuck, there isnt anyone in engineering"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "Excuse me, so I can address the marines, powerloader."
Farah Kirana Putri talks into the marine command radio headset
Jorge Bikeweed buckles in!
James Anderson unbuckled !
Roy Sinclair exclaims, "You, down in front!"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "Thank you~."
Mavirikiy Lanavar buckles in!
James Anderson buckles in!
Jaxson Webb buckles in!
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [Sulaco (CO)] exclaims, "Briefing is now!"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk talks into the marine command radio headset
Ronaldo Radonic asks, "Can the briefing start ma'am?"
After a few attempts, May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk manages to light the the cheap lighter.
James Anderson says, "I was in wrogn squad"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk manages to offend their premium cigar by lighting it with the cheap lighter.
James Lennon says, "Open the door sir"
Mark IV Powerloader pushes May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk out of the way.
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "No thanks."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "Briefing time."
Eli Sullivan puts M240 Fuel tank into the marine backpack.
Mark IV Powerloader pushes May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk out of the way.
Ronaldo Radonic says, "James"
Jaxson Webb shouts, "Hello guys!"
Rollo Sansberg talks into the marine charlie radio headset
Rollo Sansberg asks, "No squad lead?"
Eli Sullivan puts the M39 SMG into the marine backpack.
Ronaldo Radonic says, "Its she"
Mike Bikeweed says, "Shh."
Mavirikiy Lanavar talks into the marine command radio headset
James Lennon says, "So the power loader can leave"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk broadcasts, "Okokay so uhm."
Jorge Bikeweed talks into the marine charlie radio headset
Jorge Bikeweed says, "Don't think so."
Joe''Ken''Kent unbuckled !
Ahmad Aramis shouts, "The deal!"
Rylee Sulyard says, "CL can you go get the explosives crate from requisitions"
Mark Hanford talks into the marine charlie radio headset
Rylee Sulyard says, "The faggy RO just ran off in the mech"
Rylee Sulyard says, "And stopped doing his job"
Joe''Ken''Kent buckles in!
Eli Sullivan puts M240 Fuel tank into the marine backpack.
Mark Hanford says, "Lanavar."
Rylee Sulyard says, "The suttle is docked"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk broadcasts, "This colony down there is for mining, and they seem to need us to help with some issue. Gimme a second."
Mark Hanford asks, "Can you reassign me to leader?"
Rollo Sansberg talks into the marine charlie radio headset
Rollo Sansberg says, "I'm all good with that till they send us an actual one"
You bang against the reinforced window!
You bang against the reinforced window!
You bang against the reinforced window!
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [Sulaco (CO)] asks, "Hey Colonist, what's the issue?"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk talks into the marine command radio headset
Rylee Sulyard says, "Goddamnit he's on autopilot mode"
Mark IV Powerloader pushes May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk out of the way.
Eddie Mills [Sulaco (Mar)] asks, "Someone else?"
Eddie Mills talks into the marine alpha radio headset
Ronaldo Radonic says, "Powerloader is comanders personal guard"
Mavirikiy Lanavar unbuckled !
Mavirikiy Lanavar says, "With me."
James Anderson talks into the marine alpha radio headset
Mike Bikeweed says, "Yo, Jorge."
Beau Coldsmith says, "Oh shit"
Ronaldo Radonic says, "Her bodyguard"
Ahmad Aramis says, "Listen, I'll get you explosives if you agree to participate in the expiriment"
Beau Coldsmith says, "I fell asleep for a minute"
Mike Bikeweed says, "Time to shoot some motherfuckers."
Beau Coldsmith says, "What happened"
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "Climb in."
Jorge Bikeweed yells, "DAmn straight!"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [Sulaco (CO)] asks, "Colonist, why are we going down?"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk talks into the marine command radio headset
Rylee Sulyard says, "Sure, Ahmad"
Mike Bikeweed shouts, "Ayyy!"
Joe''Ken''Kent talks into the marine alpha leader radio headset
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "Hello?"
LOOC: Beau Coldsmith: who agrees that the commander should be able to muffle our voices while briefing?
James Lennon says, "Sorry it is my jobtp protect them"
Eddie Mills [Sulaco (Mar)] asks, "Yes?"
Ronaldo Radonic [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "Hello?"
Ahmad Aramis knocks on the reinforced window.
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [Sulaco (CO)] says, "Murdoch."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [Sulaco (CO)] says, "Why are we going to help you."
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "This is Maintenance Technician Scott Murdoch, what's happening?"
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "Get in, c'mon."
Ronaldo Radonic [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "Are you our maint technician?"
Jaxson Webb draws a card.
LOOC: Beau Coldsmith: when i use them people usually end up shooting each other
James Lennon opens "Marine Law".
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [Sulaco (CO)] says, "Okay it's official, they can't hear us."
Joe''Ken''Kent says, "Well then"
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "No, I'm the from the colony."
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "And yes, I can hear you."
Beau Coldsmith [Sulaco (Spc)] exclaims, "Stay in the vault,colonists!"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [Sulaco (CO)] asks, "Then what is the issue down there?"
Mark Hanford [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Oh shit, they heard us calling them hobos."
Mark Hanford talks into the marine charlie radio headset
Mark Hanford says, "Oh shit, they heard us calling them hobos."
Arthur Haversam [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "Then explain the nature of the emergency, please."
Eddie Mills [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Space fucking hobos."
Ronaldo Radonic [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Yeah Eddie"
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "Alright, there's been a breakout."
Mavirikiy Lanavar asks, "What's needed?"
Roy Sinclair [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Have 'yer finest ladies an' drinks ready for us when we get there. An' yer guys."
James Lennon says, "More acces"
Ronaldo Radonic [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "Of what?"
Mavirikiy Lanavar asks, "To what?"
Joe''Ken''Kent [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "Can we just go?"
James Lennon says, "Ro and maintance"
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "Some kind of alien broke out of containment, everyone in the colony except us three have been killed."
Mavirikiy Lanavar says, "You can have maintenance."
Mavirikiy Lanavar says, "ID."
Mark Hanford [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Nice job."
Arthur Haversam [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "Wow."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [Sulaco (CO)] asks, "Please continue talking about the alien threat. How many?"
Joe''Ken''Kent [Sulaco (SL)] says, "If someone's down there and theres been an outbrake then we gotta hurry"
Roy Sinclair [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "We're gon' rescue'm from there sexual frustrations."
James Lennon says, "Recsition is more importnt the guy is using the power loader"
Roy Sinclair [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "An' the aliens."
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "I dunno."
Salma Paskani [Sulaco] shouts, "Shit!"
Eddie Mills [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "They said the singular alien."
Salma Paskani [Sulaco] yells, "They're coming!"
Mavirikiy Lanavar says, "Alright. Then, Reqs and Maint."
Arthur Haversam [Sulaco (Spc)] yells, "Hold on, hol-- Ah, shit!"
Mavirikiy Lanavar says, "ID."
Joe''Ken''Kent [Sulaco (SL)] says, ";SEE"
Roy Sinclair [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Ah' meant the illegal kind."
James Lennon says, "Thanks"
Arthur Haversam [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "We need to get down there."
Eddie Mills [Sulaco (Mar)] exclaims, "What a twist!"
Joe''Ken''Kent [Sulaco (SL)] says, "We must hurry"
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "We've got aliens at the vault!"
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "They're moving in!"
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "Send help soon!"
Ronaldo Radonic [Sulaco (SL)] says, "This maybe is serious"
Joe''Ken''Kent [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Fucking hell let us go save them"
Benjamin Werry [Sulaco (RO)] says, "Its a scam"
Mavirikiy Lanavar unbuckled !
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "Holy fuck, thank god you're coming."
James Lennon's ID Card (Military Police): The current assignment on the card is Military Police.
The blood type on the card is AB+.
The DNA hash on the card is 7d4d87084a1491bd96724bbb039ef9f1.
The fingerprint hash on the card is fe76c24d2850bc110e9464efef7f1547.
Ronaldo Radonic [Sulaco (SL)] says, "It's better than sittin g here"
Arthur Haversam [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "We're trying, goddamn."
Joe''Ken''Kent climbs down the ladder!
Roy Sinclair climbs down the ladder!
Sirius Todorovic says, "Stealing shit"
Randy 'Ultra' Hice unbuckled !
Jorge Bikeweed unbuckled !
Beau Coldsmith says, "OORAH"
Rollo Sansberg exclaims, "To the vault!"
Bruce James unbuckled !
Ahmad Aramis whispers something.
Jorge Bikeweed asks, "Lets go then eh?"
Rollo Sansberg unbuckled !
Arthur Haversam [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "My map shows that the pod will land us nearest to the vault."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [Sulaco (CO)] says, "POWERCOMMS IS FOB."
James Lennon says, "Hey"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [Sulaco (CO)] says, "EVERYONE TAKE THE DROPSHIP."
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "We've got around two rifles, three mines and a flamethrower. I couldn't tell you the amount of those fucking aliens we've got."
Benjamin Werry says, "Sotp"
James Lennon says, "Stop"
Eli Sullivan [Sulaco (Spc)] says, "Is there SOMEONE in fucking engineering that can fill these fuel tanks"
James Anderson puts M41A Magazine (10mm) into the marine belt.
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "The aliens, they don't usually kill you. They put weird crabs on your faces and drag you away into the darkness."
Joe''Ken''Kent [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "Everyone on?"
Randy 'Ultra' Hice [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "NO"
Beau Coldsmith [Sulaco (Spc)] asks, "Crabs?"
Beau Coldsmith [Sulaco (Spc)] asks, "What do they do?"
Sirius Todorovic [Sulaco (Mar)] asks, "So wait the illegals brought crabs with them?"
Ronaldo Radonic [Sulaco (SL)] asks, "Scott is there anyone alive exept you?"
Roy Sinclair [Sulaco (Mar)] asks, "An' STD the commaner' ain't got ahold of yet?"
Joe''Ken''Kent [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Its launching"
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "A botanist, and another Engineer."
James Lennon [MP (MP)] says, "Benjamin has failoed to be stopped he is carrrying a weapon"
James Lennon says, "Benjamin has failoed to be stopped he is carrrying a weapon"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [MP (CO)] asks, "Who?"
Benjamin Werry [MP (RO)] says, "Your just gonna arrest me as usual"
Mavirikiy Lanavar [MP (BO)] says, "The RO, Commander."
Arthur Haversam [Sulaco (Spc)] asks, "Are you refering to the secure storage, not the vault?"
Joe''Ken''Kent [Sulaco (SL)] says, "We are on our way down"
Benjamin Werry says, "Piss off"
James Lennon says, "Stop"
Eddie Mills [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "Oh shit."
You hit Mark IV Powerloader with no visible effect.
Benjamin Werry says, "The fuck do you want"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [MP (CO)] says, "Eh, leave him alone, let him do the stuf."
Eddie Mills [Sulaco (Mar)] says, "A meteor is gonna hit us."
You draw the the stun revolver, ready to shoot!
You hit Mark IV Powerloader with the stun revolver.
Mavirikiy Lanavar [MP (BO)] says, "He flashed briefing, Commander."
You feel something rip in your groin!
Mark IV Powerloader squeezes James Lennon.
Something feels like it shattered in your groin!
James Lennon screams!
You feel something rip in your left hand!
Your left hand goes flying off!
Mark IV Powerloader squeezes James Lennon.
Mavirikiy Lanavar [MP (BO)] says, "And he's currently armed."
Something feels like it shattered in your left arm!
James Lennon screams!
James Lennon screams in pain and drops what they were holding in their left hand!
Something feels like it shattered in your right foot!
James Lennon screams!
James Lennon seizes up and falls limp, their eyes dead and lifeless...
Your cigarette goes out.
Benjamin Werry says, "Bastard"
Mike Bikeweed laughs.
Ruby Davis snores.
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [MP (CO)] says, "Okokay. RO, drop the gun and stick in Cargo."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [MP (CO)] says, "Drop the gun in cargo though."
Benjamin Werry [MP (RO)] says, "Yo he tried to kill me so i clamped him"
Hivemind, Sentinel (700) hisses, 'And who the hell melted a nest?'
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [MP (CO)] asks, "Kill you? Like break the mech?"
Benjamin Werry [MP (RO)] says, "Yea"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [MP (CO)] asks, "Are you MPs listening to me?"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk talks into the marine command radio headset
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "Oh."
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "We're fortified well enought. The only people who might be alive besides us... some Weyland Yutani higher-ups who locked themselves in the offices?"
Hivemind, Drone (192) hisses, 'Where, may of been on I misplaced'
PM to-Staff (Gameplay / Roleplay Issue): Benjamin Werry is not role playing i asked him to stop as a mp and he kills me with the power loader he is not using it as intended
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk [MP (CO)] says, "Self-defence, I told them to stop."
Mike Bikeweed chuckles.
DEAD: Andrew Tannek says, "why is medbay on the upper deck"
Goodwin Gant snores.
DEAD: Andrew Tannek says, "shouldnt it be like"
DEAD: Andrew Tannek says, "convenient to get to for injured people?"
James Donovan puts the advanced first-aid kit into the marine backpack.
Benjamin Werry [MP (RO)] says, "Oh i have a flamethrower not a gun too by the way"
Goodwin Gant snores.
Goodwin Gant snores.
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] says, "We've got more of those fucking aliens."
Consciousness slowly creeps over you as your body regenerates.
So this is what cloning feels like?
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
...You hear something about...them
Your whole body is going numb!
The pain is excrutiating!
Your whole body is going numb!
...You hear something about...Dr
Your whole body is going numb!
...You almost hear someone talking...
...You almost hear someone talking...
Current Admins (0):
Current Moderators (0):
Current Mentors (0):
Your right foot is shaped normally again.
...You almost hear someone talking...
Current Admins (0):
Current Moderators (0):
Current Mentors (0):
James Lennon says, "Help"
You feel nauseous...
James Lennon says, "Help"
James Lennon says, "Help"
Your body aches all over, it's driving you mad.
James Lennon says, "Help"
You feel like you are about to throw up!
Command Announcement
All squads, sortie on your Squad Leaders. If you do not have a Squad Leader, sortie on your Spec. Fortify and hold Power-Comms and the Droppod LZ. Droppod LZ is the ONLY LZ from this moment forward, Dropship will not be used. Nexus will not be used. All engies work on the power.
... You can almost hear someone talking ...
Andrea Lin hugs James Lennon to make him feel better!
Andrea Lin says, "Morning"
James Lennon says, "What were am i"
Andrea Lin says, "Medbay"
Andrea Lin says, "You had an accident."
James Lennon says, "What"
Andrea Lin says, "Welcome back"
James Lennon says, "I feel dissy"
Andrea Lin says, "Youll be a little unsteady on your feet for a minute or two"
James Lennon says, "Ok"
Andrea Lin says, "But you're fine otherwise"
James Lennon says, "What happned"
Andrea Lin says, "Dont know, came in a bad shape, i patched you up"
You are unable to equip that.
Andrea Lin says, "You're fine now."
You check yourself for injuries.
My chest is OK.
My groin is OK.
My head is OK.
My left arm is OK.
My right arm is OK.
My right leg is OK.
My left leg is OK.
My left hand is OK.
My right hand is OK.
My left foot is OK.
My right foot is OK.
Andrea Lin says, "Good luck officer."
You put the cigarette packet into M2 Pattern MP Armor.
James Lennon says, "Sir"
James Lennon says, "I was just murded by that ro"
Mavirikiy Lanavar says, "Y-"
Mavirikiy Lanavar asks, "What?"
Farah Kirana Putri talks into the marine command radio headset
James Lennon says, "Yea"
Mavirikiy Lanavar unbuckled !
Andrea Lin [Sulaco (Doc)] says, "RO, service please."
James Lennon says, "He killed me"
Ronaldo Radonic [Sulaco (SL)] says, "Sir no survivor just the jet pod"
Benjamin Werry [Sulaco (RO)] says, "Request what you want and it will be approved or denied"
Mavirikiy Lanavar talks into the marine command radio headset
Mavirikiy Lanavar talks into the marine command radio headset
James Lennon says, "Yes"
Andrea Lin [Sulaco (Doc)] says, "I need some webbing, buddy"
Mavirikiy Lanavar talks into the marine command radio headset
Damian Picard [Sulaco (BO)] says, "Yes"
Damian Picard talks into the marine command radio headset
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "HEY"
Mavirikiy Lanavar buckles in!
Damian Picard talks into the marine command radio headset
Benjamin Werry [Sulaco (RO)] says, "No you dont"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "You cancelled my fucking announce."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "Get the fuck out."
Andrea Lin [Sulaco (Doc)] says, "I do. Come on."
James Lennon says, "He killed me becouase i tazered the power louader as a warning"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "I told you not to engage the RO."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "You disobeyed it, it was self-defence."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk buckles in!
Farah Kirana Putri says, "Get off the bridge, MP."
James Lennon says, "I am doing my job sir"
Mavirikiy Lanavar says, "Commander."
Mavirikiy Lanavar unbuckled !
Scott Murdoch [Sulaco] yells, "Our weapons are on the floor, we are in the hangar. We've got nothing on us!"
Salma Paskani [Sulaco] says, "You read to many weird stories, they wouldn't."
Mavirikiy Lanavar says, "Tasing a power-loader."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk asks, "Yo?"
Mavirikiy Lanavar says, "Isn't grounds for murder."
James Lennon says, "As a warning"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "He clamped the guy once. As a warning."
James Lennon says, "He killed me"
Andrea Lin [Sulaco (Doc)] says, "Come on Werry, stop dicking around with the LO and help me out here."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "I told the MPs from the beginning to leave him alone."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "They engaged multiple times against that order."
James Lennon says, "He was braeking th law sir"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "Using a powerloader in Briefing is not against the law."
Mavirikiy Lanavar asks, "You're condoning a non-combat ready member of the crew arming themselves and causing mischief, Commander?"
You are not pulling anything.
James Lennon says, "And that order came only onse after i had taxered him"
Benjamin Werry [Sulaco (RO)] shouts, "Peace through words!"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk asks, "So what. Y'all want to arrest the only competant RO we will ever have?"
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk asks, "You're alive, right?"
James Lennon says, "And it was not him"
James Lennon says, "I was clonned"
Damian Picard talks into the marine command radio headset
Mavirikiy Lanavar says, "He apparently killed the MP, Commander."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "This is somewhere around corpse 6300 for me."May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "I have died over 6300 times."
Farah Kirana Putri says, "You're interupting the mission, MP."
Mavirikiy Lanavar says, "I highly doubt that, Commander."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "Man up. Deal with it. Move on."
Farah Kirana Putri says, "This matter is over, get off the bridge."
Mavirikiy Lanavar buckles in!
This is Mavirikiy Lanavar!
He is wearing a marine officer uniform.
He is wearing USCM Beret on his head.
He has a leather satchel on his back.
He has a marine belt about his waist.
He is wearing some marine combat boots on his feet.
He has a marine command radio headset on his left ear.
He is wearing Mavirikiy Lanavar's ID Card (Bridge Officer).
Criminal status: [None]
Security records: [View] [Add comment]
Mavirikiy Lanavar says, "Leave the bridge, MP."
James Lennon says, "A word sir"
Damian Picard talks into the marine command radio headset
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "MP."
James Lennon says, "He entered a resticted area you fool"
Damian Picard talks into the marine command radio headset
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "Don't you dare try to start a mutine over this shit."
May-June 'Salt'cha' Unk says, "It's not worth it."
Mavirikiy Lanavar unbuckled !
James Lennon says, "Munityny never"
Mavirikiy Lanavar says, "MP, out."
James Lennon says, "That is agenst the law"
Damian Picard talks into the marine command radio headset
Mavirikiy Lanavar buckles in!
Damian Picard talks into the marine command radio headset
James Lennon says, "But you are alowing some one who lilled me to get away with murder"
You put Marine Law into the security backpack.
You are unable to equip that.
You are unable to equip that.
You are unable to equip that.
You put the stun revolver into the security backpack.
Mavirikiy Lanavar [MP (BO)] says, "Lennon, you're free to arrest the RO. Medical confirmed you were killed."