Your character name: Rosalie Wooki
Their character name: Leonard Whoosh and partially Ian Seidner
Their Byond key (optional - if you know it): N/A
Approximate time and date of the incident (Central US Time for fastest results): 4:50-5:10 PM Central Time Zone
What rule(s) were broken: Metagame (Using outside lore), netspeak, powergaming (Rambo by running off alone), and incompetent marine (Did not roleplay as a SL, and wasted a space and time for others).
Description of the incident: From what I heard, in middle of mission which our squad needed a SL, for some reason, Leonard Whoosh decides to break the rules. He caused troubles for Military Polices by attacking dog. He declared himself a Syndicate over the radio, and said he was goin' to foil marine's plans. Apparently, he did, by taking up the SL we needed. I reminded him ICly that he is not a Syndicate, and told him to stop it. He didn't care much. There were no staffs online. Then, he would decide to make a run for their hive, without knowing there was an actually a hive there, by himself.
While Bridge Officer, Ian Seidner also wasted his job to go to retrieve the incompetent Squad Leader.
Evidence (screenshots, logs, etc):

How you would punish the accused: Since the staffs weren't here, two to Three Day Ban for Ian. Possible a Perma Ban for Leonard, he doesn't seem to care about the rules.